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1119/1 Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] You feel that your school library

needs changes to attract more students to visit it. Write a letter to the library teacher stating your suggestions on the changes need to be done to the library. You should also provide the reasons for the changes. Use the following notes to write your letter: Changes need to be done increase the number of novels get dictionaries of the latest edition rearrange the shelves and furniture repaint the walls add more fans/be airconditioned place more librarians at the counter Reasons fiction section lacks books

SULIT Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] You feel that your school library needs changes to attract more students to visit it. Write a letter to the library teacher stating your suggestions on the changes need to be done to the library. You should also provide the reasons for the changes. Use the following notes to write your letter: Changes need to be done increase the number of novels get dictionaries of the latest edition rearrange the shelves and furniture repaint the walls add more fans/be airconditioned place more librarians at the counter Reasons fiction section lacks books

dictionaries not up-to-date positions not conducive to reading dull wall colour poor ventilation long queue during recess

dictionaries not up-to-date positions not conducive to reading dull wall colour poor ventilation long queue during recess

When writing the letter, you must: y address the letter to the library teacher y to lay out the letter in the correct format y to include all the notes given y that the letter is formal

When writing the letter, you must: y address the letter to the library teacher y to lay out the letter in the correct format y to include all the notes given y that the letter is formal

1119/1 Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] You have just returned from a leadership camp. As the Head Prefect of your school, you are asked to write a report to the principal about the camp. Use the following notes to write your report. In your report, include the following. y y y y y Date and place Number of participants Aim to groom future leaders Accompanying teachers Activities carried out and their benefits: Benefits Teamwork Developing confidence Communication skills Enhancing knowledge

SULIT Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] You have just returned from a leadership camp. As the Head Prefect of your school, you are asked to write a report to the principal about the camp. Use the following notes to write your report. In your report, include the following. y y y y y Date and place Number of participants Aim to groom future leaders Accompanying teachers Activities carried out and their benefits: Benefits Teamwork Developing confidence Communication skills Enhancing knowledge

Activities i) ii) iii) iv) Jungle trekking Flying fox Drama Lectures and workshops

Activities i) ii) iii) iv) Jungle trekking Flying fox Drama Lectures and workshops

Do remember to: y address the report to the principal y set out the report correctly y use all the points given y add any other relevant details

Do remember to: y address the report to the principal y set out the report correctly y use all the points given y add any other relevant details

1119/1 Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] Your friend has finished his secondary education. He wants to go overseas to further his studies. He writes to you for a second opinion. You reply to his letter, giving him reasons why he should go ahead with his plans. Use the notes given below to write your letter. REASONS y y y y y gain knowledge be independent gain new experience learn responsibility able to cope with studies y better job opportunities y parents can afford it y y y y y y meet people get to travel taste various cuisine learn foreign culture supportive parents y y y y y

SULIT Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] Your friend has finished his secondary education. He wants to go overseas to further his studies. He writes to you for a second opinion. You reply to his letter, giving him reasons why he should go ahead with his plans. Use the notes given below to write your letter. REASONS gain knowledge be independent gain new experience learn responsibility able to cope with studies better job opportunities y parents can afford it y y y y y meet people get to travel taste various cuisine learn foreign culture supportive parents

When writing the letter, you must;  lay out your letter correctly (address, greeting, closing)  use all the notes given  remember that your letter is to your friend

When writing the letter, you must;  lay out your letter correctly (address, greeting, closing)  use all the notes given  remember that your letter is to your friend

1119/1 Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes]

SULIT Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes]

The issue of obesity among teenagers is a growing concern. in relation to this, you have attended a health seminar about the importance of weight control organized by the Health Ministry. As the secretary of the Health Club, your teacher has asked you to write an article on the importance of weight management for the school magazine. You have made the notes below to help you. Write your article based on your notes as shown below. Reasons for obesity:  genetics  bad eating habits  lack of exercise Ways to overcome:  eat a balanced diet  do not snack between meals  do not skip meals  exercise regularly  consult doctor/fitness expert before joining a gym  maintain ideal weight  go for regular health checks  think positively  be disciplined in your weight management When writing your article, you should remember to: y give a suitable title y state the writers name y write in paragraphs y use all the notes given

The issue of obesity among teenagers is a growing concern. in relation to this, you have attended a health seminar about the importance of weight control organized by the Health Ministry. As the secretary of the Health Club, your teacher has asked you to write an article on the importance of weight management for the school magazine. You have made the notes below to help you. Write your article based on your notes as shown below. Reasons for obesity:  genetics  bad eating habits  lack of exercise Ways to overcome:  eat a balanced diet  do not snack between meals  do not skip meals  exercise regularly  consult doctor/fitness expert before joining a gym  maintain ideal weight  go for regular health checks  think positively  be disciplined in your weight management When writing your article, you should remember to: y give a suitable title y state the writers name y write in paragraphs y use all the notes given

1119/1 Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] In conjunction with the launching of the 1 Student 1 Sport policy by the Ministry of Education, your school is organizing a Sports Week. As the president of the Sports Club, you have been asked to give a talk during the assembly regarding the programme. In your talk, you should make the students aware of the objectives of the Sports Week, as well as promote the activities that will be carried out during the programme. Use the following notes to write your speech: SPORTS WEEK
Objectives of the Programme: - Promote active and healthy lifestyle - Inculcate moral values:  Teamwork  Sportsmanship  Leadership - Identify talents for school teams Activities: - Inter-house competitions - Poster drawing competitions - Friendly matches against neighbouring schools - Dialogue sessions with famous sports personalities

SULIT Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] In conjunction with the launching of the 1 Student 1 Sport policy by the Ministry of Education, your school is organizing a Sports Week. As the president of the Sports Club, you have been asked to give a talk during the assembly regarding the programme. In your talk, you should make the students aware of the objectives of the Sports Week, as well as promote the activities that will be carried out during the programme. Use the following notes to write your speech: SPORTS WEEK
Objectives of the Programme: - Promote active and healthy lifestyle - Inculcate moral values:  Teamwork  Sportsmanship  Leadership - Identify talents for school teams

When writing the speech, you must: - greet the audience - state the purpose of your talk - end you talk appropriately - include all the notes given

When writing the speech, you must: - greet the audience - state the purpose of your talk - end you talk appropriately - include all the notes given

1119/1 Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] Your friend who lives in Brunei wants to know about an important event celebrated in your school every year. You have decided to write a letter to your friend telling him/her about Teachers Day celebration. Use the notes given below to write your letter:
Purposes:  to appreciate teachers and their efforts  to strengthen relationship between teachers and students

SULIT Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] Your friend who lives in Brunei wants to know about an important event celebrated in your school every year. You have decided to write a letter to your friend telling him/her about Teachers Day celebration. Use the notes given below to write your letter:
Purposes:  to appreciate teachers and their efforts  to strengthen relationship between teachers and students

Activities:          speech by the Principal Teachers Day message reading award presentation Best Teacher of the Year performances by students and teachers competitions between teachers and students Teachers Day card making competition telematch games for teachers song dedication signing the Teachers Day banner

Activities:          speech by the Principal Teachers Day message reading award presentation Best Teacher of the Year performances by students and teachers competitions between teachers and students Teachers Day card making competition telematch games for teachers song dedication signing the Teachers Day banner

When writing your letter, you should remember: - to use a suitable format - to use all the notes given - that your letter is to a friend

When writing your letter, you should remember: - to use a suitable format - to use all the notes given - that your letter is to a friend

1119/1 Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] You have been selected to represent your school in a public speaking competition organized by The Star Newspaper. The topic you have chosen for your prepared speech is The advantages and disadvantages of Internet. Write a speech on the topic chosen. You should include the following points in your speech: Advantages y y y y y y fast and reliable cheap vast information free entertainment paying bills on-line shopping from the home

SULIT Section A : Directed Writing [35 marks] [Time suggested: 45 minutes] You have been selected to represent your school in a public speaking competition organized by The Star Newspaper. The topic you have chosen for your prepared speech is The advantages and disadvantages of Internet. Write a speech on the topic chosen. You should include the following points in your speech: Advantages y y y y y y fast and reliable cheap vast information free entertainment paying bills on-line shopping from the home

Disadvantages y y y y y y theft of personal information virus threats unwanted e-mails pornography no social life unhealthy no physical exercise

Disadvantages y y y y y y theft of personal information virus threats unwanted e-mails pornography no social life unhealthy no physical exercise

When writing your speech, you must: - greet your audience - state the purpose of your speech - include all the notes given - thank your audience

When writing your speech, you must: - greet your audience - state the purpose of your speech - include all the notes given - thank your audience

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