JamesTran CV - Portfolio

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Statement of Originality and Confidentiality The contents of this portfolio belong to James Tran and may not be copied

without permission. Permission has been granted for these to be used as a demonstration of my work and related skills.

647.822.5722 james.tran@utoronto.ca MArch|Daniels Faculty of Architecture|University of Toronto

78 Pembroke Street Apt. 301 Toronto, Ontario M5A 2N8 Canada

Statement of Originality and Confidentiality| James Tran

What are the limits of containment? How does one re-establish a severed connection? How does conveyance of space translate into movement? How does configuration establish balance?

Architecture through the lens of Journey.

In a past life I was (and still am) a marine biologist.

Rationality and ecology came hand in hand. Questions of how humanity contributes to our overall ecology led me to pursue responsibilities and the built environment. Architecture was a natural progression. My ideologies are constantly refined and they adapt like species that undergo natural selection. The design process itself is a phenomenon to behold, an iterative dialogue I have come to appreciate and enjoy. As you browse through my compilation, please feel free to join me in my exploration to understand what architecture has been, what it is currently, and what possibilities are out there.

Sketch of limpet gill, Fall 2007 647.822.5722 james.tran@utoronto.ca MArch|Daniels Faculty of Architecture|University of Toronto 78 Pembroke Street Apt. 301 Toronto, Ontario M5A 2N8 Canada


CV + Creative Works| James Tran

Master of Architecture | University of Toronto Bachelor of Science | University of California, Davis Associate of Science | Sacramento City College 2008 - 2011 2004 - 2006 2001 - 2004

OnePrize | Water as the 6th Borough
Annual Design Award to Promote Green Design in Cities NYC, NY Summer 2011 Semi - finalists out of over 80 design teams. Panels included in portfolio. Group members: Heng Tang Quanh, Mario Lavorato, Jamie Atkinson

Thesis Title: Sea Link|Architecture of Connection|2011|Advisor P. Petricone This thesis looks for the emerging architectural opportunities, as anti-tourist constructs, afforded by the capture of this regions inexhaustible tidal energy, and asks: What are the impacts on the physical environment and the implications of a cultural identity for the Bay of Fundy.

Work Experience
David Lieberman Architect
Architectural Technology Consultant | Toronto, ON December 2011 - Present Trouble shooting issues in Rhino 3d. Significantly reduced rendering time of Vray rendering of Aeolian Forest Produced 3d model from plans, sections, elevations in Rhino 3d

Architizer | AIDS Memorial Park Competition

Design a neighborhood park, create a Living Memorial NYC, NY Winter 2011 Group members: David J. Lieberman, Aina Elias, Kara Hamilton, Andrew Furman, Enoch Wong, Jason Pooley, Laura Hansplant

+ Possess advanced proficiency in the English language from academic and instructional employment experience, which led to sophisticated oral, reading, research and valued critical writing skills. + Have developed theoretical and critical thinking evaluation resulting from my academic background in Biological Science and Mathematics at the University of California. + Substantial interpersonal experience coupled with leadership and teamwork skills acquired through my diverse studio and educational history. + Modeling in Materials (from scales including 1:1000, 1:200, 1:50, 1:10) including working expeirence with laser cutting technology.

Elias + Associates Landscape Architects

Freelance Renderer | Toronto, ON December 2011 - January 2012 Created 3d model for AIDS Memorial Competition using Rhino 3d. Rendered a night atmosphere, birds-eye-view with Vray and post-produced in Adobe Photoshop.

Infranet Lab
Intern Researcher | Toronto, ON June 2010 - August 2010 Developed transportation infrastructure diagrams including flight, skidoo, naval and road. Incorporated transportation diagrammatic maps with ecology and sociological maps.

Atelier James Tran

Architectural Visions | Toronto, ON Jan 2009 - Present Provide the following: 3d modeling using Rhino 3d, Revit Architecture | Architectural Interior, exterior and landscape renderings
647.822.5722 james.tran@utoronto.ca MArch|Daniels Faculty of Architecture|University of Toronto 78 Pembroke Street Apt. 301 Toronto, Ontario M5A 2N8 Canada

Model Building Skills:

Sheet metal folding | Millboard | Chipboard | Clay | Paper Wood (Basswood, Balsawood, Bamboo, MDF) Acrylic | Metal Wire | Piping | Foam/Foamcore

Computer Assisted Drawing:

AutoCAD (2010-12) | Revit Architecture | Rhinoceros 3D|Google Sketchup | Adobe Photoshop (CS3 - 5.5) | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe InDesign | ESRI ArcGIS


Curriculum Vit | James Tran

Water Rocks! Professional Symposium
Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States Present research findings from my undergraduate thesis to the scientific community of Limnology and Oceanography. The sketch of the limpet was part of my presentation. Link to abstract: https://www.sgmeet.com/aslo/santafe2007/viewabstract2.asp?AbstractID=497&SessionID=CS03

Intellectual and Creative Pursuits

Amateur Photographer
+ Experienced developing black and white film and photographs. + Experienced using both film and digital Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras.

Volunteer Experience
Habitat for Humanity
Project Leader | Sacramento, CA 2006 - 2008 + Provided leadership to over 20 volunteers at a time. + Assisted Head Foreman with advanced building techniques that were taught to volunteers. + Mediated between local agencies to create volunteer opportunities.

Home Cooking
+ Curry enthusiast, specializing in Pan - Asian curries. + Avid Pickler/Preserver. + Enjoy creative cooking

Wonder, Inc.
Guide | Sacramento, CA 2004 - 2008 + Maintained a positive nuturing relationship with a child of foster care. + Responsible for life coaching as well as academic tutoring. + Provided affirmation and introduced new experiences to foster children such as fishing, refined arts and various cultural experiences.

647.822.5722 james.tran@utoronto.ca MArch|Daniels Faculty of Architecture|University of Toronto

78 Pembroke Street Apt. 301 Toronto, Ontario M5A 2N8 Canada


Curriculum Vit | James Tran

David Lieberman|Academic Associate Professor John H Daniels Faculty of Architecture Landscape & Design, University of Toronto 416.535.0165 djlieberman.architect@sympatico.ca David was my professor for the Halcrow Yolles Option Studio involving the collaboration between the disciplines of Architecture and Engineering. He is able to speak intelligently about my passion for architecture. Pina Petricone|Academic Principle Giannone Petricone Associates/University of Toronto 416.929.5356 p.petricone@daniels.utoronto.ca Pina was my thesis advisor. She is able to speak about my process and development and my enthusiasm for architecture. Erik Hallen|Employment Assistant Facilities Manager. Staff Research Associate II Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture (CABA), Aquaculture & Fisheries Program 1.530.752.1097 efhallen@ucdavis.edu Erik was the primary manager I worked with during my undergraduate work-study as a CABA assistant. He is able to speak about my work ethic.
647.822.5722 james.tran@utoronto.ca MArch|Daniels Faculty of Architecture|University of Toronto 78 Pembroke Street Apt. 301 Toronto, Ontario M5A 2N8 Canada


References| James Tran

Creative Works
Christie Pits Natatorium | Winter 2011 Permeable Connection | Winter 2008

Eduvarium Village School | Winter 2010 Space Captivator| Fall 2008

Thesis: Sea Link_Architecture of Connection | Fall 2011 Primary Ramp | Winter 2009 Photographic Works | Fall 2006

The Interstitium | Fall 2010 Water Urbanism: Passive Filtration | Fall 2009 Complete Resurfacing | Fall 2008

One System | Summer 2011 Water Urbanism: Crisis | Fall 2009 Programmatic Phylum | Fall 2008

647.822.5722 james.tran@utoronto.ca MArch|Daniels Faculty of Architecture|University of Toronto

78 Pembroke Street Apt. 301 Toronto, Ontario M5A 2N8 Canada

Table of Contents| James Tran

Right: Hand sketch of the thermal pools below. How does one walk on water? How does structure play a role in overall enclosure. What is the structural logic of the system? How can one maximize experience and optimize structure simulaneously? Below: Handbuilt sectional detail model 1:50. Materials used 1/4 mdf, grey insulation foam, laser-cut 1/8 mdf, 1/16 basswood strips, plexiglass, coloured board. A section through Christie Pits Natatorium showcasing the upper level olympic sized training pool, and, the thermal spas below. The roof structure is shown as well, a 3 dimensional truss as its base, reinforced with slats that help attenuate sound.

Christie Pits has a very politically heated history. Currently there is a swimming facility as well as a skating rink during the cold months. Our objective was Christie Pits as a public area that included 2 olympic sized pools, one lap pool, the other a diving pool. This was a collaborative studio between 2 architects and 2 engineers and the emphasis was to resolve structure. Structure dictates spatial qualities. This two unique spaces. Olympic sized pools on the upper half, and the steam chambers and thermal baths below. The wood slats of the truss provide acoustic separation; the truss extends outside to create additional public space.

james tran master of architecture Halcrow Yolles Option Studio|al&d|2011 d. lieberman, n. ordovich, advisors


Christie Pits | Natatorium

Structural section drawing exported from Rhinoceros 3d to Adobe Illustrator and given line weights. This was superimposed upon the physical sectional detail model described earlier. This drawing illustrates the relationship between the roof structure, support columns as well as programmatic elements such as seating areas as well as the olympic-sized traning pool on the second floor as well as the thermal spas on the ground floor.
+ 21.3 m

+ 15.0 m

+ 8.0 m .0

+ 4.0 m

+ 0.0 m - 1.5 m - 2.5 m - 3.1 m

james tran master of architecture Halcrow Yolles Option Studio|al&d|2011 d. lieberman, n. ordovich, advisors


Christie Pits | Natatorium

This thesis looks for the emerging architectural opportunities, as anti-tourist constructs, afforded by the capture of this regions inexhaustible tidal energy; and, asks what are the impacts on the physical environment and the implications of cultural identity for the Bay of Fundy. Architecture of Connection The site, Minas Passage, has potential to revolutionize responsible energy practice and be a shining example to the entire world. Conflated with its rich geological history of columnar basalt and ever eroding Jurassic sandstone, this area of Nova Scotia is alive and is waiting individuals to experience its presence. The tides around this area are on average 13 metres in amplitude, which occur twice a day, during ebb tide and flood tide. My desire to utilize the infrastructure for underwater tidal energy capture as a way to create links to the environment and the rest of the communities throughout the Bay of Fundy was a primary driver for my architectural intervention, hence a tidal bridge that linked society to the rich history of the Bay of Fundy as well as the environment.

james tran master of architecture thesis|al&d|2011 p. petricone, s. williamson, d. lieberman, advisors


Sea Link | Architecture of Connection

Previous image: Perspectival shot using my tidal bridge 3d modeled with Rhinoceros 3d, using 200 mm lens, rendered with V Ray, post produced in Adobe Photoshop. This image shows the character of the bridge including the Basalt Megapylons as well as the vehicular and pedestrian/bicycle pathways, as well as the Cape Sharp Launch point. Below: An elevation of the Tidal Bridge showing a bus to give scale. Taken from Rhinoceros 3d, post produced in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The size of the underwater turbines are show as well, including a floating barge connected to a truss-like gangway platform connecting to the bridge. Right: Rendering of the Tidal Resonance Chamber during high tide. Taken from Rhinoceros 3d, rendered with V Ray, Post produced in Adobe Photoshop. Hand sketch of pedestrian pathway is shown.

james tran master of architecture thesis|al&d|2011 p. petricone, s. williamson, d. lieberman, advisors


Sea Link | Architecture of Connection

What happens to those weird, passive urban, in-between spaces? Who do they belong to? How welcoming are they? This project investigates how to re-establish a sense of ownership in a so called no-mans land.

Below: Perspective of entrance to The Interstitium. Line drawing rendering. Produced in Revit 2011, post produced in Adobe Illustrator.

Restoring Architectural Thresholds This project deals with re-envisioning the passive urban space that results from zoning by-laws. Initial observations were the heights of these interstitial spaces as well as how isolated and abandoned they felt. Taking that as a design prompt, I sought to capture the vertical real estate as well as provide a means for the tenants of 1592 and 1594 to interact. Inverting the circulation of the buildings yielded a couple of results. One was that the interior circulation now became exterior circulation, an opportunity to connect the two buildings in order for dialog between the tenants. Another result was that the tenants of 1592 and 1594 how could have more living space because of the removal of interior circulation. The problem of threshold was still there though; which was that there was no transitional space that separated the public realm from the private, hence no sense of ownership. This was solved by creating glass faade loggias that lined the interstitium, providing a transparent feel that implied inclusion versus exclusion, as well as more opportunities for tenant to tenant interaction, establishing a sense of community within the two apartment complexes.
james tran domestic engineering option studio|al&d|2010 m. graham, advisor


The Interstitium | Restoring Architectural Thresholds

Left: Floorplan of typical 2 storey unit of The Interstitium. Produced in Revit 2011, post-produced in Autocad 2010 and finalized in Adobe Illustrator. Below: Axonometric drawing of The Interstitum showing surrounding neighborhood context as well as programmatic relationships. Produced in Revit 2011, post produced in Adobe Illustrator. Right: Rendering of a loggia and the walkway system. Rendered in Revit 2011, post-produced in Adobe Illustrator. Far Right: Detail section of brick parapet, wall and green roof. Produced in AutoCAD 2010.

Public Amenity Space

james tran domestic engineering option studio|al&d|2010 m. graham, advisor


Circulation Typical Double Height Unit


The Interstitium | Restoring Architectural Thresholds

This competition looks at the notion of water as the 6th borough for NYC. At stake is a new identity for NYC and how cities begin to reincorporate their waterfront as a space once again.

The Blue Network of Tomorrow, TODAY The competition deals with NYC in 2014 and how the city begins to be reorganized for the CleanTech Expo, which will accomodate over a million visitors over a period of 3 months. A cohesive system of digital interface based upon smart technologies integrates transportation with the existing citys infrastructure while energy harvesting technologies are housed in the aquatic hubs that are dispersed throughout the water network of NYC. These hubs are not only social condensers, but they also harvest energy and provide a framework for new ecological systems to be established.

james tran NYC Water as the 6th borough competition h. teng, m. lavrato, j. atkinson, Chapter|4 architects.


1_System| The Blue Network of Tomorrow, TODAY

Previous page: Group work, diagram of how the Blue Network works and functions. Below: Section through Gaia showing programmatic adjacencies and relationship to Hudson River of NYC. Below Gaia are piezo electric kelp beds that harvest energy. The old NYC buses are sunken into the Hudson River to create man-made reef habitats for existing and native aquatic life.Produced in Rhino 3d, post-produced in AutoCAD 3d and Adobe Illustrator. Custom sea-life CAD blocks were developed for this section.

james tran NYC Water as the 6th borough competition h. teng, m. lavrato, j. atkinson, Chapter|4 architects.


1_System| The Blue Network of Tomorrow, TODAY

the garden is founded in hope and optimism for an AIDS free future ... the light eminates from a chamber of treasured memories of lives lived and lives lost ... the lenses reveal the vault of names ... the garden includes the gentle fall of waters of life and the whispers of the trembling aspen echoing the stories of those remembered ... Lift its head to the blows of rain Dylan Thomas Lens of Memories

Perspective of the envisioned AIDS Memorial Park. The scheme incorporates a bench that is an extension of the city into the park, as well as a boardwalk access that crosses a pool that covers a vault of memorial tiles. The 3d model was created in Rhinoceros 3d and rendered as a night scene using V Ray, and was post-produced in Adobe Photoshop

New York City AIDS Memorial Park Competition|Jan 2012 The prompt was looking for designs that function simultaneously as a useable park for the surrounding park - starved

james tran NYC AIDS Memorial Competition d. lieberman, k. hamilton, j. pooley, a furman, i. elias, e. wong


NYC AIDS Memorial Competition| Lens of Memories

Thank You!

Contact James Tran 78 Pembroke Street Suite 301 Toronto, ON M5A 2N8 M: 647.822.5722 H: 416.929.9775 E: ja.tran@gmail.com

647.822.5722 james.tran@utoronto.ca MArch|Daniels Faculty of Architecture|University of Toronto

78 Pembroke Street Apt. 301 Toronto, Ontario M5A 2N8 Canada

Fin| James Tran

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