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Dr. Abdur Razzak

Lecture 1


Basic Control System Concepts

To study & understand definition & applications history of control engineering basic features & configuration analysis & design objectives the design process benefit of studying control systems


Dr. Abdur Razzak

1681 (Denis Papins) Safety valve for steam pressure regulation 1745 (Edmund Lee) Speed controller for windmill 1868 (Maxwell) Stability criterion for 3rd order systems 1874 (Bessemer) Ship motion sensor 1920-1930 (Bode-Nyquist) Feedback amplifier 1922 (Minorsky) Automatic controller for steering ships 1932 (Nyquist) Stability criterion for closed-loop systems 1934 (Hazen) Servomechanism for position control system 1940 (Ziegler-Nichols) PID controllers to control pressure, temperature etc. 1950 (Evans) Root-Lucas method 1960s Computer control systems 1980-1990 Modern control systems


Control system & control theory

Dr. Abdur Razzak

Control system
A control system consists of subsystems and processes (or plants) assembled for the purpose of desired output with desired performance, given a specific input. Input: stimulus

Control System

Output: response Actual response

Desired response (subsystems & process)

Control theory
Classical (conventional) control theory: applicable for singleinput, single-output, linear time-invariant systems; complex frequencydomain approach.

Modern control theory: applicable for multiple-input, multipleoutput, both linear time-invariant & time-varying systems; both in timedomain and frequency domain approach.


Some terminologies
Dr. Abdur Razzak

Controlled variable is the quantity or condition that is measured and controlled. Control signal is the quantity or condition that is varied by the controller so as to affect the value of the controlled variable. Plant is a piece of equipment or a set of machine parts which perform a particular operation. Any operation to be controlled is a process. System is a combination of components that act together and perform a certain objective. Disturbance (may be internal or external) is a signal that tends to affect the value of a system.


Advantages of control systems

Dr. Abdur Razzak

FOUR primary reasons for building control systems

1. Power amplifications: Control system can produce a large amount of power for output rotation of a radar antenna which is positioned by the low power rotation at the input. 2. Remote control: A remote-controlled robot arm can be used to pick up materials in a radio active environment. 3. Convenience of input form: In a temperature control system the input is a position on a thermostat. The output is heat. Thus a convenient position input yields a desired thermal output. 4. Compensations for disturbances: Robots designed by control system principles can compensate for human disabilities.


Dr. Abdur Razzak

Today control systems finds widespread applications

Guidance, navigation and control of missile, spacecraft, planes and ships. Process control in the industry. Regulating liquid levels, chemical concentrations, thickness of fabricated materials etc.


System configurations
Dr. Abdur Razzak

TWO major configurations

1. Open-loop systems (e.g. washing machine control system) 2. Closed-loop systems (Feedback control systems) (e.g. room temperature control system)

Open-loop control systems


System configurations (contd..)

Dr. Abdur Razzak

Closed-loop control systems (Feedback control systems)


System configurations (contd..)

Dr. Abdur Razzak

Advantages of open-loop control systems

1. Simple construction 2. Easy maintenance 3. Less expensive than a corresponding closed-loop system 4. No stability problem 5. Convenient when output is hard to measure or measuring the output precisely is economically not feasible.

Disadvantages of open-loop control systems

1. Disturbances and changes in calibrations causes errors, and the output may be different from what is desired. 2. Recalibration is necessary to maintain the required quality in the output.


System configurations (contd..)

Dr. Abdur Razzak

Advantages of closed-loop control systems

1. Greater accuracy 2. Less sensitive to noise, disturbance & changes in environment 3. Control is more convenient & flexible

Disadvantages of closed-loop control systems

1. Costly 2. Complex system 3. Sometimes unstable


Automatic controllers
Dr. Abdur Razzak

An automatic controller compares the actual value of the plant output with the reference input (desired value), determines the deviation, and produces a control signal that will reduce the deviation to zero or to a small value.

Industrial control system


Classifications of industrial controllers

Dr. Abdur Razzak

According to the control actions industrial controllers may be classified as: 1. Two-position or on-off controllers 2. Proportional controllers 3. Integral controllers 4. Proportional-plus-integral controllers 5. Proportional-plus-derivative controllers 6. Proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative controllers According to the kind of power employed in the operation controllers may also be classified as 1. Pneumatic controllers 2. Hydraulic controllers 3. Electronic controllers.


Two-positions / on-off controller

Dr. Abdur Razzak

u (t ) = U 1 , = U2,

for e (t ) > 0

for e (t ) < 0


Other controllers
Dr. Abdur Razzak

Proportional controllers:

u (t ) = K p e (t )
Integral controllers:


U (s ) = Kp E (s )

u (t ) = K p

e (t )dt


U (s ) K p = E (s ) s

Derivative controllers:

de (t ) u (t ) = K p Td dt


U (s ) = K p Td s E (s )


Some examples
Dr. Abdur Razzak


Speed control system

Dr. Abdur Razzak


Position control system

Dr. Abdur Razzak

Antenna azimuth position control system (layout)


Position control system

Dr. Abdur Razzak

Antenna azimuth position control system (block diagram)


Temperature control system

Dr. Abdur Razzak


System performance
Dr. Abdur Razzak

TWO major measures of performance

1. Transient response 2. Steady-state error


Analysis & design objectives

Dr. Abdur Razzak

THREE majors objectives of system analysis & design

1. Producing the desired transient response 2. Reducing steady-state error 3. Achieving stability

Other considerations
Hardware selection Cost Sensitivity of system performance Robustness


Design process
Dr. Abdur Razzak

The design of a control system follows these steps

1. Determine a physical system and specifications from requirements. 2. Draw a functional block diagram. 3. Represent the physical systems as a schematic. 4. Use the schematic to obtain a mathematical model. 5. Reduce the block diagram. 6. Analyze and design the system to meet specified requirements and specifications that include stability, transient response and steady-state performance.


Computer aided design (MATLAB)

Dr. Abdur Razzak

Computer is an integral part of modern control system design. Many computational and simulation tools are available to analyze and design the control systems. With the ability to simulate a design rapidly, we can easily make changes and immediately test a new design. We can include nonlinearities and other effects and test our models for accuracy. MATLAB, for example, is an alternative methods for solving control system problems. MATLAB Control System Toolbox is usually used for analysis, design and simulation of control systems.


Dr. Abdur Razzak

1. Norman S Nise, Control System Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 5th Ed., pp. 130. 2. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall, 5th Ed., pp. 112, 2123.


Next class
Dr. Abdur Razzak

Mathematical Modeling of Control System

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