nWoD Changeling

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nWoD Changeling
Basics: The setting is identical to changeling as presented in the books, the only difference is the system. The system uses the nWoD system. All changeling characters are built on the basic mortal template, including Virtue, Vice and Morality. However, changelings have the additional traits of legacies (and court to go along with it), glamour, banality, arts and realms. Right now at least this document is only going to handle the second edition corebook of Changeling: the Dreaming, but I might end up writing more later, and the rules here can be easily extended. Use of this requires both the World of Darkness corebook, and Changeling: the Dreaming second edition. Unless stated otherwise, assume all regular rules follow the World of Darkness corebook, and all changeling specific rules follow the Changeling: the Dreaming corebook. Permanent Glamour is the trait simular to Blood Potency, Primal Urge, Gnosis, etc. The temp caps, expendatures, and costs to purchase new levels are identical to those other traits. It also provides the same bonus on resisting certain magical effects. LIke in Changeling: the Dreaming, a permanent dot can be spent to completely refresh the temporary pool. Beyond being used for most powers, Temporary Glamour can be spent to heal chimerical damage as a vampire heals damage (it can be used to heal permanent damage if the changeling uses it while Calling Upon the Wyrd). It can be spent to remove Temporary Banality on a one for one basis. This can be spent before the calculation for aquiring Permanent Banality is used, however, per turn limits for expendature of Temporary Glamour still applies. See the Epiphany section for ways to gain Temporary Glamour. Temporary Glamour obtained through distroying Dross does not follow expendature limits, but cannot be stored in the characters Glamour pool. Permanent Banality can not generaly be spent. It is used the same way for resisting cantrips as in Changeling: the Dreaming. Temporary Banality has a limit the same as Temporary Glamour. When the Temporary Banality reaches that limit, all Temporary Banality is removed, and Permanent Banality goes up by one. Permanent Banality cannot be purchased with experience points. Temporary Banality is aquired the same way as in Changeling: the Dreaming. Characters with differing Permanent Banality suffer a penalty to all non-intimidation social rolls equal to one half (round down) the difference in banality. This applies both ways. Kenning rolls can only be made by changelings, and are a type of Perception roll. Gremayre rolls are normal Occult rolls (a specialty of Gremayre is allowed), mortals and

other supernaturals can make these rolls at a three die penalty, this can be removed with extensive education by a lerned fae, usualy done only for the enchanted, as doing otherwise is a violation of the Escheat. Character Creation: Changelings start out with the basic mortal template. They then apply bonuses based on being a changeling, kith (and house if applicable) and seeming. All changelings have a Seelie Legacy and an Unseelie Legacy. When roleplaying out the currently dominant Legacy (following the same rules as Flaws, no roleplaying in a haphazard manner just to get the bonuses) characters may gain Glamour or Banality. Roleplaying the Quest gains the character a Temporary point of Glamour for playing out the characters Dream, roleplaying the Ban gains the character a Temporary point of Banality, for denying that Dream. All changelings start with 3 Arts, and 5 Realms. There are no restrictions on Arts and Realms located in the corebook. Updated rules for Arts and Realms will be detailed below. Changelings have access to additional Merits, detailed in the Merit section. Childings start out with three dots of Permanent Glamour, and one dot of Permanent Banality. Wilders start out with two dots of Permanent Glamour and three dots of Permanent Banality. They also gain an additional dot to add to any attribute, this can not bring any attributes above five. Grumps start out with one dot of Permanent Glamour, and five dots of Permanent Banality. They also gain three additional dots to distribute among attributes, these cannot raise any attributes above five. When a changeling moves Seemings (from Childling to Wilder or from Wilder to Grump) they gain two additional dots of Permanent Banality, and lose one dot of Permanent Glamour. They do not gain the attribute increases however. Glamour can be increased normaly with merit dots at character creation, or experience points. Experience Costs: Trait Attribute Skill Skill Specialty Art Realm Cost New dots x 5 New dots x 3 3 points New dots x 5 New dots x 3


New dots x 2

Permanent Glamour New dots x 8 Morality Willpower Kiths: Any time the corebook says that a given member of a kith cannot botch a certain roll, they instead gain an additional die to that roll. They still have the normal penalties however if they have no dots of the required skill. Boggans: Using Social Dynamics is a Wits + Socialize roll. Difficulty penalties subtract dice from the roll, as normal. Resisting the Call of the Needy is a Resolve + Composure roll, normaly at no penality, although the Storyteller can of course apply penalties if she thinks one would be appropriate. Nockers: Nockers gain an additional die on any roll falling under their Fix-It specialty. The specialty changes depending on which legacy is dominant. Pooka: Using Confidant is a roll of Wits + Persuasion minus the targets Composure. Resisting Lies is a Resolve + Composure roll. Redcaps: Using Dark Appetite in combat is a brawling attack, damage 2 (L). Severing a limb requires five successes if not grappled, three successes if grappled. Bully Browbeat gives Redcaps an additional die on all Intimidation rolls, obedience is an opposed Presence + Intimidation roll (for the Redcap) against Resolve + Composure (for the target). Bad Attitude means that Redcaps subtract at least two dice on all nonintimidation social rolls. Satyrs: Resisting Gift of Pan is a Resolve + Composure roll. Physical Prowess applies the Stamina bonus normaly, Using their goat legs increases the Satyr's species factor by three. Passion's Curse applies a two die penalty on all resolve and composure rolls, this does not stack with itself. Sidhe: Awe and Beauty gives the Sidhe the bonus of Striking Looks four, this does stack with Striking Looks. Awe and Beauty also gives two dice to appropriate social rolls. Attacking the Sidhe is a Resolve + Composure roll, Sidhe with a Title of four or above give a penalty to the roll of Title - three. Banalities Curse does not apply to cantrip rolls. Sluagh: Squirm is still a Dexterity + Athletics roll, penalties range from zero to five, depending on how they are imprissoned. Sharpened Senses give the Sluagh three additional dice (this is including the lack of botch on Alertness rolls) to rolls of Perception. Seeing through illusionary magic requires only one success on a New dots x 3 8 points

Perception roll. A reflexive Perception roll allows them to tell if any Ghosts are in the area, perceiving them fully costs a Temporary point of Glamour. Curse of Silence adds a two die penalty to any social rolls with non-sluagh. Trolls: Titans power gives bonus dots of Strength normaly. Health levels are chimerical only, unless the Troll calls upon the Wyrd. Stubbornness gives the trolls two extra dice to resolve rolls to resist temptation or distraction. Bond of Duity requires a resolve + composure roll to avoid becoming violent. Eshu: The Eshu birthright and frailty works the same way as in the Changeling corebook. Backgrounds: The following backgrounds are converted over to merits: Chimera, Dreamers, Holdings, Remembrance (replaces Past Lives as well), Title, Treasures. Retinue is covered by the Retainer merit. Many other backgrounds not included in this list are already covered by merits in the WoD corebook, and use those rules. Merits: The following merits are converted over to the new system. Ones not listed are not being used, or are already found in the WoD corebook. Regeneration: As Quick Healer, but is a five dot merit, and heals one level of lethal or bashing chimerical damage per turn spent resting, aggrivated chimerical damage heals at the rate of one level per hour spent resting. Wounds inflicted by cold iron are not affected by this merit, and it does stack with Quick Healer. Medium: Works normaly.. Luck: Works normaly. Art Affinity: Works normaly. Faerie Eternity: Works normaly. Poetic Heart: Three dot merit, allows for a Resolve + Composure roll with a penalty of one half (round down) the characters banality, each success removes a point of Temporary Banality gained from one source, can only be used once per story. Winged (merit only): Works normaly. Speed flying equals running speed, can be maintained for a number of turns of twice the characters Stamina, needs to rest at least a scene between uses. Seeming's Blessing: Works normaly.

Boon: Works normaly. Reputation: Works normaly. Epiphany: Reverie: Knowing the Dreamer is a Kenning roll. Actualy musing the dreamer is a Manipulation + Empathy roll (bonuses can be applied as per the book). Each success gives the changeling a Temporary point of Glamour. Dramatic Failure means that the Reverie must start from scratch. The roll for the Dreamer to be able to create again is the same as the book, at a standard difficulty. Rapture: The roll for Rapture is Attribute + Ability minus (Permanent Banality minus Permanent Glamour, minimum zero). Each success gives a Temporary point of Glamour, and an Exceptional Success gives one Permanent Glamour. Dramatic Failure means the character gains a Temporary point of Banality. Ravaging: The roll for Ravaging is the Permanent Banality of the Ravager minus the Permanent Banality of the Dreamer. Each success produces a Temporary Glamour, dramatic failure results in the Ravager gaining a Permanent Banality. Rhapsody: The mortals roll to create is an instant action, with standard diepool. Bonus dice are added based on the amount of glamour invested by those engaging in the Rhapsody, on a one for one basis. With just one success a masterpiece is created, forgoing the normal rules for creation. If the mortal gets a dramatic failure, the mortal gains a Permanent Banality, and all glamour is lost. Glamour is distributed as per Changeling: the Dreaming, and the resulting effects on the mortal also apply. Cantrip Casting: Diepool: Base diepool is Art + Attribute + Realm, modifiers are outlined below. Bunks: Bunks provide bonuses to cantrip rolls at one die per level. Level one bunks can be done the same turn as casting, higher level bunks usualy take longer, and casting must be done at the end of the bunk. Banality: Banality imposes a penalty on the casting. There is a penalty on the roll equal to either the caster's or the target's Permanent Banality (whichever is higher). Spending Glamour: Glamour costs are standard as on page 205, with the following exception. Temporary Glamour can be spent to add dice on a one for one basis. Please note that cantrip casting follows normal Glamour expendature limits, meaning characters with a low permanent glamour will have difficulty casting some cantrips. Modifier Realms: Using modifier realms do not cost glamour, and using the scene realm to affect multiple targets does not impose a penalty. However, successes on

multiple targets must be split among them. The time realm can be set up for a "trigger", this allows the caster to name something that will cause the cantrip to take effect, with a time limit described by the time realm. Invoking Banality: Invoking Banality against a cantrip requires a reflexive rolling of the characters Permanent Banality, each success subtracts one from the casters successes. Using this gains the user a Temporary Banality. Counterweaving: Counterweaving is a Wits + Occult (gramayre) roll. This costs a Temporary Glamour, and requires reaching as many successes as the caster, partial successes do not count. The counterweaver must possess the appropriate Realms and levels to countweave. This is an instant action. Determining the realms and art (and levels) used is a reflexive Kenning roll. Nightmare dice are not being used. Arts: Chicanery: Manipulation based roll. Captive heart allows a reflexive Resolve + Composure roll to resist actions that run counter to her personality. Legerdemain: Dexterity based roll. Ensare is a a weapon that has number of successes (bashing) on the cantrip, and uses Resolve + Composure to attack. Primal: Stamina based roll. Heather Balm heals one lethal, or two bashing per success. Holy Strike inflicts lethal damage. Soothsay: Intellegence based roll. Fair Is Foul and Foul Is Fair adds or subtracts dice to another roll. Sovereign: Presence based roll. Replace willpower rolls to resist with Resolve + Composure rolls. Wayfare: Wits based rolls. Quicksilver gives bonuses as follows: Subtracts rolls to hit the target of Quicksilver by the number of successes gained. Initiative for the target is increased by the number of successes on the Quicksilver roll. Speed is increased by current speed times (number of successes + one). Multiple castings of Quicksilver on the same target result in multiple turns of Quicksilver, in order of casting.
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