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object: a videotape

Consult a GM if you watch it.

object: a pregnancy test

Whoever took it is clearly pregnant.

object: Deed to the Hotel

Currently signed to Dante / Deedee Underwood.

object: legal documents

Apparently, Underwood just inherited a 51% share of the local Victory Electrical Cooperative. And the victory Co-op owns the tiny zoo out back. And that it is against the co-ops charter to ever not own a chinese ferret badger, for some reason.

object: an engagement ring With a big fucking rock on it

Its got a message engraved on it: ND will forever love JL.

object: a heroin kit

Hypodermic needle, little baggies of white powder, spoon, lighter, long rubber hose, etc.

object: legal documents

Something about a avoiding legal proceedings and a parcel transfer of some kind.

object: a crushed tiara

Under the duct tape and paper clips, you can read Miss Kansas.

object: Police Revol ver

Its a gun. It shoots and hurts people.

object: Police Identifica tion

This man here is the head cop for the podunk town.

Sheriff Nelson Deharo

object: video camera News Channel Six property

Professional quality recording equipment. Still surprisingly portable.

object: A USB stick

See a GM to see whats on it.

object: undercover Police Identifica tion

Somebody named Dominic / Darla Garza is an undercover police officer.

object: Police Revol ver

Its a gun. It shoots and hurts people.

object: a dead animal

It was all white, but now its dead. Was it some sort of muskrat? Maybe an ugly breed of dog?

object: a newspaper clipping

Its about a bigtime mobster named Sister Jean Lazia. She recently was involved in a major heist that went horribly wrong, and now is believed to be hiding somewhere in the Midwest.

object: a wild animal

Its all white, looks scared and confused. Is it some sort of muskrat? Maybe an ugly breed of dog? Consult a GM to interact with it.

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