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Applic at io n fo r t he po st o f Senio r Exec ut ive/ Branc h Manager/Offic ers (Market ing & Operat io ns)
Please Click Here Saraswat Bank - Online Recruitment applications for post of Senior Executive / Branch Manager/ Officers Saraswat Bank, the largest Urban Co- operative Bank in India has a network of 223 fully computerised branches on Swiftcore CBS platform located in six states i.e. Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Delhi. The total business of the Bank has crossed Rs.30,000 Crore as on 06/12/2011, with zero percent net NPA. The Bank which employs over 3600 staff is now poised to expand on All India Basis and will be opening branches in the MetropolitanCities, State Capitals and Mega Cities. The Bank is now looking to laterally recruit top performing, energetic and dynamic candidates as Senior Executives, Branch Managers and Officers, having minimum five years experience in Banks in the relevant posts and who well versed with Regional Languages, Hindi and English, for its existing / proposed branches. Salary negotiable. Apply immediately to Mrs. Pearl Varghese, DGM- HRD.

The candidates should fulfill the following eligibility norms for recruitment: Se nior Exe cut ive s (Marke t ing & Ope rat ions ) Graduates from a recognized university with min. 50% marks. Branch Manage rs (Marketing & Operations) Graduates from a recognized university with min. 50% marks. Office rs (Marketing Operations)


Qualificat ion

Graduates from a recognized university.


Expe rie nce

C ompe ns at ion Negotiable. Negotiable. Package C andidat e s wit h qualificat ions s uch as C A, IC WA, MBA & C AIIB will be pre fe rre d. The services are transferable to any location/office/subsidiary of the Bank. Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may send their applications with complete details (in the formats available on our website in a sealed envelope superscribing Application for the post of Senior Executive / Branch Manager (Marketing & Operations) / Officer (Marketing & Operations) within seven days to Mrs. Pearl Varghese, Dy. General Manager (HRD), The Saraswat Co- operative Bank Ltd., (Scheduled Bank), Saraswat Bank Bhavan, Plot No. 953, Appasaheb Marathe Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025. The Bank does not engage any Agents / Agency for recruitment which please note

Not more than 55 years as on 31/01/2012 Minimum 5 years service as Senior Executive in operational banking and centralized d e p a r t m e n t s in Public/ Private Sector Negotiable

Not more than 45 years as on 31/01/2012 Minimum 5 years service as Branch Manager / Officer in Public / Private Sector Bank

Not more than 45 years as on 31/01/2012 Minimum 5 years service as Officer in Public / Private Sector Bank

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