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O About the CHARACTERS : Match them up !

a- b- c-
d- e- f-
g- h- i-
j- k- l-
- What year does the action take place ?
- Where is the action set ?
- What year is the action set ?
- Where is the action mainly set?
Jason Tshabalala
Hendrick Booyens Captain Feyder
Linga Moonsamy
Franois Pienaar
Mr Pienaar

Mrs Pienaar

The Presidents head of personal
Presidential Guard
Mandelas Chief of Staff
The President of the Rugby Team
The Presidents number one
the Minister of Sport
Pienaars girlfriend
Mandelas personal secretary
Eunice, the Pienaars maid
O Reorder the key moments in a chronological order. Number
from 1 to 15 while watching the movie .
E At the seat of Power in Pretoria, people who worked for the De Klerk regime are
packing up,
in anticipation of being fired by the Mandela regime.
E During the rugby match at Loftus Versfeld , Mandela shakes hands down the line of
Springboks, then returns, shaking hands with the British Lions.
E Jason rushes to Mandelas Office after his meeting with 4 white Special Branch cops
E The Springboks lose the game against the British Lions
E A big, rich, powerhouse all-white high school located near the freeway into Cape
White boys in striped rugby jerseys train with total intensity under the critical eye of the
COACH. Right across THE BOUNDARY FENCE from the rugby fields is an area of
WASTE LAND. There, Black and colored boys of the same age play a loose game of soccer
with a tennis ball.
E Franois is invited to tea with the President.
E Newly elected President Mandela addresses whats left of the Union Building Staff.
White faces, bitter and resentful waiting to be fired by their new Black leader.
E Lead by police motorbikes, then patrol cars, a white Mercedes approaches, heading
towards Cape Town. Whoever is in the Mercedes has stopped traffic.
E Mandela addresses the UNITED NATIONS General Assembly, thanking them for
their support in the fight against apartheid.
E At the Union Building, President Nelson Mandela and his bodyguards, pass a worker
hanging a portrait of Mandela next to one of De Klerk, the previous President.
E Both Jason and Linga are concerned about their President being an easy target.
E Nelson Mandela decides to donate a third of his monthly income to charity.
E The President addresses the National Sports Council at Eersterust just outside
E Franois father expresses extreme cynicism about Mandela and the new South Africa.
He warns Franois about his future.
E A black boy from a Township is offered a durable and comfortable Springbok jersey at a
church clothing distribution. He declines the free gift.
OFill in the blanks. Try to remember the exact words or fill in with
words that make sense.
Coach and rugbier
Boy: Who is he?
Coach: Its the .. Mandela.
Remember this ..boys. This is the our
country went to the ..
We are shown a short, STOCK-FOOTAGE MONTAGE which spans the tumultuous
four years between NELSON MANDELAS release from prison and his
inauguration as President of
South Africa.
Announcer at press conference:
I am now in a position to announce that Mr Nelson Mandela will be
from Prison on Sunday the 11th of February at about 3 pm.
TV announcer:
Theres Mr Nelson Mandela! Mr Mandela a free man, taking his first ..
into a new South Africa.
This is the moment the has been waiting for and the top news
of the day in South Africa and around the world.
Describing-commenting on riots that are being shown:
The recent release of Nelson Mandela from prison has triggered a power
struggle between the ANC and their black rivals.
There are reports that the government has secretly been providing arms to
these groups contributing to the .. that has erupted
throughout the country.
South Africa appears to be on the verge of a civil war.
Mr Mandela has travelled to Durban in an effort to persuade 100.000 angry
young ANC supporters on the front line to make .
Mandelas speech to the crowd:
Take your knives and your . and your.. and your
anger and throw them into the sea.
TV announcer commenting on the elections:
After four years of talks the day black South Africans have been fighting for
has finally . . For the first time they are free to cast their
alongside whites. An estimated 23 million people went to the .
Having been elected, Mandela swears in as president in
front of the crowd:
I Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, do hereby swear to be .. to
the Republic of South Africa. Never, never and never again shall it be that this
beautiful land will again experience the ..of one by another
and . the indignity of being the talk of the

OFill in the blanks in the following key extracts from the movie.
and the following words, in Afrikaans:
Newly elected President Mandela addresses whats left of the
Union Building Staff.
Mandela : Id like you to out here.
Jason: Yes, but, Madiba
Mandela: I cannot to them hiding behind men with.. .
Mandela: Good. . How are you this morning?
- Fine.
- Its good to . you. Thank you for on such a
Some of you know who I am. I . not help
noticing the offices as I came to this
morning and all the packing .
Now ,of course, if you want to , that is
your. . And if you in your
.. that you.. work with your new
, it is better that you leave.
But if you are up because youthat
your or the of your
or who you for before disqualifies
you from here .
I am here to you have such .
What is verby is . The is
the. We to the
now. We your . We
your . If you would like to
you be doing your a
great . All I is that you work
to the of your and your
heart. I to do the
.If we manage that, our
will be a light in the
Jason rushes to Mandelas Office after his meeting with 4 white
Special Branch cops who have been ordered to the security office
by the President himself.
When he enters the presidents Office, Jason looks .
. .
According to Mandela, these 4 men ,who used to. de Klerk,
are. by SAS and have a lot of .. .
Mandela : Yes, you asked for more .. , didnt you ?
Jason: Yes, Sir I asked.
Mandela : When people .. me in .. , they see
my . . You .. me directly. The
.. .. starts here. .. starts
here !
Jason: Reconciliation ?
Mandela: Yes, reconciliation, Jason.
Jason: .. President, not long these guys tried to
us. Maybe even these four guys in my office tried and often
.. .
Mandela: Yes, I know. .. starts here too. Forgiveness liberates the
.. . It removes .. . That is why it is such a
.. .. .
Please, Jason. .. !
The N S C
proposes a vote on the following motion:
That as a permanent .. of the .. era, the
.. , .. , and the name of the ..
be .. immediately and that all sports..
representing .. .. shall be known forthwith as the
.. .
.. , .. , comrades, I am here because I
. you have .. a decision with insufficient
.. or foresight .
I am .. of your earlier .. . I am aware that it was
.. .
Nonetheless, I believe we .. restore the .. .
Restore their .. , their .. and their colors,
.. . Let me .. you . . On
Robben .. , in Pollsmoor .. , all of my jailers were
all .. . For . years, I
.. them. l.. their ..
, .. their .. , their .. . I had to
know my .. before I .. prevail
.. him. And we did .. , did we
.. ? All of us here ... we prevailed. Our .. is no
.. the Afrikaner. They are our fellow
South .. , our .. in .. . And
they treasure Springbok .. .
If we .. that away, we .. them. We
that we what they feared we ..
We .. to be .. than that. We have to
them with .. , with restraint,
and.. .
Yes, I .. . All the .. they .. us.
But this is time to celebrate petty .. .
This is the .. to.. our nation using every single
brick .. to us -- even if that.. comes wrapped in
.. and .. .
You .. me your .. .
.. me .. you .. .
.. is with me on this?
O About his overseas trip : Tick the places he visited on his
presidential trip.
E New York City E France E Australia E
London E Washington DC
O Main issues the new government will have to deal with :
E housing E crime Elove E education E jobs E
currency E food E public transport
O According to Nelson Mandela, the white minority still controls
the .... , the.... and the
..... He needs them to help the nation face the
other problems.

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