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8, 2011

Are you looking for fun with family and friends this holiday season? ii
Look no further!
Pack your hat and gloves and head down to the heart of Grand Rapids. Here, you can spend your day or evening at Rosa Parks Circleiii which offers ice-skating in the wintertime. Admission is only one dollar, and you dont even have to worry about finding your ice skates because they are free with an ID (drivers license is good, a Student ID also works). Rosa Parks Circle is located at the corner of Monroe Center St NW and Monroe Ave NW. iv Ice skating hours are as follows: v Monday to Tuesday: 6:00 P.M. 9:30 P.M. Wednesday to Thursday: 12:00 P.M. - 9:30 P.M. Friday to Saturday: 12:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. Sunday: 12:00 P.M. 9:30 P.M.

mcnultyc12 12/7/11 11:08 AM Formatted: Font:Marker Felt, 22 pt, Italic

mcnultyc12 12/7/11 11:07 AM Formatted: Font:Marker Felt, 16 pt, Italic

mcnultyc12 12/8/11 10:29 AM Comment: What is the address of Rosa Parks Circle?

Also, dont miss the opportunity to stop by Biggby Coffee House (next door to Rosa Parks Circle) before you strap on your ice skates, or after a day of skating. And while youre downtown, enjoy at least one of more than 90 privately owned restaurants and nightclubs, all within walking distance of each other and Rosa Parks Circle.

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December 8, 2011 i Inserted a header, saying December 8, 2011. Inserted footer saying, Page 1 ii Tracked changes, such as changing font to marker felt. iii Used the replace command to replace every instance of Rosa Parks Circle and change it to an italicized version. iv Used the comment feature to ask, What is the address of Rosa Parks Circle? v Inserted fields

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