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BTS(C) IV - 10 014 E

B. Tech Degree IV Semester Examination, April 2010

Time : 3 Hours PART- A (Answer ALL questions) EE 404 LINEAR SYSTEM ANALYSIS (2006 Scheme) Maximum Marks : 100


(a) (b)

(8 x 5 = 40) Compare between open loop and closed loop control systems with suitable examples. Find the transfer function of the following network.


_L_ coo)

etc f)

Derive the mathematical model of a thermal system. Write the differential equation relating position x (0 and force f shown below.

(t) of the system


x.11.) B


Obtain the unit impulse response and unit step response of a unity feed back system , 2s + 1 2 . where open loop transfer function is G (s) Explain the steady state error constants Kp, Kv and Ka . Explain Liapunov's stability criterion applied to linear systems. Explain the following terms. State variables (ii) State CO State space. (iv) State vector (iii) PART B


(4 x 15 = 60)


Using block diagram reduction technique fmd CO/

R (s).

(15) OR (Turn Over)

2 Find the TF of the system shown below using Maron's gain formula.

(15) IV. The solenoid shown in the figure produces a magnetic force f proportional to the current i in the coil f = Ki i . The coil has resistance R and inductance L . Write the differential equations. Determine the TF
1r X2

__t_pc 2_


(15) V. OR Write the differential equations governing the mechanical system in the figure. Draw the force voltage and force current analogous circuits.

(15) Measurements conducted on a servomechanism show the response to be (C)=1+ 0.2e 601 - 1.2 e -11 when subjected to a unit step input. (ii) Obtain the expressions for the closed loop transfer function. Determine the values of TV, and 4- . (15)

OR Derive the expressions for peak overshoot Mp , peak time, rise time and settling time of the time response of a second order underdamped system. VIII. Obtain the time response of the following system.
_ 2 _



0 1 14

2 3


where u is the unit step occurring at t = 0 and xi and x2 are state variables. OR The open loop TF of a unity feedback control system is given by


G (s)

(s +2)(s + 4)(s 2 + 6s + 25)


By applying Routh's Hurwitz criterion discuss

stability. Estimating the values of K which will cause sustained oscillations in the closed loop system. Find the corresponding oscillation frequencies.

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