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Martlet questionnaire

emily rogers
for Chairperson
At whAt point did you become interested in politics? whAt mAde you decide to run? Ive grown up with politics in my home my dad ran for municipal council when I was 5 years old and got re-elected for his 6th term this past November. It is really inspiring to see how dedicated he is, and how much he cares about being a councilor. I decided to get politically involved partially as a result of his influence, but mostly because it feels like a natural fit I love Uvic and I have the unique ability to give back to the UVSS as a student representative. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to run for such a position would you consider pursuing politics beyond the scope of A university setting? Im not sure. On one hand, I think it would be incredible to represent my community on a broader scale. At the same time, it is really important to me to have a career and life outside of politics. In other words, while I would consider getting involved with politics down the road, I definitely do not aspire to be a career politician in any way. I love working with children, and am dedicated to becoming a Child and Youth Care practitioner. Furthermore, I would only seek election if I genuinely believed my community would benefit from my contribution in a political capacity. which federAl politicAl pArty do your support/ feel most closely reflects your politics? The NDP, with undertones of Liberal tendencies. hAve you ever been to A boArd meeting? I was in grade 10 when I attended my first board meeting (on behalf of the City of Victoria Youth Council), and observed many meetings before being elected as a Director at Large this past year. Even so, safe places to smoke could be found within the ring. If elected, I will lobby the university administration to do so. whAt is victoriAs first trAnsit priority? Rapid bus transit, including priority signals on traffic lights and priority bus lanes. The way transit is set up right now doesnt make sense, and congestion is the underlying cause of bus pass-ups. Priority lanes for buses would allow students from Saanich and the Western Communities to commute to UVic within a reasonable time, and make bus transit a viable option for all CRD residents. It is especially important that this is done now, given that federal and provincial funding has recently contributed $5.1 million for the construction of a busway along Douglas St. At the boArd level, whAt chAnges cAn be mAde to increAse the uvss visibility on cAmpus, such As voter turnout, pArticipAtion, etc? There are three things that I would like to do to increase the visibility of the UVSS. First and foremost, we need to reassess our marketing strategy. The UVSS does great work unfortunately, most students dont know about it. Spending more time and resources on creative marketing strategies will increase the likelihood that students will be aware of the resources that we offer, campaigns being conducted and events being held. On that note, events are the main point of contact between the UVSS and most students. I want to kick off the year with a big stadium concert, followed by a huge

I love UVic and I have the unique opportunity to give back to the UVSS as a student representative. Emily Rogers Chairperson Candidate
whAt is your position on uvics smoking policy thAt bAns smoking inside ring roAd? I think smoking policies should consider the needs of smokers and non-smokers alike. As such, designated smoking areas away from doorways and food services are important.

mArtlet February 20, 2012

after party in the SUB. This will set the stage for a year of events that students are excited to attend. Finally, I would love to give students more direct ownership over the SUB and UVSS. I dont think a student should have to be elected in order to run an event or initiate a campaign as chair, I would actively facilitate these initiatives. whAt do you plAn on doing After grAduAtion And whAt kind of skills do you hope to Acquire on the uvss boArd? After I graduate, I intend to complete my masters in occupational therapy at UBC. I hope that being elected as Chairperson will teach me valuable facilitation skills, how to diffuse conflict in a professional setting, confidence in interacting with the media and a greater understanding of how to lobby for change on a large scale. if you were to creAte Any course At uvic, whAt would it be And why? The History of Uvic bunnies 100. whAt is the best coffee on cAmpus? I dont drink coffee, but if I did I would definitely go to Munchie.

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