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Celebrating Community Partnerships!

A Networking Event

SAVE the DATE! Thursday, February 23rd 5:30pm Arts at Marks Garage
Join the Rotary Club of East Honolulu for a

Vocational Networking Event

Connect with like minded professionals, businesses & organizations and expand your social network.
The Rotary Club of East Honolulu meets at the Waialae Country Club every Monday at noon. It's membership is made up of 51 business professionals that represent vocations ranging from the banking industry to the arts. See

What are Community Partners?

Rotary Clubs must partner with many businesses, organizations and individuals in the community to get the job done!

Some of these partners are the members of Rotary, others are our "Partners" in the community who have a a few of the clubs service and youth heart for reaching out, creating bonds and being of service within the community. involvement projects below.

What is Rotary?
Rotary is a worldwide organization, it's mission is to provide humanitarian services to local communities and to the world. The Rotary Club of Honolulu Pau Hana is made up of 33 members and meets downtown Visit Rotary in Hawaii at 5:30pm, every Wednesday at the Dragon upstairs at 1038 Nuuanu Ave, (just above Hanks Cafe) The Pau Hana Club is a Co-Sponsor of the UH Rotaract Club. The clubs are made up of members that stand behind high ethical standards in every vocation.

Just a few Rotary Club of East Honolulu Community / International Service Projects
Keiki Vision- Vision testing for elementary school in East Honolulu Dictionaries to 3rd graders in East Honolulu Palolo Elementary Schools "Sustainable Gardens" School Supply Drive Support Veterans in need Adult Literacy Water filtration systems, books & ESL in remote areas of Thailand

Event Sponsors

Playbuilders is a roving, multiethnic ensemble of experienced theatre makers who help Hawaii's communities explore their identity, history, peoples and cultures

history, peoples and cultures through theater. PlayBuilders

Thailand Cataract Surgeries in Indonesia

Youth Services
Sponsors of Chaminade Rotoract Rotoract is a service, leadership and community service organisation for young men and women usually at the university level. Rotaract focuses on the development of young adults as leaders in their communities and workplaces...
link to what is Rotoract

....... Marks is a community project that demonstrates culture and the arts are economically viable and are essential to the vitality and quality of life in the community. The ARTS at MARKS Garage

Sponsors of Kalani High School Interact InterAct is Rotary for youth ages 14-17. It is a community based program allowing youth to get involved in humanitarian projects... link to what is Interact Sponsors of Rotary Youth Exchange Program Rotary Youth Exchange Students have the opportunity to live in another country for up to a year. They learn about the culture and language....they help bring the world closer - and make some good friends in the process.
link to Rotary Youth Exchange

RSVP to: Faye Ross phone: 306-9308 or by email:

Our mission is to promote greater visibility and public awareness of women works in film, video, television, and related media arts Hawaii Women in Film Making

Hawai'i Craftsmen celebrates fine craft as a vital and enriching part of contemporary life... increasing public awareness and appreciation of fine craft Hawaii Craftsmen

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