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SS05-NUR-413 Issues in Professional Nursing Instructor Office Phone Office Address Phone Hours Office Hours E-mail Required

Text Cherry, B. & Jacob, S. R. (2005). Contemporary nursing: Issues, trends, and management. (3rd ed.). St.Louis: C.V. Mosby. Course Description NUR 413, Issues in Professional Nursing, is a 2 (2-0) credit course which occurs at the senior level of the undergraduate curriculum. The content is aimed at examining the past, current and future impact of selected themes related to health care in general, and nursing practice in particular at the local, national, and international levels. This course emphasizes the longitudinal nature of many contemporary issues and trends which have a direct impact on the development of nursing science, practice and education. On-line technology will be used to present NUR 413. A variety of teaching methods will be utilized within this format including seminar, group discussion, group and individual presentations and independent study. Students will be responsible for accessing recent professional literature. NUR 413 is a designated Tier II writing course in the nursing curriculum. Therefore, a variety of writing assignments will be required. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Identify the impact of health care system changes on society and nursing. 2. Describe the evolution of nursing as a profession. 3. Identify external forces which have an impact on nursing practice such as economics and governmental policy. 4. Identify nursings progress in achieving cultural diversity. 5. Identify nursings role in achieving health care needs within society. Louise C. Selanders, RN, EdD (517) 355-3804 A202 Life Sciences, MSU By Appointment By Appointment

Tentative Schedule Schedule for Spring Semester, 2005 Note Items which are starred (*) are student led. Week #1 Jan 12 Course Overview and individual introductions Week #2 Jan 19 Issues and trends in nursing C & J ch 5 Week #3 Jan 26 Issues of Government Policy and Regulation Regulation of nursing practice Process of government policy development C & J ch 10 Week #4 FEB 2 Group discussion of analyzed bills Analyzed bills due Week #5 Feb 9 Managed Care as a System: C & J ch 7 Midterm Examination distributed Week #6 Feb 16 Managed Care as a System: Government regulation through third party payers The Insurance Industry C & J ch 19 Week #7 Feb 23 Group discussion of definitions of nursing Week #8 Mar 2 Note: This folder will open February 2, 2005! MIDTERM SYNTHESIS EXAM

All previous material Week #9 No Class Week of March 9 - Spring Break! Mar 16 Professional Development Issues Issues and trends in nursing education C & J ch 4 Week #10 Mar 23 The Image of Nursing Group discussion of collective bargaining Professional Organizations C & J ch 2, 13 Week #11 Mar 30 Magnet Hospitals The Nursing Shortage Week# 12 Apr 6 * Legal Issues in nursing: Malpractice, Negligence Personal and Professional liability C & J ch 8 Final Examination Distributed Week #13 Apr 17 * Alternative/complimentary therapies in nursing practice C & J ch 15 Week #14 Apr 24 * Issues of bioterrorism: Smallpox, anthrax and plague Week #15 Apr 27 FINAL EXAMINATION DUE BY 5 P.M.

Course Requirements The course grade for NUR 413 following components: Annotated bibliographies Quizzes and journals Midterm synthesis exam Final synthesis exam Group Government bill analysis TOTAL 100 % Grading Policy The following scale will be used to convert percentage of points to a grade point allocation: Percent Grade Point 94-100 4.0 89- 93 3.5 84- 88 3.0 79- 83 2.5 75- 71 2.0 70- 74 1.5 65- 69 1.0 0 - 62 0.0 Attendance Policy It is expected that each student will access the web site at least weekly.Participation in postings, group projects and chat rooms is required. In the case of illness resulting in missed due dates, a heatlh care providers statement may be required at the discretion of the instructor. It is expected that examinations and other assignments will be complete on the designated dates unless prior arrangements have been made with a course instructor. The student is expected to contact the instructor through e-mail. Academic Integrity will be determined based on the 10% 10% 25% 25% 20% 10%

Academic integrity is an expectation of all courses in the COllege of Nursing. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. If any such practices are suspected in any form, the student will be reported to the appropriate authorities for disciplinary action. A course grade of 0.0 may be issued and the student may be asked to withdraw immediately from the course.

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