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A/L 2011 Practice Questions Chaminda Thilakaathna MULTIPLE CHOICE.

Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) The first large-scale electronic computer was named the: A) DEC. B) PC. C) Sperry Rand Univac. D) ENIAC. 2) The third generation of computers incorporated all of the following technologies, except: A) semiconductor memories. B) magnetic core memories. C) operating system. D) integrated circuits. 3) The major technological breakthrough leading to the introduction of microcomputers was the development of: A) VLSI circuits. B) semiconductor memories. C) LSI circuits. D) microprocessors. 4) Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) and Hewlett-Packard are firms often associated with the introduction of computers aimed at smaller businesses and scientific applications. This type of computer is known as a: A) mainframe. B) PDA. C) minicomputer. D) microcomputer. 5) All of the following refer to the same type of computer, except: A) microcomputer. B) minicomputer. C) PC. D) personal computer. 6) Today, the overwhelming world leader in microprocessor sales is: A) Sun Microsystems. B) Intel. C) IBM. D) AMD. 7) Which of the following two building blocks of a computer comprise the central processing unit (CPU)? A) Control unit and arithmetic/logical unit B) Memory and arithmetic/logical unit C) Memory and files D) Control unit and files 8) All microcomputers are made up of the same basic components, some of which include: A) input, memory, and DASD controller. B) output, memory, and arithmetic/logical unit. C) communication bus, memory, and modem. D) bytes, input, and output. 9) Which of the following is not an example of a computer output device? A) Printer B) Voice response unit C) Imaging D) COM recorder 10) Which method of input can recognize characters from typed, printed, or handwritten material? A) OCR B) COM C) MICR D) UPC











11) In computer memory, a cell that can store two or more characters of data is called a: A) partition. B) byte. C) word. D) bit. 12) Which of the following is an example of a common bit coding scheme used today? A) ASCII B) VLSI C) COM D) DASD 13) The ________ performs basic operations on numbers (e.g., addition, subtraction, and equality comparisons)? A) arithmetic/logic unit B) control unit C) cache memory D) RAID 14) Which of the following is not an advantage of secondary storage devices compared to main memory? A) Nonvolatility B) Fast speed C) Low cost D) High capacity 15) On which type of media are sequential access files typically stored? A) REV drive B) Magnetic tape drive C) Flash drive D) Floppy disk drive 16) DASD refers to: A) delayed access sequential device. C) digital-analog signal distortion.






B) direct access storage device. D) direct analysis system development.


17) Which of the following applications is most likely to use sequential access files? A) An online transaction processing system B) A web browser C) A payroll batch processing application D) An airline reservation system 18) One example of optical media that can be recorded and erased repeatedly is a: A) DVD-R. B) CD-RW. C) CD-ROM. D) DVD+R. 19) A list of operations to be performed by the control unit is called: A) data. B) memory. C) a control list.



D) a program.


20) The process of entering a computer program into the memory of a computer is called ________ the program. A) loading B) processing C) inputting D) reading 21) Machine language is the form of a computer program that the control unit of the computer has been built to understand. A machine language instruction consists of which of the following two major components? A) RISC and data channel B) Operation code and address(es) C) Sequential and direct access files D) Bits and bytes 22) Each individual step or operation in a program is called a(n): A) program step. B) instruction. C) bit.



D) word.


23) Evaluating how well various machines will handle an organization's workload by running a representative set of real jobs on the machines is called: A) caching. B) benchmarking. C) testing. D) compiling.


24) ________ is a commonly used rating of a computer's speed that is based on the rate at which floating point operations are executed. A) MFLOPS B) MPP C) CPU D) MIPS 25) The very high-speed, high-cost memory that is used as an intermediary between the control unit and main memory is called the: A) secondary memory. B) DASDs. C) CPU. D) cache memory. 26) A multiprocessor configuration (multiple CPUs installed as part of a single computer system) in which each processor operates independently of the others, each working on a separate program, is called a: A) multiprogrammer. B) vector facility. C) parallel processor. D) symmetric multiprocessor. 27) The success of cache memory depends upon two characteristics of the data to be used in the CPU, namely: A) bits and bytes. B) locality of reference and data reuse. C) baud and bandwidth. D) digital and analog. 28) A ________ system has two complete processors that are manufactured as part of a single chip. A) dual-processor B) dual-control C) binary-processor D) dual-core 29) Which type of computer systems are often used for departmental computing, specific applications such as CAD, or servers in a client/server architecture? A) Microcomputers B) Workstation/midrange systems C) Supercomputers D) Mainframes 30) Which type of computer systems are often used for numerically intensive scientific calculations or act as extremely large Web servers? A) Supercomputers B) Workstation/midrange systems C) Mainframes D) Microcomputers 31) Laptops, handhelds, and tablet PCs are all examples of which type of computer system? A) Mainframes B) Workstation/midrange systems C) Microcomputers D) Supercomputers 32) Which of the following are described as the heart of the computing systems of most major corporations and government agencies and can handle a wide range of applications? A) Supercomputers B) Mainframes C) Microcomputers D) Workstation/midrange systems 33) The development of the ________ chip is largely responsible for the success of midrange systems because it can be built smaller and faster than the chips used in mainframe systems. A) DASD B) MIPS C) RISC D) SMP 34) What is the only microcomputer vendor that is not producing an IBM-compatible PC? A) Hewlett-Packard B) Dell C) Lenovo D) Apple 3












35) ________ servers are housed in a single chassis, as opposed to each having a separate tower, which saves space and improves system management. A) Blade B) Razor C) Mini D) Shared 36) Today Dell, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Sun Microsystems, and Fujitsu are the major players in the ________ market. A) pocket PC B) supercomputer C) mainframe D) workstation/midrange system 37) The smallest microcomputer which also has the ability to make phone calls is often called a: A) PDA. B) tablet PC. C) laptop. D) killer PDA. 38) Currently, what is the name of the fastest supercomputer in the world? A) Roadrunner B) Earth Simulator C) Life Simulator




D) Blue Gene/L


39) For a button to be clicked the: A) column coordinate of the mouse pointer must be inside the button B) row coordinate of the mouse pointer must be inside the button C) point of the arrow must be in the same location at the start and the end of the click D) all of the above 40) Examples of random access include all of the following except: A) getting to your car in the parking lot B) finding an article in a newspaper C) playing your favorite song on a CD D) finding a scene on a videotape 41) The basic storage unit of RAM is a ________ while the basic storage unit of a hard disk is a ________. A) byte, megabyte B) bit, byte C) megabyte, gigabyte D) byte, byte 42) Why is microprocessor an outdated term? A) today's microprocessors are more powerful than mainframe processors B) today's computers don't rely on processors C) computers are now more powerful and sophisticated D) none of the above 43) RAM is usually measured in: A) megabytes B) bytes 44) Hard disk space is generally measured in: A) megabytes B) bytes





C) gigabytes

D) terabytes


C) terabytes

D) gigabytes


45) The only way to retain information between sessions is to save the information to the: A) microchip B) hard disk C) RAM D) ROM 46) If hardware is inherent and software is learned, which of the following inherent-learned combinations does not fit? A) breathing-driving directions B) writing-yawning C) blinking-recipe D) flinch-test instructions



47) If there is nothing in RAM when you start the computer and you have to load software into RAM to use the computer, how do you get the computer to work? A) the directions to load software into RAM are stored in ROM B) you have to enter a command to get the process started C) not all of RAM is lost when the computer is shut down D) none of the above 48) Booting a computer means to: A) run a program from the hard disk C) start the computer


B) restart the computer after a crash D) none of the above


49) Which of the following is not a current term for the process a computer uses to carry out the instructions of a program? A) run B) interpret C) orders D) execute 50) In the story of the tortoise and the hare, the abstraction is: A) slow and steady wins the race B) speed is deceiving C) the hare D) the tortoise 51) Understanding how the pedals on your bike transfer power to the wheels: A) is an algorithm B) is a generalization C) makes you operationally attuned D) is an abstraction 52) Using ROY G BIV to remember, in order, the colors of the rainbow as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet is an example of a: A) generalization B) mnemonic C) algorithm D) abstraction 53) Monitors display the information stored in the computers memory; the term for this is: A) pixelated B) bit-mapped C) monolithic D) cathode 54) The refresh rate of a display is typically: A) 100 times per minute C) 30 times per second






B) 100 times per second D) 1 million times per hour


55) Integrated circuit (IC) technology is informally called: A) ROM B) RAM C) bit-maps

D) microchips


56) When a packet is sent from one computer to another, the transmission is called a: A) hop B) jump C) skip D) vault 57) A WAN is to TCP/IP as LAN is to: A) Ethernet B) packet 58) DSL stands for: A) direct service link C) dialup service link


C) channel



B) digital subscriber link D) digital subscriber line


59) A DHCP (Dynamic Host Computer Protocol): A) lets the computer select its own IP when it connects to the network B) makes sure a computer gets the same IP every time it connects to the network C) maintains a LAN's connection to the Internet D) assigns an IP address to the computer from a list of possible addresses 60) Which of the following represents the correct order, from largest to smallest? A) WWW, Internet, LAN B) LAN, WWW, Internet C) Internet, WWW, LAN D) Internet, LAN, WWW 61) is a: A) email address B) pathname 62) The very last part of a URL is usually a: A) domain B) path 63) Folders contain: A) folders C) both files and folders



C) domain

D) protocol


C) folder

D) file name


B) files D) neither files nor folders


64) When a URL ends in a folder name instead of a file name, the server usually looks for a file called: A) home B) dir.html C) index.html D) all of the above 65) In a directory hierarchy, folder names are separated by a: A) space B) dot (.) C) slash (/) 66) In a client/server structure, there: A) is a dedicated connection C) are transmissions to complete a request


D) backslash (\)


B) is a one-to-many connection D) is a broadcast connection


67) Communication between one sender and an entire population of receivers is called: A) multicast communication B) broadcast communication C) point-to-point communication D) client/server communication 68) Getting files from a Web server is called: A) client-based networking C) multicasting 69) A related group of networked computers forms a: A) server B) DNS 70) Which of the following lines is properly nested? A) <p><i><b>Happy New Year!</p></i></b> B) </p></b></i>Happy New Year!<p><b><i> C) <p><i><b>Happy New Year!</b></i></p> D) </p></b></i>>Happy New Year!<i><b><p>


B) uploading D) downloading


C) domain

D) broadband



71) The main content of a Web page belongs inside the: A) body tags C) html tags

B) title tags D) more than one of the above


72) Which of the following tags is not required on a Web page? A) <html> B) </hr> C) <head> 73) Attributes: A) go inside the lead tag C) can be used in any tag

D) <body>


B) must be nested D) all of the above


74) To draw a thick line all the way across a page, you'd write: A) <hr width = "100%" size = 8 /> B) <hr width = "400" size = 2 /> C) <hr width = "100" size = 2 /> D) All of the above 75) Which of the following will display the rocket.jpg file on the page? A) <img src = "rocket.jpg"> B) <img "rocket.jpg"> C) <img src rocket.jpg> D) <img src "rocket.jpg"> 76) When an image is inserted next to text in an HTML document, keep in mind generally: A) images are inserted in the text where specified by the HTML and the text is aligned with the bottom of the image B) text cannot be placed on the same line as the image C) images are in the text where specified by the HTML and the text is aligned with the right of the image D) the size of the text is automatically adjusted to fill the area beside the image 77) If I wanted the word "Stop!" in red on my Web page, I would have to: A) use the font tag with the color attribute B) use a red graphic that said "Stop!" and pick a different color for my text C) set my RGB specification to 0000FF D) make all the text on the page red 78) Full intensity of red, green, and blue will give you: A) black B) FFFFFF





C) white

D) both B and C


79) How many digits are there in a hexadecimal number? A) infinite B) 10 C) 16 80) The tag <body bgcolor = "#888888"> would give you the background color: A) white B) black C) gray 81) How many Web colors are possible using hexadecimal? A) 2563 B) 16,777,216 C) FF * FF * FF

D) 6


D) an error


81) D) all of the above 82)

82) To create a Web page with a list of HTML commands and their tags, it would be best to use: A) an ordered list B) a table C) a definitional list D) an unnumbered list

83) The XHTML tag for bold text is: A) <i></i> B) <b></b> 84) The Firefox browser is distributed by: A) W3 C) Apple

C) <bld></bld>

D) <bb></bb>


B) the Mozilla Foundation D) Microsoft


85) Computer experts call spaces that have been inserted for readability: A) embedded space B) blanks C) white space D) tags 86) Going down a hierarchy means: A) moving from a general topic to a specific topic B) > C) moving toward the branches D) all of the above 87) How many levels are there in Figure 5.3? A) 1 B) 2



C) 3

D) 73


88) The Web site for CNN ( organizes its information by: A) classifications B) single links C) topic clusters D) none of the above 89) A googol is: A) 10010 C) a search engine


B) 10100 D) none of the above


90) You can tell if your Web page is indexed if: A) it shows up in a search B) your links work C) you get an email from a search engine saying it's been crawled D) all of the above 91) A search engine consists partly of a: A) spider and a web C) query processor and a crawler


B) snoop and a bull's-eye D) link and a crawler


92) To find pages on the Wright brothers and bicycles, your best search would look like: A) "Wright" AND "bicycle" B) Wright bicycle C) "Wright AND bicycle" D) Wright OR bicycle 93) A search using the keyword AND requires: A) one of the words to be found on the page B) both words to be found together on the page C) both of the words to be found on the page D) none of the above



94) Searching for "baseball" AND ("stadiums" OR "parks") AND NOT "national parks?" would look for: A) baseball stadiums or baseball parks not national parks B) baseball or stadiums or parks not national parks C) baseball and stadiums and parks not national parks D) none of the above 95) A two-pass search is a type of: A) AND search C) NOT search


B) OR search D) none of the above


96) Online versions are not typically available for knowledge generated prior to: A) 1850 B) 1975 C) 1985

D) 1993


97) Suppose a collection has a million items divided into 10 (roughly) equal-size categories. How many items does choosing one category eliminate from consideration? A) 10,000 B) 500,000 C) 900,000 D) 999,000 98) The hierarchy at the website has: A) three roots C) two levels 99) In a search engine, the index is built by the: A) indexer C) linker 100) The crawler builds tokens by looking for: A) vowels C) commas and semicolons 101) The query processor processes an AND query by: A) using a GUI C) crawling 102) Logical operators can be combined using: A) square brackets B) plus and minus 103) The memory in the computer is most like: A) a stack of plates C) spokes on a wheel 104) Which of the following is not a binary system? A) traffic light B) a light 105) How many bits does each hex digit require? A) 2 C) 16


B) only one way to access information D) the shape of a diamond


B) crawler D) query processor


B) periods D) spaces


B) removing duplicates D) intersecting


C) curly brackets

D) parentheses


B) a row of cups D) a set of railroad tracks


C) free throw

D) test answer


B) 4 D) hex is not measured in bits


106) What does ASCII stand for? A) Aspiring Students Confused by Incoherent Incantations B) American Standard Code for Information Interchange C) All Standards Complete Initialization Interface D) Algorithmic Sequence of Computer Integrated Information 107) The Hawaiian alphabet has 18 symbols. How many bits are needed to represent just these symbols? A) 2 B) 4 C) 5 D) 16 108) The original version of ASCII used: A) 4-bit code B) 7-bit code



C) 8-bit code

D) 16-bit code


109) What is the difference between 0110 0001 and 0110 0001 in ASCII? A) the first is A, the second is a B) one is a standard letter, the other is a number C) one is 4-bit, the other is 8-bit D) one is standard ASCII, the other is extended ASCII 110) 0100 0001 0101 0011 0100 0011 0100 1001 0100 1001 in ASCII translates into: A) GLASS B) ABCDE C) BRASS




111) To avoid confusion and errors, NATO uses distinct words instead of letters in its broadcast alphabet. How do computers do the same thing? A) extended ASCII B) file backups C) 4-byte datapath D) parity bits 112) If the parity bit is set to 1, it means: A) there's been an error C) there is an even number of 1 bits 113) The PandA system: A) contains gray C) is binary


B) it is the last byte in a sequence D) there is an odd number of 1 bits


B) is formed from 256 letter representations D) has 10 digits


114) How many digits are there in the hexadecimal system? A) 2 B) 4 C) 10

D) 16


115) A device that acts as a connection point between computers and can filter and forward data to a specified destination is called a A) NIC. B) hub. C) router. D) switch. 116) The Internet is based on which three key technologies? A) TCP/IP, HTML, and HTTP B) TCP/IP, HTTP, and packet switching C) Client/server computing, packet switching, and HTTP D) Client/server computing, packet switching, and the development of communications standards for linking networks and computers




117) The method of slicing digital messages into parcels, transmitting them along different communication paths, and reassembling them at their destinations is called A) packet routing. B) multiplexing. C) packet switching. D) ATM. 118) The telephone system is an example of a ________ network. A) peer-to-peer B) packet-switched C) wireless D) circuit-switched 119) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of packet switching? A) Packet switching requires point-to-point circuits. B) Packets travel independently of each other. C) Packets include data for checking transmission errors. D) Packets are routed through many different paths. 120) In TCP/IP, IP is responsible for A) sequencing the transfer of packets. B) moving packets over the network. C) disassembling and reassembling of packets during transmission. D) establishing an Internet connection between two computers. 121) In a telecommunications network architecture, a protocol is A) a standard set of rules and procedures for control of communications in a network. B) the main computer in a telecommunications network. C) a communications service for microcomputer users. D) a device that handles the switching of voice and data in a local area network. 122) The four layers of the TCP/IP reference model are A) application layer, hardware layer, Internet layer, and the network interface layer. B) physical layer, application layer, Internet layer, and the network interface layer. C) application layer, transport layer, Internet layer, and the network interface layer. D) physical layer, application layer, transport layer, and the network interface layer. 123) Which signal types are represented by a continuous waveform? A) analog B) laser C) digital 124) To use an analog telephone system for sending digital data, you must us A) a modem. B) a router. C) twisted wire.







D) optical




125) Which type of network is used to connect digital devices within a half-mile or 500-meter radius? A) microwave B) MAN C) LAN D) WAN 126) Which type of network treats all processors equally, and allows peripheral devices to be shared without going to a separate server? A) ring B) wireless C) LAN D) peer-to-peer 127) Which type of network would be most appropriate for a business that comprised three employees and a manager located in the same office space, whose primary need is to share documents? A) peer-to-peer network B) campus area network C) wireless network in infrastructure mode D) domain-based LAN 11




128) In a bus network A) messages pass from computer to computer in a loop. B) multiple hubs are organized in a hierarchy. C) signals are broadcast in both directions to the entire network. D) signals are broadcast to the next station. 129) All network components connect to a single hub in a ________ network. A) peer-to-peer B) bus C) domain 130) The most common Ethernet topology is A) bus. B) mesh.


D) star


C) star.

D) ring.


131) A network that spans a city, and sometimes its major suburbs as well, is called a A) WAN. B) LAN. C) CAN. D) MAN. 132) A network that covers entire geographical regions is most commonly referred to as a(n): A) intranet. B) local area network. C) wide area network. D) peer-to-peer network. 133) ________ work(s) by using radio waves to communicate with radio antennas placed within adjacent geographic areas. A) Microwaves B) Cell phones C) WANs D) Satellites 134) Bandwidth is the A) total number of bytes that can be sent through a medium per second. B) number of frequencies that can be broadcast through a medium. C) difference between the highest and lowest frequencies that can be accommodated on a single channel. D) number of cycles per second that can be sent through a medium. 135) The total amount of digital information that can be transmitted through any telecommunications medium is measured in A) gigaflops. B) Hertz. C) baud. D) bps. 136) Digital subscriber lines A) are very-high-speed data lines typically leased from long-distance telephone companies. B) operate over existing telephone lines to carry voice, data, and video. C) operate over coaxial lines to deliver Internet access. D) have up to twenty-four 64-Kbps channels. 137) T lines A) operate over existing telephone lines to carry voice, data, and video. B) have up to twenty-four 64-Kbps channels. C) operate over coaxial lines to deliver Internet access. D) are very-high-speed data lines typically leased from long-distance telephone companies. 138) Which protocol is the Internet based on? A) FTP C) TCP/IP








B) packet-switching D) HTTP



139) What service converts IP addresses into more recognizable alphanumeric names? A) HTML B) HTTP C) IP D) DNS 140) The child domain of the root is the A) host name. C) domain extension.


B) second-level domain. D) top-level domain.


141) In the domain name "", what are the root, top-level, second-level, and third-level domains, respectively? A) "http://", com, blogging, myspace B) "http://", myspace, blogging, com C) ".", myspace, blogging, com D) ".", com, blogging, myspace 142) Which organization helps define the overall structure of the Internet? A) ICANN B) IAB C) None (no one "owns" the Internet) D) W3C 143) IPv6 is being developed in order to A) allow for different levels of service. B) support Internet2. C) update the packet transmission protocols for higher bandwidth. D) create more IP addresses. 144) Which of the following services enables logging on to one computer system and working on another? A) FTP B) Telnet C) LISTSERV D) World Wide Web 145) Instant messaging is a type of ________ service. A) chat B) wireless





C) cellular

D) Web


146) The need in some cases for employees to have access to sexually explicit material on the Internet, such as medical researchers, suggests that companies A) cannot restrict Internet use. B) may need to maintain a database of acceptable Web sites. C) need to base their Internet use policies on the needs of the organization and culture. D) need specialized software to determine which types of material are acceptable. 147) ________ integrate(s) disparate channels for voice communications, data communications, instant messaging, e-mail, and electronic conferencing into a single experience. A) Unified communications B) Virtual private networks C) Wireless networks D) Intranets 148) A VPN A) is more expensive than a dedicated network. B) is an encrypted private network configured within a public network. C) is an Internet-based service for delivering voice communications. D) provides secure, encrypted communications using Telnet. 149) Web browser software requests Web pages from the Internet using which protocol? A) HTML B) URL C) DNS D) HTTP 13





150) Together, a protocol prefix, a domain name, a directory path, and a document name, are called a(n) A) uniform resource locator. B) third level domain. C) root domain. D) unified resource locator. 151) Which of the following is not true about a relation? A) A relation may have duplicate column names. B) The order of the rows of a relation is insignificant. C) The cells of a relation must hold a single value. D) A relation is a two-dimensional table. E) A relation may not have duplicate rows. 152) Which of the following is true about a relation? A) All entries in any column must be of the same kind. B) A relation may have duplicate rows. C) A relation may have multiple names. D) A relation may have duplicate column names. E) The order of the columns in a relation must go from largest to smallest. 153) Which of the following terms is synonymous with "tuple"? A) Attribute B) Table C) Relation 154) Which of the following terms is synonymous with "relation"? A) Attribute B) Record C) Row 155) Which of the following is true about a key? A) It may be unique. B) It may identify more than one row. C) It may be non-unique. D) Both A and B E) All of the above 156) A key that contains more than one attribute is called a(n): A) multi-key. B) n-key. C) composite key. D) complex key. E) candidate key. 157) A primary key is: A) required to be unique. B) a candidate key. C) used to identify unique rows. D) used to represent rows in relationships. E) All of the above




D) Field

E) Row


D) Table

E) Tuple






158) A candidate key is: A) a candidate to be the primary key. B) used to represent rows in relationships. C) required to be unique. D) Both A and B E) Both A and C 159) When the primary key of one relation is placed into a second relation, it is called a: A) relocated key. B) field key. C) referential integrity. D) candidate key. E) foreign key. 160) STUDENT (SID, StudentName, Major, AdvisorID)
ADVISOR (AdvisorID, AdvisorName, Office, Phone) Given the relations above, such that each student is assigned to one advisor, which of the following is true? A) AdvisorName is a determinant. B) Major is a candidate key. C) SID is both a primary key and a foreign key. D) Phone is a candidate key. E) AdvisorID is a foreign key.





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