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Proposal for Mr.

Michael Cherney
From: Dr. Gary Katz (Ph.D.) Child Clinical Psychologist, Trauma PTSD Specialty, Psychology of Anti-Semitic Propaganda, Terrorism, and Media Distortion against the Jewish People Special Adviser to The Intelligence Summit for Israeli Affairs.

The Cherney Research Institute

January 25, 2008 Dear Executive Director,

As Russian influence has been increasingly apparent in fueling (literally and figuratively) the terrorist sponsoring states in the Middle East (Iran, Syria, Proxies Hezbollah, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.) I would respectfully propose that our presence in the hub of the international terror networks be increased so as to provide access to experts in the Mediterranean, European and Russian regions. With a small office located 10 minutes from Ben-Gurion Airport in the new city of Modiin, halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, we would have increased accessibility to further our international security work.

As one of the few survivors of the horrific and cowardly Hamas-Islamic Jihad bombing of the Dolphinarium teen-age club on June 1, 2001, I feel it is my duty to honor the memory of the 21 children blown to pieces to more aggressively find ideas that will lead to more effective interventions in this international struggle. As a Clinical Psychologist and expert in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and The Psychology of Anti-Semitic Hatred and funding of terror, perhaps our new Cherney Research Institute could provide research and meeting grounds for specialists in Israeli Affairs and Russias expanding influence in the region so as to broaden our reach in this difficult war. We need to address the "image war" and "the word war"

as constituents in this global age that has been utilized all too effectively by the enemies of peace, against Christians and Jews. With The Cherney Research Institute, we could gather essential information on combating the terror and media war against Israel in addition to providing the latest information on helping victims of Arab terrorism and possibly offering referrals and treatment by the Child Clinical Psychologist Coordinator. We could also offer a monthly symposium on relevant issues and our research results would, of course be made available to The Cherney Foundation, The Jerusalem Summit, and The Intelligence Summit. We would publish frequently.

This proposal includes a request for rental of a modest duplex unit in Modiin, with some minimal office equipment and telephone service and perhaps the use of a brilliant Office Assistant, an Israeli from Russia who is a gifted history student and fluent in Russian, English, and Hebrew. As Coordinator, I could devote 50 hours per week plus availability for greeting any possible guests at the airport and planning of conferences and meeting with appropriate guests from other countries as they appear or as we invite them. We would publish at least six major articles per year in addition to website access. Since the gracious benefactor would be indispensable in this viable and bold project, he could decide the direction and goals of the research and educational and pro-Israel propaganda/media functions of the Institute. I would be ready, willing, and able to implement any decision made and also, of course, whether it should be a separate 501(C) 3 non-profit entity from the USA or not. Proposed expected expenses: Home/Office Rental $1200/month [Or office at Cherney Foundation, if available] Office Assistant and Translator $600/month @ 10 hours/week at start-up Coordinator $3,200/month 50+ hours/week Office Equipment (one time expense) $2,900; Office furniture: $2,900. Utilities $350/month Institute Car for Airport Pickup and Institute Business: Any reliable used or new vehicle. Fund-raising activities by the Coordinator: No charge/Part of Responsibilities. Printing expenses: $125/month Monthly meeting with Likud Senior Foreign Policy Adviser to Benjamin Netanyahu

Bi-monthly meetings with Professor Uzi Landau, Former Education Minister Limor Livnat, Danny Naveh, The Honorable Shmuel Katz, professor Emeritus Tel Aviv Univ. S. Sharan. Ph.D., Moishe Arens, and Dr. Steven Plaut, Director of the Israel Academia monitor which follows the work of anti-Israel Israelis in our Universities and publishes articles on the Marxist/Stalinist extreme-left in Israel. Respectfully submitted,

Dr. Gary Katz

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