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ANDREA GAGLIARDI _____________________________________________________________________________________________

GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Washington, DC Master of Arts in Communication, Culture and Technology May 2012 Concentration in Media and Politics GPA 3.63 Student Organizations: Peer Review for Gnovis Academic Journal Major Projects: The Use of Twitter by Congressional Freshmen; Newspaper Coverage of Women in the 2020 Election; The Benefits and Consequences of Electronic Voting Technology; The Effect of Late Night Talk Shows on Voters in a Presidential Election; Persuasion Campaign to Get Young Women Involved in Politics Academic Conference: Newspaper Coverage of the Women of 2010. A competitively selected poster presented at the Eastern Communication Association's 102nd Annual Convention, Arlington, VA in April 2011. Relevant Coursework: Media and Politics, Media and American Elections, Persuasion and Influence, Critical Studies of Journalism, Qualitative Research Methods, Communication and Political Engagement. STONEHILL COLLEGE Bachelor of Arts, Communications Studies, Minor in Health Care Administration Easton, MA May 2010

Deans List, Student Activities Scholarship, Public Relations Manager of the Student Newspaper, President of the College Republicans, Student Athlete on the Cheerleading Team Published in The Summit and Times Herald Record Academic Conference: Sarah Palin a Contemporary Woman Rhetor: A competitively selected poster presented at the Eastern Communication Association's 101st Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD in April 2010 Study Abroad in Florence, Italy at Scoula Lorenzo deMedici; Traveled to 6 other countries during the semester


TARGETED VICTORY Independent Contractor/Paid Intern

Alexandria, VA January 2012 Present

Targeted Victory is an interactive online advertising company focusing on conservative political campaigns Create databases of online media use by political campaigns in order to analyze data and form strategies for presidential, congressional, gubernatorial and senatorial campaigns. Assist the Advertising Team with tasks such as proofreading and editing reports and memos. U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Communications Intern Washington, DC January 2011 August 2011

Office of Congresswoman Nan Hayworth- New York 19 Documented approximately 25,000 individual constituent correspondences including emails, phone calls, faxes, letters and petitions, ensuring that each question or comment received a response. Escorted visiting constituents through the Capitol campus, gave tours of the Capitol Building and brought them to the House of Representatives gallery. Drafted and proofread letters sent to constituents as well as set up an email response system in the office to assure constituents their emails had been received and individual responses were forthcoming. Attended lectures and briefings on legislative issues, representing the office and taking notes for the legislative team. Assisted all staff members with projects such as creating media and distribution lists for the press team and doing research for the legislative team, as well as assisting with general office and clerical tasks.


Cataloging Assistant

Washington, DC Sept. 2010 Dec. 2010

Processed books to be sent to off campus storage. Found bibliographic information for new acquisitions. Entered invoicing information into the cataloging systems. Searched for books in the stacks and correct any cataloging errors. New Windsor, NY June 2009 August 2009


Intern District Office of Senator Bill Larkin -39th District of New York Drafted and proofread letters for the senator and his staff. Took notes at the senators meetings with constituents. Clipped local newspaper articles that may be of interest to the senator. Attended various events with the senator.


Paid Intern

Newburgh, NY May 2009 July 2009

Worked in Publishing for Hudson Valley Parent and Hudson Valley Life magazines Set up and conducted phone interviews for Hudson Valley Parent and Hudson Valley Life magazines. Compiled lists of local events and activities for both magazines and their respective websites. Wrote book reviews for Hudson Valley Life and product reviews for Hudson Valley Parent. Answered the phone and took messages for the staff members.


Medical Billing Assistant

Florida, NY May 2008 August 2008

Called insurance companies to verify patient eligibility for procedures. Organized the returned mail and found current addresses to send patients billing records. Called patients to remind them of their upcoming appointments.


Achievement: Leadership: Global Mindset: Community: Involvement:

National Collegiate Cheerleading Finalist, Communications Honors Society President of the College Republicans, Public Relations Manager of The Summit Newspaper Semester in Florence, Italy; 9 credit seminar on the Holocaust including European tour. Volunteered with Homeless Womens Support Group at MainSpring Shelter in Brockton, MA Former gymnast and current supporter of USA Gymnastics and NCAA Gymnastics.

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