Address by A Member of Hizb Ut-Tahrir

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Address by a Member of Hizb ut-Tahrir

uploaded 10 Aug 2002

Address by a Member of Hizb ut-Tahrir The following is a transcript of an address by a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir whose husband is currently imprisoned in the Arab world. It was delivered at the recent conference entitled Muslim Women and the War on Terror. Bismillahi ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Assalamu Alaikum my dear sisters of this noble Ummah, I address you in the name of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taaala), and I urge you to listen carefully to what I have to relate. I address you as your sister and as a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir requesting you to take heed of the humble advice that I have to offer. Make no mistake, my dear sisters, that America is your greatest enemy and will not cease before it has extracted the very last drops of your blood by waging a vicious war against you in the name of combating terrorism. It has been reiterated throughout this conference about how the devious despotic rulers have no regrets and mercy in the barbaric styles of attempting to silence all those who rally around the truth in their crackdown against the sincere carriers of the Dawah by ransacking their homes, arresting them, imprisoning them, abusing their families, scoffing and laughing at them as they brutally torture and attempt to psychologically ruin them. Indeed my dear sisters we know that they do not even rest at that but have in numerous cases killed the sons and daughters of this Ummah. May Allah grant these brothers and sisters Jannah. Living amongst the comforts and luxuries here in Britain, such terrifying realities presented in the talks may seem far detached from the daily lives that we lead. I myself did not fully appreciate the pain suffered by the Dawah carriers until Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taaala) chose to test me with what sincere Muslims have been experiencing since the very dawn of Islam. I would like to relate to you my experience, a live reality, where I was also exposed to the tyrannical State Security officers of a tyrannical regime in the Muslim world who tried to silence my husband, myself and many others who were working to revive Islam in the hearts of the people. I pray that you, as I did, learn from this experience and it is for this reason that I wish to share it with you. Islam touched my heart and enlightened my mind at the age of fifteen when I became convinced that Islam was not merely a religion, rather it was an ideology requiring of me to carry it to others and I joined Hizb ut-Tahrir in the struggle against all other ideologies and its objective of bringing the light of Islam back into the darkness of the world as we witness it today. It is because of these very thoughts that I carry that I found myself suffer at the hands of one of the most ruthless, arrogant, and dangerous regimes the Ummah has ever witnessed. Earlier this year the State Security officers barged into our home in the middle of the night. Twelve armed police guards entered our home at 2 am demanding that they wanted to search our house. Terrifying my husband, myself and our 1-year-old son they mercilessly took my companion in life and father of my child in front of our very eyes, not even giving him a chance to exchange salaams or to kiss his son goodbye. Armed with semi-automatic machine guns, grenades and various bombs they destroyed and uprooted our family leaving me and my son stranded in a land where I could not even speak the language. They ripped the phone line out of the wall leaving me in the middle of the night without a phone to make calls for help and lied to me about where they were taking my husband. Such are the deeds of the oppressors. Only recently have I come to know what became of my husband and the manner in which

they treated him and the others that they also seized that night. They were taken to what they described as a torture dungeon, commonly known as the State Security headquarters. It was here that they met their fate, just like those Dawah carriers that came before them met their fate at the hands of the merciless torturers. Blindfolded and handcuffed for four days they were made to listen to the blood curdling screams of their brothers being tortured by being threatened, beaten senseless, threats being made to their families, they could hear the electricity rod crackling as they carried out electric shock punishment, and many other evil methods that our rulers and their regimes plot and scheme night and day. And this was continuous for four whole days while they waited their turn, all the while, blindfolded and handcuffed to be called into the torture dungeons to meet their torturers and the test that Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taaala) had chosen to test them with. When my husband was brought before his torturer and the guard that brought him in asked the torturer? Shall I make him sit or stand? The torturers reply was lets wait and see what he does, is he quick to get tortured or not? As we speak my dear sisters our beloved brothers are systematically tortured and abused, enduring the wrath of these people who have no fear of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taaala). And what was my husbands crime you may ask, for him to arrested and tortured in such a way? This was none other than him upholding the truth and carrying the Islamic Dawah. This was enough for our despotic rulers to show their unrelenting hatred for my husband and those who joined him in working with Hizb ut-Tahrir. This was enough for the despots to go to the lengths of torturing them. This was enough for the oppressors to rip them away from their families and to imprison them and continue to imprison them forgetting their pain and anguish, leaving them to languish in these prisons, and throwing away the key. This is not an isolated incident my dear sisters, I personally know of the plight of two others who also have children, who faced the same ordeal and who are present in the audience today. And Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taaala) is our witness that we know of the similar, if not more gruesome, plight of Dawah carriers around the world. You may wonder, has this affected our commitment and determination? Has it made us weaken in our conviction of carrying the Dawah, weakened our resolve, and has it scared us into silence? I can confidently say that instead of weakening us, it has strengthened us like no other experience in our life has strengthened us. I would like to quote from a letter I received from my husband in May 2002, in which he says: I will not allow sadness to creep into my heart for every time I read the Quran I am reminded of how only the foolish tread the path of Iman without being tested; I can assure you that my Iman is now stronger and I understand a lot more now then i ever did before.

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