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Martlet questionnaire

michael Atkinson
for Director at Large
At whAt point did you become interested in politics? whAt mAde you decide to run? Ive been interested in UVSS politics since the year before I started Engineering when the board decided to ban military recruiters on campus. Since then, Ive followed and grown more cynical as more and more stupid decisions were made. I decided to run when the UVSS withheld funding from the Engineering Students Society in the fall term, claiming that our paperwork was missing a budget form that was not due until April. Also, when I was accused of being an engineering stereotype while campaigning for faculty representation may have been when I first considered it. That was the first time Ive heard of the claim of being white straight cis men as an insult before (especially considering the context made it seem like a member of the board had made the comment). It may also be the first time that not second guessing my gender or sexuality has ever come up as an issue. would you consider pursuing politics beyond the scope of A university setting? I have no intention of arguing with professional politicians, I only got involved because I got fed up with the way student politics were being run. which federAl politicAl pArty do your support/ feel most closely reflects your politics? While there isnt a specific political party that reflects my views, it does not reflect UVSS politics. Unlike past decisions have shown, the body reflecting students is non-partisan. Our slates politically leanings are as varied as those of UVic students, and are not going to reflect our actions on the board. hAve you ever been to A boArd meetings which, unlike the UVSS meetings are able to accomplish something in under an hour while adhering to our constitution, and ensuring that everyone gets a voice that wants to. whAt is your position on uvics smoking policy thAt bAns smoking inside ring roAd?

I have no intention of arguing with professional politicians, I only got involved because I got fed up Michael Atkinson Director at Large Candidate
meeting? Excluding the meeting where I gave a presentation to the current board, I have not been to a UVSS board meeting. I (somewhat) successfully tried to convince the UVSS not to ask a second, competing, flawed version of the Faculty Representation question in the fall AGM, and was subsequently treated like everything I said was an attack. I also participate in Engineering Students Society

I think the decrease in the litter inside ring road has been nice, and my friends with smoke allergies have been breathing a lot easier, despite the discomfort of many smokers. Victoria being the community that it is means that a lot of things can be done in the name of health, and designated nonsmoking areas seems to be one of them. whAt is victoriAs first trAnsit priority? There isnt a singular solution to Victorias transit issues, but I know there are people who are paid to figure out BC Transits best possible system with the biggest problem being the Colwood Crawl. Victorias first priorities are probably safety and efficiency. There are many roads that need to be repaired and replaced because of the climate, and some of this work has caused significant inconsistency in transit schedules. At the boArd level, whAt chAnges cAn be mAde to increAse the uvss visibility on cAmpus, such As voter turnout, pArticipAtion, etc? In terms of increasing student involvement, I think a step in the right direction would be to show some respect to the constituents

mArtlet February 20, 2012

of the UVSS. Also, updating the meeting minutes and AGM/SAGM minutes more frequently might help poeple know what is going on. We cant all rely on blogs that seem to have dried up. Possibly, not taking a stance in contentious issues, and not banning frivolous things would be steps in the right direction. Ensuring that food is supplied at the AGM/SAGMs would increase participation, as was evidenced by the lack of turnout at the AGM in the fall. whAt do you plAn on doing After grAduAtion And whAt kind of skills do you hope to Acquire on the uvss boArd? I will be graduating next year with a degree in Electrical Engineering and specializations in Mechatronics and Power Systems with plans to work in the power utilities. I will enter an Engineer in Training program, and make more annual salary than two (possibly even three) members of the UVSS executive combined. Skills I will gain include putting up with people I disagree with, and recovering from the decisions of past governing bodies, both very important to any field. if you were to creAte Any course At uvic, whAt would it be And why? How to not get offended by differing opinions. Alternatively, How to use a computer, and know what they are and are not capable of. whAt is the best coffee on cAmpus? I forget where I get coffee on campus, seeing as Im usually not conscious before Ive finished drinking it. That being said, the SUB is the only place that feeds my monster addiction.

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