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Countable / Uncountable nouns *Countable nouns are those we can count: (one pencil, two pencils, three pencils)

pencil pencils; glass glasses; child children *Uncountable nouns are those that we cannot count (one milk, two milks) and which have no plural form, like cheese, oil, water -We often use measured amounts with uncountable nouns, such as: a kilo of sugar, a piece of cheese milk -two glasses of milk; sugar -three kilos of sugar 1. Put the nouns in the right column.

children coffee knife

bird cheese feet

egg bread watch Plural 1 children 2 3 4 5 6

Table milk cherries

meat tea poster

men sandwiches apples

Countable nouns Singular 1 knife 2 3 4 5 6

Uncountable nouns 1 coffee 2 3 4 5 6

Some / Any *In positive statements we use SOME with countable plural nouns AND with uncountable nouns, which only have a singular form. There are some clouds in the sky. (countable plural) There's some milk in the jug. (uncountable) *In positive statements with a singular countable noun, we use the article a/an There is an apple in the bowl. *We use any in questions and not any in negative statements. We use any with both countable plural and uncountable nouns. Have you got any sweets? We haven't got any sweets. (countable) Have we got any milk? We haven't got any milk. (uncountable) In questions and negative statements with a singular countable noun, we use the article a/an Has she got a bike? They haven't got an old house.

2. Complete with a, an or some. We only use the article a / an if the noun is countable and singular. There's a cat on the roof 1. There's a letter for you on your desk. 2 Be careful! There's mouse under the sofa! 3 There's milk for Suzie in that bowl. 4 I've got. idea! Let's go to the cinema tonight! 5 Mary has got baby brother. 6 Well done! This is .excellent story. 7 There's .orange juice for the children in the fridge. 8 This is ..old photograph of Peter and Kikki's parents. 9 There's soup for you on the table. It's delicious! 10 We've got. cheese. Let's make pizza! 3. Complete with some or any. We use any only in negative statements and questions. Is there any tea for me? There isn't any tea for me. I I've got some beautiful postcards from London. 2 There aren't bananas for Stanley. 3 Have we orange juice? 4 There are books on that desk. Are they yours? 5 This soup is awful! There isn't salt in it! 6 There are beautiful toy cars in Stanley's room. 7 Have you. got brothers or sisters? 8 Well done! There aren't .mistakes in your test! 9 There's. milk in the fridge. It's for Suzie. 10 Is there ice cream for me? 4. Form the negative and the question. 1. There is some orange juice in the fridge . There isnt any orange juice in the fridge. Is there any orange juice in the fridge? 2. They have got some friends in Paris. 3. There are some mistakes in his test. 4. He's got some cousins in Athens. 5. There's some cat food for Cosmo. 6. We've got some fresh milk. 7. She's got some money for the tickets. 5. Complete the questions and answer them. 1. Is there any orange juice in the fridge? (apple juice) There isnt any orange juice, but there is some apple juice. 2. Are there. hamburgers for me? (cheeseburgers) 3. Are there shoe shops in this street? (toy shops) 4. ..there.. cola in that bottle? (lemonade) 5. there ..wolves in that forest? (bears) 6. .there ..zoos in your town? (museums) 7. there .milk in that cup? (tea) 8. .there.. bananas in the fridge? (strawberries) 2

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