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Open Source Test Automation Framework for SAP QTP

Version 1.0
June 2009

DISCLAIMER Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article are permitted worldwide, without royalty, in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

Table of Contents

1.1. 1.2.

DOCUMENT ........................................ 4

Scope ............................................................ 4 Overview ......................................................... 4

2. 3.

FRAMEWORK CODE STRUCTURE ....................................... 5 DRIVER FUNCTIONS .............................................. 6

3.1. 3.2. Keyword Driver Function .......................................... 6 Main Function .................................................... 6


ACTION FUNCTIONS .............................................. 8

4.1. 4.2. 4.3. Perform Function ................................................. 8 Store Function .................................................. 14 Check Function .................................................. 15


5.1. 5.2.

................................... 18

Function for setting the context: ............................... 18 Function for setting the object: ................................ 19


6.1. 6.2.

ERROR HANDLING FUNCTIONS ........................... 22

Reporting Function: ............................................. 22 Error-handling Function: ........................................ 23



7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4.

REGULAR EXPRESSION FUNCTIONS .......................... 24

Function for string operations: ................................. 24 Function for Regular Expression Test: ........................... 25 Function for Regular Expression Match: .......................... 25 Function for Regular Expression Replace: ........................ 26

8. 9.

TABLE OPERATION FUNCTIONS ..................................... 27

8.1. Function for Table Search: ...................................... 27

COMMON FUNCTIONS ............................................. 29

9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 9.7. Function for Retrieving Variables: .............................. 29 Function for Press Key Operations: .............................. 29 Function for Arithmetic Operations: ............................. 30 Function for Querying Database: ................................. 31 Function for Converting Data Types: ............................. 32 Function for Importing Keyword Script from Excel Sheet .......... 33 Function for FSO Operations ..................................... 33

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Table of Contents
9.8. 9.9. Function for Folder Operations .................................. 34 Function for File Operations .................................... 35

9.10. Function for Exporting XMLs ..................................... 36 9.11. Function for Deleting XMLs ...................................... 37

10. REUSABLE FUNCTIONS ........................................... 38

10.1. Function for Calling Reusable Actions ........................... 38



LOOPING FUNCTIONS ................................. 39

11.1. Condition function .............................................. 39 11.2. Loop Function ................................................... 40

12. DEBUG FUNCTIONS ............................................. 41

12.1. Function for Debugging: ......................................... 41

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Open Source Test Automation Framework for SAP - QTP


Purpose of the Document

The purpose of this document is to Automation Framework code in detail. describe Open Source Test


The scope of this document is to provide details about Open Source Test Automation Framework code.


This document provides details about: Framework Architecture Driver Function Action Functions Reusable Functions Common Functions User-defined Functions

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Framework Code Structure

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Driver Functions
Keyword Driver Function
Name of the function: Keyword_Driver () Description: This function is used to call the main framework. Parameters: NA Assumptions: The automation script is present in the global sheet of HP QuickTest Professional (QTP). Variables: a) intRowCount - This variable is used as a counter to loop through all the data table rows. b) intDataCounter This variable is used to store the iteration count for looping. c) intSheet This variable is used to check whether the keyword script is present in the global sheet. Functionality: The Driver function reads the values in the first column of the global sheet. Whenever the (Keyword_SAP). value is r, it calls the main function

When r is not present in the first column, it will skip the row and read the value in the next row. If the global sheet is empty then it reports fail, stating Script is not present in the global sheet.


Main Function
Name of the function: Keyword_SAP () Description: This is the main function, which interprets the keywords and performs the desired actions. All the keywords used in the data table are processed in this function. Parameters: NA Assumptions: The automation script is present in the global sheet of QTP. Variables: a) initial This variable is used to store the value in the second column. b) objName This variable is used to store the value in the third column. c) arrAction() This array is used to store the object type and name. d) objPerform This variable is used to store the value present in the fourth column.

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e) arrKeyValue() This array is used to store two values in the fourth column separated with delimiter :. f) arrKeyIndex() This array is used to store all the values in the fourth column, separated by delimiter : Functionality: The Main function reads the values in the second, third, and fourth columns in the data sheet and stores the values into the variables. (For more details please see the variables section.) Based on the value in the variable initial (second column), the Main function calls different functions. If the value is other than perform, storevalue, or check, the Main function calls the respective functions. For example, if the value is report, it will call Func_Report () If the value is perform, storevalue, or check, the Main function calls the function Func_ ObjectSet () to set the object and then it calls the respective functions. For example, if the value is perform, the Main function will call Func_Perform() to perform required actions on the application under test (AUT). Refer to the framework code structure understanding of the function calls. diagram for a better

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Action Functions
Perform Function
Name of the function: Func_Perform () Description: This function required object in the AUT. Parameters: a) parent This is the parent to the object on which the specified operation needs to be performed. b) object This is the object on which the specified operation needs to be performed. c) arrObj This parameter holds the type of the object and the object name on which the action has to be performed. d) arrKeyValue This parameter identifies the operation that needs to be performed on the object. e) arrKeyIndex This additional parameter is required to identify the object where the operation needs to be performed. It holds the value of the specific action type and the value to be used, with row and column values for table operations. f) intRowCount This parameter holds the count of the current row in the data table. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) intFlag Flag used for checking the table contents b) intExpFlag Flag used for checking the table contents c) intTableRowCount Variable used to store the number of rows in a table d) strCellValue Variable used to store the cell contents of a table e) intI Variable used as a counter for checking the table contents f) arrStatus This variable is used to store the split array of propSplit1(0) when delimiter '_' is used. g) propSplit1 This variable is used to store the split array of the fourth column of the data sheet when delimiter '_' is used. h) VarName This variable is used to store the value present in arrStatus(0). i) strparam2 This variable is used to store the value present in the fifth column of the datasheet. Functionality: Based on the values in arrObj(0), Func_Perform() performs different actions on objects. If the value is: 1. button Based on the values different actions on arrKeyValue(0) is: in arrKeyValue(0) the function objects. If the value in the performs variable performs the set of actions on the

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a. click: Performs click operation on the object 2. calendar Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function different actions on objects. If the value in the arrKeyValue (0) is: performs variable

a. setdate: Sets the date of the calendar object based on the value in the variable arrKeyValue (1) viz: i. <date>: Sets the date in the calendar to specified date ii. date: Sets the date in the calendar to current date b. click: Performs click operation on the object 3. codebox Based on the values different actions on arrKeyValue (0) is: in arrKeyValue(0) the function objects. If the value in the performs variable

a. set: Sets the value present in arrKeyValue(1) in the current object b. click: Performs click operation on the current object 4. checkbox Based on the values different actions on arrKeyValue (0) is: in arrKeyValue(0) the function objects. If the value in the performs variable

a. check: Sets the current object to ON state b. uncheck: Sets the current object to OFF state 5. combobox Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function different actions on objects. If the value in the arrKeyValue (0) is: performs variable

a. select: Selects the item, specified by variable arrKeyValue(1), from the combobox object. b. selectindex: Selects the item with index, specified by variable arrKeyValue(1), from the combobox object. 6. dialog Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function different actions on objects. If the value in the arrKeyValue (0) is: a. close: Closes the parent object b. restore: Restores the parent object c. activate: Activates the parent object 7. editor Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function performs different actions on objects. If the value in the variable arrKeyValue (0) is: a. set: Sets the value specified in arrKeyValue(1) in the current object b. click: Performs a click operation on the object c. doubleclick: Performs a doubleclick operation on the object performs variable

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8. grid Based on the values different actions on arrKeyIndex(0) is: in arrKeyIndex(0) the function objects. If the value in the performs variable

a. rowsearch: Performs a search on a table for the text specified in arrKeyIndex(2) using the FindRowByCellContent method and returns the row number, which is stored in a variable with the name specified in arrKeyIndex(3) b. tablesearch: Calls the function Func_TableSearch variable object passed as an argument 9. label Based on the values different actions on arrKeyIndex(0) is: in arrKeyIndex(0) the function objects. If the value in the performs variable with the

a. setfocus: Sets the focus on the current object b. setcaretpos; Sets the curser position to the position specified in the variable arrKeyValue(1) 10.listbox Based on the values different actions on arrKeyIndex(0) is: in arrKeyIndex(0) the function objects. If the value in the performs variable

a. select: Selects the item specified in arrKeyValue(1) from the current object using the Select method b. click; Performs click operation on the current object c. deselect; Deselects the item specified in arrKeyValue(1) from the current object using the Deselect method d. extendselect; Selects an additional item specified in arrKeyValue(1) from the current object using the extendselect method Based on the values different actions on arrKeyValue(0) is: in arrKeyValue(0) the function objects. If the value in the performs variable

a. select: Selects the item specified in arrKeyValue(1) from the current object using the Select method b. click: Performs click operation on the current object 12. navigationbar Based on the values different actions on arrKeyIndex(0) is: in arrKeyIndex(0) the function objects. If the value in the performs variable

a. select: Selects the item specified in arrKeyIndex(1) from the current object using the Select method b. click: Performs the click operation on the current object c. hide: Hides the current object d. show: Shows the current object e. expand: Expands the item specified in arrKeyIndex(1) from the current object using the Expand method

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f. collapse: Collapses the item specified in arrKeyIndex(1) from the current object using the Collapse method 13. element Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function different actions on objects. If the value in the arrKeyValue(0) is: a. type: Types the current object. 14. radiobutton Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function different actions on objects. If the value in the arrKeyValue(0) is: a. set: Performs set operation on the current object b. click: Performs click operation on the current object c. selectindex: Selects the item with the index specified in arrKeyIndex(1) from the current object using the Select method 15. statusbar Based on the values in arrKeyIndex(0), the function different actions on objects. If the value in the arrKeyIndex(0) is: 16. tabstrip Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function different actions on objects. If the value in the arrKeyValue(0) is: performs variable performs variable performs variable value specified in arrKeyIndex(1) performs variable in the

b. click: Performs clicks operation on the current object

a. sync: Performs the sync operation on the current object

a. select: Selects the item specified in arrKeyIndex(1) from the current object using the Select method b. click: Sets the focus on the current object c. selectindex: Selects the item with the index specified in arrKeyIndex(1) from the current object using the Select method 17. textbox Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function performs different actions on objects. If the value in the variable arrKeyValue(0) is: a. set: Sets the value specified in arrKeyValue(1) in the current object Also it checks whether the user needs to enter a date. It sets the date value depending upon the value in the variable arrstatus(0). The date values can be set using the following: currenttime: This sets the current time in the object. currentdate: This enters the current date in the current object. y: This enters the date in a custom format. d: This enters the current date in a custom format. m: This enters the date in a custom format.

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b. setsecure: Sets the value specified in arrKeyValue(1) securely in the current object using the SetSecure method c. click: Performs a click operation on the current object d. setselection: Selects the text location from the current object 18. table Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function different actions on objects. If the value in the arrKeyValue(0) is: a. tablesearch: Calls the function variable object passed as argument Func_TableSearch performs variable with the present in the specified

b. setvalue: Sets the value specified in variable arrKeyIndex(3) in a particular cell of the table specified, with the row number stored in variable arrKeyIndex(1) and the column name specified by arrKeyIndex(2) c. getrow: Performs a search for text specified in variable arrKeyIndex(2) on all the rows under the column specified by valriable arrKeyIndex(1) and then returns the row number where the text is found, which is then stored in a variable with the name specified by arrKeyIndex(3) d. selectrow: Performs a search for text specified in variable arrKeyIndex(2) on all the rows under the column specified by valriable arrKeyIndex(1) and then selects the row where the text is found e. setindexvalue: Sets the value specified in variable arrKeyIndex(3) in a particular cell of the table specified, with the row number stored in variable arrKeyIndex(1) and the column number specified by arrKeyIndex(2) 19. toolbar Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the function performs different actions on objects. If the value in the variable arrKeyValue(0) is: e. press: Performs Press operation on the item of the toolbar specified by the variable arrKeyIndex(1) using the PressButton method 20. treeview Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0) it performs different actions on objects. If the value in the variable arrKeyValue(0) is: a. expand: Expands the node, specified by variable arrKeyIndex(1), of the treeview object b. expandall: Expands all the nodes of the treeview object c. collapse: Collapses the node, specified arrKeyIndex(1), of the treeview object by variable

d. select: Selects the node, specified by variable arrKeyIndex(1), of the treeview object e. activate: Activates the node, specified arrKeyIndex(1), of the treeview object f. selectcolumn: Clicks the column, specified arrKeyIndex(1), of the treeview object by by variable variable

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g. click: Performs click operation on the node, variable arrKeyIndex(1), of the treeview object 21. window Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0) it performs different actions on objects. If the value in the variable arrKeyValue(0) is: h. close: parent Closes the parent object specified by the variable specified by

i. activate: Activates the parent object specified by the variable parent j. maximize: Maximizes the parent object specified by the variable parent k. minimize: Minimizes the parent object specified by the variable parent l. restore: Restores the parent object specified by the variable parent If the value of arrObj(0) is not among the above listed then the function will check for arrObj, which holds the value in the third column. If the value of arrObj(0) is: i) sqlexecute: Creates DB object dbConn Executes the query using the execute method of DB object by passing strSQL variable as an argument Closes the DB object ii) sqlvaluecapture: Calls the function argument arrObj(1) Func_gfQuery() by passing the the

Stores the value returned by the function in variable in the fourth column of the data table iii) sqlcheckpoint: Sets the current row in the action sheet to 1 Sets the TO property of the connection string Changes the DB Objects source(SQL) statement Executes the DB checkpoint iv) sqlmultiplecapture: Sets the current row in the action sheet to 1 Sets the TO property of the connection string Changes the DB Objects source(SQL) statement Executes the DB output checkpoint Returns a value from the function stored variables specified in the output checkpoint in


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Store Function
Name of the function: Func_Store () Description: This function is used particular object into a variable. Parameters: a) Object This is the object on which the specified operation needs to be performed. b) arrKeyIndex This parameter holds the value in the third column of the global sheet of QTP datatable. Assumptions: None Variables: a) TSplit This variable is used to store the elements after the property name stored in arrKeyIndex(0) is split with _ as the delimiter. It is used for storing values of TOProperties. b) Propname This variable is used to store the first element of variable TSplit (i.e TSplit(0)) c) strPropName - This variable is used to store the name of the Property. d) VarName This variable is to store the name of the variable in which the value of the specified property is to be stored. e) strParam4 This variable is used to store the contents present in the fifth column of the global data sheet. Functionality: Based on the values in strPropName the function performs different actions. If the value is: i) time: The current date and time is stored into the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). exist: The exist property of the object is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). disabled: enabled RO property of the object is captured and converted to the Boolean data type. The negation of this value is then stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). itemcount: items count RO property of the object is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). columncount: Columncount property of the object is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). rowcount: Rowcount property of the object is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). content: content RO property of the object is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). getcelldata: The return value from GetCellData method, with the row number stored in arrKeyIndex(2) and the column number to store any property of a








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stored in arrKeyIndex(3) passed as arguments, is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). ix) attachedtext: attachedtext RO property of the object is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). text: text RO property of the object is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). t: The TOProperty, specified by the variable TSplit(1), of the object is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName). tablesearch: Checks for the specified cell text in the table and the result of the check( ie; True or False) is stored in the variable specified in the fifth column of the global data sheet.




If the value in strPropName does not have any of the values listed above then strPropName ROProperty of the object is stored in the variable name specified in the fourth column of the global data sheet (VarName).


Check Function
Name of the function: Func_Check() Description: This function is used for all the checking operations to be performed on the AUT. Parameters: a) Object This parameter is the object on which the specified operation needs to be performed. b) arrObj This parameter holds the type of object and the object name on which the check operation has to be performed. c) arrKeyValue This parameter holds the check or checks that need to be performed on the object. d) arrKeyIndex This parameter includes details of the fourth column such as the property that needs to be checked and the input value provided. e) intRowCount This parameter holds the count of the current row in the data table. Assumptions: Context is set on the current object where the action has to be performed. Variables: a) strChkParameter This variable is used to store the mode of checking. It can have either exactchk or regexpchk as the value and by default it is set to exactchk. b) ActualValue Stores the property value retrieved from the AUT c) ExpectedValue Stores the expected value to be returned from the AUT d) strStatus Internal variable used for reporting

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e) iStatus Stores the final status of the check (pass, fail, done, etc.) f) reportStep Stores the expected results as part of the report g) reportStepPass Stores the actual results as part of the report when the check passes h) reportStepFail - Stores the actual results as part of the report when the check fails i) result Stores the return value (true or false) from some of the check operations j) strParam3 Internal variable used for reporting Functionality: Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), different checks. If the value is: i) ii) the function performs

tablesearch: The function Func_TableSearch is called with the variable object passed as a parameter. itemcount: The value of the items count property of the object is stored in ActualValue, which is then evaluated to be equal with ExpectedValue and an appropriate report is generated. ExpectedValue is the integer conversion of arrKeyValue(1). columncount: The value of the ColumnCount property of the object is stored in ActualValue, which is then evaluated to be equal with ExpectedValue and an appropriate report is generated. ExpectedValue is the integer conversion of arrKeyValue(1). rowcount: The value of the RowCount property of the object is stored in ActualValue, which is then evaluated to be equal with ExpectedValue and an appropriate report is generated. ExpectedValue is the integer conversion of arrKeyValue(1). text: The value of the text property of the object is stored in ActualValue, which is then evaluated to be equal with ExpectedValue and an appropriate report is generated. ExpectedValue is the value of arrKeyValue(1). selection: The value of the selection property of the object is stored in ActualValue, which is then evaluated to be equal with ExpectedValue and an appropriate report is generated. ExpectedValue is the value of arrKeyValue(1). exist: The value of the exist property of the object is stored in ActualValue, which is then evaluated to be equal with ExpectedValue and am appropriate report is generated. ExpectedValue is the boolean conversion of the true or false value of arrKeyValue(1). checked: The value of the checked property of the object is stored in ActualValue, which is then evaluated to be equal with ExpectedValue and an appropriate report is generated. ExpectedValue is the UpperCase value of arrKeyValue(1). tabexist: The value specified in arrKeyValue(1) is searched in the entire item range of the Tab object and an appropriate report is generated. rowsearch: The text specified in arrKeyValue(1) is searched in the table under the column name specified in









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arrKeyValue(2) using FindRowByCellContent appropriate report is generated. xi) method and an

itemexist: The value specified in arrKeyValue(1) is searched in the entire item range of the object and an appropriate report is generated.

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Functions for setting object

Function for setting the context:
Name of the function: Func_Context () Description: This function is used to set the full hierarchical path for the object on which some action is to be performed. Parameters: a) arrObj This parameter holds the class of the object and the object name on which the context has to be set. b) intRowCount This parameter holds the count of the current row in the data table. Assumptions: The AUT is already up and running. Variables: a) strReportData This variable is used to store the contents of the fourth column of the current row in the global data sheet. b) arrChildCell This variable is used to store the elements when strReportData is split with delimiter '::'. c) arrFramed - This variable is used to store the elements according to the object type and name. d) contextData This variable is used to store the value present in the fourth column. e) arrChild - This variable is used to store the child objects of the main window. Functionality: Based on the values on arrObj(0), this function will set the context on different objects. If the value is: i) session: Sets the curParent object with SAPGuiSession Class with the name as the value of variable arrObj(1) ii) window: Sets the curParent object with SAPGuiWindow Class with the name as the value of variable arrObj(1) iii) dialog: Sets the curParent object with Dialog Class with the name as the value of variable arrObj(1) arrChildCell is obtained by splitting contextData with delimiter :: and arrChild is obtained by splitting the elements of arrChildCell with delimiter ;. Based on the value of arrChild(0) the full context is set. If arrChild(0) is: i) ii) iii) iv) dialog: Sets the curParent object (as received from above) as curParent.dialog(arrChild(1)) window: Sets the curParent object (as got from above) as curParent.SAPGuiWindow(arrChild(1)) guitable: Sets the curParent object (as got from above) as curParent. SAPGuiTable(arrChild(1)). guisession: Sets the curParent object (as got from above) as curParent. SAPGuiSession(arrChild(1)).

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v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) guigrid: Sets the curParent object (as got from above) as curParent. SAPGuiGrid(arrChild(1)). guiapogrid: Sets the curParent object (as got from above) as curParent. SAPGuiAPOGrid(arrChild(1)). frame: Sets the curParent object (as got from above) as curParent.SAPFrame(arrChild(1)). table: Sets the curParent object (as got from above) as curParent.SAPTable(arrChild(1)). menu: Sets the curParent object curParent.SAPMenu(arrChild(1)). (as got from above) as

portal: Sets the curParent object (as got from above) as curParent.SAPPortal(arrChild(1)). iview: Sets the curParent object (as got from above) as curParent.SAPiView(arrChild(1)).

After the above two select case statements, the value of curParent that is obtained is stored in the parent and can be used in the next function func_ObjectSet().


Function for setting the object:

Name of the function: Func_ObjectSet () Description: This function is used to set the objects on which some action is to be performed. Parameters: a) arrObjChk This parameter holds the class of the object and the object name on which the context has to be set. b) intRowCount This parameter holds the count of the current row in the data table. Assumptions: The AUT is already up and running. Variables: a) curObjClassName This variable is used to store the exact object name. b) parchild: This variable is used to store the last item in the fourth column of the global data sheet. Functionality: The function will check for the value in the variable arrObjChk(0). If the value is split, random, sqlvaluecapture, sqlexecute, sqlcheckpoint, "sqlmultiplecapture", or "wait", the function will generate a fail report. If the value of arrObjChk(0) is: v) vi) vii) window: Sets the object as the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function dialog: Sets the object as the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function portal: Sets the object with class SAPPortal curObjClassName under the parent object obtained func_Context() function and name from the parent and child

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viii) table: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiTable and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPTable and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. session: Sets the object with class SAPGuiSession curObjClassName under the parent object obtained func_Context() function. and name from the



grid: Sets the object with class SAPGuiGrid and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. menu: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiMenubar and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPMenu and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. apogrid: Sets the object with class SAPGuiAPOGrid curObjClassName under the parent object obtained func_Context() function toolbar: Sets the object with class SAPGuiToolbar curObjClassName under the parent object obtained func_Context() function and name from the and name from the





button: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiButton and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPButton and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. treeview: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiTree and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPTreeView and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. textbox: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiEdit and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPEdit and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. editor: Sets the object with class SAPGuiTextArea and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function checkbox: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiCheckBox and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPCheckBox and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function.





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xix) radiobutton: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiRadioButton and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPRadioGroup and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. combobox: Sets the object with class SAPGuiComboBox and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function label: Sets the object with class SAPGuiLabel curObjClassName under the parent object obtained func_Context() function and name from the




statusbar: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiStatusBar and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPStatusBar and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. tabstrip: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiTabStrip and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPTabStrip and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. calendar: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiCalendar and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPCalendar and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. codebox: If the string gui is present in the variable parChild or the variable parChild is equal to window then the function sets the object with class SAPGuiOKCode and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. Otherwise it sets the object with class SAPOKCode and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function. element: Sets the object with class SAPGuiElement curObjClassName under the parent object obtained func_Context() function and name from the






frame: Sets the object with class SAPFrame and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function list: Sets the object with class SAPList and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function navigationbar: Sets the object with class SAPNavigationBar and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function dropdownmenu: Sets the object with class SAPDropDownMenu and name curObjClassName under the parent object obtained from the func_Context() function




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Reporting and Error Handling Functions

Reporting Function:
Name of the function: Func_Report () Description: This function is used for generating the customized report with specified user inputs through the keyword. Parameters: None Assumptions: NA Variables: a) reportobj This variable is used to store the contents of the third column of the current row in the global sheet. b) reportcon This variable is used to store the status of the report (Pass/Fail). c) reportcon1 - This variable is used to store the actual message of the report. d) reporter0 This variable is used to store the expected message of the report. e) Expmess - This variable is used to store the concatenated expected message. f) actmess - This variable is used to store the concatenated actual message. Functionality: reportobj is split with delimiter ; and is stored in the array reportcon. reportcon(0) holds the status of the report. reportcon(1) is split with delimiter :: and is stored in the array reportcon1. reportcon1(0) is split with the delimiter : and is stored in the reporter0. reporter0 holds the expected message. reportcon1(1) is split with the delimiter : and is stored in the reporter1. reporter1 holds the actual message. Based on the values in the reportcon(0) generate different reports. If the value is : Pass: Generates a message as reporter1 report with status as Pass, expected reporter0, and actual message as the function will




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Generates a message as reporter1 xxxiii) Done: Generates a message as reporter1 xxxiv) Warning: Generates a report with status as Warning, expected message as reporter0, and actual message as reporter1 report with status as Done, expected reporter0, and actual message as report with status as Fail, expected reporter0, and actual message as


Error-handling Function:
Name of the function: Func_Error () Description: This function is used to capture errors generated at runtime. Parameters: NA Assumptions: NA Variables: a) strError This variable is used to store the value present in the fifth column of the current row in the data sheet. Functionality: This function checks for the Err.Number after processing each keyword line. Whenever the error number is not equal to 0, the function will generate a fail report. It also checks for the strError variable, which holds the value of the fifth column of the current row in the data table. Whenever the value is onfailureexit and the value of the variable keyword is 1, the function will exit the test.

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String and Regular Expression Functions

Function for string operations:
Name of the function: Func_StringOperations () Description: This function is used for all string operations. Parameters: a) strCriteria - This variable holds the value of the second column of the data table. Assumptions: None Variables: a) arrSplit - This array is used to store the elements from the third column of the data table after splitting with ";" delimiter. b) strMainString This variable is used to store the main string (arrSplit(0)). c) strSubString This string(arrSplit(1)). variable is used to store the sub

d) intLen This variable is used to store the length of the array "arrSplit". e) ReturnVal - This variable is used to store the return value. Functionality: Based on the values in strCriteria, different actions. If the value is: i) strsearch: 1. Searches for the sub string (strSubString) in the main string (strMainString) 2. Stores the position of the substring in the return value variable (ReturnVal) ii) strconcat: 1. Concatenates the main string (strMainString) and the sub string (strSubString) 2. Stores the concatenated string in the return value variable (ReturnVal) iii) strreplace: 1. Searches for the sub string (strSubString) in the main string (strMainString) and replaces it with strString (arrSplit(2)) 2. Stores the replaced main string in the return value variable (ReturnVal) After the ReturnVal variable is updated, the value in the ReturnVal variable is stored in the variable specified in the fourth column of the data table. the function performs

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Function for Regular Expression Test:

Name of the function: Func_gfRegExpTest () Description: This function conducts a regular expression test. Parameters: a) strPattern - This variable holds the pattern string to be searched for in the main string. b) strString This variable holds the main string. Return Value: True/False Assumptions: None Variables: a) objRegEx - This variable hold a regular expression object. Functionality: A new regular expression object is created. The Pattern property of the above object is set with the value in the strPattern variable. The IgnoreCase property of the above object is set to False. The test method of the object is invoked by passing the strString argument. This will execute a regular expression test, which returns True or False.


Function for Regular Expression Match:

Name of the function: Func_RegExpMatch () Description: This function against a specified string. Parameters: a) strPattern - This variable holds the pattern string. b) strString This variable holds the main string. Return Value: This returns a Match collection when a regular expression search is performed. Reference parameters are used to return the start position (aIndex) and value (aValue). Assumptions: None Variables: a) regEx - This variable holds a regular expression object. b) Match This variable holds the counter that can loop through the matches in Matches variable. c) Matches - This variable holds the collection of matches found in the main string. Functionality: A new regular expression object is created. The Pattern property of the above object is set with the value in the strPattern variable. executes a regular expression search

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The IgnoreCase property of the above object is set to False. The Global property of the above object is set to True. The Matches object is set. aValue and aIndex respectively. variables hold the value and position,


Function for Regular Expression Replace:

Name of the function: Func_ gfRegExpReplace () Description: This expression search. Parameters: a) strPattern - This variable holds the pattern string to be searched for and replaced. b) strFind This variable holds the main string in which the pattern string needs to be replaced. c) strReplace This variable holds the string that replaces the pattern string found in the main string. Return Value: Returns replaces text Assumptions: None Variables: a) regEx - This variable holds a regular expression object. Functionality: A new regular expression object is created. The Pattern property of the above object is set with the value in the strPattern variable. The IgnoreCase property of the above object is set to False. The Replace method of the object is invoked by passing strFind and strReplace arguments. This will execute a regular expression Find and Replace and return the replaced string. function replaces text found in a regular

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Table Operation Functions

Function for Table Search:
Name of the function: Func_tablesearch () Description: This function is used to search for the particular row and column in the table based on the two search criteria entered in the keyword script for the perform keyword. It is also used to check for text present in a table based on the two search criteria entered in the keyword script for the check keyword. Parameters: a) object Holds the type of the object and the object name on which an action should be performed or checked b) strSearch Holds the search criteria entered in the keyword script (e.g. <colname1>;<colValue2>::<colname1>;<colValue2>--5) c) strParam1 This parameter holds the contents of the fifth column of the data table d) arrKeyValue This parameter holds the check or checks that need to be performed on the object. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) strObj Stores the type of the object and the object name on which an action should be performed or checked b) strdatatable Stores the value present in the fourth column of the global data sheet c) strSplitColVal Stores the split value of strColPlusValue after splitting with delimiter ; the array

d) inttotalrow Stores the count of the number of rows in the table e) strfind Stores the split value of the array strdatatable after splitting with delimiter : f) strColPlusValue Stores the split value of the array strfind(1) after splitting with delimiter :: g) intfor Stores the upper bound of the array strColPlusValue h) strCol1 Stores the value of StrSplitColVal(0) when the counter value of inti is set to 0 i) strCol2 Stores the value of StrSplitColVal(0) when the counter value of inti is set to 1 j) strCol3 Stores the value of StrSplitColVal(0) when the counter value of inti is set to 2 k) strVal1 strVal2 strVal3 Stores the StrSplitColVal(0) retrieved from the GetValue function value of

l) intFlag1 intFlag2 intFlag3 Flag used for checking the table contents of a particular cell m) Rownum Stores the status of the search performed in the table

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n) RowFnd Flag used for storing the status of the search performed in the table o) ValReturn1 ValReturn2 ValReturn3 Stores the cell value of row intj and column strCol1, strCol2, and strCol3, respectively Functionality: Based on the values in arrKeyValue(0), the Func_tablesearch () function performs different actions.

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Common Functions
Function for Retrieving Variables:
Name of the function: GetValue () Description: This function is used to retrieve the value from any variable. Parameters: a) strCellData This variable holds the type of the object and the object name on which an action should be performed or checked. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) arrSplitCheckData This variable is used to store the row number in the table where the text is present. b) strParamName This variable is used to store the flag to check if text is found or not. Functionality: This function searches for # in the variable strCellData. If # is present then the environment value in the variable is returned by the function. If # is not present then the variable strCellData is split with the delimiter _ and is stored in the array arrSplitCheckData. Based on the values in the variable arrSplitCheckData(0), the function performs different actions. If the value is: i) ii) iii) p: Returns the parameter value of the arrSplitCheckData(0) returned by the function env: Retrieves the environment value in arrSplitCheckData(0) returned by the function variable the in


dt: Retrieves the value from the cell in the action 1 sheet with the column name, as in the variable arrSplitCheckData(0) and row, and in the variable intDataCounter


Function for Press Key Operations:

Name of the function: Func_presskey () Description: This function is used to retrieve the value from any variable. Parameters: a) arrObj This variable holds the value of the third column in the data table. b) WshShell This is the object created for shell scripting. Assumptions: NA Variables: NA Functionality: The WshShell object is created.

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Based on the values in arrObj(0), different values are passed as arguments to the SendKeys method of the created shell scripting object. Shell object is set to nothing.


Function for Arithmetic Operations:

Name of the function: Func_arith () Description: This function is used to perform the addition (+) and subtraction (-) arithmetic operations. Parameters: a) strX This variable is used to store the input values specified in the keyword script. b) strY This variable is used to store the output value of the function in a variable specified in the keyword script. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) arrSplit1 equation. Functionality: This function will search for # in the variable strX. If # is not present then it will call the eval function, passing the variable strX as an argument. The return value is assigned to the environment variable in the fourth column of the data sheet. If # is present, then the function will search for +, *, or - in the variable strX. If the Value in strX is : i) +: strSplit array is stored with the values in strX after splitting with the delimiter +. Then it will retrieve the environment values if they start with #. Then the strX variable is replaced with values in the variables strSplit(0) and strSplit(1). Then it will call the eval function by passing the variable strX as an argument. The return value is assigned to the environment variable in the fourth column of the data sheet. *: strSplit array is stored with the values in strX after splitting with the delimiter *. Then the function will retrieve the environment values if they start with #. Then the strX variable is replaced with values in the variables strSplit(0) and strSplit(1). Then the function will call the eval function by passing the variable strX as an argument. The return value is assigned to the environment variable in the fourth column of the data sheet. /: strSplit array is stored with the values in strX after splitting with the delimiter /. Then the function will retrieve the environment values if they start with #. Then the strX variable is replaced with values in the variables strSplit(0) and strSplit(1). Then it will call the eval /, This variable is used to store the arithmetic

b) intz This variable is used to store the flag return value.



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function by passing the variable strX as an argument. The return value is assigned to the environment variable in the fourth column of the data sheet. iv) : strSplit array is stored with the values in strX after splitting with the delimiter -. Then the function will retrieve the environment values if they start with #. Then the strX variable is replaced with values in the variables strSplit(0) and strSplit(1). Then it will call the eval function by passing the variable strX as an argument. The return value is assigned to the environment variable in the fourth column of the data sheet.


Function for Querying Database:

Name of the function: Func_gfQuery () Description: This function is used to query the database. Parameters: a) strSQL - This holds the query that needs to be executed. Assumptions: The connection string is specified and a connection is established with the database. Variables: a) dbConn This variable is used to store the database connection object. b) dbRS This variable holds the results of the database operation performed. c) connectionString - This variable stores the connection string for the database. d) dbUID - This variable is used to store the user name to connect to the database. e) dbPWD - This variable is used to store the password to connect to the database. f) dbServer - This variable is used to store the database server name. g) dbHost - This variable is used to store the database host name. h) dbDRIVER - This variable is used to store the database driver name. Functionality: Creates DB object dbConn Calls the method open for the bdConn object, passing the environment value of the variable connectionString as an argument Calls the execute method by passing the variable strSQL as an argument Returns the items retrieved from the database after querying using the execute method Closes the object and sets dbConn to Nothing

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Function for Converting Data Types:

Name of the function: Func_Convert () Description: This function is used to query the database. Parameters: a) variable - This holds the variable that has to be converted. b) strconverttype This holds the data type into which the variable is to be converted. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) strObject This variable is used to store the variable to be converted. b) arrConvert This variable is used to store elements such as the conversion type and variable it is to be stored in. c) strObject1 - This variable is used to store the converted value. Functionality: This function searches for # in the variable strObject. If # is present, the strObject1 variable will be assigned with the environment value of strObject. Otherwise the strObject1 variable will be assigned with the value of the variable strObject. It will store the values in the variable strconverttype after splitting the delimiter : into the array arrConvert. Based on the values in arrConvert(0), the function will perform different actions. If the value is: i) ii) iii) date: It will convert the value in the strObject1 variable based on the format available in arrConvert(2). roundto: It will round the value in the variable strObject1 and store it in the environment value of arrConvert(1). lcase: It will convert lowercase and store it arrConvert(1). ucase: It will convert uppercase and store it arrConvert(1). the value in strObject1 into in the environment value of the value in strObject1 into in the environment value of



cstr: It will convert the datatype of the value in strObject1 into the string datatype and store the converted value in arrConvert(1). ascii: It will convert the value in strObject1 into ASCII value and store the converted value in arrConvert(1). trim': It will remove the extra spaces in the value in the variable strObject1. len: It will return the length of the value in the variable strObject1 and store the returned length in the variable arrConvert(1).

vi) vii) viii)

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Function for Importing Keyword Script from Excel Sheet

Name of the function: Func_ImportData () Description: This function is used to import test data at runtime. Parameters: a) strTestCase - This holds the file name and the path where it is stored. Assumptions: The required file is present and it is an Excel sheet. Variables: a) strPath This variable is used to store the path with .xls. b) strDataPath This variable is used to locate and store the full path. c) strSheetName - This variable stores the sheet name to be imported. Functionality: This function will store the value of the fourth column in the variable strSheetName. Using the ImportSheet method, the Excel sheet with the name in the variable strSheetName in the path specified by the variable strDataPath is imported to the Action1 sheet.


Function for FSO Operations

Name of the function: Func_CommonFunctions(strType,strDetails,intRowCount) Description: This function is used to perform a set of operations using the file system objects. Parameters: a) strType - This holds the type of object being used for FSO such as File or Folder. b) strDetails This holds the details to be used while using FSO. c) intRowCount This holds the current row count in the data table. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) strFuncType This variable is used to store the type of object (Ex: File, Folder) to be used. b) strFuncDetails This variable is used to store the details of the object (Ex: Folder name, Folder Path). Functionality: This function assigns the value in the variable strType to the variable strFuncType. This function assigns the value in the variable strDetails to the variable strFuncDetails. Based on the values in the variable strFuncType this function performs different actions. If the value is:

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i) ii) iii) folder: It will call the function Func_Folder while passing the variable strFuncDetails as an argument. file: It will call the function Func_File while passing the variable strFuncDetails as an argument. exportxml: It will call the function Func_ExportXML while passing the variable strFuncDetails and the fifth column value in the data sheet as arguments. deletexml: It will call the function Func_DeleteXML passing the variable strFuncDetails as an argument. while



Function for Folder Operations

Name of the function: Func_Folder Description: This function is used to work on folders using FSO. Parameters: a) pCellData - This holds the details to be used while using FSO. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) arrFolderpath This variable is used to store the elements of the folder path separated by delimiter "\". b) intFolderlo This variable is used to store the element number of the folder name. c) DestFolder folder. This variable is used to store the destination

d) Foldername This variable is used to store the folder name. e) oFSO This variable is used to store the created object. f) arrCellData This variable is used to store the details of the operation to be performed g) oFolder - This variable is used to store the details of the object created. Functionality: The value in the variable pCellData is split with the delimiter ; and is stored in the array arrCellData. Based on the values in the arrCellData[0] perform different actions. If the value is: i) create: If the folder with the name arrCelldata[1] is present then a report is generated stating that the folder already exists. If the folder is not present then a new folder with the name in arrCellData[1] is created. ii) delete: If the folder with the name arrCelldata[1] is not present then a report is generated stating that the folder is not present. iii) If the folder is present then the folder is deleted. the function will

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iv) copy: If the folder with the name arrCelldata[1] is not present then a report is generated stating that the folder does not exist. If the folder is present it is copied to the location present in the variable arrCelldata[2]. v) move: If the folder with the name arrCelldata[1] is not present then a report is generated stating that the folder does not exist. If the folder is present it is moved to the location present in the variable arrCelldata[2].


Function for File Operations

Name of the function: Func_File Description: This function is used for working with files by using FSO. Parameters: a) pCellData - This holds the details to be used while using FSO. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) arrFilepath This variable is used to store the file path. b) DestFile This variable is used to store the destination file name. c) strFilename This variable is used to store the file name to be used. d) intFileLoc This variable is used to store the element number of the file name. e) iFSO This variable is used to store the created object. f) oFile This variable is used to store the details of the created object. g) arrCellData1 - This variable is used to store the details of the operation to be performed. h) intf - This variable is used for looping. i) stress - This variable is used to store the string, which has to be written into a file. Functionality: The value in the variable pCellData is split with the delimiter ; and is stored in the array arrCellData1. Based on the values in the arrCellData1[0] perform different actions. If the value is: i) create: If the file with the name arrCelldata1[1] is present then a report is generated stating that the file already exists. the function will

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If the file is not present then a new file with the name in arrCellData1[1] is created. ii) delete: If the file with the name arrCelldata1[1] is not present then a report is generated stating that the file is not present. If the file is present then the file is deleted. iii) copy: If the file with the name arrCelldata1[1] is not present then a report is generated stating that the file does not exist. If the file is present it is copied to the location present in the variable arrCelldata1[2]. iv) move: If the file with the name arrCelldata1[1] is not present then a report is generated stating that the file does not exist. If the file is present it is moved to the location present in the variable arrCelldata1[2]. v) write: If the file with the name arrCelldata1[1] is not present then a report is generated stating that the file does not exist. If the file is present then required text is written in the file. vi) read: If the file with the name arrCelldata1[1] is not present then a report is generated stating that the file does not exist. If the file is present then the required line is read from the file. vii) append: If the file with the name arrCelldata1[1] is not present then a report is generated stating that the file does not exist. If the file is present then it opens the file in append mode (i.e., write = true).


Function for Exporting XMLs

Name of the function: Func_ExportXML Description: This function is used to export data and store it in XML format. Parameters: a) strDetails1 This holds the details to be used while exporting in XML format.

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b) sPath This holds the path where the XML file has to be stored. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) into This variable is used for looping. b) oRoot This variable is used to store the root element for the object. c) arrDocSplit This variable is used to store the elements to be exported to XML and the document name. d) strDocName This variable is used to store the document name. e) arrElementSplit - This variable is used to store the variables and the tag names to be exported to XML. f) arrElementName - This variable is used to store variable and its tag names to be exported to XML. g) oDoc - This variable is used to store the XML object. Functionality: The value in the variable strDetails1 is split with the delimiter ; and is stored into the array arrDocSplit. XML file Object oDoc is created. The XML file with the name in the variable docname is created by using the method CreateDocument. All the data present in arrDocSplit[1] is exported into the above created file by using the AddChildElementByName method. The XML file is saved in the path available in the variable sPath. oDoc object is set to Nothing. the current


Function for Deleting XMLs

Name of the function: Func_DeleteXML Description: This function is used to delete the XML files. Parameters: a) sPath This holds the path in which the XML file is present. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) dFileObj This variable is used to store the XML file to be used. b) dFSO This variable is used to store the XML object. Functionality: The File System Object dFSO object is created. The XML file in the path specified in the variable sPath is accessed using the GetFile method. Using the delete method, the above file is deleted. dFSO object is set to Nothing.

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Reusable Functions
Function for Calling Reusable Actions
Name of the function: Func_CallAction () Description: This function is used to call a reusable action. Parameters: a) strData This holds the name of the reusable action. b) strInfo This holds the parameters for the reusable action. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) arrParam This variable is used to store the parameters to be passed to the reusable action. b) strActionName This variable is used to store the reusable action name. Functionality: This function checks for the value in the variable strInfo. If the value is Null then the function will call the RunAction method by passing the variable actionName and value oneIteration as arguments (without passing parameters). If the value is not Null then the function will split the value in the variable strInfo with the delimiter : and store it in array paramSplit. Based on the number of items in the array paramSplit, the function performs different actions. For example, if the number of items in paramSplit is 4, then 4 parameters are passed while calling the RunAction method.

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Condition and Looping Functions

Condition function
Name of the function: Func_Condition () Description: This function is used to evaluate according to the inputs given in the keyword script. Parameters: a) intRowCount This holds the value of the current row number of the data table. Assumptions: NA Variables: a) iFlag This variable is used to set the flag. b) cndSplit This variable is used to store the value of the fourth column of the global data sheet. c) startRow - This variable is used to store the start row for the condition. d) endRow This variable is used to store the end row for the condition. e) cstrCellData This variable is used to store the condition to be checked. f) var1 This variable is used to store the first element to be evaluated. g) var2 - This variable is used to store the second element to be evaluated. Functionality: cndSplit array is stored with values in the fourth column of the data table after splitting with the delimiter ;. The variable startRow is assigned with the value of the first item in the array cndSplit. The variable endRow is assigned with the value of the second item in the array cndSplit. cstrCellData array is stored with values in the third column of the data table after splitting with the delimiter ;. The variable var1 is assigned with the value of the first item in the array cstrCellData. The variable var2 is assigned with the value of the third item in the array cstrCellData. Then the condition in the cstrCellData(1) is evaluated and the intRowCount is assigned with the value in the startRow if the condition is true. Otherwise intRowCount is assigned with the value in the endRow if the condition is false. the expression

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Loop Function
Name of the function: Func_loop () Description: This function is used to repeat a set of statements for a specified number of times. Parameters: a) variable - This holds the query variable that has to be converted. b) strconverttype This holds the data type into which the variable is to be converted. Assumptions: If the number of times to be looped is not specified, by default this number is taken as the number of active rows in the Action1 sheet of the data table. Variables: a) arrloopData This variable is used to store the start row and end row values. b) intcntr This variable is used to store the loop count. c) Counter - This variable is used to store the count value. d) endRow1 This variable stores the end row for looping. e) loopRowCount This variable stores the current loop count. f) intDataCounter - This variable stores the current data counter. Functionality: arrloopData is stored with the values after splitting the value in the third column of the data table with ; as the delimiter. The variable intcntr is assigned with the value in the fourth column in the data table. The value in the variable intcntr is converted into an integer and stored in the variable counter. The value in the variable intcntr is stored into the variable counter. This function recursively calls the Keyword_Web function (Main function) n times. Here n is the value present in the variable counter.

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Debug Functions
Function for Debugging:
Name of the function: DebugFunc () Description: script. Parameters: a) StartLineNumber - This holds the start line of the execution. b) EndLinenumber This holds the end line of the execution. c) PrintOption This holds the option to provide the QTP print dialog with the environment variables. d) LogFile This holds the option to log variables in a test file in the desktop. all the environment This function is used while debugging the keyword

Assumptions: The environment variables are not stored in a XML file and then loaded when debugging because the QTP script might have an existing XML file associated with it. Variables: a) strText This variable is used to store the contents of the log file. b) ostrFile This variable is used to store the file object. c) oFSO This variable is used to store the file system object. d) strDesktop - This variable stores the path of the desktop. e) oQtApp - This Model(AOM). variable stores the QTP Automation Object

f) oWshShell This variable stores the windows shell object. g) strContents This variable stores the contents of the log file. h) arrSplit2 This variable stores the array. i) VarName This array stores the split contents of each line in the log file. j) strVarFullName This array stores the value of each item in the array VarName. k) strVariableName This variable stores the environment variable name. l) strVariableVal This array stores the split contents of all the environment variable values in the log file. m) strVariableValue This variable stores the environment variable values. n) strFileName This variable stores the file name. o) EnvSplit This array stores the value of the environment variable mentioned in the test script data sheet. p) VariableName - This variable stores the variable name. Functionality:

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Open Source Test Automation Framework for SAP - QTP

This function will check if the log file is required for debugging, and then load all the environment variables to the QTP. This function creates a shell object to access the desktop. This function stores the value of the desktop path. This function creates a file system object. This function creates a QTP application object to access the test name. This function stores the file name in a variable. If the file exists, then it will load the variables in QTP into the file created above. If the user requires the QTP print option, then select to print for the new environment variables If the log file is required for debugging, then it will store all the environment variables to the log file. This function opens the file for appending. This function writes the environment variables. This function clears all the object variables.

COPYRIGHT This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.

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