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CS 120 Programming 2 Major Project Program Specification

Instructor: Maureen Mamilic-Villamor Title of the Project: Cashiering and Inventory System

Overview: You are to create a Cashiering and Inventory System for a medium-sized sari-sari store using Java with file-handling capabilities. The system will have the following features: It must be password protected to prevent unauthorized access to the system. The system should have a query system that is capable of searching for a particular product. The user will be given the option to search the product by its product name or product code. The search result must display all details of the product. Products can be electronically added, edited or deleted. When the product is added, a unique product code will be automatically generated. Automatic checking should also be put in place to avoid duplicate records, such as, entering a product name that is already existing. For the cashiering system, the cashier needs to input the product code or product name and quantity of the product and then the system will automatically calculate the total amount of purchased products. The system then will automatically update the stock quantity of the products once purchase transaction is done.

Program Specification: Login window for accessing the system where the user needs to input his/her username and password. Main menu window which is used to access the different features of the system. This includes: o User account menu this is used to add an account (first name, last name, username and password), delete an account (with search feature) and edit an account (with search feature) Product menu this is used to add a product (automatically-generated product code, product name, price and quantity), delete a product (with search feature) and edit a product (with search feature) POS/Cashiering this is used to input the purchased transactions using product code/product name and quantity, cash tendered and display the subtotal/total and change Query this is used for searching a particular product displaying all the details of the product Quit exits the system

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Grading Criteria: Criterion Program Design (30 points)

Solution well-thought out; appropriate use of GUI components all throughout (30 points) Program runs correctly (30 points)

Solution partially planned out; GUI components appropriately used in the most part (15 points) Program designed at the keyboard not planned at all (5 points)

Program Execution (30 points)

Program produces correct output half of the time (20 points)

Program runs but mostly incorrectly (10 points)

Program does not compile or run at all (0 points)

Specification Satisfaction (20 points)

Program satisfies specifications completely and correctly (20 points) Well-formatted, understandable code; appropriate use of language capabilities (20 points)

Many parts of the specifications not implemented (12 points) Code hard to follow in one reading; poor use of language capabilities (12 points)

Program does not satisfy specifications ( 4 points)

Coding Style (20 points)

Incomprehensive code; appropriate language capabilities not used (4 points)

Submission Details: This project is by pair (in groups of two). The program (.java and .class files) must be emailed to The project is due on 29th February 2011, Wednesday until 12:00mn. Late submissions will not be accepted. Those who will be defending their project (e.g. codes that are not believably done by you) will be notified via the blog site as to the defense schedule.

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