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Sweet Water the Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds Trust, Inc.

Steering Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

1:30-3:30 pm Technology Innovation Center Wauwatosa, WI Attendees: Nancy Frank-Chair, Preston Cole, Susan Greenfield, Mike Hahn, David Lee, Jeff Martinka, J. Scott Mathie, Peter McAvoy, Neil Palmer, Dan Stoffel. Guests: Kimberly Gleffe, Theresa Morgan. Support: Kate Morgan. 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Review and approve 6/28/11 Steering Council meeting minutes The 6/28/11 meeting minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Finance Committee report David Lee presented the financial statements for January-July 2011(see attached financial statement). The difference in the income and expense is the carryover from 2010. Lee reported that the organizations financials were on target with its budget. Palmer moved to accept the financial report; McAvoy seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

4. Nomination of Brett Wallace, WI Department of Transportation, to the Steering

Council Nancy Frank presented Brett Wallace (see attached biography) to represent the WI Department of Transportation on the Council. Mathie moved to approve the appointment of Wallace to the Council; McAvoy seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Martinka will meet with Wallace. Frank noted that the Council still needs to fill the Towns position.

5. Strategic Planning Committee Update

Frank reported that there has been no planning meeting since the June Steering Council meeting. She summarized these outstanding issues: Staffing for administration and communication. Visibility of Sweet Wateris this a high priority and if so, for which audiences? Sustainable funding model beyond year 2 or 3 of the next Joyce Foundation funding cycle Board development McAvoy also highlighted the need for capacity for the committee work, particularly the Science Committee, and integrating the work between committees and the watershed restoration plans. Next steps in Strategic Planning: the NGOs are reviewing the last draft of the strategic planning document and will meet mid-September in preparation for the Letter of Intent for

the Joyce Foundation, due October 10th. Martinka will send the Council the draft LOI and chronology of the process. This is the strategic planning for the Joyce Foundation funded work. Sweet Water will use this work as part of an overall organizational strategic plan going forward.

6. Status Reports Policy Committee Peter McAvoy reported that the Policy Committee met on July 26th and were provided a briefing on the policy tools currently being explored: TMDLs, watershed-based permitting and water quality trading framework. There are workgroups for each of these and the Committee is looking for more people to join these efforts. Regular meetings will be scheduled for the year for each of these workgroups. Sharon Gayan told Peter that the Department of Natural Resources will continue to be involved with Sweet Water in these issues. Science Committee Jeff Martinka reported that the Committee will meet September 13th to discuss water quality maintenance; human pathogens and find/fix; and TMDL work update. Development Committee No report. Communications Committee Kate Morgan reported on communications and outreach activity for Sweet Water. The Monthly e-newsletter Watershed Watch goes out to a listserve of 348+ people. The summer RiversReport was published. The Real Water Park campaign was launched on August 16th and attracted major TV, radio and print media. The campaign includes a billboards. A press event featuring the EPA award for the watershed-based permit pilot for communities in the Menomonee River watershed was on August 31st at Hart Park. Watershed Action Teams report Updates were provided on current projects in the Menomonee, Kinnickinnic and Root Rivers. The next Menomonee and Kinnickinnic WAT meetings are September 21 and 22.

7. Executive Director Report

See attached Executive Director report. 8. Other matters There were no other matters. 9. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30pm.

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