Thuraya XTbrochure

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Thuraya XT

Thuraya XT Worlds toughest satellite phone

T h u r a ya X T is t h e o n l y s a te l l i te p ho n e i n t h e w o r l d to m e e t t h e i n d u s t r y s h i g h e s t c r i te r i a fo r s p l a s h r e s i s t a n c e, d u s t r e s i s t a n c e a n d s h o c k p r o o f i n g . Co m b i n i n g t h e r e l ia b il it y o f it s u n pa r a l l eled p ho n e f u n c t i o n a l i t y, w i t h t h e d e p e n d a b i l i t y o f T h u r a ya s s u p e r i o r n e t w o r k , T h u r a ya X T ensures you stay close.

Wherever you are within Thurayas extensive coverage area, however remote the location, Th ur ay a br ings y ou close to w h er e yo u n e e d to be . Thuraya XT is ideal for anybody who moves around in areas where local networks are unr elia ble or non- existent. Its extr eme ly durable design makes Thuraya XT ideally suited for use in tough environments, where other satellite phones ca nnot oper a te.

Ru gge d d e s ign Built to exacting standards and

Thuraya XT keeps you closer

using the latest durable polycarbonates for the outside case, it is, q uite sim ply, th e mo st durable sa tellite ph one on th e m ar ket. Th uraya XT s I P 54/ IK03 rating is a globally recognised standard from the International Electrotechnical Commission, meaning it is splash resistant, dust resistant and sh ock- pr oofed.

D e pe n d a b l e b a t te r y l ife Thuraya XT boasts the longest battery life of any satellite handset, providing up to 6 hours talk time and up to 80 h our s standby tim e. Gl a r e r e s is t a n t d is pl a y For easy readability in direct sunlight, no matter how bright the conditions ar e. I n te r n e t- o n - t h e - go The handse ts GmPRS
capability means you can easily send/receive emails and browse the web with your laptop or PC fr om any w h er e. Thuraya XT, the worlds toughest satellite handset stay close.

S atellite teleph ony

Thuraya XT Key Features

IP54/ IK 03 sta ndar d Glare-resistant display with hig h contrast menu for ea sy r ea da bility in dir ect sunlight G PS functiona lity for w ay point n avigatio n Messa ging v ia S MS , em a il a nd f ax Battery-saving technology - brightness sensor for th e display to r educe ba tter y c o n sumptio n Organizer including calendar, world time and alar m functions Per fectly balanced size- to- w eight ratio User-friendly menu structure with fast access to functions

Primary coverage area Extended coverage area

The map represents Thurayas coverage area. Service availability within the extended coverage area fluctuates according to various conditions.

Thuraya Coverage Area

Cove r i n g ove r 1 4 0 c o u n t r i e s i n E u r o p e , t h e M i d d l e E a s t , A s i a , Au s t r a l i a a n d Af r i c a , T h u r a ya i s c r i t i c a l w h e n y o u n e e d to w o r k w h e r e G S M a n d o t h e r c o nve n t i o n a l n e t w o r k s d o n t . T h u r a ya X T a l s o l e t s y o u r o a m a c r o s s the en ti r e c ove r a ge a r e a u s i n g y o u r ex i s t i n g G S M * SIM card.

Designed for the most challenging environments, Thurayas compact and powerful satellite phones give you the advantages of high performance telephony together with a wide range of functions including voice, internet, SMS, fax and GPS navigation.

*Visit for a complete list of GSM r oam ing pa r tner s


128 x 53 x 26.5mm (hxwxd) 193g 2 / 262K outdoor colour display 60/15 kbps 9.6 kbps Talk time up to 6 hours and standby time up to 80 hours* Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 2000 Data Cable (UDC) with USB connector, Ear Jack, DC Power Arabic, Chinese**, English, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Portugese and Urdu *Depends on phone usage **Additional software available

Thuraya XT Specifications

Weight Display GmPRS Down/Up Speed Fax and Data Battery Life PC compatibility External Interfaces


Thuraya Telecommunications Company Thuraya Call Center From Thuraya network: 100 From other networks: +88216 100 100 Fax: +971 6 8828444 Email:

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