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Suggested Solution to the MIS Paper

Q-2:(a) In an expert system state the user interaction with the system. (b)Describe the justification facilities that should be available in the expert system Q-3: A database has types link and object. What might be found in these fields? Q-4: What is a sequence diagram? Enlist its main elements. Q-5: What is Human Resource Information system? Write its functions & activities. Q-6: Describe Accounting Information System and enlist its main tasks. Q-7: Explain the IRIS Model.

Answer #2:
(a)The user interface enables the manager to enter instructions and information into the expert system and to receive information from it. The instructions specify the parameters that guide the expert system through its reasoning process. The information is in the form of values assigned to certain variables. Expert System Inputs The most popular interface today is the graphical user interface, which features a Windows look. Some systems employ custom interface tailored to the problem being solved. For example, the screen might display a drawing of a mechanical assembly. Experts System Outputs Expert systems are designed to recommend solutions. These solutions are supplemented by explanations. There are two types of explanations: 1. Explanation of questions. The manager may desire explanations while the expert system performs its reasoning. Perhaps the expert system will prompt the manager to enter some information. The manager asks why the information is needed, and the expert system provides an explanation.

Muhammad SulemanMCS, UAF (2009-2012)

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Suggested Solution to the MIS Paper

2. Explanation of problem solution. After the expert system provides a problem solution, the manager can ask for an explanation of how it was reached. The expert system will display each of the reasoning steps leading to the solution. Although the inner workings of the expert system can be complex, the user interface is user-friendly. A manager accustomed to interacting with a computer should have no difficulty using an expert system.

Answer # 2 (b)
Two such justification facilities that would be available to the expert system are: How: explains how a conclusion was reached Why: explains why a certain question was asked

Answer # 3
In the field of type links following things can be found: URL, web address or hyperlink.

Answer # 4
A sequence diagram is a dynamic model of use-case diagram that shows the timing of transactions between objects as they occur. A system analyst might use a sequence diagram to show all possible outcomes, or focus on a single scenario. It includes symbols that represent classes, lifelines, messages, and focuses. Classes: A class is identified by a rectangle with the name inside. Classes that send or receive messages are shown at the top of the sequence diagram. LIFELINES: A lifeline is identified by a dashed line. The lifeline represents the time during which the object above it is able to interact with the other objects in the use case. An X marks the end of the lifeline. MESSAGES: A message is identified by a line showing direction that runs between two objects. The label shows the name of the message and can include additional information about the contents. FOCUSES: A focus is identified by a narrow vertical shape that covers the life line. The focus indicates when an object sends or receives message.

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Suggested Solution to the MIS Paper


Lifeline Message 1 Focus Message 2

Answer #5
HRIS: A system for gathering and maintaining the data about the human resources, transforming the data into information and then reporting the information to users is called Human Resource Information System. Functions and activities: Recruiting and hiring.HR helps bring new employees into the firm by running help-wanted ads in newspapers, providing position requests to both government and private agencies, holding screening interviews on college campuses and at the firms facilities and administering employment tests. Education and Training. During a persons period of employment, HR can administer educational and training programs that are required to cultivate the employees job-related knowledge and skills. For example, members of the HR staff can assist system-analysts in training users during implementation phase of the SLC. Data Management.HR maintains a database of employee-related data and processes that data to meet users information needs. Page 3

Muhammad SulemanMCS, UAF (2009-2012)

Suggested Solution to the MIS Paper

Termination and benefit Administration. During the time that people are employed by the firm, they receive a package of such benefits as hospitalization, dental insurance, and profit-sharing. When employees terminate their employment, HR processes the necessary paperwork and often conducts exit interviews. One purpose of the interviews is to learn how the firm can better serve its employees in the future. After termination, HR administers the firms retirement program to former employees who are eligible.

As the employees work for the firm, they are not managed by HR but by the managers of the areas where they work. HR therefore performs a support function, facilitating the flow of the personnel resource through the firm.

Answer # 6
The information system that gathers data describing the firms activities, transforms the data into information and makes the information available to the users, both inside and outside the firm is called AIS. Main tasks of AIS: Data Gathering. The data processing system gathers the data that describe each of the firms internal actions and its environmental actions. Source documents for such data gathering include, for example, Sale-Invoice. Data Manipulation. It is necessary to manipulate data to transform it into information. Data manipulation operations include: o Classifying. Certain data elements in the records are used as codes. In the computer field a code is one or more characters that are used to identify and group records. For example, payroll record includes codes that identify the employee s payroll classification (payrollclass). o Sorting.The records are arranged in certain sequences based on the codes or other data elements. For example, the file of payroll records is arranged so that all of the records for each employee are together. o Calculating.Arithmatic and logical operations are performed on the data elements to produce additional data elements. In a payroll system, for example, the hourly rate is multiplied by the hours worked to produce gross earnings. o Summarizing .The large amount of data makes it necessary to synthesize it, or boil it down into the form of totals, subtotals, averages and so on. Data Storage.In a small firm there can be hundreds of transactions and actions each day; in a large firm there are thousands. Each transaction is described by several data elements. All of this data must be kept somewhere until it is needed, and that is the purpose of data storage. Document Preparation.The AIS produces outputs for individuals and organizations both inside and outside the firm. The outputs are caused either: o By an action. Outputs are produced when something happens. An example is the bill that is prepared each time a customer order is filled. Page 4

Muhammad SulemanMCS, UAF (2009-2012)

Suggested Solution to the MIS Paper

o By a time schedule.Outputs are produced at a particular time. An example is a payroll check that is prepared each Friday.

Answer # 7
Information resources information system (IRIS) is the system that provides information concerning the firms information resources to users throughout the firm. Information Resources include H/W, S/W, Information Specialist, Users, Facilities, Database and Information. Following is the model of IRIS.

Output Subsystems

Inputs Subsystems

Hardware subsystem

Accounting Information System Internal Resources Info.resource research subsystem

Software Subsystem


Human resources subsystem


Environmental Resources Info.resource intelligence subsystem Data and information subsystem

Integrated resource subsystem

A Model of IRIS
Input Subsytems: Accounting Information System.The AIS gathers internal data describing the information services unit and envorimental data describing the units transactions with its suppliers. The
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Suggested Solution to the MIS Paper

suppliers include hardware vendors who provide hardware; software vendors who provide software; colleges, universities, employment agencies and the global community, all of which provide human resources; and commercial database vendors, who provide data and information. Information Resources Research subsystem.Its the name for activities that consist of special research projects inside the firm, which in turn determine user needs and user satisfaction. Information services seldom. Information resources Intelligence subsystems.Its functions involved in gathering information from elements in the firms environment.Those elements include Government, Suppliers, Labor Unions, the Global Community, Customers and Competitors. Output Subsystems: Hardware Subsystems. The hardware subsystem prepares information outputs describing the hardware resources. The software used in this subsystem can take the form of query languages, report writers, and mathematical models. Software Subsystems. The software subsystem prepares information outputs describing the software resources. The software system can maintain a record of who has what software, the versions and so on. Information outputs from this subsystem are primarily in the form of responses to database queries and periodic reports. Human Resources Subsystems. It provides information concerning the firms information specialists. A record is maintained in the database for each specialist with their technical knowledge, skills, mastery of tools, work experiences and job preferences. Data and Information subsystem. Its outputs consists primarily of responses to database queries and periodic reports. The database administrator, for example, can obtain a report that shows who is accessing the database, from where and at what times. Integrated Resource Subsystem. It integrates information describing hardware, software, human resources, and data & information resources. An example that includes all these resources is a contingency plan. Such a plan describes how the safety of information specialists can be assured in the event of disaster, how to obtain access to compatible hardware at another location and how to secure software.

IRIS Users:

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Suggested Solution to the MIS Paper

Most of the users of the IRIS ouputs are the CIO and other information services managers. However,since information resources can be located in user areas, the managers of those areas are also included among the users.

(Note: Ask your queries at facebook: Muhammad Suleman)

Muhammad SulemanMCS, UAF (2009-2012)

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