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(Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Colombo R d Reconnections)

R.I District 3220 - Sri Lanka

Minutes of the meeting on the 7th January 2012 th

Place: Mc Donalds; Nugegoda Participants: Nadeera; Eshan; Nimanthi; Tharindu All points discussed are tentative and awaiting approval of the majority of the club members after discussion. 1. Fixed a date for regular meetings a. Place: Galle Face Hotel; b. Day: Every other Thursday c. Time: 6pm 7pm This has to be discussed with the Rotarians for their approval as they are the once sponsoring the meeting room for our meeting. 2. Requirement to increase the club membership to at least 10. As of now we have 7 confirmed . and active members. (For formal meetings or events; a club membership of at least 10 would be better; not mandatory but better) 3. Facebook group where all members could share information (since most don t check their dont emails) Responsibility: Nadeera 4. Projects a. January i. Professional Development (PD) p project Proposed: Project on The awareness of the Rotaract movement to all club members. roject This would be done by by; - Rotarian of RCCR - Presence of District Rotaract Representative (DRR) - Eshan (as a member of the former RCCR) Deadline: To be done by the 3rd week of January Proposed: 19th January; Th Thursday at Galle Face Hotel from 6pm 7pm (Date has to be fixed after contacting the Rotarians on the date and their contribution) heir Minimum Attendance: 10 members Responsibility: Eshan (contacting the Rotarians for discussion); Nadeera (club ; attendance)


Club Service project

Proposed: Cricket match among the club members (to promote comradeship among members coming from different groups and know hows) Deadline: End Jan/ Early Feb Tentatively; 28th January; Saturday afternoon Place: Proposed Dehiwala grounds/Parliament grounds Content: Cricket match in the evening; have a change afterwards; dinner somewhere close by. All activities are yet to be decided after discussion among club members. Minimum Attendance: Mandatory for all club members! Responsibility: Tharindu b. February i. Community Service project Proposed: Arms giving at the Cancer Hospital in Maharagama. This would be specifically for the untreatable patients who have been isolated in a house nearby. Content: Food servings; entertainment; sing along; etc Finance: All little contributions are welcome but not mandatory Deadline: 3rd Week of February (proposed: 18th Feb; Saturday) Responsibility: Eshan; Nimanthi; Shash

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