Eh Price Flow Factors

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Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: Page 1 Sept. 15, 1998 June 1, 1994

Section A A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 Section B B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 Section C C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 Section D D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 Section E E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 Linear Diffuser & Grilles SDS SDA / SDAI LBP / LBPH LBMH LV1 LV2 Ceiling Component Diffusers TBD3 Series TBD4 Series TBD7 Series TBD8 Series LT Series Light Troffers Ceiling Diffusers SCD / ASCD SCDA / ASCDA SPD / ASPD PDN / PDNE PDF / PDFE PDDR / PDDRE PDS PDR PE / PL SMD / AMD SMD / AMD Return SMDA / AMDA SMCD / AMCD CVD (1 & 2 Way Blow) CVD (3 & 4 Way Blow) RCD / RCDA RCDE RID Grilles & Registers Supply Grilles Return Grilles MSLG / MSLGH HCD ATG STG MSPG 10 Series Medical / Cleanroom RFD LFD AMDC RVDC HORD HORD June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 Sept. 15, 1998 Sept. 15, 1998 Sept. 15, 1998 Sept. 15, 1998 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1994 Sept. 15, 1998 Sept. 15, 1998 Sept. 15, 1998 Sept. 15, 1998

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: A-1 June 1, 1994 November 1, 1989

SDS 50, 75 & 100 Slot Type Linear Ceiling Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Determine the average velocity as shown. 2. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x L (L = Length of diffuser in ft.). Flow Factors
Model Pattern 1 SDS 50 H V H V H V .018 .023 .021 .029 .023 .038 2 .036 .046 .042 .058 .046 .076 3 .054 .069 .063 .087 .069 .114 4 .072 .092 .084 .116 .092 .152 SUPPLY No. of Slots 5 .090 .115 .105 .145 .115 .190 6 .108 .138 .126 .174 .138 .228 7 .126 .161 .147 .203 .161 .266 8 .144 .184 .168 .232 .184 .304

SDS 75

SDS 100

H = Horizontal Pattern
Model 1 SDR 50 SDR 75 SDR 100 .033 .039 .044

V = Vertical Pattern
RETURN No. of Slots 2 .066 .078 .088 3 .099 .117 .132 4 .132 .156 .176 5 .165 .195 .220 6 .190 .234 .264 7 .231 .273 .308 8 .264 .312 .352


All factors obtained using the Alnor 6070P probe.

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: A-2 June 1, 1994 July 1, 1989

SDS 50, 75, 100 Slot Diffuser with SDA or SDAI Plenum Assembly
Procedure: 1. Place velometer probe 14 inches from each and of slot and against the slot edge opposite the inlet as shown. 2. Record and average two velocity readings for each slot. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
No. of Slots Pattern 3 1 2 3 4 H H H H .070 .125 .185 .245 SDS 50 Nom. Length (ft) 4 .088 .183 .268 .330 5 .112 .215 .320 .420 3 .078 .185 .223 .292 SDS 75 Nom. Length (ft) 4 .106 .221 .286 .454 5 .133 .239 .380 .600 3 .094 .177 .260 .330 SDS 100 Nom. Length (ft) 4 .111 .231 .350 .460 5 .155 .300 .440 .580

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: A-3 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1989

LBP & LBPH Linear Bar Grilles

Procedure: 1. Determine the average velocity at the face of the grille with the Alnor 6070P probe positioned as shown below. 2. For listed sizes the Flow Rate in CFM is: CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x L (L = Length of section in ft.)
Flow Factor ft2 / ft of Length Core Style 15A .25" O.C. 0 Deg. 16A .25" O.C. 15 Deg. 15B .50" O.C 0 Deg. 16B .50" O.C. 15 Deg. 25B .50" O.C. 0 Deg. 26B .50" O.C. 15 Deg Listed Size Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 3.5" 4" 5" 6" Flow Factor Coef. .037 .031 .035 .030 .042 .036 .040 .034 .042 .036 .040 .034

.031 .026 .034 .031 .035 .030 .039 .035 .026 .022 .031 .028

.047 .040 .049 .044 .055 .046 .056 .050 .045 .039 .048 .042

.065 .056 .065 .057 .074 .064 .075 .065 .066 .057 .067 .058

.083 .070 .082 .072 .096 .080 .093 .082 .088 .075 .086 .073

.102 .090 .099 .083 .116 .103 .113 .095 .110 .094 .105 .090

.122 .103 .117 .100 .139 .118 .133 .114 .133 .114 .127 .105

.157 .135 .152 .130 .179 .154 .173 .148 .177 .150 .167 .140

.194 .165 .186 .158 .221 .188 .212 .180 .222 .190 .210 .180


For sizes greater than 6" the flow factor in ft2 / ft of length may be calculated by the following equation: Flow Factor ft. of Length = (W - 0.75) x Flow Factor Coef. W = Listed Width in inches

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: A-4 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1989

LBMH Linear Bar Grilles Mandrel Construction

Procedure: 1. Determine the average velocity at the face of the grille with the Alnor 6070P probe positioned as shown. 2. For listed sizes the Flow Rate in CFM is: CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x L (L = Length of section in ft.)
Flow Factor ft2 / ft of Length Core Style 15A .25" O.C. 0 Deg. 16A .25" O.C. 15 Deg. 15B .50" O.C 0 Deg. 16B .50" O.C. 15 Deg. 25B .50" O.C. 0 Deg. 26B .50" O.C. 15 Deg Listed Size Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return 1.5" 2" 2.5" 3" 3.5" 4" 5" 6" Flow Factor Coef. .036 .030 .032 .028 .041 .035 .037 .031 .043 .037 .040 .034

.027 .023 .031 .028 .030 .026 .035 .031 .030 .025 .032 .028

.043 .036 .044 .039 .049 .041 .050 .045 .049 .042 .048 .042

.059 .056 .059 .051 .067 .064 .067 .058 .071 .060 .066 .058

.078 .067 .072 .062 .089 .077 .082 .071 .095 .080 .085 .073

.098 .082 .087 .073 .111 .094 .099 .083 .114 .098 .106 .090

.116 .100 .105 .089 .132 .114 .120 .102 .135 .115 .125 .105

.152 .128 .135 .115 .173 .146 .154 .131 .180 .152 .165 .140

.190 .160 .165 .140 .216 .182 .188 .160 .225 .193 .210 .180


For sizes greater than 6" the flow factor in ft2 / ft of length may be calculated by the following equation: Flow Factor ft. of Length = (W - 0.75) x Flow Factor Coef. W = Listed Width in inches

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: A-5 June 1, 1994 July 1, 1989

LV1 (1-Way) Linear Vane Diffuser

Procedure: 1. Determine the average velocity in the front slot only as illustrated below. 2. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x L x V L = Length of section in (ft) V = Average measured velocity in (fpm)
SUPPLY Size 3.50 4.25 5.00 5.75 6.50 A 0.053 0.076 0.101 0.131 0.167 B 0.040 0.067 0.079 0.108 0.140 RETURN C 0.044 0.063 0.081 0.099 0.120

Flow Factors

(A) These factors apply when the diffuser has integral straightening vanes or dampers. (B) These factors apply when the diffuser has no integral straightening vanes or dampers. (C) These factors apply with diffuser when used as a return intake.

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: A-6 June 1, 1994 July 1, 1989

LV2 (2-Way) Linear Vane Diffuser

Procedure: 1. Determine the average velocity in the front slots in both directions as illustrated below. 2. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x L x V. L = Length of section in (ft) V = Average measured velocity in (fpm)

Flow Factors
Size 6.25 7.75 9.25 10.75 12.25 Supply 0.103 0.156 0.210 0.267 0.328 Return 0.090 0.130 0.170 0.210 0.250

The factors apply to all LV2 diffusers, both with and without straightening vanes and / or dampers. Alnor Probe 6070P Locations

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: B-1 June 1, 1994 July 1, 1989

TBD & TBDI 350, 375, 3100 Ceiling Diffusers for Steel T-Bar
Procedure: 1. Set pattern controllers for the pattern required either horizontal or vertical. 2. Take velocity readings at slot of diffuser with Alnor 6070P probe at the locations shown above.Two readings for one slot diffusers and four readings for two slot diffusers. Average the velocity readings. 3. Select flow factor for diffuser length and pattern and calculate air flow from the equation CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity Flow Factors
Diffuser Length 2' 0" Pattern TBD 350 1 Slot H V H V H V H V .039 .045 .050 .059 .079 .100 .100 .130 2 Slot .078 .096 .100 .125 .160 .210 .200 .270 1 Slot .054 .066 .069 .085 .112 .145 .140 .185 TBD 375 2 Slot .109 .140 .137 .185 .222 .320 .280 .410 TBD 3100 1 Slot .068 .085 .086 .110 .139 .185 .175 .240 2 Slot .137 .185 .175 .235 .280 .400 .350 .520

2' 6" 4' 0"


Diffuser Pattern Controller Positions

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Diffuser Length 2' - 0" 2 - 6" 4' - 0" 5' - 0"

Dist X from End 8" 9" 14" 14"

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: B-2 June 1, 1994 July 1, 1989

TBD & TBDI 475 / 4100 / 4150 High Capacity Diffusers for Steel T-Bar
Procedure: 1. Place probe at locations shown. 2. Record and average velocity readings (2 per slot). 3. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor & Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Diffuser Length 2' - 0" 2' - 6" 3' - 0" 4' - 0" 5' - 0" TBD 475 1 Slot 2 Slot .064 .080 .098 .130 .164 .128 .161 .195 .261 .328 TBD 4100 1 Slot 2 Slot .073 .093 .112 .150 .188 .146 .185 .223 .300 .376 TBD 4150 1 Slot 2 Slot .107 .136 .164 .220 .276 .166 .208 .252 .338 .425

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: B-3 June 1, 1994 August 1, 1989

TBD7 & TBDI7 T-Bar Ceiling Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe in the slot of the diffuser in the position illustrated below. Two velocity readings are to be taken at the locations from each end as illustrated. Dimension "x" and the applicable flow factors are listed the table below. 2. Record and average velocity readings (2 per slot). Flow Factors (1 or 2 Way Pattern)
2 Foot / x = 8" No. of Slots 1 2 3 4 Flow Factor 0.095 0.210 0.225 0.298 4 Foot / x = 18" No. of Slots 1 2 3 4 Flow Factor 0.150 0.300 0.490 0.670

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: B-4 June 1, 1994 July 1, 1989

TBD8 Series T-Bar Ceiling Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Place the velometer probe 14" from each end of slot as illustrated below. For horizontal pattern place against the slot edge as shown. For vertical pattern place in centre of the slot as shown. 2. Record and average these two velocity readings. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Model No. Nominal Length (ft.) H TBD850 TBDI850 TBD875 TBDI875 TBD8100 TBDI8100 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 .058 .096 .140 .071 .104 .155 .065 .100 .135 Flow Factor V .086 .125 .155 .099 .127 .165 .092 .143 .220

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: B-5 June 1, 1994 July 1, 1989

LT Series Light Troffer Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe in the slot of the diffuser at the positions illustrated below. Two velocity readings are required for each slot. Dimension X and the applicable flow factors can be found in the table above for the various diffuser models. 2. Record and average these two velocity readings. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor & Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Model No. Dimension X (in.) 6 6 5 5 Flow Factor

LTF / LTA 10-4 LTF / LTA 14, LTF / LTA 24 LTF / LTA 10-3 LTF / LTA 13, LTF / LTA 23 LTF / LTA 33 LTF / LTA 10-2 LTF / LTA 12, LTF / LTA 22

.068 .135 .045 .095

5 5

.033 .062

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-1 May 1, 1992 Jan. 1, 1987

SCD / ASCD Square Cone Ceiling Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe in the centre of the four sides of cone C as illustrated. 2. Record and average the four velocity readings. 3. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Neck Diam (in.) 4 5 6 7 8 6 8 10 6 8 10 12 14 15 Nominal Overall Face Size 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 Factor 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.15 0.24 0.34 0.16 0.25 0.36 0.49 0.62 0.68

Alnor 6070P Probe Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-2 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

SCDA / ASCDA Square Cone Ceiling Diffusers, Adjustable

Procedure: 1. Set diffuser pattern by adjusting hinges to the required position as illustrated above for either horizontal or vertical pattern. 2. Locate the velometer probe in the centre of the four sides of the diffuser cone as illustrated for the pattern selected. 3. Record and average the four velocity readings. 4. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Neck Diam (in.) 4 5 6 7 8 6 8 10 6 8 10 12 14 15 Nominal Overall Face Size 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 Flow Factor H .07 .09 .12 .15 .18 0.15 0.24 0.35 .20 .29 .38 .48 .58 .64 V .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 0.23 0.26 0.29

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-3 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

SPD / ASPD Square Plaque Ceiling Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe in the centre of the four sides of the plaque as illustrated. 2. Record and average the four velocity readings. 3. Flow rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Neck Diam (in.) 4 5 6 7 8 6 8 10 6 8 10 12 14 15 Nominal Overall Face Size 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12 12 x 12 20 x 20 20 x 20 20 x 20 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 24 x 24 Flow Factor .06 .07 .09 .10 .12 .15 .21 .27 .19 .25 .32 .38 .44 .48

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-4 May 1, 1992 Jan. 1, 1987

PDN / PDNE / APDN / APDNE Perforated Diffusers, Supply

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe at the centre of each pattern controller on the perforated face as illustrated. 2. Record one velocity reading per active side. 3. Average the recorded velocity readings. 4. The flow rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors Square Inlet Sizes
Ceiling Opening or Module Size 6x6 6 x 18 8x8 10 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 14 15 x 15 12 x 12 0.19 12 x 24 0.19 0.55 16 x 16 0.19 0.33 0.50 20 x 20 0.19 0.33 0.50 24 x 24 0.19 0.33 0.50 0.72 0.96 1.10 Size 6 8 10 12 14 15 12 x 12 0.15 -

Round Inlet Sizes

Ceiling Opening or Module 12 x 24 0.15 16 x 16 0.15 0.26 0.40 20 x 20 0.15 0.26 0.40 24 x 24 0.15 0.26 0.40 0.57 0.72 1.05

Alnor 6070P Probe Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-5 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

PDF / PDFE / APDF / APDFE Perforated Diffusers, Supply

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe at the centre of each side of the perforated face plate as illustrated. 2. Record one velocity reading per active side. 3. Average the recorded velocity readings. 4. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity.

Flow Factors Square Inlet Sizes

Ceiling Opening or Module Size 6x6 6 x 18 8x8 10 x 10 12 x 12 14 X 14 12 x 12 0.37 12 x 24 0.37 0.72 16 x 16 0.37 0.52 20 x 20 0.37 0.52 0.69 24 x 24 0.49 0.62 0.74 0.86 0.97 Size 6 8 10 12 14 15 12 x 12 0.32 -

Round Inlet Sizes

Ceiling Opening or Module 12 x 24 0.32 16 x 16 0.32 0.46 0.60 20 x 20 0.32 0.46 0.60 0.74 0.90 24 x 24 0.62 0.74 0.82 0.90 0.90 1.03

Alnor Probe 6070P Locations

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-6 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

PDDR / APDDR / PDDRE / APDDRE Perforated Diffusers, Return

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe flush against the perforated face as illustrated. 2. Record one velocity reading. 3. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Neck Size 6x6 8 x8 10 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 14 15 x 15 18 x 18 6 x 18 10 x 22 22 x 22 22 x 46 6" Diam. 8" Diam. 10" Diam. 12" Diam. 14" Diam. 15" Diam. Ceiling Module Size 12 x 12 .21 .32 .18 12 x 24 .21 .46 .69 .18 .18 16 x 16 .21 .31 .43 .62 .18 .27 .37 20 x 20 .21 .31 .43 .56 1.00 .18 .27 .37 .48 .60 24 x 24 .21 .31 .43 .56 .70 .78 1.50 .18 .27 .37 .48 .60 .68 24 x 48 3.00 -

Alnor Probe 6070P Locations

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-7 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

PDS Perforated Diffusers c/w Standard Pattern Controller

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe at the centre of each side of the perforated face plate as illustrated. 2. Record four velocity readings per outlet for square diffuser and two velocity readings per outlet for rectangular diffusers. Note: For the 6x18 inlet size, four velocity readings are required. 3. Average the recorded velocity readings. 4. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors Square Inlet Sizes
Ceiling Opening or Module Size 6x6 8x8 10 x 10 12 x 12 6 x 18 12 x 12 12 x 36 12 x 48 0.22 0.44 24 x 36 24 x 48 0.55 0.66 0.79 0.90 -

12 x 12 0.22 -

16 x 16 0.32 0.40 -

20 x 20 0.44 0.54 0.63 -

24 x 24 0.55 0.66 0.79 0.90 -

Round Inlet Sizes

Ceiling Opening or Module Size 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 12 x 12 12 x 36 12 x 48 0.20 0.21 0.23 24 x 36 24 x 48 0.62 0.66 0.70 0.74 0.80 0.87 0.92

12 x 12 0.20 0.21 0.23 -

16 x 16 0.32 0.34 0.37 0.39 0.42 -

20 x 20 0.47 0.50 0.53 0.56 0.60 0.65 -

24 x 24 0.62 0.66 0.70 0.74 0.80 0.87 0.92

Alnor Probe 6070P Locations

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-8 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

PDR Perforated Diffusers, Return

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe flush against the perforated face as illustrated. 2. Record the velocity reading. 3. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Nominal Duct Size (in.) 10 x 10 14 x 14 18 x 18 22 x 22 10 x 22 10 x 34 10 x 46 22 x 34 22 x 46 Ceiling Opening or Module (in.) 12 x 12 16 x 16 20 x 20 24 x 24 12 x 24 12 x 36 12 x 48 24 x 36 24 x 48 Flow Factor 0.29 0.59 0.97 1.50 0.61 1.03 1.38 2.25 3.05

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-9 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

PE / PL Square Perforated Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe in the centre of the perforated face flush against the surface as illustrated above. 2. Record the velocity reading. 3. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Duct Size Flow Factor 6 .252 8 .395 10 .505 12 .592 14 .668

Model PE - Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Model PL - Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-10 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

SMD / AMD Square & Rectangular Ceiling Diffusers, Supply

Procedure: 1. Locate Alnor 6070P probe against the outlet as shown. Take a number of readings at uniformly spaced positions over the face of the diffuser. 2. Average the velocity readings. 3. The flow rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x Neck Area. ( see table below for neck areas) Flow Factors
Flow Factor Alnor 6070P .40

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Areas of Squares and Rectangles (in Sq. Ft.)

3" 4.5" 6" 7.5" 9" 10.5" 12" 13.5" 15" 16.5" 18" 19.5" 21" 22.5" 24" 25.5" 27" 28.5" 30"

.031 .047 .063 .078 .094 .109 .125 .141 .156 .172 .188 .203 .219 .234 .250 .266 .281 .297 .313

.063 .094 .125 .156 .188 .219 .250 .281 .313 .344 .375 .406 .438 .469 .500 .531 .563 .594 .625

.141 .187 .234 .281 .328 .375 .422 .469 .516 .563 .610 .656 .703 .750 .797 .844 .891 .938


















.250 .313 .375 .438 .500 .563 .625 .688 .750 .813 .875 .938 1.000 1.060 1.125 1.190 1.250 .390 .469 .547 .625 .703 .781 .859 .938 1.015 1.090 1.170 1.250 1.330 1.410 1.480 1.560 .560 .656 .750 .844 .938 1.030 1.125 1.220 1.310 1.410 1.500 1.590 1.690 1.780 1.875 .766 .875 .984 1.100 1.200 1.310 1.420 1.530 1.640 1.750 1.860 1.970 2.080 2.190 1.000 1.130 1.250 1.380 1.500 1.630 1.750 1.880 2.000 2.130 2.250 2.380 2.500 1.270 1.410 1.550 1.690 1.830 1.970 2.110 2.250 2.390 2.530 2.670 2.810 .156 1.720 1.875 2.030 2.190 2.340 2.500 2.660 2.810 2.970 3.125 1.890 2.060 2.230 2.410 2.580 2.750 2.920 3.090 3.270 3.440 2.250 2.440 2.62 2.810 3.000 3.190 3.375 3.560 3.750 2.640 2.840 3.050 3.250 3.450 3.660 3.860 4.060 3.060 3.280 3.500 3.720 3.940 4.160 4.375 3.520 3.750 3.980 4.220 4.450 4.690 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 4.520 4.780 5.050 5.310 5.060 5.340 5.625 5.640 5.940 6.250

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-11 May 1, 1992 Jan. 1, 1987

SMD / AMD Square and Rectangular Ceiling Diffusers, Return

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe as illustrated below and record the readings. 2. Repeat Step 1 at various locations. 3. Average these readings. 4. Select the factor based on the diffuser neck area. 5. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity.

Flow Factors
Duct Area (ft2) 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 Flow Factor (Ak) 0.150 0.120 0.135 0.152 0.167 0.184 0.216 0.242 0.268 0.300 0.320 Duct Area (ft2) 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 Flow Factor (Ak) 0.360 0.390 0.415 0.440 0.465 0.490 0.535 0.580 0.630 0.680 0.730 Duct Area (ft2) 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.59 5.00 5.50 6.00 Flow Factor (Ak) 0.770 0.810 0.855 0.900 0.940 0.980 1.020 1.110 1.210 1.330 1.440

Alnor Probe 6070P Locations

Alnor 6070P Probe

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-12 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

SMDA / AMDA Square Ceiling Diffusers, Adjustable

Procedure: 1. Set diffuser pattern by adjusting the pattern vanes to the required setting as illustrated below for either horizontal or vertical pattern. 2. Locate the velometer probe as illustrated on the four sides of the diffuser and record and average the readings. 3. Obtain the total neck area from the table below. 4. The Flow Rate in CFM = Neck Area x Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Pattern Horizontal Vertical Flow Factor 0.440 0.350

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Areas of Squares and Rectangles (in Sq. Ft.)

3" 4.5" 6" 7.5" 9" 10.5" 12" 13.5" 15" 16.5" 18" 19.5" 21" 22.5" 24" 25.5" 27" 28.5" 30"

.031 .047 .063 .078 .094 .109 .125 .141 .156 .172 .188 .203 .219 .234 .250 .266 .281 .297 .313

.063 .094 .125 .156 .188 .219 .250 .281 .313 .344 .375 .406 .438 .469 .500 .531 .563 .594 .625

.141 .187 .234 .281 .328 .375 .422 .469 .516 .563 .610 .656 .703 .750 .797 .844 .891 .938


















.250 .313 .375 .438 .500 .563 .625 .688 .750 .813 .875 .938 1.000 1.060 1.125 1.190 1.250

.390 .469 .547 .625 .703 .781 .859 .938 1.015 1.090 1.170 1.250 1.330 1.410 1.480 1.560

.560 .656 .750 .844 .938 1.030 1.125 1.220 1.310 1.410 1.500 1.590 1.690 1.780 1.875

.766 .875 .984 1.100 1.200 1.310 1.420 1.530 1.640 1.750 1.860 1.970 2.080 2.190

1.000 1.130 1.250 1.380 1.500 1.630 1.750 1.880 2.000 2.130 2.250 2.380 2.500

1.270 1.410 1.550 1.690 1.830 1.970 2.110 2.250 2.390 2.530 2.670 2.810

.156 1.720 1.875 2.030 2.190 2.340 2.500 2.660 2.810 2.970 3.125

1.890 2.060 2.230 2.410 2.580 2.750 2.920 3.090 3.270 3.440

2.250 2.440 2.62 2.810 3.000 3.190 3.375 3.560 3.750

2.640 2.840 3.050 3.250 3.450 3.660 3.860 4.060

3.060 3.280 3.500 3.720 3.940 4.160 4.375

3.520 3.750 3.980 4.220 4.450 4.690

4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000

4.520 4.780 5.050 5.310

5.060 5.340 5.625

5.640 5.940


Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-13 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

SMCD / AMCD Modular Core Diffuser

Procedure: 1. Locate the velometer probe as illustrated below and record readings. 2. Select the Flow Factor (Ak) for the appropriate Core size. 3. Flow Rate in CFM / Core = Flow Factor (Ak) x Velocity. Flow Factors
Core Size 3x3 4x4 4.5 x 4.5 5x5 6x6 7x7 7.5 x 7.5 Flow FacFlow Factor Core Size tor .026 .047 .060 .075 .110 .151 .175 8x8 9x9 10 x 10 11 x 11 12 x 12 15 x 15 18 x 18 .200 .257 .320 .391 .470 .750 1.100

Alnor Probe 6070P Locations

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-14 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

CVD Curved Vane Diffusers, 1 & 2 Way Blow

Procedure: 1. Locate Alnor 6070P probe against the outlet as shown above. Take a number of readings at uniformly spaced positions over the face of the unit. 2. Average the velocity readings. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x L L = (core length parallel to vanes in inches) Core length = (Nominal - 0.75 in.) Flow Factors 1 Way
Width 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 No. of Vanes 4 7 9 12 15 17 20 23 25 31 K-Factor .0084 .0160 .0210 .0280 .0350 .0400 .0470 .0550 .0600 .0740

2 Way
Width 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 No. of Vanes 4 6 10 12 14 18 20 22 26 30 K-Factor .0064 .0110 .0210 .0260 .0310 .0400 .0450 .0500 .0600 .0700


Width refers to nominal dimension perpendicular to vanes.

Alnor 6070P Probe Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-15 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

CVD Curved Valve Diffusers, 3 & 4 Way Blow

Procedure: 1. Locate Alnor 6070P probe against the outlet as shown above. Take a number of readings at uniformly spaced positions over the face of the outlet. 2. Average the velocity readings. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Size 8 x 4 8 x 5 8 x 6 8 x 8 10 x 4 10 x 5 10 x 6 10 x 8 10 x 10 12 x 4 12 x 5 12 x 6 12 x 8 12 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 4 14 x 5 14 x 6 14 x 8 14 x 10 14 x 12 14 x 14 16 x 4 16 x 6 16 x 8 16 x 12 16 x 16 18 x 4 3 Way Flow Factor .057 .067 .097 .130 .060 .080 .110 .145 .190 .095 .120 .155 .215 .275 .340 .095 .125 .165 .225 .295 .365 .420 .135 .225 .310 .495 .665 .140 4 Way Flow Factor .055 .075 .090 .135 .055 .080 .095 .145 .185 .085 .125 .145 .215 .270 .325 .090 .130 .150 .225 .285 .345 .425 .130 .210 .310 .475 .655 .130 Size 18 x 6 18 x 8 18 x 12 18 x 18 20 x 4 20 x 6 20 x 8 20 x 12 20 x 18 20 x 20 24 x 4 24 x 6 24 x 8 24 x 12 24 x 18 24 x 24 30 x 12 20 c 18 20 x 24 20 x 30 36 x 12 36 x 18 36 x 24 36 x 30 36 x 36 48 x 12 48 x 24 3 Way Flow Factor .235 .320 .515 .795 .160 .270 .370 .595 .915 1.000 .200 .340 .460 .735 1.150 1.550 .980 1.550 2.050 2.600 1.150 1.750 2.350 3.000 3.600 1.600 3.350 4 Way Flow Factor ..215 .325 .490 .770 .150 .245 .370 .565 .890 1.000 .185 .305 .465 .700 1.100 1.500 .940 1.450 2.000 2.550 1.100 1.700 2.350 2.950 3.550 1.550 3.300


Size of grille refers to nominal dimension.

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-16 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

RCD, RCDA Round Ceiling Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Adjust the air pattern to the required setting for the application. Verify the setting as indicated by dimension "x" as listed in the table and illustration below. 2. Place the velometer probe at four equally spaced positions around cone B as illustrated. 3. Record and average the four velocity readings. 4. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Neck Diam (in.) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 X 0.625 0.812 1.000 1.187 1.375 1.625 1.812 2.000 2.375 3.000 3.000 Cones Up Flow Factor 0.12 0.20 0.32 0.45 0.61 0.79 1.00 1.25 1.80 2.80 3.18 X Cones Down Flow Factor 0.15 0.27 0.42 0.59 0.80 1.05 1.30 1.63 2.35 3.60 4.15

1.312 1.750 2.187 2.625 3.062 3.500 3.937 4.375 5.250 6.625 6.625

Alnor 6070P Probe Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-17 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

RCDE Round Ceiling Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Adjust the air pattern to the required setting for the application. Verify the setting as indicated by dimension "x" as listed in the table and illustration below. 2. Place the velometer probe at four equally spaced positions around cone B as illustrated. 3. Record and average the four velocity readings. 4. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors
Neck Diam (in.) 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Cones Up X 0.625 0.812 1.000 1.187 1.375 1.687 1.750 1.937 2.437 Factor 0.10 0.13 0.25 0.32 0.41 0.59 0.76 0.98 1.62 X Cones Down Factor 0.12 0.17 0.32 0.47 0.53 0.75 1.00 1.25 2.00

0.875 1.187 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.312 2.562 2.812 3.437

Alnor 6070P Probe Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: C-18 June 1, 1994 Jan. 1, 1987

RID Round Cone Industrial Diffuser

Procedure: 1. Set air pattern to either horizontal or vertical as required for the application. 2. Locate the velometer probe as shown below in accord with the selected air pattern. 3. Place the velometer probe at four equally spaced positions and take velocity readings. 4. Record and average the four velocity readings. 5. Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity.
HORIZONTAL Flow Factor 0.21 0.35 0.49 0.58 0.80 0.97 1.35

Flow Factors
Neck Diam (in.) 10 12 14 16 18 20 24

VERTICAL Flow Factor

0.61 0.88 1.20 1.57 1.98 2.44 3.52

Alnor 6070P Probe Locations

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: D-1 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1989

Supply Air Grilles / Registers Single & Double Deflection

Procedure: 1. Take a number of readings at grille face with Alnor 6070P probe at center of equal areas. Spacing of probe location not to exceed 6 inches in either direction. Do not take readings directly in front of blade supports. 2. Average the velocity readings. 3. Obtain core area from calculation (in square feet). 4. Core Area (ft2) = [Nominal Duct Width (inches) - X] x [Nominal Duct Height (inches) - X] 144 Where X = Core undersizing listed below. 5. Flow Rate in CFM is obtained from following equation: CFM = (Ak / Ac factor) (Core Area, ft2) X (Average Velocity, fpm) Flow Factors
Core Style 510/520 610/620 710/720 21/22 31/32 151/152 Damper yes yes yes no no no yes no yes no yes no Deflection 0 221/2O 45O 0 221/2O 45O 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 3 /4
3 3 3 3 3

Flow Factor 0.66 0.58 0.51 0.70 0.60 0.52 0.78 0.83 0.68 0.72 0.87 0.92

/4 /4 /4 /4 /4 /16 /16 /16 /16 /16 /16

13 13 13 13 13 13


Factor obtained for 0 degree deflection.

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: D-2 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1989

Return Air Grilles / Registers

Procedure: 1. Take a number of readings at grille face with Alnor 6070P probe at center of equal areas. Spacing of probe location not to exceed 6 inches in either direction. Do not take readings directly in front of blade supports. 2. Average the velocity readings. 3. Obtain core area from calculation (in square feet). 4. Core Area (ft2) = [Nominal Duct Width (inches) - X] x [Nominal Duct Height (inches) - X] 144 Where X = Core undersizing listed below. 5. Flow Rate in CFM is obtained from following equation: CFM = (Ak / Ac factor) (Core Area, ft2) (Average Velocity, fpm) Flow Factors
Core Style 530/630/730 535/655/735 60 70 80 90 91 95 96 97 98 Deflection (degrees) 45 45 45 45 0 0 45 0 45 0 45 x Flow Factor

/4 /4 13 /16 " " " " " " " "

3 3

0.312 0.309 0.309 0.343 0.470 0.477 0.341 0.555 0.482 0.470 0.300


All factors obtained from Alnor 6070P probe.

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: D-3 June 1, 1994 October 1, 1989

MSLG / MSLGH Maximum Security Grilles

Procedure: 1. Determine the average velocity at the face of the grille with the Alnor 6070P probe positioned as shown. 2. For the listed sizes the Flow Rate in CFM is: CFM = Average Velocity x Ak Flow Factors
Nominal Size 4 x 4 6 x 6 8 x 8 10 x 10 12 x 12 14 x 14 16 x 16 18 x 18 20 x 20 22 x 22 24 x 24 Flow Factor 0.027 0.060 0.104 0.160 0.230 0.310 0.400 0.510 0.620 0.750 0.890

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: D-4 Sept. 15, 1998 June 1, 1994

HCD High Capacity Diffusers

Procedure: 1. Locate Alnor 6070P probe as shown below. 2. Average the velocity readings. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity. Flow Factors, Ak
Flow Factors For HCD1 And HCD2 0 Degree Size Deflection 6 / 9 0.116 6 / 12 0.165 6 / 15 0.216 6 / 18 0.270 6 / 24 0.383 6 / 30 0.503 6 / 36 0.628 6 / 42 0.757 6 / 48 0.891 6 / 54 1.028 6 / 60 1.169 10 / 18 0.503 10 / 24 0.714 10 / 30 0.936 10 / 36 1.169 10 / 42 1.411 10 / 48 1.660 10 / 54 1.916 10 / 60 2.178 10 / 66 2.446 10 / 72 2.720 15 Degree Deflection 0.084 0.123 0.165 0.210 0.306 0.410 0.521 0.638 0.761 0.888 1.020 0.410 0.599 0.803 1.020 1.249 1.489 1.738 1.996 2.262 2.536 30 Degree Deflection 0.065 0.096 0.129 0.165 0.242 0.326 0.416 0.511 0.611 0.716 0.724 0.326 0.479 0.646 0.824 1.012 1.210 1.417 1.631 1.853 2.081 0 Degree Size Deflection 12 / 18 0.628 12 / 24 0.891 12 / 30 1.169 12 / 36 1.460 12 / 42 1.761 12 / 48 2.073 12 / 54 2.392 12 / 60 2.720 12 / 66 3.055 12 / 72 3.396 15 / 18 0.824 15 / 24 1.169 15 / 30 1.534 15 / 36 1.916 15 / 42 2.312 15 / 48 2.720 15 / 54 3.139 15 / 60 3.569 15 / 66 4.009 15 / 72 4.457 15 Degree Deflection 0.521 0.761 1.020 1.296 1.587 1.892 2.208 2.536 2.874 3.223 0.699 1.020 1.368 1.738 2.128 2.536 2.961 3.400 3.854 4.321 30 Degree Deflection 0.416 0.611 0.824 1.051 1.292 1.544 1.808 2.081 2.364 2.656 0.561 0.824 1.110 1.417 1.741 2.081 2.436 2.805 3.186 3.579

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: D-5 Sept. 15, 1998 initial

ATG Transfer Air Applications Transfer / Door Grilles

Procedure: 1. With Alnor 6070P probe connected for exhaust application, obtain velocity readings as indicated on diagram below. Average velocity readings. 2. Calculate core area for model of transfer grille being used. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x Core Area. Flow Factors, Ak
Alnor 6070P Flow Factor 0.316

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Alnor Probe 6070P Probe

Probe locations on face of grille. Less than 1sq. ft., use 9 to 12 readings spaced evenly. For areas of more than 1 sq. ft., use 12 to 16 readings spaced evenly. Distance between readings not to exceed 6". Core Area in sq. ft. W x H is listed in inches. a) ATG - Core Area b) ATG1A - Core Area c) ATG1B - Core Area d) ATG1BF - Core Area e) ATG1C - Core Area = (W - 0.75) = (W - 0.75) = (W - 0.78) = (W - 0.78) = (W - 1.78) (H - 0.75) / 144 (H - 0.75) / 144 (H - 0.78) / 144 (H - 0.78) / 144 (H - 0.78) / 144

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: D-6 Sept. 15, 1998 Initial

STG Transfer Air Applications Transfer / Door Grilles

Procedure: 1. With Alnor 6070P probe connected for exhaust application, obtain velocity readings as indicated on diagram below. Average velocity readings. 2. Calculate core area for model of transfer grille being used. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x Core Area. Flow Factors, Ak
Alnor 6070P Flow Factor 0.323

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Alnor Probe 6070P Probe

Probe locations on face of grille. Less than 1sq. ft., use 9 to 12 readings spaced evenly. For areas of more than 1 sq. ft., use 12 to 16 readings spaced evenly. Distance between readings not to exceed 6". Core Area in sq. ft. W x H is listed in inches. a) STG1 - Core Area b) STG1A - Core Area c) STG1B - Core Area d) STG1BF - Core Area = (W - 0.75) = (W - 0.75) = (W - 0.78) = (W - 0.78) (H - 0.75) / 144 (H - 0.75) / 144 (H - 0.78) / 144 (H - 0.78) / 144

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: D-7 Sept. 15, 1998 Initial

MSPG Perforated Face Maximum Security Grille

Procedure: 1. With Alnor 6070P probe or Rotating Vane Anemometer, obtain velocity readings as indicated on diagram below. Average velocity readings. 2. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x Duct Area.
Alnor 6070P Flow Factor 0.22 Rotating Vane Anemometer Flow Factor 0.57

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Air Flow

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: D-8 Sept. 15, 1998 Initial

10 Series Perforated Face

Procedure: 1. With Alnor 6070P probe connected for exhaust application, obtain velocity readings as indicated on diagram below. Average velocity readings. 2. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x Core Area.
Alnor 6070P Flow Factor 0.227

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Air Flow

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: E-1 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1989

RFD 1-Way / 2-Way / 3-Way Pattern

RFD 1-Way Pattern

Module Size 48 x 12 48 x 24 24 x 24

Flow Factor 4.60 7.33 1.69

CFM = Average Velocity (FPM) x Flow Factor

RFD 2-Way Pattern (24" x 24" module)

RFD 2-Way Pattern (48" x 24" module)

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: E-2 June 1, 1994 June 1, 1989

LFD Laminar Flow Diffuser

Due to the low face velocity generated by the LFD diffusers, a Flow Hood is recommended for accurate volume measurement.

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: E-3 Sept. 15, 1998 Initial

AMDC Supply Air Applications 24 x 48 Ceilling Diffuser

Procedure: 1. Locate Alnor Compuflow probe against the outlet as shown. Take reading where shown. 2. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity x Duct Area.
Alnor Compuflow Flow Factor 2.216

Alnor Probe Compuflow Location

1 2



Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: E-4 Sept. 15, 1998 Initial

RVDC Supply Air Applications 24 x 24 Cleanroom Celling Diffuser

Procedure: 1. Locate Alnor 6070P probe against the outlet as shown. Take readings where shown. 2. Average velocity readings. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity
Alnor 6070P Flow Factor 0.435

Alnor Probe 6070P Location 1

Air Flow 1 3/4 3

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: E-5 Sept. 15, 1998 Initial

HORD Hospital Operating Room 8' Diffuser

Procedure: 1. With Alnor 6070P probe connected, obtain velocity readings as indicated on diagram below. 2. Average velocity readings. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity
Alnor 6070P Flow Factor 0.462

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

Flow Factor Sheet

Page No. Date: Supercedes: E-6 Sept. 15, 1998 Initial

HORD Hospital Operating Room 12' Diffuser

Procedure: 1. With Alnor 6070P probe connected, obtain velocity readings as indicated on diagram below. 2. Average velocity readings. 3. The Flow Rate in CFM = Flow Factor x Average Velocity
Alnor 6070P Flow Factor 0.678

Alnor Probe 6070P Location

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