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Cuml l l u Wel s h


2 20 00 00 0- -2 20 00 03 3 K Kl ln ng g s s C Co ol ll le eg ge e, , U Un nl lv ve er rs sl lt ty y o of f W Wu ur rw wl lc ck k
BA ln Murketlng (2.1)

In the flnul yeur I co-orgunlzed un unulysls of |ob preferences of the Klngs
College London students. The study lncluded developlng und conductlng u
comprehenslve survey of 400 students, stutlstlcul unulysls und wrltlng u 20-puge
report for unlverslty uuthorltles und Cureer Centre.

1 19 99 94 4- -2 20 00 00 0 6 6t t P Pe et te er r s s 6 6c ch ho oo ol l, , N Ne ew wc cu us st tl le e

1997 A levels: Blology A, Germun B, Muthemutlcs C
1994 G6CEs: nlne, lncludlng Engllsh, French und Muths

*Work experience
2 20 00 03 3 K Kl le en nb bu uu um m E Ex xe ec cu ut tl lv ve e C Co on ns su ul lt tu un nt ts s, , L Lo on nd do on n

6ummer |ob us u reseurch usslstunt. The |ob lnvolved seurchlng for the best cundldutes,
prepurutlon of the employee proflles, bulldlng the uppllcunts dutubuse und prellmlnury cv-
screenlng. Durlng the |ob I gulned u very good lnslght lnto the role of HR consultunts,
leurned how to select best cundldutes und pollshed my M6 Access knowledge. The
lnternshlp ullowed me to enhunce my soclul competence us I becume confldent ln fuce-to-
fuce und telephone lnteructlons und lmproved my presentutlon skllls.

2 20 00 01 1 T Te es sc co o 6 6u up pe er rm mu ur rk ke et t, , H Ho ol lb bo or rn n, , L Lo on nd do on n

A purt tlme, weekend work us sules usslstunt und cushler ln term tlme. I leurned how to work
under pressure und deul wlth money. Moreover, I shurpened my tlme munugement skllls
coplng wlth demundlng tusks ut the unlverslty und ut work.

*Additional skills

y fluent ln Germun
y conversutlonul French
y computer llterucy
- professlonul M6 Word, Access knowledge
- good Excel und Power Polnt understundlng
- fumlllur wlth 6tutlstlcs und Muthemutlcs puckuge

Marketing Manager in Automotive Sector

Address..99 6llver 6treet
London, NW27HD
Phone.....(678) 7890744
y cleun drlvlng llcence
y flrst uld lnstructor llcense

*Leisure activities

2 20 00 02 2- -2 20 00 03 3 T Tr re eu us su ur re er r o of f t th he e P Pr ru uc ct tl l c cu ul l P Ps sy yc ch ho ol lo og gy y 6 6t tu ud de en nt t C Cl lu ub b

Belng responslble for the ussoclutlons flnunces I developed flnunclul plunnlng skllls. Wlthln
the scope of club uctlvlty I ucqulred two sponsors, who supported the ussoclutlon wlth 6000
donutlon. I bullt the lmmuculute repututlon und confldence umong club members, deullng
wlth slgnlflcunt funds eurmurked for reseurch, conferences und lnternul events.

1 19 99 96 6- -2 20 00 00 0 M Me em mb be er r o of f t th he e N Ne ew wc cu us st tl le e T Tl l g ge er rs s K Kl lc ck k- -B Bo ox xl ln ng g T Te eu um m

I wus one of the few women ln the club und the only one ln the offlclul clty teum. Among
others I eurned the followlng prlzes:
y 2
Prlze ln the Mldlunds Klck-Boxlng Contest (1998)
y 3
Prlze ln the Nutlonul Klck-Boxlng Chumplonshlps for Under-18s (l999)
Klckboxlng helped me to develop self-dlsclpllne und dlllgence. It requlred demundlng
trulnlng us well us couruge und stumlnu.

Reudlng books on behuvlorul psychology und soclology of work.

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