Magical Advice Pt. 12, From Mystical God

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When I was about five years old, I saw a movie called Village of The Damned.

I didn't understand the movie, yet I felt that I was as strange as they were. I felt different than my peers because I perceived them in ways they could not. I felt their souls, but they could not feel mine. So I was always very, very quiet. And I watched them.

Now, I have found you, and I am not alone.

INTRODUCTION The substance of this lesson falls into the arena of theory and abstract thought. I'm unable to keep my attention on books that engage in theory and abstract thought when such books are (1) heavily based on personal opinions that cave in on themselves from either unreasonable or pointless ideas, or (2) bounce me around with endless topics that have no central thought or idea to be taught. I will not do such things to you in this lesson.

The central idea to be taught is how to manifest your magic from the invisible world to the visible world. We have to dig into the science of how this occurs. This area of occult science is based in theory from observable conditions. As I explain each theory, you will be able to perceive the reality, or possible reality, of each theory.

You will have an understanding of the ascension of consciousness that can transform the you into a being of higher energy. Too often do I see a person who wants to be spiritual, but he does the opposite of that which moves towards spirituality. Likewise, I see those who want to be magical, yet I see them being carried further away from those things that are magical, mostly by their own primitive pursuits, like a person trying to walk up a hill where they only slide backwards with each step forwards.


The butterfly in summer, the flowers blooming in spring, the waterfall, the green grass, the moody forest, the full moon these things are magical, because of their relation to you. The chase for revenge or selfish pursuits is not magical, but animal based in simple physical drives rather than evolved spiritual drives. It's a sad thing when a person who wants to see magic, but cannot because of their blindness to magic. There will be some who are, and will always be, unable to perceive magic. Hold your hand out in front of you and touch something. Now imagine if you could not feel what you were touching. This is how magic is to some people, even when they want to experience it, use it, and live it. To phase as a wizard, and to cause change by pure will power is an ability that was born with you, and was part of you before you were born.

Many books will say that anyone can do magic. This is not true. Magic is not like playing tennis, or writing your name. It is through a very specific type of consciousness. This consciousness is like your eyes or ears, it gives you the ability to perceive magic, and thereby perform it successfully.

This lesson will train you to use that power by manifesting and directing the magical power. In simple terms, I could tell you that magic is pure consciousness, capable of forming anything you can dream of. But that is a generalization of a very complex system. Nevertheless, that is what it is. It extends beyond perception and understanding because it it the Great Father and Great Mother of thought and existence.

When one passes through the magical dimensional veil of this world, the senses will begin to register the existence of an invisible world just beyond our senses. This other world is a part of the next step after this world. Just as there are many seeds that fall and die, never to become a part of the cycle of life, so too are there spirits of our world that won't take root in life to grow into the cycle of something new, something better.

Many magical practitioners struggle in vain because their knowledge is lacking in the element of which they so crave. Let me place this into better perspective. Would you use a boat to fly? Or, would you choose a banana to hammer a nail? Magic, like many other tasks, require the right tools, methods, and knowledge to accomplish the task. Don't expect to push the invisible forces with things of your own physical world. Yes, it's true that you are using rocks, incense, candles, gold, silver, dust, wood, and many more objects to participate in your magic, but there is much more to the meaning of what you intend to accomplish. What do you imagine to happening when you perform magical operations? Don't just answer this question, think back upon the last magical act you performed. Or did you not even consider the metaphysical meaning of what you were doing? That in the least is a requirement before you start any serious work at your altar.

Here are some starter questions. You can form moremagical preliminary questions of your own by reading Magical Advice lessons from our Wizard's Academy. Just review these so that you get a better feel for where we are headed in this part of our lesson :

1) Where is the power coming from? (This is a phase of ASC [altered states of consciousness]). You may use music, a scent, a sculpture, an image, etc.. See Extracting Magical Powers.) 2) What is the natural intention you want to draw power from? (The more harmonious the power is with your intent, then better it will influence the outcome of your intention. See Finding Natural

Harmony.) 3) Can I perceive and understand the power I'm pulling? (If you have difficulty feeling or understanding the power you need to pull, then you won't find the right power. See Finding Magical Power.) 4) Can I control the power I pull? (This is self explanatory, but a more detailed explanation is provided below. See Controlling Magical Consciousness.) 5) What is my magical consciousness telling me about this intention? (For a little more information on this, look at the section below titled, Your Body is Your Magic Gauge.) Once you open your eyes to this question, your senses will alight with perception so clear you will be eager to embark upon this journey. Call it a "Triple 3 Mystical Epiphany".

The methods of empowering your consciousness to gain magical powers can be remembered with this expression: "Your magical thread must pierce the sacred veil, before the gates will open for you."

You cannot push consciousness with things that are physical, because they are of another dimension of reality. However, you can use consciousness to affect objects. Notice I said consciousness, and not thought. That is the difference we are trying to distinguish.

It can be difficult to perceive this shift, because it has been so well hidden. I can simplify the concept, but keep in mind that it is a simplification. You will have to look deeper into this idea for better meaning.

The physical world is everywhere around you. The invisible world is within any point in space. On any clear night, look up into space, and look beyond the stars. Notice how it seems to go on forever? Well believe it or not, there is a path that leads inside of you that seems to go on forever. Imagine if you could take a dimensional spacecraft and head towards the center of any space, and move continuously inwards. It's hard for us to comprehend this with today's science. Size is only the beginning. Some people believe that if something is too small, it has no meaning. From this invisible point in space, consciousness emerges.


Let's take a look at the concept of consciousness. There are different forms of consciousness. Some people struggle to grasp the meaning of the term. Others believe conscious means to think, or rationalize. We're going to review how consciousness can emit from things in the form of singularity to things with complex structure of multiple forms of consciousness.

There are different forms of consciousness to understand:

1) Singular Consciousness: pure consciousness devoted to a single purpose [ This is where consciousness is born, or manifests, from infinite inward space and takes root in destiny. Keep in mind, this is before thought. This is the material that builds a thought. For example, you look at an apple, and you have an idea what it is, but you need a word that identifies it. The idea itself, before the word, is made up of thousands, or perhaps millions, of singular conscious forms that build a structure that the word itself can be based upon. If this is

hard to picture, imagine space (emptiness) with invisible popcorn seeds, that suddenly, randomly pop into individual pieces of popcorn, some far apart, some close together, or bumping into one another.] 2) Dual Consciousness: devoted to a dual nature that is capable of expanding/multiplying [ This is where conscious gains speed, energy, and expansion. Pure consciousness takes upon changes and grows. This is a reaction between two singular conscious forms, resulting in new singular consciousnesses being born/manifesting.] 3) Group Consciousness: that forms a body, organism, or physical object [ This is where conscious forms, attracts, and binds, other conscious forms into structures that become objects in the physical world. Although they are in the physical world, they are still invisible energy forms, which we will call conscious energy structures. These conscious energy structures (CES's) are received by life forms. People have been able to receive CES's and make words out of them. These words also became known as thoughts. It is very important to remember that this is also where identities are formed and receive new destinies in relation to their identities. Identities from CES's are what we structure our magical spells upon. For example, when a person is born, or when you create a magical object, or when you create a clay pot., etc.]

Look at the space in the air before you. Choose an area, starting with a point the size of a grain of sand. Now move inward, seeing the atoms getting bigger and bigger, then seeing the subatomic particles growing larger and larger as you move further inwards. Soon you have moved beyond the smallest things known by today's science, and you start to see tiny forms of singular conscious begin to appear everywhere. Each one has a unique color and luminosity. They grow larger as you continue moving inwards. Now you can see them manifesting, or being born from empty space. You first feel it, as if it wants to exist, then suddenly it appears within a glass-like sphere, radiating its own color, and a singular consciousness, and each time you come near one, you feel it giving you a feeling that you just can't find the words for.

What is "Consciousness"? According to me, it is a singular state of energy (not electricity) that can change, like a red ball turning purple, by desire to express itself. If you can grasp this knowledge, you will start to perceive that the world around you is not entirely as "real" as you thought it was. You see that everywhere you look, there is an infinite number of points that don't exist in our dimension of reality, and that these same points are places where only consciousness may exist, or manifest.

Because consciousness manifests from inward space, they cannot originate from your mind alone. You think your thoughts, ideas, and inspiration come from you, that your mind is the grand architect, the supreme creator of thought. Wrong. The origin of thought is from another dimension. In essence intelligence, as you are starting to grasp it, for perception and ideas, is not from you or this world or even this galaxy. Remember, the consciousness permitted the thought to form, and the consciousness it evolved from had existed many millions of years ago. You mind simply "received" the energy.

When you understand infinite inward realms, you can understand how our physical world is literally resting on the world of dreams. Dreams are groups of consciousness flowing in rhythm. Consciousness is like a molecule of water (H2O) that in a GROUP forms a river. And the river forms your dream, or thought, or thoughts, or words, or ideas, or feelings. Consciousness can move to anywhere instantly.

Does this relate to magic. Sure it does. My explanation of magic is different than Aleister Crowley's.


Postulate 1: "magic is the willful act of influencing the physical through means of the non physical". Postulate 2: Every willful act is the result of consciousness expanding into the physical universe. Postulate 3: 99% of your choices are the result of external and internal influences not of your will. The remaining 1% or your choices is from the magic of your own spirit and your true magical will. Postulate 4: 99% of magic is from rewording those things that were naturally intended to occur. (For example: Someone was supposed to win the lottery. You simply made it yourself.) Postulate 5: 1% of magic is from those things not naturally intended to occur through predetermination of creation and creators, but occurred through true magical will acceptable and permitted by the Gods. Postulate 6: The ratio of natural events to true magical events is controlled by time/motion. (No biological life form can create an entire universe on its own while in biological form.) Postulate 7: Every successful magical act is dependent upon each element that creates it. Hence, each element or object that's given a purpose can benefit the intende magical outcome. Postulate 8: Every magical intention is an intention solely upon our own spirit, for all we see is our own reflexion. Every change we commit to is a change upon ourselves. Postulate 9: Magic is dependent upon memory. Memory is the ability of any form to retain the majority of its form over any given period of time. (example: The only way for a theory to remain valid, is form its components to possess enough memory to behave the same way over a long period. A magic spell must be reliable to work the same way for you anytime you perform it.) Postulate 10: Magic is an emotional art. It cannot be faked as can be done in religions. If your heart is not in it, then your rewards will certainly be nothing, or worse than nothing. Postulate 11: Magic requires a magical attitude. This attitude is conducive to intuition. Taking action that is detrimental to intuition, is an anti-magical act.

Now let's examine how your dreams, as well as magical visualizations relate to "infinite inward". Some people believe that dreams aren't, but they are only considering this in comparison to the daily world which engages their physical self. Dreams are real, in many other ways. In relation to the universe where consciousness originates and takes form, dreams are manifested realities. Consider: 1) dreams are physically present in the body, as evident by body responses; 2) no matter how small the dreamland architecture might be, it is actually created. When you watch a television movie, you are watching it through the action of invisible waves transmitted into open space, but that doesn't mean that the actors and props in the movie set weren't real at some point in time. Likewise, the fabric of your dreams might have the consistency of brain waves, or the consistency of ones and zeroes, like binary signals, but dreams are actually created by your mind, in three dimensions, from true and real events actually occurring in space. This principal also applies to visualizations in magic. They exist, effect things, and may either grow or transform.

How can magical thoughts grow? It starts with its creation by you. You take magic and weave it into fabric substance. It receives the breath of life/existence, and it becomes a new consciousness. Think of when you and another person create a baby. The sperm and egg each possess consciousness, and together they create a "new consciousness". At that point it needs to find a home. Often its home will be in or one something in your environment. It could be anything. For example, it could choose a part of your body, your favorite chair, your closet, your attic, your car, your shoebox, your kitchen cabinets, your garden etc.. Then it will seek food/nourishment. Consciousness, when it is young/new, or in new form, will feed off of consciousness, and that is usually coming from you, or something else you have created. Consciousness never dies or sleeps, but it the CES's (conscious energy structures) it forms will in time re-shape itself or completely fall apart and regroup as several new CES's. Like us, when we die, we don't disappear. We transform, and we consciously move inward. Whatever we were inwardly, we

shall become that being, some shall become something significant in the realm beyond, while others will become virtually little in purpose.

Consciousness is the essence of memory. Memory is the ability of any form the retain the majority of its form over any given period of time. Notice that physics seem to repeat as if from memory? A question no one seems to ask, "how does a law of physics remember to be what it is?" Consciousness. Gravity remains gravity from being bound at a subatomic fabric which consists of consciousness. "to be something is to be known to be something. Something that is not known to be something, does not exist." the element of being known possesses something more than just one person knowing something. knowing something entails something beyond the mere knowledge, something that extends beyond the super-consciousness of the human mind. A cell is a cell, and in some literal form, it knows it is supposed to be a cell. The same is true for a molecule and a hydrogen atom. Have you ever wondered how does everything in nature work together to support each other? The trees provide food for the animals, and the animals provide for each other, and the waste from the animals provide food for the plants, and each thing adapts to survive. And even within your body, right down to the last cell, every part of your body plays an important role. The intricate details of the things in nature are so overwhelmingly incredible to "man", that he pushes them from his mind with a careless gesture.


Now that you have learned the science of manifesting consciousness, thought, identity, CES's, and infinite inwards, you are ready for the next process, learning to receive raw magical power through magical phasing. The intention of this process is to remove the obstructions and illusions of the physical world, and to experience the magical universe by certain willful actions that will take you there. BEFORE you attempt to phase, you should fully understand the subjects of this lesson, and you should practice the exercises given here. Otherwise, you won't have sufficient knowledge to achieve the magical phasing.

These steps to magical phasing are a foundation for you to start with. You will become more skilled in this, and then you might add, or experiment with, new ways of achieving the same effect.


Enter a state where your breathing is deep, relaxed but controlled, and slowly rhythmic.


Feel your connection to everything around you. Then feel how everything around you is all really part of you wakeful dream. You are making everything happen, unconsciously, spiritually, by the consciousness you are channeling and forming.


Now start to phase this physical space around you. See your awareness of everything. Start moving inwards AT ALL POINTS at the same time. Visualize the physical world starting to become transparent and fade. You're not exactly using your eyes. You are

traveling inwards by using your own consciousness. If it becomes too difficult, start your practice with only a single point, and watch and visualize the world around that point fade until you feel yourself moving inwards. 4) Visualize pinpoint conscious centers emerging everywhere around you, allowing your visualization to merge with the physical world around you. They may be close together, or spread out. 5) See the trees, chairs, tables, grass, etc., becoming transparent, but filled with conscious energy structures, glowing pinpoint, lights, all of varying colors. 6) Feel the consciousness as one magical world of its own. Feel or sense the powers of the conscious energy structures in motion, as they effect the universe around you, in many ways at the same time. 7) Observe how the energy structures send impulses to your mind. Notice the subtleties, how your thoughts are moved around like leaves in great conscious wind. Visualize how this process is occurring. Random thoughts will try to manifest. Allow them to, and ponder where they came from and what their intents are. 8) Comprehend how this is the magical world beneath our world. Then, practice manifesting your own single conscious forms, completely absent of any thought, feeling and sensing only one individual intention of consciousness. (this will require the practice of many phasing sessions, unless you are already very skilled in the art of meditation). 9) When you have become skilled at manifesting single conscious forms, proceed to this step. Manifest two single conscious forms, with the specific intention of creating a specific new consciousness, and collide them so that they react to each other and

create a new single conscious form that is in the exact foou wanted. Observe the intent of the newborn consciousness. 10) When you have successfully achieved creating new consciousness through dual consciousness, move onward to create a group consciousness that forms a CES of your specific intention. Observe the motion and raw power of group consciousness, and feel how it influences the visible or physical world. 11) During each session, you will return to the physical and visible world by gradually moving back outwards. You might feel as though your room, or environment, has changed, but that's only because you have strengthened a dormant part of yourself. You will begin to feel the constant presence of the invisible world after time of practicing.

Magical phasing gives you the ability to achieve God-like powers, at a much smaller level. But your first concern will be to feel and influence objects, or concepts, in your magical operations. It will give you an understanding of the invisible world so that it won't be a mystery or something vague, but it will become a second nature understanding of the mechanics of magic at work.

You will learn to respect the complexity of magic, and you will possess a positive attitude when your magic doesn't work from time to time. You will be able to see what may have obstructed your magic. You will learn to perceive bad magic when a curse is directed at you.

All of this of course, as we have noted before, depends on your natural ability to do these things. There's one certain way to find out whether you can. Just begin! Try your hardest.


Right now, our so called reality is still, in effect, trying to become more real or more developed. Much of our universe is not completely developed in the way of being of a single dimension. I can explain this better by giving you my theory of the beginning of time in our universe. Our universe, did not always have matter, light, and energy. At one point, there was only darkness. The darkness formed consciousness through inevitability. Once consciousness became aware of itself, it began to multiply itself (Dual Consciousness), forming others similar to itself. The light split the darkness and became Gods, but in actuality they were all the same God. From infinite inward dimensions the pushed consciousness outward. However, before they could do such, they had to, in effect, have a plan for the future of all that was to be. This process is still occurring. Many places in our universe, reality is still manifesting from infinitely inward space. Imagine it like many balloons manifesting from seemingly nowhere and expanding to make one ever expanding cluster of balloons in the vastness of space.

The reason for the vast intelligence of the Gods is explained by the the fact that true knowledge is the act of knowing. Consciousness loves to know, and it never sleeps. You likely couldn't ever know everything because consciousness has been busy creating forms/realities since the beginning. Think about this, for billions, upon billions of years, without stopping, consciousness has been multiplying/thinking/creating realities.

Look at the back of your hand. See the intricate detail? Notice all of the science involved in your hand? Now understand this: every aspect of every science related to your hand is an unlimited number of diverse elements of consciousness. For example, the "wrinkle" could be considered one state of consciousness, and the color of your skin could be considered another form/element of consciousness. Yet despite so vast a number of conscious elements/states in our universe, there are still universes that lack enough substances for it to be coherent enough to be considered a reality. If we could travel to the outer skirts of space, we might encounter these incomplete pockets, and these places would not make logical sense to our minds because our minds are accustomed to more complete realities. For example, light would not work properly there. "Here" and "there" would not properly exist there. Gravity would not function properly there. Our electronic gadgets would behave oddly or not work at all. Materials would change, or seem alien. For example, metals might start to melt for no apparent reason.

Our sciences are based only upon what we witness in our world. Our sciences don't accept realities beyond what can be perceived throughout rational experiences and explanations.

Magic is an inevitable science. This means that at some point during the advancement of science, magic will be accepted as absolutely scientifically valid. And physical devices will amplify, channel, and control powers in accordance with a person's will. Imagine a helmet that makes any beverage appear in front of you by wishing for it, or a rod that summons the physical presence of beings from other worlds.

Understand that people tend to question life on other worlds because people are still in a very early stage of thinking. The flow of consciousness is still young in the development of out species. Remember, our thoughts are permitted by the flow of consciousness. There are other intelligent life forms in the universe who have been in the flow of conscious existence so long that they have technology that is extremely far more advanced than our own. Highly advanced species will live life in both intelligent and magical form. They will use symbols to affect realities, and they will use mind powers to move celestial dust, and they will have rituals to honor their existence. Can't you feel it? Close your eyes, and sense it.

Here's a thought... -- Beings from other worlds may have used the infinite inward science to visit our world. I theorize that in order to travel across the galaxy, in relatively short time, they would have to move faster than light. But I don't think the concept of "motion" can play a role in traveling to another galaxy because of the great distance between. To move faster than light, they would have to step out of the physical dimension, because the physical dimension won't allow it, at hundreds of times the speed of light. I propose a theory that by moving inward one can escape physical laws and cross into another galaxy, like stepping into another room through a doorway. There are subatomic particles that are here one moment, disappear, then re-appear. Where do they go? This form of intelligence is beyond our minds now, because we have not evolved enough to think this way, generally speaking. We assume that if something gets smaller, it requires more time to cover the same distance of a larger object. But think again: it's not actually traveling. It's shifting the dimension by methods beyond our physical laws. Have you ever wondered why alien intelligence would give coded messages in crop circle forms? One reason might be because they cannot fully access our dimension after arriving here through infinite inward space. Just something to think about.


Consciousness, as we've discussed, creates and controls the physical world. The God, Goddess, and Gods are one from the original source of Consciousness, and through them our universe was formed and reshaped.

EXTRACTING MAGICAL POWERS As you already have learned from previous lessons, a big ego and imagination is not enough to succeed in magic. Although a positive attitude does help, you must pull the energy from somewhere. The process of ASC is sufficient for this. The point in this lesson is to understand and feel more specifically the precise power, or powers, you want. For example, if you want more sex, you are to pull pure conscious intent related to sexual desire. Keep in mind, that the act itself is not the conscious energy itself. The energy may be a hot feeling to you, on the left side of your body, or it might be a tingling in your private areas, or it might be a flying feeling, or it might be a sweet candy taste in your mouth, or it might be a very subtle feeling of the numbers 7 and 9, and so on.

The energy can then be stored or manipulated.

Learn to find what objects you can best drawn the power from, and use those objects in your ritual or magical operation. Often times, you will need to reshape the ECS of an object in order for it to fully conform to your needs. The ritual at the end of this lesson is one such example.

FINDING NATURAL HARMONY Everything is either formed or constructed for an intention, or because of an intention. Cause and effect. Effect and Cause. You can find as many objects as you like, and add them to your magical operation. But the key point to remember is to actually take this into account when designing your magical operations. If you don't do so, and you inadvertently incorporate an inharmonious object in your magical operation, you could ruin the entire outcome.

FINDING MAGICAL POWER Knowing what you want is the easiest part. Where to look is going to be a little more challenging. You have to first know exactly what you want. Then you have to understand the meaning behind what you want. Then it helps to know why you want this particular thing. I have to answer every one of these questions also. There have been times when I swore I knew what I wanted, then upon asking myself these questions, I realized I was being driven by a force that I'd completely overlooked. That force had made me believe something that wasn't actually true. So had I performed magic based upon my surface feelings, the foundation of my magic would have crumbled in on me. On rare occasions, this can create even more problems. CONTROLLING MAGICAL CONSCIOUSNESS Some people want the moon! Literally! Try not to be one of them. The point here is to pull only the power you can handle. Trying to pull too much power can not only leave you tired and frustrated, it can

lead to health problems, usually minor ones.

It's okay to go a little over your limit, because that is a part of growing and becoming more powerful. But know your limitations by gauging your capacities from previous results. For example, if you know you have recently become successful at getting your neighbor to be your friend and bring you pies on Sundays, don't try to cast magic to get the entire city block to bring you cakes, ice cream, and pies everyday. Gradually work your way there.

YOUR BODY IS YOUR MAGIC GAUGE Your body and senses tell you about any intended magical act before you perform it. For example, if your left sinus/nostril closes up, it may indicate a physical dominant force, because the right nostril is not blocked. If the right nostril/sinus is blocked, it could mean that a mental dominant force will be at work. You might receive a warning you should understand before performing the magical act. Listen to your body. Keep your body well tuned by meditating daily.

Some other things to watch for: the smell (spicy, hot, repulsing, sweet, family, hair, carpet, ozone,etc.), the hairs on your arms and neck, little pings and pangs, your feet (cold, dry, hot, comfy), your belly (butterflies, europhic, comfy), your ears (plugging up, unplugging, buzz, ring), and so on.

Use the Magical 333 Worksheets (at my website) to list more.


Every symbol you create for a magical purpose must manifest the conscious needed to participate in the magical process you want to use. A magical symbol standard is one, or more symbols that you will employ in magic, and it is ONLY a drawn, or spoken, symbol. Magical symbol standards are user specif, meaning that one symbol may mean something different to someone else, and therefore it cannot be used magically in the same way.

A standard is an one thing used to represent another, just as flags are standards for teams, clubs, and countries.

These are not, and should not be, intended as substitutes for other magical objects or elements that could be used in your magical operation. For example, if you have oil or incense, don't use a symbol in place of it. Remember, anything that manifests consciousness, such as incense, ASC, oil, candles, are equally symbols themselves. The lines you see upon paper don't exist in the magical world, and they don't mean anything, that is, until you accept it as we have discussed.

It is important to note, IF you do not accept the symbol for a specific conscious meaning, or intent, it is NOT a symbol standard. It must be accepted and understood by you first before it can become a magical symbol standard.

It is okay to accept certain symbol standards that already exist. Here are a few examples: 1. Astrology symbols 2. Alchemy symbols 3. Voodoo symbols 4. Santeria symbols 5. Numbers 6. Runic letters 7. Elvin Letters

8. Actions (This is a large, comprehensive area that requires you to create many of your own symbols. A few examples: applying heat, chanting, gestures, adding roses, tying, binding, etc.)

Choose any of these symbols, and contemplate the conscious energy structure coming from each one.

Where should the be drawn? Any place where they were not intended. That seems simple, but you have to carefully consider the meaning, or you could create more problems than you intended to fix in the first place. For example, if your magical symbol standard were carelessly placed in a public area, and became the toy of some unwitty individuals, it would be bad for you, forcing you to follow up with cleansing and protection spells for yourself.

On the other hand, if someone were stuck in bed with illness, you could give them a wooden board

with the magical symbols upon a board, and that would be your intention for that standard. A paper containing the ingredients, actions, and intentions (It basically tells a story, like the Egyptians and shamen did upon rocks many years ago.) It also helps your magical intentions.

Your standard is usually a graphical representation of the magic you are employing for a purpose. You may keep a copy for your magical record, for use again later, but it isn't necessary. In one form or another however, it is wise to keep record of your magic.

Here are some guidelines: 1. use black ink or blood only 2. Draw the magical symbol only when you are channeling the feeling into it (reshaping it) If you don't feel it, don't draw it. 3. Treat it as special, with respect. 4. Don't place it somewhere you cannot destroy or erase it later. 5. Don't make it a display for non believers.


Here, and now, you learning the business of influencing things from your consciousness. You should now have a concrete understanding of where magic comes from. You should now be able to look at an alchemy symbol, know where its power comes from, extract its power, and employ its energy in a fully capable magical architecture. To help you strengthen your abilities this area, I'll give you exercises to perform.

FEELING THE CONSCIOUSNESS Practice sensing conscious energy. Take a sheet of paper and write any word you sense coming into your mind. Let the sensation or thought come into your mind. Don't try to make sentences or try to understand what your mind is trying to say. You are merely observing the feeling of the energy of consciousness.

This process also stimulates the subconscious mind.

SYMBOLS WITHOUT THOUGHT Draw, or observe, symbols without thought. The symbol to conscious connection, where a symbol represents consciousness is called a Living Magical Symbol, or LM Symbol for short. In less literal terms, any magical symbol should be an LM Symbol to you. LM Symbols are used in the ritual contained in this lesson. In this exercise, you gain a feel for the power of symbols before any thought, name, or identity can be attached to them. This applies ONLY to drawn symbols. OBJECT CONSCIOUSNESS In this process, you feel the consciousness of objects, before words can be used to describe it. Sit the object in front of you. Look at it. If you are legally blind, then feel it with your hands. Observe the sensation that it emits. For example: I have a tiny brass Krishna figurine, and when I look at it I feel a subtle music-like feeling, that goes beyond words.

RELAXATION IS FUEL FOR THE JOURNEY To travel inward, you need to have the proper vessel and fuel to get you there. Each emotional state you are in is a chemical state. It changes from moment to moment. The state of being relaxed is able to produce the body chemicals, the fuel, you must have to get your mind to its destination when traveling inwards. If your body is not properly prepared for the journey, your mind won't be ready either. So relax!


The four Inromri Soul bringers will bring to four things that you need. Sometimes you don't know what's best for you, and this method can be very useful. Needed materials one fallen leaf one white candle one lonely flower one dead branch at least a small vile or cup of forgotten water (it can be from anywhere, and it should be enough that it won't completely evaporate before the ritual, but it must be fallen and disregarded, like a rain puddle, or lawn run-off. You can use a clean cloth to absorb, and wring the water into a bowl.) 6. one sheet of paper 7. one black or blood pen 8. script and symbols 9. one cup of wine, grape juice or water 10. scented oil (any oil is okay, if you cannot buy scented oil. If truly in bad times, you can make oil by heating chicken or meat fat, and using orange peel shavings for scent). 11. All four LM Symbols of the Inromri Soul Bringers, which are provided at the rear part of this book. *** Note: (Concerning stating the names of God and Goddess) You may say the Sacred names if you wish. The reality is that people don't really have a close enough relationship with their creators to be allowed to know their names. Within reason, we can assume God is many, and has many names, and is without a gender. We say God/Goddess because that is the best relationship we can have with God and Goddess, the relationship of Father and Mother. ***Note: Try NOT to look behind you during this ritual. Only do so if absolutely necessary, then return forward facing as promptly as possible. This is why we make sure we won't be disturbed before beginning. Light a white candle upon your altar and say: Hereby do I light this candle to bring life to the portal between myself and the four Inromri Soul Bringers. dip or roll the oil onto your finger, and draw an equal-distant cross on your forehead, third eye spot, while, or after, saying: Give me the ability to see, and to cast, and to open the mysteries I shall call on, this day, for know I am prepared to be gatekeeper. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Bring together a your hands, and clasp them, and say: Let these gifted ones I seek pass into my world without allowing any foul creature in to pursue me. I accept your guidance and protection during this journey between the separation of time where I seek to call upon soul bringers for those things they shall see I indeed need. Please let it be so. O'wonderful creators, God and Goddess, I believe in your presence beyond here and so much beyond my reach.


With the Fallen Leaf nearby, or upon the altar, lift it, and say: Given to me is this beautiful Fallen Leaf, seen with eyes but known by spirits. I accept this Fallen Leaf, and by the power that flows through me, I transform this leaf into a portal open to the first of the Inromri Soul Bringers. Inromri Ra, Inromri Ra, Inromri Ra, I command this: let them pass!

Now look into the leaf and move inwards until you feel that you have understood the intent of the leaf's CES (conscious energy structure). Next, reshape its CES so that it feels like the portal you need for the first Inromri Soul Bringer. Feel and know that this portal is now present and will open when you want it to open. Drift back into the visible world, and take the LM Symbol (Living Magic Symbol) of the Fallen Leaf into your hands, and feel the conscious relation between the portal and the symbol. Then say: I call the first of the Inromri Soul Bringers. You may now pass through the portal and stand behind me. You have no authority nor permission to come before me, as my God and Goddess have made me your gate keeper and keeper of your passage. I have say over when you shall come and when you shall go. And I now say that when you have brought to me one thing I need, you may go, and take with you my blessings within this object I now hold, for I shall anoint it with a spiritually desirable scent. In the names of my God and Goddess[here you may name your God, if desired] and Goddess [here you may name your Goddess, if desired], so mote it be. See and visualize the symbol coming alive with magical light. Then anoint it with oil, saying: I cast upon this object an ever so sweet scent, desirable among many beings and spirits, an offering to the first one who brings a gift to me. The first portal is open and the first Inromri Soul Bringer has been allowed passage. I am greatful and blessed. In the names of my God [ ] and Goddess [ ], so mote it be. After a brief moment, place the LM Symbol of the Fallen Leaf upon the altar, and place the leaf upon the symbol.


Pick up the Lonely Flower, and say: My small but precious treasure, I have received you, seen with eyes but known by spirits. I accept this Flower into my world, by the power that flows through me, I transform this Flower into a portal open to the second of the Inromri Soul Bringers. Inromri Ra, Inromri Ra, Inromri Ra, I command this: let them pass! Now look into the flower and move inwards until you feel that you have understood the intent of the flower's CES (conscious energy structure). Next, reshape its CES so that it feels like the portal you need for the second Inromri Soul Bringer. Feel and know that this portal is now present and will open when you want it to open. Drift back into the visible world, and take the LM Symbol (Living Magic Symbol) of the Lonely Flower into your hands, and feel the conscious relation between the portal and the symbol. Then say: I call the Second of the Inromri Soul Bringers. You may now pass through the portal and stand behind me. You have no authority nor permission to come before me, as my God and Goddess have made me your gate keeper and keeper of your passage. I have say over when you shall come and when you shall go. And I now say that when you have brought to me one thing I need, you may go, and take with you my blessings within this object I now hold, for I shall anoint it with a spiritually desirable scent. In the names of my God and Goddess, so mote it be.

See and visualize the symbol coming alive with magical light. Then anoint it with oil, saying: I cast upon this object an ever so sweet scent, desirable among many beings and spirits, an offering to the one who brings a gift to me. The second portal is open and the second Inromri Soul Bringer has been allowed passage. I am greatful and blessed. In the names of my God [ ] and Goddess [ ], so mote it be. Place the LM Symbol upon the altar, and place the flower upon the symbol.


With the Dead Branch nearby, or upon the altar, lift it, and say: Given to me is this Dead Branch, seen with eyes but known by spirits. I accept this Dead Branch, and by the power that flows through me, I transform this branch into a portal open to the third of the Inromri Soul Bringers. Inromri Ra, Inromri Ra, Inromri Ra, I command this: let them pass!

Now look into the branch and move inwards until you feel that you have understood the intent of the branch's CES (conscious energy structure). Next, reshape its CES so that it feels like the portal you need for the third Inromri Soul Bringer. Feel and know that this portal is now present and will open when you want it to open. Drift back into the visible world, and take the LM Symbol (Living Magic Symbol) of the Dead Branch into your hands, and feel the conscious relation between the portal and the symbol. Then say: I call the third of the Inromri Soul Bringers. You may now pass through the portal and stand behind me. You have no authority nor permission to come before me, as my God and Goddess have made me your gate keeper and keeper of your passage. I have say over when you shall come and when you shall go. And I now say that when you have brought to me one thing I need, you may go, and take with you my blessings within this object I now hold, for I shall anoint it with a spiritually desirable scent. In the names of my God and Goddess, so mote it be.

See and visualize the symbol coming alive with magical light. Then anoint it with oil, saying: I cast upon this object an ever so sweet scent, desirable among many beings and spirits, an offering to the third one who brings a gift to me. The third portal is open and the third Inromri Soul Bringer has been allowed passage. I am greatful and blessed. In the names of my God [ ] and Goddess [ ], so mote it be. Place the LM Symbol on the altar, and place the branch upon the symbol.


With the Forgotten Water nearby, or upon the altar, lift it, and say: Given to me is this Forgotten Water, seen with eyes but known by spirits. I accept this Forgotten Water, and by the power that flows through me, I transform this water into a portal open to the Forth of the Inromri Soul Bringers. Inromri Ra, Inromri Ra, Inromri Ra, I command this: let them pass! Now look into the Forgotten Water and move inwards until you feel that you have understood the intent of the wa'ster CES (conscious energy structure). Next, reshape its CES so that it feels like the portal you need for the fourth Inromri Soul Bringer. Feel and know that this portal is now present and will open when you want it to open. Drift back into the visible world, and take the LM Symbol (Living Magic Symbol) of the Forgotten Water into your hands, and feel the conscious relation between the portal and the symbol. Then say: I call the fourth of the Inromri Soul Bringers. You may now pass through the portal and stand behind me. You have no authority nor permission to come before me, as my God and Goddess have made me your gate keeper and keeper of your passage. I have say over when you

shall come and when you shall go. And I now say that when you have brought to me one thing I need, you may go, and take with you my blessings within this object I now hold, for I shall anoint it with a spiritually desirable scent. In the names of my God and Goddess, so mote it be. See and visualize the symbol coming alive with magical light. Then anoint it with oil, saying: I cast upon this object an ever so sweet scent, desirable among many beings and spirits, an offering to the one who brings a gift to me. The second portal is open and the fourth Inromri Soul Bringer has been allowed passage. I am grateful and blessed. In the names of my God [ ] and Goddess [ ], so mote it be. See and visualize the symbol coming alive with magical light. Then anoint it with oil, saying: I cast upon this object an ever so sweet scent, desirable among many beings and spirits, an offering to the fourth one who brings a gift to me. The fourth portal is open and the fourth Inromri Soul Bringer has been allowed passage. I am grateful and blessed. In the names of my God [ ] and Goddess [ ], so mote it be. Place the LM Symbol on the altar, and place the water upon the symbol. Close your eyes, and say: Welcome home Inromri. Wherever I travel, you are welcome, for I know that wherever I go, you may bring to me gifts I need. Appear wherever you wish. I don't welcome mischief. If you cause any disruptions, I end your service without payment. Once you serve me, I gracefully bid you farewell. Be silent for five minutes, or longer. Feel and listen to their presence behind you. Understand that once you release them, they may appear anywhere, in any form. They may become a cat, cup dog, goat, old man, etc.. now say (RELEASE, is spoken in an loud, aspirated whisper, while hold up your hands together, and parting them swiftly, downwards and outwards, as if parting a veil, while visualizing clear, violet energy waves ripple outwards from your hands: I now release you to serve me as you have been called upon to do. RELEASE! In the names of my God and Goddess, so mote it be. Thank God and Goddess for the Inromri Soul Bringers and for guidance and protection. Eternal source, givers of life and magic, magnificent power givers, my splendid God and Goddess, from you have these wonderful being come to me, and from you have I had to capacity to perform this powerful

ritual. I thank you for protecting and guiding me. You are truly my God and Goddess.

Hold up the wine, or juice, or water, and take one good sip of it, and say: So mote it be. Go outside, and pour the remainder of the drink onto the ground, while visualizing the ground starting to glow in the area where the drink is landing.

Place each LM Symbol, with its corresponding portal object on a high shelf where they won't be
disturbed. If such an area is not possible, then bury each object somewhere safe.

CONCLUSION There. You have survived another one of my lessons! Good for you. That was the easy part. Now for putting your foot forward for the first step in this exciting, and risky, dance with magic. I hope you will reread this lesson, so that you really absorb the messages contained in it. Don't be an assuming student, one who assumes either he/she already knows the material, or assumes they learned everything with a single stroke of the eyeballs. Being good at anything requires practice. This lesson will both strengthen your intuitive and magical powers. Use it to help yourself and humanity.

Let us continue showing people how to tune into the process of nature through consciousness with magic. Separation from these laws will lead to something bad. I don't know a way to fully explain it. In simple terms, I could say that the Gods don't like being ignored or looked down upon. My senses see the cord between man and the Gods (as one) wearing thin. And this is not some message for people to

behave or pray. The Gods came to man in the form of advanced consciousness developed through millions of years, and taught man many forms of magic and astrology, and they see those acts displaced by many people who don't have a spirit that seeks life from magical sources. It is the process which keeps our existence alive, like firewood does for the fire, or in modern terms, the way a charger recharges a battery. We must strengthen our conscious connection with the source.

Remember: nature doesn't bow to man, but man to nature. This entails more than recycling and environmentally friendly cars. People must function unselfishly in particular honor of higher intelligence, and this must be taught in schools. Magic must be labeled as a good thing that keeps us naturally connected to nature and the universe. Think of it like our own body, many organs inside are all working together to stay healthy.

I send all of you my best efforts in these lessons. I've combined many years of experience, knowledge, and secret knowledge gained only from a voice I hear in my soul. So trust the one I trust, and you will go far.

Incidental, when I finished writing this and looked at the file size of the PDF file, I saw something interesting. The size of the file, before adding the cover pages, was 333 K B's. (Remove the cover

page, and page 2, and see for yourself.)



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