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Computer Networks CSE 306 ASSIGNMENT 1 - By Harshdeep Singh, Rk3r01B13, 11001288 Networks provide the benefits to the user.

Is there any area where networks are not beneficial? Answer 1) Expensive to install- Building a network needs costly hardware like cables that can be needed in large amount in case of large scale organisations, may need more economy to maintain and upgrade. Security Issues- If a very valuable data is involved in the networks, that can be accessed by hackers and steal it by hacking and it will be hard to catch as there is no physical involvement in the stealing. Recently, Sony PlayStation Network was hacked by a group and stole all the Band account numbers and passwords of users. Failures/Breakdowns- Since most of the times networks are dependent on servers, and if servers fail due to overload or any other issue and as we are too much dependent on networks, that can cause loss of precious time and opportunities.
1. 2.

What does negotiation mean while discussing network protocols?. Give example.

Answer 2) When a connection is established, there is always a sender and a receiver. When the data is sent by the sender, it has to meet with the requirements or

parameters set by the network protocol. These parameters can be format of message, size of message etc. This whole process of checking of parameters and the receiver accepting the request of sender to accept the data is called negotiation. 3.Which technique is used for multiplexing the light signals? Explain that technique Answer 3) Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)- When the white light incidences on the prism, the prism separates the light according to its different wavelengths/frequencies (De-multiplexing is done). Therefore, this process is reversed when lights of different frequencies are made to fall on the prism and it results in the a resultant light, which has wider band of frequencies.

Match the following functions with different layers of OSI model.(with reason)

b) c)

d) e)

Segmentation- Transport Layer. When Transport layer receives data from session layer, it divides it into smaller segments called packets and sends it to the Network layer. Provide security- Physical Layer. Error control- Data Link Layer. Data link layer corrects the errors that might have been occurred in the physical layer. Syntax and semantics- Syntax layer. Data is presented to the user in a particular syntax. Multiplexing- Physical Layer. Multiplexing is needed at the physical layer as it the process of

combining various input signals so that they could travel in the medium. 5.If the unit at the data link layer means a frame and the unit at the network level is packet. Do frames encapsulate packets or packets encapsulate frames? Answer 5) Frames will encapsulate packets as when a packet reaches the data link layer, the whole packet received will be used as data field to the frame. Find out the kinds of networks used in the campus. Describe them on following aspects network type, topologies and the kind of transmission media? Answer 6)

7. Differentiate between bit rate and baud rate with the help of an example. Answer 7) Bit Rate- It is the bits that are being transmitted per second. Baud rate- It is the number of signal units sent per second. Baud rate is always less than or equals to Bit rate. For example- If we 2 signals are being sent per second and each signal has 2 bits, then Baud rate will be 2 baud/sec and bit rate will be 4 bits/sec.

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