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Andy Slaughter, Labour MP for Hammersmith Shadow Minister for Justice House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA 020

7219 6052 Nigel Pallace Director of Environment LB Hammersmith & Fulham 14th February 2012

Dear Nigel, I understand that Application for Seagrave Road Car, Coach and Lorry Park is for decision by PAC this Thursday 16 February with a recommendation for approval. I am writing to express my concern and to request the decision is deferred. The officer report acknowledges the view that the application should not be considered before the strategy for the whole area is established both by adoption of the SPD and consideration of the Masterplan application. But it seeks to argue (paragraph 3.1) that the draft SPD is not a development plan document, and even when adopted it will supplement the Core Strategy and not supplant it This is the second time in a week (following the approval of the Shepherds Bush Market application) that the Council has repudiated its own principle detailed planning document in order to comply with a political and developers timetable. The wish to decide major controversial planning applications before the Mayoral Election in May and the implementation of the Crossrail levy on 1 April are not legitimate reasons for accelerating such applications to Committee. It is very likely that the SPD consultation will proscribe policy for the Opportunity Area which will materially affect plans for the Seagrave Road site . And the determination of the Masterplan is fundamental to the future use of the site. As regards current user, the report concedes permission must be (Reasons for Granting Permission paragraph 5): Subject to a satisfactory strategy secured through the legal agreement to cover the re-provision of parking spaces in the event that the Earl's Court Exhibition Centres remain open, it is considered that there would be no adverse impact on traffic generation... It is difficult to see how this could be achieved. The proposed use of the site for high-density housing is controversial (there are nine pages of comments more than 80% of which are adverse), as are the loss of employment land and the now customary inadequate viability statement. The report states (paragraph 3.42): given the uncertainty surrounding the redevelopment of the two housing estates...fall back positions have had to be

considered None of the three fall back positions has any detail attached to it (paragraphs 3.44 and 3.45). The Committee is being asked to buy a pig in a poke.

It is scarcely credible that the Council believes it is appropriate that this application should be considered now rather than delayed a relatively short time until the SPD and Masterplan have been considered. Please defer this decision. I am copying this letter to the Chair and lead Opposition member of PAC and should the Committee proceed to consider the report, I would ask that it is drawn to the Committees attention, Yours sincerely

Andy Slaughter Cc: Councillors Alex Chalk and Mike Cartwright

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