Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey

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Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America

Why Salt Therapy is Spreading Across American Soil

Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America

After 200 years, this amazing treatment for respiratory ailments and skin diseases has finally made it to America. Halotherapy, also known as salt therapy, is a treatment created from therapeutic ideas practiced in old salt mines of Eastern Europe since the early 19th century. Eastern European scientists have been studying the results of salt therapy since the mid 1800s. Research studies have even documents that [The efficacy of some patients have eliminated or reduce their speleotherapy in salt mines in children with dosages of highly prescribed drugs, such as bronchial asthma based on beta-agonists. the data from immediate and late observations] Until now, halotheraphy had widely been ignored by the Western medical practitioners. gi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstra ct&list_uids=8266663 Speleotherapy, halotherapies predecessor, actually involved bringing patients to salt Abdullaev AA, Gadzhiev mines. The expense of traveling to salt caves KM, Eiubova AA. from long distances kept patients without the financial means from being able to receive the Speleotherapy was treatment. Physicians themselves feared that conducted in 216 children the travel would have a negative effect on with bronchial asthma patients in the long run who came from treated in conditions of salt different climates so opted not to prescribed mines situated near the town the treatment. These obstacles kept of Nakhichevan. The assessment of clinical, speleotherapy from becoming a treatment immunological and method adopted across the world. Time, functional parameters technology and in-depth research have showed that the best results eliminated these obstacles. had been achieved in atopic asthma running a light or Studies published in the New England moderate course. Journal of Medicine reported that Speleotherapy courses patients diagnosed with cystic fibrosis noticeably diminished showed signs of improved lung function broncho-obstructive after inhaling hypertonic saline. syndrome, improved Studies published in the European pulmonary ventilation. The Respiratory Journal revealed that improvement proved stable smokers enjoyed temporary relief from in the majority of the patients. It is recommended to include speleotherapy in salt mines into combined rehabilitation treatment of pediatric asthmatics.

Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America couching and mucus build-up after inhaling aerosolized salt. New studies are showing promising results for salt therapy. After spending a few sessions breathing the air in salt caves, patients have reported: Breathing has improved. Sneezing, coughing, or shortness of breath was less severe. Dosage of prescription medications may be reduced, or totally taken off medications. Revitalized General health has improved.

The Shortcomings of Accept Western Medical Practices

With technological advancement and the increasing ability of humans to produce artificial products comes the negative by-products, such as environmental hazards. These environmental hazards are increasing the presence of allergens and chemical toxins, which increate the rate of respiratory disease cases. Clinical drugs to treat respiratory diseases come with their own problems. Current drug therapies primarily focus on symptom relief or reducing patient suffering. The underline cause isnt treated. Plus there are the side effects that increase the patients discomfort and reduces their quality of life. To reduce side effects, physicians have turned to halotherapy. Asthma is a common ailment that impacts both adults and children. Not only does it affect their ability to breathe, but it also leaves the skin in their face with blotches, and causes the eyes to itch. Asthma keeps children from enjoying sports like football and basketball. Being left out of activities that their friends enjoy leaves them at a social disadvantage that has a lasting effect on their self esteem. Instead of being anointed with a football helmet or a cheerleading skirt, the child is adorned with an asthma pump to use several times a day.

Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America Asthma is but one debilitating respiratory disease that has been treated by salt therapy. Others that have been problematic and sometimes worse than asthma are: respiratory tract tonsillitis smoker's cough illness, hay fever allergies to industrial and bronchial chest household asthma, tightness pollutants chronic breathlessnes bronchitis, s Chronic wheezing Obstructive colds Pulmonary adenoids Disorder pharyngitis, (COPD), pneumonia, respiratory respiratory allergies infections, influenza, Efficacy is estimated up Other ailments have been treated by to 98% for some halotherapy as well. conditions according to the clinical study ear infection "Halotherapy for dermatological ailments such as acne, skin Treatment of Respiratory inflammation, eczema, psoriasis and even Diseases, published in the Journal of Aerosol ageing skin Medicine Volume 8, allergies Number 3, 1995. vascular-cardiac ailments: circulatory insufficiency, post-infarction conditions, hypertension cystic fibrosis hypothyroidism psychosomatic illnesses: neurosis, depression, exhaustion, decreased stress-resistance

Salt Mines, Caves and Natural Remedies

Halotherapy is not a new miracle cure. Its a treatment designed to simulate the results that European physicians have seen for more than a hundred years from salt caves in Eastern Europe. Physicians in Europe have regularly prescribed salt therapy to asthma suffers, sinus problems, skin conditions and even nervous disorders.

Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America All physicians know that nature already provides the elements for living long, healthy and sustainable lives. Salt caves expose patients to the natural healing power of calcium, magnesium, sulfates, sodium chloride and manganese, which are the elements that make up the unrefined rock salt found in these salt caves. Salt caves have a micro-climate that is free of airborn pollutants. The temperature is stable and the humidity is ideal for some respiratory disease patients. Negative ions flush toxins out of the body, according to studies performed by naturopathic physician Bozena Celnik. He explains that there also other health benefits such as the calming effect of magnesium. MD, chair of the American college of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) Integrative Medicine committee, Leonard Bielory agrees that acne, eczema and other skin conditions are improved by salt particles. He also agrees that mucus in the lungs is broken up by salt-infused air which will make it easier for some patients to breathe.

The History Behind Salt Therapy

Man has instinctively used the atmosphere on hills and mountains to cure breathing problems, rejuvenate the body, rest, and recuperate the mind. Ancient philosophers journeyed to mountain tops. Even today, high powered business executives retreat to mountain tops for mental rejuvenation. Hills and mountain areas naturally produce negative ions that medical science has discovered is highly beneficial to humans. In 1843, Dr. Felike Boczkowski discovered something more substantial and profound that mans ancestors had taken for granted. As he was studying lung disease he made a discovery about men in Polish town who worked in salt mines. What he discovered became known as the Solotvino phenomenon. Men who were working in those salt mines worked in terrible conditions and werent

Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America properly fed. This was no great revelations. Coal miners were also notoriously working in poor conditions. The different that Solotvino discovered was that the men who worked in salt caves, unlike their coal mining counterparts, were in excellent health and good spirits. In some cases, the salt miners were in better physical conditions than people who were considered affluent. The Polish miners avoided colds, respiratory ailments and even the common cold. Boczkowski deduced that their excellent health was due to the salt aerosol that they inhaled daily. Dr. Karl Hermann Spannagel continued Boczkowskis research. It led to the creation of the first speleotherapy spas in Germany. Patients with respiratory diseases were sent to these salt caves for therapy and further testing. It was often too difficult for some patients to travel to these salt mines. Government officials and physicians alike were also concerned about safety. Medical executives were concerned with cost. Halotherapy, spas that simulated the properties of salt caves emerged as solution. In 1995 the Russian Ministry of Health added the Halocomplex Chamber to their list of approved medical devices. Shortly after, Health Canada tested the Halocopmlex Aersol Chamber against its medical device regulations and approved it with Class 1 status. At the turn of the 21st century, salt therapy had begun to penetrate the interior of the United States as a treatment alternative by a select group of physicians and naturopathic doctors.

The Natural Science Behind Salt Therapy

Halogenerators are designed to crush rock salt. After crushing the salt into smaller particles, it converts the particles into ions. The ions are released into the air in a completely enclosed chamber or room. The devices monitor the output of the particles to meet with prescribed recommendations. Technology on halogenerators has improved to allow special modes to change the application purpose of the crushed rock salt. Dry sodium chloride

Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America is extracted in aerosol form for dermato-cosmetological purposes for serious skin conditions. Salt lamps can also be used to ionize rock salt. The rock salt is generally hollowed out. The ionization process releases calcium, iron, magnesium and iodine into the air. The floors and walls of halocomplex chambers are covered in salt. The salt covered floors and walls keep the chamber sterile, aseptic and operates as an air moisture buffer. Its crucial for the devices used to monitor the particle sizes that are released into the air. If the particles are too large, they cannot penetrate the respiratory tract. Research, mostly performed in Russia and Eastern Europe show that mineral particles released into the air should be between 1 and 5 micrometers. The patients should at least inhale a minimum of 3 mg in order to see results. The patient spends 45 minutes to one hour in the chamber for consecutive 12 to 25 days. The patients physician and the treatment facility physician determine treatment duration based on what phase of the disease the patient is experiencing and nosology. Maintaining humidity levels and temperature in the room also impact the treatment. Bacteria must be kept from the room. This is easy to maintain because of salts hypobacterial properties help to keep the chamber allergen-free Research studies at the Federal Medical and Biological Agency in Saint Petersburg Russia reveals that multipurpose physiological effects of dry sodium chloride aerosol ensures perspective application for various skin problems. Medical scientist at the Federal Medical and Biological Agency in Saint Petersburg Russia report that direct immunological effects, either by increasing the number and activity of T-lymphocytes or altering compliment levels. (FMBA)

Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America

Proof is in the Evidence

Medical research and experiments identified negative ions as having the ability to stimulate the microscopic hairs (celia) of the windpipes which are designed to clean the air that humans inhale before it reaches the lungs. Athletes treated in environments with high concentrations of negative ions exhibited improvement in attitude, mental focus and general physical aspects, including breathing and skin condition. Leading salt therapy researchers Dr. Alina V. Chervinskaya and Dr. Nora A Zilber monitored 124 patients who were administered salt therapy treatments. The research revealed that After 3-5 sessions of HT 70-80% of pts presented some improvements; mucus, better ausculator pattern of the lungs, less frequent occurrence of cough attacks are respiratory discomfort By the end of the course all the pts felt better they slept well, had no fatigue or weakness, and then nervous system stabilized. 85% of their patients with mild to moderate cases of bronchial asthma and 75% of the severe cases of bronchial asthma were breathing normally after the trial. They showed the same results in 98% of their chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and cystic fibroses patients. Medical scientist at the Federal Medical and Biological Agency in Saint Petersburg Russia report that one of their studies saw dermatological improvements in 65-75% of their patients. Patients with dermatitis no longer complained of itching, small fissures closed up and they observed a reduction in sympathicatonia symptoms. Both agencies reported that the benefits of the treatment can last up to 12 months or longer, depending on the patient.

Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America

Treatment cost for halotherapy is not as radically expensive as some physicians and patients may think. Price is reasonable. In some cases, insurance may cover the cost. At the Rock Spa we provide a full suite of alternative therapies for body mind and spirit, featuring the Salt Room. Discover a 100% natural non-invasive drug free healing properties of Salt to find relief from respiratory ailments and skin conditions. Escape from your daily routine to an invigorating salt oasis. At The Rock Spa in Kitchener, specialized registered therapists are ready to help you stay on track by providing motivation, accountability and awareness for your health and wellness goals. Come experience the very best in Kitchener, The Rock Spa services. Whether it is after a tough workout, a stressful day at work, or for a special occasion. Ask about our special packages and our seasonal offerings that are available specifically for you. NOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! Halotherapy has been around for hundreds of years in Europe. It is now available to you in your own neighbourghood.
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The Rock Spa: where you can relax and enjoy life! A little peace in a crazy world goes a long way

Salt Therapy: A 200 Year Journey to America

Lupus: Alternative Therapies That Work by Sharon Moore (Sep 1, 2000) A Holistic Guide to Embracing Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Motherhood by Karen Salt and Karen N. Salt (Dec 17, 2002) Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps: For Healing, Harmony, and Purification by Clmence Lefvre (Oct 15, 2009) Current Therapy of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, 1e by Juan A. Asensio MD FACS FCCM and Donald D. Trunkey MD FACS (Feb 12, 2008) Healing Depression & Bipolar Disorder Without Drugs: Inspiring Stories of Restoring Mental Health Through Natural Therapies by Gracelyn Guyol (Aug 8, 2006) Fibromyalgia and the MindBodySpirit Connection: 7 Steps for Living a Healthy Life with Widespread Muscular Pain and Fatigue (MindBody-Spirit Connection Series) by William B. Salt II MD and Edwin H. Season MD (Dec 1, 1999) Salt Therapy; Chervinskaya, Alina V and Nora A Zilber, Saint-Petersburg Pavlov National Medical University; Joint Stock company Ciero Med; 1995 Prospects of Halotherapy in Savatorium and Spa Dermatology and Cosmetology; Chervinskaya, AV; 2002


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