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BATCH: 2009-2013

ASSIGNMENT I: ERP Systems, ERP Features & ERP Solutions


Submitted By: Mr. ANAND SINGH (02) Ms. DAZY RANI (06)


1. Introduction
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a business management system that comprises integrated sets of comprehensive software, which can be used, when successfully implemented, to manage and integrate all the business functions within an organization. These sets usually include a set of mature business applications and tools for nancial and cost accounting, sales and distribution, materials management, human resource, production planning and computer integrated manufacturing, supply chain, and customer information These packages have the ability to facilitate the ow of information between all supply chain processes (internal and external) in an organization. Furthermore, an ERP system can be used as a tool to help improve the performance level of a supply chain network by helping to reduce cycle times However, it has traditionally been applied in capital-intensive industries such as manufacturing, construction, aerospace and defence. Recently, ERP systems have been expanded beyond manufacturing and introduced to the nance, health care, hotel chains, education, insurance, retail and telecommunications sectors.

ERP objectives:
Provide timely information Reduce delivery lead times Improve on-time deliveries Improve response time to changes Reduce cost to customers Improve inventory turns Improve company profits

ERP was first introduced in early 90s to present. ERP are mostly implemented to achieve on-going improvements from many sector such as inventory, manufacturing, labour cost and many more to built an efficient management. The deployment of ERP systems was more concern on saving time, cost and labour cost therefore

many organizations tend to adopt the software. This was also due to the difficulties they were facing in maintaining the loads for inappropriate data storage method and retrieving the data from database which is time consuming and may effect in reaching the dateline. Most organizations with nature of business of product and services needs an server to store their datas and records which means each and every one of them are tied to an IT technology infrastructure. Most of these datas stored by them need to be integrated as it need to provide a report or results of their task at the end of the day. Is also reduces the burden of the managers and in charge person in monitoring the workflow time to time. In short, to overcome all these problems mentioned, organizations needed software which integrates as a supporting tool to watch over the productivity of organizations which ERP systems are eligible for it.

Steps in ERP

ERP allows companies to integrate various departmental information. It has evolved from a human resource management application to a tool that spans IT management. For many users, an ERP is a do it all system that performs everything from entry of sales orders to customer service. It attempts to integrate the suppliers and customers with the manufacturing environment of the organisation. For example, a purchase entered in the order module passes the order to a manufacturing

application, which in turn sends a materials request to the supply-chain module, which gets the necessary parts from suppliers and uses a logistics module to get them to the factory. At the same time the purchase transaction shows in general a ledger module as revenue. The traditional application systems, which organisations generally employ, treat each transaction separately. They are built around the strong boundaries of specic functions that a specic application is meant to cater for. ERP stops treating these transactions separately as stand alone activities and considers them to be a part of interlinked processes that make up the business . The names and numbers of modules in an ERP system provided by various software vendors may differ. A typical system integrates all these functions by allowing its modules to share and transfer information by freely centralising information in a single database accessible by all modules . The various modules of ERP include engineering data control bill of materials, process plan and work centre data; sales, purchase and inventory (sales and distribution, inventory and purchase); material requirement planning (MRP); resource ow management (production scheduling, nance and human resources management); works documentation (work order, shop order release, material issue release and route cards for parts and assemblies); shopoor control and management and others like costing, maintenance management, logistics management and MIS. Also, the model of ERP includes areas such as nance (nancial accounting, treasury management, enterprise control and asset management), logistics (production planning, materials management, plant maintenance, quality management, project systems, sales and distribution), human resources (personnel management, training and development and skills inventory) and workow (integrates the entire enterprise with exible assignment of tasks and responsibilities to locations, positions, jobs, groups or individuals) . Although an ERP system is a pure software package, it embodies established ways of doing business. Studies have illustrated that an ERP system is not just a pure software package to be tailored to an organisation but an organizational infrastructure that affects how people work and that it imposes its own logic on a companys strategy, organisation, and culture. For example, SAP R/3, as one of the

major ERP vendors, currently stores over 1,000 predened processes that represent nancial, logistics and human resources best practices in a repository called business engineer.

3. Evolution of ERP

4. Role and Purpose of ERP

The main priority functions of this ERP software are integrating processes and data within an organization that applies ERP software. It basically unify the all the different level departments data together example such as payroll, accounting, human resources, maintenance and others functioning departments. Different divisions that wish to integrate own database and networks can use the ERP software for the data storage. The ERP system also implements a compact and effective way of data storage. All confidential data and information are stored under one particular server with the access for authorized employees can be accesses with quick response and at one time for all users. This prevents from employees waiting for one to finish the task and another one to proceed in using the same data needed. Most of the organizations that handles and the productivity are based on datas, need to ERP systems as an advantage in improving the workflow. ERP systems can extract the information and generates it to a report without manual effort which more likely will reduce the task of an accountant or finance manager. The systems can identify the data that needed and reacts quickly to what are required. Another advantage of ERP systems usage are the unlimited access and data can be retrieved from various

locations depends on where it wants to be accessed. ERP systems are the most favourable systems for organization like call centres, banks, finance institution and most organization that deals with clients.

5. Main vendors of ERP systems

Business information systems can be either designed as custom applications or purchased as off-the-shelf standard solutions. The development of custom applications is generally expensive and is often plagued by uncertainties, such as the selection of appropriate development tools, the duration of the development cycle, or the difficulties involved in assessing costs. Therefore, companies are radically changing their information technology strategies by purchasing off-the-shelf software packages instead of developing IT systems in-house (Holland and Light, 1999). Out of more than 100 ERP providers worldwide, SAP-AG, Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft and Baan collectively called the Big Five of ERP software vendors. They control approximately 70 per cent of the ERP market share. The middle end products include SSA, BPCS, Inertia Movers, etc., that offer good functionality and could be implemented faster. The low-end products like QAD, MFG, PRD, etc., could be implemented very fast, but offer limited functionality

Common Features of ERP

The top five ERP vendors have seen a growth rate of 61 per cent over the past year. Although there are some differences in the marketing strategies and products of these five ERP vendors, they have similar offerings and shortcomings. Most ERP vendors still use the same basic model as MRP II for the manufacturing planning portion of their systems .ERP has packaged processes best business practices in the form of a business blueprint. This blueprint could guide firms from the beginning phase of product engineering, including evaluation and analysis, to the final stages of product implementation. Many ERP systems also come with industry-specific solutions, or templates, that enhance the standard system by addressing key issues or business processes within an industry group I. ORACLE Oracle Consulting offers a specialized strategy and roadmap service to engage and assist our customers efforts with properly planning their implementation of Oracles Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Applications across their enterprise(s). Oracle Consulting is the only global organization focused exclusively on Oracle Applications and Technology. Oracle is the second-largest supplier of software in the world. Oracle was founded in 1977 in the USA (OLeary, 2000). It offers ERP applications designated to work with its database software. Oracle is a leading database software provider that sells most of its applications to manufacturers and consumer goods companies. Oracle intends to dominate its database software by levering over the ERP market. It has built a solid enterprise applications business, which accounted for $2.5 billion of the firms $9.3 billion 1999 revenues. Second to SAP in the enterprise software market, Oracle applications serve over 5,000 customers in 140 countries. Oracle has been a leader in refocusing its ERP solutions around the Internet, and it launched a barrage of electronic-commerce and Internet-based business-to-business software applications while the other JBOPS companies were slow to react to the changing marketplace. Further, Oracle was the first JBOPS Company to integrate front-office applications with its ERP offering.

Oracles reputation in ERP systems is for developing a product that can be interfaced with other products in order to construct a best of breed (BoB) system. About Oracles ERP Application Architecture Roadmap service Oracles ERP Application Architecture Roadmap service helps our customers build an optimized, cost effective Applications Architecture and Implementation Roadmap aligned to standard Oracle ERP Applications capabilities and industry best practices. It guides customers through the necessary steps to begin realising the benefits of their Oracle ERP Applications. Through analysing corporate objectives in relation to business requirements, encouraging reuse of standard product functionality, and optimising a phased implementation strategy that focuses on quick wins, this offering efficiently and accurately prioritises business objectives, and creates an implementation strategy that facilitates a successful project implementation. The Oracle ERP Application Architecture Roadmap Service provides customers with the following: Comprehensive business process driven assessment of customers business priorities. Architecture to enable their business vision. Roadmap for implementation.

Scope of the Offering The Oracle ERP Application Architecture Roadmap Service is applicable to a wide range of customers and industries with distinct needs. The scope and approach are agreed in advance, and can be tailored to the customers environment and requirements. II. SAP Established in Germany in 1972, SAP AG, with 33 per cent market share, is the major ERP package vendor for the Fortune 500 companies. With more than 20,000 employees and an estimated revenue of $3.1 billion in 1997, up 30 per cent from 1996 , SAP has become one of the largest software companies in the world. To stay ahead of the competition, SAP spends 20-30 per cent of its annual revenues on R&D. SAPs first two products operated on mainframe hardware; R/1 was batch-

oriented, but in 1981 was replaced by R/2, an online system. In 1992, SAP introduced R/3, a powerful client/server architecture product, which quickly gained dominant market share. SAP R/3 is an integrated suite of financial, manufacturing, distribution, logistics, quality control and human resources application systems and can address or facilitate changes in the business processes Its architecture consists of three main layers of software (1) SAP GUI, representing the presentation layer. (2) SAP application layer. (3) SAP database layer (Bancroft et al., 1998). Applications of the SAP R/3 system are coded in the programming language ABAP/4 (Advanced Business Application Programming Language). ABAP/4 is an interpreted language, which makes it very easy to integrate new ABAP/4 application programs into the. SAP offers modules for logistics and human resources and also expands its product line to supply chain management, sale force automation and data warehousing SAP stands for Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing. Over the years, it has grown and evolved to become the world premier provider of client/server business solutions for which it is so well known today. The SAP R/3 enterprise application suite for open client/server systems has established a new standard for providing business information management solutions. SAP products are considered excellent but not perfect. The main problems with software product are that it can never be perfect. The main advantage of using SAP as a company ERP system is that SAP has a very high level of integration among its individual applications which guarantee consistency of data throughout the system and the company itself. In a standard SAP project system, it is divided into three environments, Development, Quality Assurance and Production. The development system is where most of the implementation work takes place. The quality assurance system is where all the final testing is conducted before moving

the transports to the production environment. The production system is where all the daily business activities occur. It is also the client that all the end users use to perform their daily job functions. To all company, the production system should only contain transports that have passed all the tests. SAP is table drive customization software. It allows businesses to make rapid

changes in their business requirements with a common set of programs. User-exits are provided for business to add in additional source code. Tools such as screen variants are provided to let you set fields attributes whether to hide, display and make them mandatory fields. This is what makes ERP system and SAP in particular so flexible. The table driven customization are driving the program functionality instead of those old fashioned hard-coded programs. Therefore, new and changed business requirements can be quickly implemented and tested in the system. Many other business application software have seen this table driven customization advantage and are now changing their application software based on this table customizing concept. In order to minimize your upgrading costs, the standard programs and tables should not be changed as far as possible. The main purpose of using standard business application software like SAP is to reduce the amount of time and money spends on developing and testing all the programs. Therefore, most companies will try to utilize the available tools provided by SAP. III. PEOPLE SOFT PeopleSoft, Inc. was a software company that provided HRM (human resource management), CRM (customer relationship management), Manufacturing, Financials, EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) and Student Administration software solutions to large corporations, governments, and organizations. Founded in 1987 by David Duffield and Ken Morris, originally headquartered in Walnut Creek, California, and eventually Pleasanton, California.

PeopleSoft's roots began with an idea Duffield had about a "Client-Server" (then a new concept) version of Integral Systems popular mainframe HRMS package. In 2003, when PeopleSoft acquired J.D. Edwards, it decided to differentiate its former product line with those of Edwards by renaming both products. PeopleSoft's original flagship product was rebranded as PeopleSoft Enterprise. J.D. Edwards' ERP product was rebranded as PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne. In January 2005, PeopleSoft was acquired in a hostile takeover by the Oracle Corporation. This takeover was resisted by PeopleSoft but Oracle overcame the legal challenge and after the approved merger, PeopleSoft ceased to be an independent company, although its products continue to be used by thousands of companies. Both the Enterprise and EnterpriseOne products are considered ERP systems and modularized into specific components: HRMS (including payroll, human resources, benefits, etc.), Financials (including Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Asset Management, EPM, etc), Manufacturing (including inventory, purchasing, billing, order management, production management, cost management), Student Administration, and CRM (including helpdesk, support, and sales). PeopleSoft is well known for its ability to be easily customized or tailor-made, to fit the specific business needs of each client, while still being generic enough to meet corporate and governmental tracking requirements. Product design:The whole software suite of PeopleSoft moved from the traditional client-server based design to web-centric design, called PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture (PIA) with their version 8 releases. The end result was that all of a company's business functions could be accessed and run on a web client. A small number of security and system setup functions, though, still needed to be performed on a fat client machine. The inherent nature of Internet based applications allowed for a straightforward transition from a client-server model. One important feature of PeopleSoft's PIA is that no code is required on the client - there is no need for additional downloads of plug-in, or JVMs such as the Jinitiator required for Oracle Applications.

The architecture is built around PeopleSofts own PeopleTools technology. PeopleTools is a proprietary development platform created by PeopleSoft. This platform includes many different components a developer theoretically needs to create an application including a scripting language, design tools to define various types of metadata, standard security structure, and batch processing tools. The metadata describes data for user interfaces, tables, messages, security, navigation, portals, and so forth. The benefit of creating their own development platform allowed PeopleSoft applications to run on top of many different operating systems and database platforms, It is not tied to a single database platform (though with the Oracle takeover, it is possible this could change in the future). PeopleSoft implementations exist on Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, Sybase, and IBM DB2.All of PeopleSofts modules (Human Resources, Supply Chain, Financials, CRM, etc.) is built with the PeopleTools technology. A benefit of the technology is that all the code which makes up a module can be customized to suit the owners business needs. An auxiliary product, PeopleCode, is an (OOL) object-oriented proprietary language used to express business logic for PeopleSoft applications. IV. BAAN The Baan Company was founded in The Netherlands in 1978 making financial software. Bann has approximately 3,000 clients in 5,000 sites worldwide (OLeary, 2000). It sells manufacturing software to BPMJ. It stocks up on small software suppliers, which results in a wider variety of product offerings. They continue to develop enterprise applications in areas that SAP and Oracle are less competitive. Baans products have been simpler to use than SAPs, leading to the companys growth in the early nineties. Today, the company operates in 80 countries, 10 serving more than 2,800 customers. Baans net revenues have increased from $47 million in 1992 to $736 million in 1998. The Baan Series is its primary enterprise system, which incorporates a variety of functionalities from sale order management and manufacturing to supply chain management. suffered a series of setbacks including Since October of 1998, Baan turmoil, accounting management

irregularities, multiple-quarter losses and CEO turnover.

V. JD EDWARDS JD Edwards provides ERP applications (OneWorld) for managing the enterprise and supply chain. Their integrated applications give customers control over their front office, manufacturing, logistics and distribution, human resources and finance processes. JD Edwards continues to allow its ERP solutions to operate in the computing environment and also to be XML enabled. OneWorld is designed for between five and 500 users. Founded in 1977 by three partners from an accounting firm, Denverbased J.D. Edwards addresses business processes in finance, manufacturing, distribution/logistics and human resources, and encompasses the entire supply chain from planning and scheduling through execution. Growing from $120 million in revenues in 1992 to $944 million in 1999, the software maker has served over 5,000 customers in over 100 countries. Its OneWorld system is considered to be more flexible than its competitors, and the company made headway in smaller enterprises. And, rather than build its own customer relationship management system, J.D. Edwards developed tight integration with Siebels leading offering.

Comparison Among Various ERPs

All of them certainly have difference from real business Processes (Model Business Processes) followed by different user industry and thus needing careful planning / implementing considerations.

Functional Difference Oracle is at 'Solution' level much more than SAP with past few years of acquisition. So Oracle is just not about applications. SAP on the other hand is much more verticalised (Similarly Siebel is extremely verticalised). From the Functional standpoint Oracle,SAP,Peoplesoft etc cannot be directly compared with Microsoft Axapta, Ramco as the complexity and nature of business processes of investing company is what matters.TCO, and ERP Host cultures are completely separate for Microsoft Axapta, Ramco. Technical Difference Oracle has Highest control on entire (data 2 Apps) technology stack of ERP suite and it's control over the stack is even more growing with continuous investment around Technology stack as evident from the products / releases that are coming out of Oracle Technology group. For some of the building blocks of Technology stack, SAP certainly gives Oracle a Run. One of the key difference with Microsoft and rest two (Oracle, SAP) is the range of tools and integration needed from Technical stand point in former case is More and thus Developer's life is not so easy. Implementation PeopleSoft features for implementation rated higher than Microsoft's, SAP's, and Siebel's in enabling implementation teams to install, implement, and deploy enterprise applications through comprehensive configuration wizards and prepackaged integration packs for all major enterprise application vendors. Oracle also rates consistently high in the areas of configuration, data loading, pre-packaged integrations, and web services. PeopleSoft has made more progress than other vendors in enabling and streamlining its configuration and integration tools. Usability Across the features evaluated, PeopleSoft and Siebel rated highest in terms of the usability features evaluated. The task-oriented organization of application screens and the consistency of screen layouts across all modules in PeopleSoft applications

improve end user productivity and enables end users to complete tasks faster and with fewer errors. Microsoft Business Solutions usability is limited due to a continued reliance on a "thick client" architecture for most of the applications, and SAP was found lacking in task-oriented dashboards. Maintenance, Support, and Upgrades PeopleSoft rated consistently high across the maintenance feature set primarily due to the ability to proactively and rapidly isolate and resolve application issues through embedded diagnostics scripts, thorough test scenarios and scripts, and streamlined upgrade process. Specifically in relation to Microsoft Business Solutions, PeopleSoft's complete web enablement streamlines the upgrade process compared to an offering like Microsoft Great Plains, which operates in a client-server environment and requires the client to be upgraded as well. The results of this evaluation by this consulting team can provide guidance to decision makers on how to evaluate the major enterprise application vendors relative to the ownership experience, which impacts both the cost of ownership and the value derived from the applications. To summarize, such systems have a few common properties: They are based on a central, relational database, they are built on a client/server architecture, and they consist of various functional modules. In addition to a base module, there are modules for general accounting, budgeting, fixed assets, sales order management, procurement, inventory management, customer service management, etc. ERP systems may support most functional units and processes of a company if its structure and working procedures are not too far from the mainstream. Process modeler PeopleSoft provides 1,200 pre-defined models that cover PeopleSoft best practices business process flows. Oracle Workflow allows for business processes to be modeled using a drag-and-drop designer and produces a visual diagram of the business process. With Siebel, customers can add pre-defined or custom business processes, branching, and sub-processes to create a workflow process tailored to their unique business requirements. SAP offers functionality in process modeling

only within the context of its own applications. The ability to manipulate existing business processes within Microsoft Great Plains is limited and requires customization work. Process modeling is independent from integration but is a critical step for developing process oriented integration Advanced configuration PeopleSoft has gone further than any vendor in enabling the application to be configured by product or by business processes. For example, the PeopleSoft Setup Manager configuration tool enables implementation staff to connect to documentation online and navigate through the documentation by selecting product and features directly from the configuration screen. Both Siebel and Oracle provide advanced tools to support the definition of business processes and data flows. SAP provides tools that are more complex and require more technical expertise. Microsoft limits end user ability to fully configure applications. Advanced data loading and moving Microsoft simply does not allow advanced data loading and moving. Oracle iSetup automates and simplifies the initial setup of data. Oracle iSetup is a question-driven wizard that automatically generates applicationrelated parameters and flows such as chart of accounts, expense policies, and rules. PeopleSoft provides advanced dataloading and moving capabilities, including the ability to load data online from Excel spreadsheets into PeopleSoft applications through component interfaces. SAP provides a free set of tools and procedures that make it possible to transfer data from a variety of sources without any programming. Siebel has a set of proprietary tools for the data load; the tools can be used as batch loading for information that must be reloaded on a regular basis, once the mapping of data is done.

Pre-packaged integration between vendor applications PeopleSoft Process Integration Packs deliver all levels of required integration: data transformation, routing, cross-reference maps, and standard-based connectors/adapters for a complete end-toend integration. PeopleSoft currently provides five pre-packaged integrations for key SAP and Oracle business processes

out of the box. These pre-packaged integrations replace the need for custom integrations, thereby saving customers up to 60% off the cost of custom integration. While not offering pre-packaged integration packs, Oracle maintains adapters to most commonly used applications. Its adapters do help reduce the effort for custom integration. SAP encapsulates integration tasks within its NetWeaver platform, but still requires deep technology expertise to complete the integration. Siebel Universal Application Network provides a common interface layer for Siebel Application to interface with non-Siebel applications but requires third-party components. Microsoft introduced a toolbox for integration to replace Great Plains integration tools (Integration Manager). Diagnostic and technical support Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, and Siebel support is delivered the "traditional" way: a knowledge base on the web and phone calls with technical support. PeopleSoft is the only vendor to provide a built-in diagnostic framework through embedded diagnostics scripts that let customers send secure, realtime production system snapshots to PeopleSoft's support center. This unique capability ensures faster issue diagnosis and resolution. With SAP, Oracle, and Siebel, diagnostics and resolution information is exchanged between the customer and the vendor through tailored emails that depend on the availability, the responsiveness, and the knowledge of the vendor's support staff. In some cases, support requires extensive communication and exchange of files such as log files that contain the exact configuration of the customer implementation. Data archiving Oracle only provides purge capabilities and does not allow customers to archive or restore/reinstate archived data into production. Both SAP and PeopleSoft provide archive, purge, and restore capabilities natively. In addition, PeopleSoft provides rules-based archiving templates enabling administrators to set up different archiving rules for different regions for better global compliance support. Siebel and Microsoft do not directly offer archive, purge or restore capabilities. Patch management

Applying patches to enterprise applications can be a very time consuming and disruptive activity. SAP, Oracle, and Siebel make their list of patches fully available on the web but provide limited guidance and automated tools to select which patches are relevant to a specific configuration. PeopleSoft has streamlined this task by offering a Change Assistant toolset that supports the automatic checking of pre and post- requisites and by automatically selecting which patch should be applied for the customer to be current. Microsoft releases new versions of patches for its applications very infrequently (less than once a year), so the features with respect to patch management are well suited. User-centric performance testing PeopleSoft allows customers to submit test cases, which are used as part of the application testing and release process. PeopleSoft is the only vendor to test functionality and performance using real customer data on volume database systems. Oracle relies mostly on its database performance test to validate the performance of its application. SAP offers test services reported to be so expensive that very few customers opt to use them. Siebel has been focused on usability since it released its first CRM application, and user-centric testing is an integral part of its product development cycle. Microsoft delivers good usability but the functionality delivered is less sophisticated. Navigation configurability Most vendors provide tools to the technical staff and the implementation team to customize the application interface in order to better fit the business needs and business processes of the customer. Microsoft provides only limited tools to customize the application interface. All modifications made to Microsoft Great Plains' interface and navigation are done through custom coding rather than configuration and wizard-driven, point-and-click tools. With PeopleSoft, Oracle, and Siebel, it is easy to create customized and personalized navigation pages and choose to use these pages in addition to, or instead of, the default navigation pages that are provided out of the box. SAP requires advanced programming to achieve a level of configuration and customization of the interface that might be fit for the average user.

6. Various Modules of an ERP

ERP Modules ERP software consists of many enterprise software modules that an enterprise would purchase, based on what best meets its specific needs and technical capabilities. Each ERP module is focused on one area of business processes, such as product development or marketing. Some of the more common ERP modules include those for product planning, material purchasing, inventory control, distribution, accounting, marketing, finance and HR.

Master Module It helps our clients in undertaking their business endeavors successfully. The modules are designed by IT professionals and software engineers. They make sure that the modules can be operated easily without the involvement of complex techniques. It offers: Party Master Item Group Code Master Excise Commodity Master UOM (Unit of Measurement) Master

Quotation Type Master Department Master Designation Master Item Master Item Category Master Document Header Master Terms and Condition Master Document Footer Master Party Type

Sales Module In order to keep a track on the domestic and exports sales activities of their organizations, clients can rely on our Sales modules. Starting from invoice till report on sales inquiries can be easily stored on the modules. The module includes: Sales Support Sales Inquiry Item Rate Master Sales Quotation Sales Order Transfer Sales Order Proforma Invoice

Materials Management This module is designed to support the procurement process and to optimize the logistics pipeline within the enterprise. It enables automated supplier evaluation and can lower procurement and warehousing costs with accurate inventory and warehouse management, and integrates invoice verification. The module is designed to support foreign trade processing, such as customs declarations, as well. Tools for inventory control and purchasing information help to identify trends and developments.

Engineering Module It aid in automating production flow by maintaining BOM (Bill of Material). the solution encompasses the following:

Bill of Material (BOM Where Used List Reports

Production and Planning Module To assist optimum utilization of available resources, Production and Planning module is prepared. It is designed to aid in conducting planning, advance planning and preparing analytical reports. Owing to its advantageous features, the solution is demanded by clients across the globe. The module includes: Work Order Process Sheet Job Card Advance Planning Reports

Financial Accounting This module collects all the data relevant to financial accounting, from transactions to accounts, into an integrated General Ledger. It provides comprehensive, consolidated financial reports and ties together the different pieces of financial data, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Asset Management. It also provides an up-to-the-minute basis for enterprise-wide control and planning, giving a snapshot of the enterprise. The FI module supports international accounting standards such as GAAP and IAS. Material Requirement Planning (MRP) A software based module, Material Requirement Planning(MRP) helps in managing manufacturing processes. The module mainly comprises production planning and inventory control system. Further, it also assists in planning manufacturing activities,

delivery schedules and purchasing activities. Some other tasks associated with the module are: Requisition / Indent Work Order Shortage Reports Minimum Stock Manual Planning

Purchase Module Clients can bank on our Purchase modules that aid in availing required raw material of the finest quality in the right time and at the right price. It is used for creating indents, placing & purchasing orders and creating analytical reports. The module helps clients in selection of vendors with the help of vendor evolution and vendor rejection analysis. The primary uses of modules are: Purchase Order Vendor Evolution (Rating) Vendor Analysis Request for Quotation Purchase Card Job Work Price List Reports

Controlling This module includes a variety of planning and control tools for enterprise control systems, following a uniform system of reporting. It provides comprehensive reports to support most common cost-accounting problems, as well as the capability to put together additional reports. Enterprise Controlling

This module continuously monitors metrics and performance indicators on the basis of specially prepared management information. Investment Management This provides integrated management of investment projects. Projects are tracked from planning through execution to settlement, including pre-investment analysis and depreciation simulation. Plant Maintenance and Service Management module handles planning, control, and processing of scheduled maintenance, inspection, special maintenance, and service management. Quality Management This module monitors, manages and tracks all processes relevant to quality assurance along the entire supply chain, coordinates inspection processing and initiates corrective measures. Project System This module coordinates and controls all phases of a project, in direct cooperation with Purchasing and Controlling, from quotation to design and approval, to resource management and cost settlement.

Bill Passing Module The module includes the following: Purchase Bill Job Work Bill Reports

HR/Payroll Software Payroll Software should automatically calculate net pay, federal withholding tax, Social Security tax, Medicare, state and local

payroll taxes. Payroll software that can be shaped to fit your businesses personal needs is an asset at all levels.

7. Benefits of ERP in an organization

The main benefit of implementing the ERP systems is the integration. Integration which means storing datas or connecting networks to a certain space where it can be accessible to many at one time. For example, integration of data from various divisions or departments in an organisation. The same data at times are needed for many purposes by different departments and with the ERP systems it can be stored in a web base or server base to be accesses by the authorized at any time without wasting any time and fastens the task that need to be completed. Another benefit of implementing new ERP system firstly is to enhance work efficiency. When the ERP software is installed the workflow within division will run smoothly with the flexibility provided by the software. The online format used to store and retrieve information within divisions will reduce paper documentation and leads the organization towards paperless environments thus it also reduces the cost of operation in a company. The productivity of a company will increase with the implementation of the software as it provides a quick response of markets conditions and provides each department of their own database and networks. Other than that, cross computer system is also used in storing and retrieving data. An ERP system also benefits the organisations in data storage and retrieving. Almost all the confidential and important data are stored for the purpose of keeping an eye on the cash flow. With the implementation of ERP system the data that stored for example, such as information about clients, assets, debtors details, creditors details and many more. Employees can easily access into the information and retrieve the needed data. This can help the whole organisation to be aware about the organizations cash flow and productivity. They dont need any notice or memo to inform them about it. They can personally access to it. Other than that, an ERP system also helps to keep track on clients details and debtors which is the two main aspects in helping the productivity of an organization. An ERP system also benefits the employees of an organization. When an employee takes a leave or for any circumstances, the other employees would not face

difficulties in taking over the task. With the implementation of ERP systems all details are available and ready to be accessed at any time.

8. Drawbacks of the ERP systems

Although ERP systems have certain advantages such as low operating cost and improving customer service, they have some disadvantages due to the tight integration of application modules and data. Huge storage needs, networking requirements and training overheads are frequently mentioned ERP problems. However, the scale of business process re-engineering (BPR) and customization tasks involved in the software implementation process are the major reasons for ERP dissatisfaction. Baan, PeopleSoft, as well as SAP calculate that customers spend between three and seven times more money on ERP implementation and associated services compared to the purchase of the software license. This means that ERP projects are large, costly and difficult and that they require large investment in capital and staff and management time. These are the following disadvantages of ERP: its high cost prevents small businesses from setting up an ERP system, the privacy concern within an ERP system and lack of trained people may affect ERPs efficiency. Implementation of an ERP project is painful, and customization is costly and time-consuming The different types of ERP system misfits (the gaps between the functionality offered by the package and that required by the adopting organisation), based on Asian organizations, have been presented by Soh et al. (2000). ERP systems are complex, and implementing one can be a difficult, time-consuming and expensive project for a company.

9. Conclusion
In this growing technology world, these types of systems are mostly welcomed and are suggested to be implemented for luxury purposes. To adapt to todays challenging and competitive business environment, organizations are implementing

ERP systems to achieve a capability to plan and integrate enterprise-wide resources in order to shorten lead times, and to be more responsive to customer demands. Man power and the cost can be reduced under these systems implementations. The implementation of ERP systems can provide a good outcome and as common understanding each good has it bad also. The organization has the power in the implementation of ERP system in their organizations. For the good outcomes, the system gives an effective and efficient data keeping and retrieving methods. This pleases the employees, management, investors or shareholders and mostly everyone. Each daily task can be carried out without difficulties and hurdles. This also increases the productivity of the company and the objectives are met. But they are also some negative outcomes that affect the implementation of ERP systems. If technology can overcome man power then there in will no accuracy in task completed. ERP systems are not applicable to all in organizations. Thus, the cost of implementation may lead to financial difficulties and if the implementations are over budgeted than it may harm the whole organisations. Of all departments, the finance or accounts is the most important and main factor of income and productivity. Therefore, manually accounts input are one the toughest task a person may face and are also classified as most organizations and employees. ERP systems implementation towards AIS are be an advantage but with proper implementation or and which part it need an adjustment have to identified and applied. This may lessen the disadvantages.

References oklet_05-19.pdf

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