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Analysis of quality management practices in small engineering firms in Bangalore city

I.GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the Industrial unit/firm .

Address . . . Telephone No . Fax . Email .

2. Name of the Proprietor/Manager 3. Name of the Founder 4. Level of Education Technical Non Technical Post Graduation Graduation Under Graduate Diploma ITI Others 5. Name of the person interviewed Position Education

. .

Specify: .. .. ..

Analysis of quality management practices in small engineering firms in Bangalore city

6. Cost of the Project (current value of the plant and machinery) 1 to 10 Lakhs s 11 to 25 Lakhs 26 to 50 Lakhs 51 Lakhs to 1 Crore 7. Year of Establishment

8. Average Number of Employees working in the plant Less than 10 11 to 25 26 to 50 51 to 100 Others Specify:

9. Nature of activities in your firm Productions Job Works Export oriented unit Others Specify:

Analysis of quality management practices in small engineering firms in Bangalore city

Scale : [5]very high [4] high

I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Extent to which the company performance

[3] medium [2] low

[1] very low

5 4 3 2 1

MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT AND LEADERSHIP executive assumes responsibility for quality

Degree of participation by top management in the quality improvement process Amount of review of quality issues in the top management meetings Senior management is involved in all activities toward quality Excellence Extent to which top management participate in giving training in TQM How do you rate your ability to build trust among people How do you rate your ability to monitor and handle mistakes How do you rate your active involvement with other people

5 4 3 2 1 II 9 10 11 12 13 14 EDUCATION AND TRAINING Quality related training company/division is given to hourly employees throughout The

Availability of resources for employee training in the company/division Training in the basic statistical techniques(such as histogram and control charts) is provided in the company/division as a whole Training in advanced statistical techniques to those who require it(such as design of experiment etc) is provided in the company/division Effectiveness of employee involvement programs in the company/division Training in specific work skills(technical and vocational) is given To hourly employees

Analysis of quality management practices in small engineering firms in Bangalore city

5 4 3 2 1 III EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION 15 16 17 18 The agreements about improvement activities for the individual employees are made Employees participate in pre-job meetings in order to improve the planning of job beforehand Employees participate in post-job meetings in order to evaluate the way the job was performed The individual employees participate in the evaluation and improvement of important value adding department boundaries 19 The top management belive the union s participation in quality improvement is important process (eg., production, marketing etc.) across

5 4 3 2 1 IV 20 21 22 23 24 25 QUALITY ASSURANCE New products/service design is reviewed before the product/service is produced The implementation/producibility is considered in the product/service design process T he acceptance sampling is used to accept/reject lots or batches of work Amount of inspection, review, or checking for in-process quality Amount of inspection, review, or checking for final quality Extent to which process design minimizes the chances of employee mistakes

4 3 2

Analysis of quality management practices in small engineering firms in Bangalore city V 26 27 28 29 30 STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Extent to which quality management is considered in the company /division Extent to which quality management is considered in the operation plan(1-2 years) Customer satisfaction is considered in the company/division strategic plan The top management supports long term quality improvement process The TQM principles are used in the formulation, reviewing, and implementation of Strategy

5 VI 31 32 33 34 35 CUSTOMER FOCUS AND SATISFACTION Extent to which your companys goals exceeds customers expectations Extent to which employees know which attributes of the products or services your companies customer value most Extent to which information from customer is used in designing companies products and services Extent to which your company/division asks customer to give feedback about companies performance Extent to which the customer complaints are resolved

4 3 2

Analysis of quality management practices in small engineering firms in Bangalore city

5 VII TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMNT(TQM) 36 37 38 Extent to which scrap levels have been reduced by TQM Extent to which customer complaints have been reduced by TQM Extent to which market share of your company has been increased through TQM

4 3 2


Extent to which productivity of your company/division has been increased by TQM


Extent to which TQM has contributed to improve your companys performance both internal and external

5 VIII 41 42 43 44 45 BENCHMARKING Processes have been documented with measures to understand performance. Employees understanding about the processes that are related to their own work. Direct customer interactions, feedback or studies about customers influence Decisions about products/services. Extent to which the senior executives sponsor and actively support quality improvement projects Commitment to change is articulated in the strategic plans

4 3

IX QUALITY CONTROL 46 47 The quality control manuals and practices used for the organization operation The organization believe that to increase productivity, compromise in quality

5 4

Analysis of quality management practices in small engineering firms in Bangalore city 48 Extent to which the firms quality control policies and procedures communicated to partners and staff 49 50 Extent to which the organization uses the quality improvement system Extent to which the organization has perception of quality on customer satisfaction and minimization of cost

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Analysis of quality management practices in small engineering firms in Bangalore city

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