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SlideshowScroll Readcast Add a Comment Embed & Share <#> Reading should be social! Post a message on your social networks to let others know what you're reading. Select the sites below and start sharing. Readcast this DocumentTransparent <#> <#> Login </login> to Add a Comment <#> Share & Embed < 18%2FThree-dimensional-Object-Representations%23source%3Afacebook><http://twitte %23Readcast>< oc%2F53037518%2FThree-dimensional-Object-Representations&message=> <#> Add to Collections Download this Document for Free Auto-hide: on <#> THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT REPRESENTATIONS:Graphics is a field of many different kind of objects display on the screen e.g.;-trees, flowers,clouds, rocks etc. In 2-D object representations we cant access the proper view of an object,its only give the front view of the to make the object clear there is a 3-D objectrepresentation creating a proper view of any natural scene i.e .Externally and Internally.Nowto design an object in 3-D form we have to categorised the object into some modelrepresentation: Polygon and quadric surfaces=Euclidean objects Spline surfaces and construction technique=aircraft wings with curved surfaces Fractle construction and particle system=accurate natural objects Physically based modelling method=non-rigid behaviour of an object Octree encoding=internal features of object like CT images Visualization technique=3-D discrete data sets to obtain visual representation of thedataRepresent scheme for solid objects are:-1.Boundary representation:-tells about 3-D set of surfaces, separate the objectinterior from the environment. 2. Space-partitioning representation:-tells about interior properties, partitioning thespatial region.Example:-oc-tree representation.In3D computer graphics <>,

3D modeling is the process of developing amathematical <> <> representation of anythree-dimensional <>surface of object either inanimate or living viaspecialized software <>. The product is called a 3D model. It can be displayed as a two-dimensional image through a process called3D rendering <>or used in acomputer <> <>simulation <> <>of physical phenomena. The model can also be physically created using3D Printing <>devices.Models may be created automatically or manually. The manual modeling process of preparing geometric data for 3D computer graphics is similar to plastic arts <>such assculpting <>. 3-D Models <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> 3D models represent a 3D object using a collection of points in 3D space, connected byvarious geometric entities such as triangles, lines, curved surfaces, etc. Being a collection of data points, 3D models can be created by hand, <>algorithmically <> procedural modeling <>, <> or scanned <>.3D models are widely used anywhere in3D graphics <>. Actually, their use predates thewidespread use of 3D graphics on personal computers <>. Manycomputer games <>used pre- rendered images of 3D models assprites <>before computers could render them in real-time.Today, 3D models are used in a wide variety of fields. The medical industry uses detailedmodels of organs. The movie industry uses them as characters and objects for animated andreal-lifemotion pictures <>. <>Thevideo game industry <>uses them as assets for computer and <> video games <>. The science sector uses them as highly detailed models of chemicalcompounds. The architecture industry uses them to demonstrate proposed buildings andlandscapes through

<>Software Architectural Models <>. The engineering community uses them as designs of new devices, vehicles and structures as well as a host of other uses. In recentdecades the <>earth science <>community has started to construct 3D geological models as a standard practice. 3-D Representation Almost all 3D models can be divided into two categories. Solid - These models define the volume of the object they represent like a rock. Theseare more realistic, but more difficult to build. Solid models are mostly used for non visualsimulations such as medical and engineering simulations, for CAD and specialized visualapplications such asray tracing <>andconstructive solid geometry <> Shell/boundary - these models represent the surface, e.g. the boundary of the object,not its volume like an infinitesimally thin eggshell. These are easier to work with thansolid models. Almost all visual models used in games and film are shell models.Because the appearance of an object depends largely on the exterior of the object, boundary <>representations <>are common in computer graphics. Two dimensionalsurfaces <>are a good analogy for the objects used in graphics, though quite often these objects are non-manifold <>. <> Since surfaces are not finite, a discrete digital approximation is required: polygonal <>meshes <> <>and to a lesser extentsubdivision surfaces <>are by far the most common <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

representation, although <> point-based <>representations have been gaining some popularity in recent years.Level sets <>are a useful representation for deforming surfaces which undergomany topological changes such asfluids <>.The process of transforming representations of objects, such as the middle point coordinate of a <>sphere <>and a point on its <>circumference <>into a polygon representation of a sphere, is calledtessellation <>. This step is used in polygon-based rendering, where objects are brokendown from abstract representations primitives such as spheres,cones <>etc., to so-called meshes, which are nets of interconnected triangles. Meshes of triangles instead of e.g. <>squares <>are popular as they have proven to be easy to render usingscan-line <> rendering <>. Polygon representations are not used in all rendering techniques, and in these casesthe tessellation step is not included in the transition from abstract representation to rendered-scene. 3-D Modeling processes There are five popular ways to represent a model: Polygonal modeling <>Points in 3D space, called vertices, are connected by linesegments to form a polygonal mesh. Used, for example, by Blender. The vast majority of 3D models today are built as textured polygonal models, because they are flexible and because computers can render them so quickly. However, polygons are planar and canonly approximate curved surfaces using many polygons. NURBS <>modeling NURBS Surfaces are defined by spline curves, which areinfluenced by weighted control points. The curve follows but does not necessarilyinterpolate the points. Increasing the weight for a point will pull the curve closer to that point. NURBS are truly smooth surfaces, not approximations using small flat surfaces,and so are particularly suitable for organic modeling. <>Maya <>,Rhino 3d <>andsolid <> Thinking <>are the most well-known commercial software that uses NURBS natively. Splines & Patches modeling - Like NURBS, Splines and Patches depend on curvedlines to define the visible surface. Patches fall somewhere between NURBS and polygonsin terms of flexibility and ease of use. Primitives modeling - This procedure takesgeometric primitives <>like balls, cylinders,cones or cubes as building blocks for more complex models.

Benefits are quick and easyconstruction and that the forms are mathematically defined and thus absolutely precise,also the definition language can be much simpler. Primitives modeling is well suited for <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> technical applications and less for organic shapes. Some 3D software can directly render from primitives likePOV-Ray <>, <>others use primitives only for modeling and convert them to meshes for further operations and rendering. Sculpt modeling - Still fairly new method of modeling 3D sculpting has become very popular in the few short years it has been around. There are 2 types of this currently,Displacement which is the most widely used among applications at this moment, andvolumetric. Displacement uses a dense model often generated bySubdivision surfaces <> <>of a polygon control mesh and stores new locations for the vertex positions through use of a32bit image map that stores the adjusted locations. Volumetric which is based looselyonVoxels <>has similar capabilities as displacement but does not suffer from polygonstretching when there are not enough polygons in a region to achieve a deformation. Bothof these methods allow for very artistic exploration as the model will have a newtopology created over it once the models form and possibly details have been sculpted.The new mesh will usually have the original high resolution mesh information transferredinto displacement data or normal map data if for a game engine.The modeling stage consists of shaping individual objects that are later used in the scene.There are a number of modeling techniques, including: constructive solid geometry <> implicit surfaces <> subdivision surfaces <>Modeling can be performed by means of a dedicated program , or an application componentor some scene description language . In some cases, there is no strict distinction betweenthese phases; in such cases modeling is just part of the scene creation process .Complex materials such as blowing sand, clouds, and liquid sprays are modeled with particle <>systems

<>, and are a mass of 3Dcoordinates <>which have either <> points <>, polygons <>,texture splats <>, <> or sprites <>assign to them.3D Representations provide the foundations for Computer Graphics, Computer-Aided Geometric Design, Visualization, RoboticsThey are languages for describing geometry Semantics Syntax <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> values data structures operations algorithms Set of 3D points mapping to pixels of depth image TYPES OF SURFACES TO DISPLAY 3-D OBJECT :1. Polygon surfaces:it represent a polyhedron preciselywhich defines the surface features o f the object. It consist of polygon tables, plane equation and polygon meshes. 2. curved line and surfaces:It represent the surface from aninput set of mathematical function in which a set of datapoints are specified.Example:-quadrics and super-quadrics. 3. Quadric surfaces:these are particularly spheres andellipsoids that are common element of graphic scenes andthey are available on the graphics packages as primitives toconstruct more complex objects.It is mainly consist of sphere,ellipsoid, torus.4.SuperQuadrics:-It is incorporation ofadditional parametersinto quadric equations to provide increase flexibility foradjusting object shapes. No. Of additional parameters=dimension of theobject It consist of superellipse and superellipsoid5.Blobby objects:-these objects can be defining as blobbinessand are simply refer as a blobby object because there shapesshow a certain degree of fluidity. 3-D view

of blobby objects 3D object representation using canonical views partitioning the viewing hemisphere of 3D object in areas of similar views - aspect bubbles comparison of tracking and matching techniques for bubbles generating (utilizingGabor wavelets) distribution of areas of view bubbles for TOM sequence for tracking andmatching. Warmer colors encode larger areas of view bubbles. BIBLIOGRAPHY <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Three-dimensional Object Representations Download this Document for FreePrintMobileCollectionsReport Document Report this document? Please tell us reason(s) for reporting this document Spam or junk Porn adult content Hateful or offensive If you are the copyright owner of this document and want to report it, please follow these directions <> to submit a copyright infringement notice. Report Cancel <javascript:void(0)> This is a private document. </static/help?type=private> Info and Rating Reads: 642 Uploaded: 04/14/2011 Category: /Uncategorized./ Rated: Copyright: Attribution Non-commercial Attribution_noncommercial <> computer graphics <>

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