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Breathing is the process that moves air in and out of the lungs of terrestrial vertebrates. Aerobic organisms of these types--such as reptiles, birds and mammals--require oxygen to release energy viarespiration, in the form of the metabolism of energy-rich molecules such as glucose. Breathing is only one process that delivers oxygen to where it is needed in the body and removes carbon dioxide. Another important process involves the movement of blood by the circulatory system. Gas exchange occurs in the pulmonary alveoli by passive diffusion of gases between the alveolar gas and the blood in lung capillaries. Once these dissolved gases are in the blood, the heart powers their flow around the body (via the circulatory system). The medical term for normal relaxed breathing is eupnea. In addition to removing carbon dioxide, breathing results in loss of water from the body. Exhaled air has a relative humidity of 100% because of water diffusing across the moist surface of breathing passages and alveoli.

What causes smoking?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 46 million people in the United States (18 years of age and older) smoke cigarettes. Smoking is more common in men than women and appears to be prevalent across a variety of different ethnic groups. The highest percentage of smokers is in the 25 to 44-year old age group. Despite the prevalence of smoking, the factors that lead a person to start smoking are difficult to understand. In many cases, smoking is started at a young age due to peer pressure, tobacco advertising, or a concept that smoking is an acceptable behavior. Many people who start smoking have a family member or close friend who smokes. Once started, cigarette smoking and chewing tobacco are difficult to stop. It is a well-known fact that smoking and chewing tobacco are behaviors that can become addictions due to the presence of nicotine and other chemicals generated from smoking. Like many other addictive substances, these chemicals trigger a series of biochemical reactions and pleasant sensations to which you can quickly become accustomed. Regular tobacco users eventually develop a need to experience these sensations in order to feel normal, which makes quitting a difficult challenge. What makes tobacco so addictive? Using any form of tobacco, including smoking cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, or using chewing tobacco or snuff, can rapidly lead to addiction. The substance in tobacco that causes addiction is called nicotine. Nicotine is a stimulant that causes us to temporarily feel good or energized. If you are depressed, it can provide a short boost. It also causes the release of natural chemicals in our brain called beta-endorphins. These chemicals cause us to feel more alert and calm. The problem is that nicotine isn't stored in the body so these effects last only a few minutes. We need to absorb more and more nicotine to make the effects last. If we consume nicotine long enough, our brains may compensate and lower our natural energy level or mood. So, instead of providing a temporary high, people smoke just to feel "normal". When some people go without tobacco for more than a few hours they may experience withdrawal symptoms such as lack of energy, slight depression, and difficulty concentrating. They smoke to avoid feeling this way. But when you quit for good, withdrawal symptoms will pass within a few days. This is evidence that your body has begun to heal itself.

How To Keep a Healthy Respiratory System

Giving your best shots with your daily routines will not be possible without a healthy respiratory system. This system of your body is responsible for the smooth exchange of air in your body. Without the proper exchange of air, your body will become weak and will eventually be prone to respiratory diseases that may hamper the success of your daily routines. How do you maintain a healthy respiratory system? Here is how to keep a healthy respiratory system: 1. Quit smoking. Smoking brings dirt and bacteria to the respiratory system. Smoking makes the lungs weak. Aside from its effects to the lungs, it does no good to any part of your body. It only weakens them. Due to the particles brought by cigarettes, the sweeping powers of the tiny hairs along the trachea are distracted. These hairs, instead of keeping off dirt from the lungs, deteriorate thus damaging the lungs. Also, particles from cigarettes cause veins to breakdown in your respiratory system. This breakdown results in the difficulty breathing. In addition to this, cigarette smoking brings cancer cells that lead to death.


Exercise. You may also make your lungs feel loved by performing a daily exercise. Daily routine of exercise does not only help the respiratory system but also maintains the wellness of the other body organs. For instance, swimming or playing badminton gives your respiratory system the change to exercise its purpose because you will need more air in these activities. Keep in mind that as you breathe profoundly, you are helping your lungs to be stronger. Daily exercise is the cheapest respiratory therapy to prevent respiratory problems such as pneumonia and flu.


Maintain a balanced diet. Too much weight brought by overeating results to more respiratory failure. Thus to prevent these diseases and to maintain a healthy respiratory system, you have to consider the following diet tips for your respiratory system: Protein is the best for your respiratory system. Food such as soy, egg white, sea food, and dairy products are the best sources of protein. In addition to this, whole grain as well as fruits and vegetables are also recommended for your respiratory system. On the other hand, you should avoid food with too much fat and MSG or mono sodium glutamate. Moreover, too much intake of salt should also be avoided.


Get a medical check up. The best way to take care your respiratory system is to get a yearly check up. This check up will help you detect possible disease/s within your body - especially your respiratory system. Doctors will help you by suggesting medicines or other forms of medications for your possible problems. On the other hand, physicians may also give you advice on how to maintain the wellness of your respiratory tract.

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