Primary Sources

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Primary Sources Das, Taraknath. JSTOR. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. <>.

This source was written by Taraknath Das who was a revolutionary author and strongly protested British rule in India. He specifically talks about how it is interesting that a non-violent revolution is taking place before his eyes. He mentions the Amritsar Massacre ans mentions how India's future looks under the leadership of Gandhi. The purpose of this source is to educate people and show opinions of the author. This source was valuable because it is in a away a short biography and news article. This source is limited because it does not talk about events before the Amritsar Massacre. Dyakov, A.M. "The Stage of the Indian Revolution." Revolutionary Democracy Journal. 30 Nov. 1999. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. <>. A.M. Dyakov is a Russian Author who argues that the British empire should keep control of India and that a significant change will not occur in the government system. The purpose of this source is to provide with the argument of the liberation of India. This source was valuable because it was well written and it also gave me a stand point of the British thinking about leaving India. It was limited because it did not have many quotes or excerpts. Ferguson, Niall. "Empire: The Rise and Demise of He British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power." Web. 20 Feb. 2012. < id=luSjXeSByHEC>. Niall Ferguson is a British historian. His specialty is financial and economic history. He focuses on England's economic growth during

the time of colonialism in this book. This was one of my most important sources because it helped me learn why the British wanted to keep India. I learned a lot from this book. The purpose of this book was to educate people about England's rise and demise economically during Colonialism. He talks about India and how India was beneficial to the British government. This source was not limited because it had a variety of different opinions. Gandhi, Mahatma. "Biography of Mahatma Gandhi." Gandhi Website. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. <>. This was the Biography of Mahatma Gandhi. This was not translated into English and was kept in Hindi. This source was valuable because it helped me learn more about Gandhi himself and helped me learn about the Indian Revolution. The purpose of this source was to educate the people about Gandhi's life. This source was limited because it did not include much about the cooperation with the Muslim league. Marx, Karl. "The British Rule in India." By Karl Marx. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. <>. This is the writing of Karl Marx as he describes how the British have changed India. The purpose of this source is to show the reader how the British are controlling India. Even though it was written in 1853 it gave me a good overview for my background. It was limited because it did not have opinions of other people. Marx, Karl. "The Future Results of British Rule in India." Karl Marx. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. <>. This is also the writing of Karl Marx. In this article he writes about the Future Results of British India. He says that economically it is good. This source was valuable

because it gave me the ideas that people were having when they were thinking about British India. This source does not include any quotes but is still good because of the prediction Karl Marx makes. Murphy, Stephen. "Writings Online - Gandhi's Philosophy." GandhiServe Foundation. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. < l>. The author of this article is Stephen Murphy who is a philosopher and he talks about Gandhi's "Way to Truth" or "Stayagraha" in Sanskrit. The source talks about Gandhi's philosophies changing the course of India. It also states how Gandhi's ideas helped with the Revolt against the British. This source was valuable because it gave me a different perspective in Gandhi's life. It is limited because it does not talk about anything else. O'Meara, William. "THE WAY TO PEACE: Gandhi's Nonviolent Revolution by Sanderson Beck." James Madison University. James Madison University. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. <>. William O'Meara is a Professor of Philosophy and Religion at the James Madison University. In this he talks about his own opinions of Gandhi's philosophies and what non-violence means to him. He also adds a biography about Mahatma Gandhi and how his experiences in South Africa changed perspective of his life. This source was valuable because I saw the Authors opinion as well as quotes and writing from Mahatma Gandhi. The purpose of this source is to educate middle school student about Gandhi's philosophies. The writing is easy to understand.

The source is not limited because there is a variety of facts and quotes that back up on the ideas. The Watson Institute for International Studies, comp. Indian Independence and the Question of Pakistan. Providence, RI: Choices Program, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, 2005. Print. This source was written by the Watson Institute at Brown University. This was the most important source that I used because it started at the beginning of the time when Mughal kings were ruling over India. In the very beginning it talks about the establishment if the East India Company. It later starts talking about India's Religions and about all the events that led up to Indian Independence. At the end it has excerpts from the cabinet mission and also Nehru's speech that he gave on India's Independence. It also talks about how Britain restricted powers of Indian's in the Government and gives opinions from the Congress, Muslim League and Unionist parties. The purpose of this source was to teach people about India and Pakistan. It was not limited because it had a variety of sources, quotes and excerpts. This was my most important source

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