SQ Most Significant Issues

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SQ Important Statements

Keith Wong Pg. 23 Keith Europes favorable position, as a generator of wealth Pg. 23 Keith three pioneersnow grown passive, content to defend domains already conquered. PortugalDutchSpain Pg. 23 Keith Seventeenth centuryDutch NetherlandsEuropes greatest maritime power Pg. 24 Keith third area of colonial expansion was the North American continent Pg. 25 Keith West Indies tradelargest, and its expansion was truly spectacular. Pg. 25-26 Keith One patternship departing from British portLanding at Marble head, Massachusetts, or Philadelphiatransported to Jamaica Pg. 26 Keith Another variationset out from Newport, Rhode IslandLanding in West Africa Pg. 27 Keith most approved judges...our West Indies and African Trades are the most nationally beneficial of any we carry on. Pg 27. Keith estimable and important...nine tenths of those Negroes are paid for in Africa with British produce and manufactures only. Pg. 28 Keith unsettled Ohio Valley was the second focus of colonial rivalry in North America. Pg. 28 Keith pressures created by the competition of states, dynasties, and colonial empires...continental phase, known as the Seven Years War Pg. 29 Keith other phase of this midcentury [18th century] conflagration revolved around Anglo-French competition for empire in North Amerca, the West Indies, and India. Pg. 29 Keith More important, Frace depended on naval support to reinforce, supply, and move its troops; unfortunately for Frace, a fairly even naval matchup in the 1740s had turned into clear British naval superiority by the 1750s. Pg. 30 Keith Although he [William Pitt] honored Britains commitment to Prussia, he attached highest priority to defeating France in the colonial world. Pg. 31 Keith When Parliament passed the India Act of 1784, the British government effectively replaced the company as the ultimate authority and named a new ruling official, the governor-general of India. Daniel Lian Pg. 34 Daniel- outside of Europe the threat to empire came primarily from independance movements and slave revolts Pg. 35 Daniel- European manufacturers objected increasingly to the protective tariffs levied on foreign imports in the mercantile marketplace. Pg. 35 Daniel- .making antislavery a pervasive, even fashionable among the European elite, especially among the well to do women who came to play a pivotal role in the British movement. Pg. 36 Daniel- For those unconvinced by arguments based on utility or natural law, the rapid deterioration of Haiti and Jamaica in the closing years of the eighteenth

century offered compelling evidence that the mercantile slave economy was economically retrograde. Pg. 36 Daniel-..pursuit of profit in a free, self-regulating market as efficient, natural, and moral was considered common sense. Pg. 37 Daniel- During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, colonizers had concerned themselves primarily with the "heathen" nature of the "savage" societies and the future of their immortal souls. Pg. 39 Daniel- Although sati became a key public symbol of the liberal reform agenda, it was not, in fact a widespread practice, but was actually limited only to certain groups of upper class Hindus. Pg. 39 Daniel- The potent triad of law, education, and free trade, British reformers believed, would bring the hopeless backward Indians into the modern world. Pg. 39 Daniel- During the first two thirds of the nineteenth century, European commercial involvements in Africa and Asia intensified, and Europeans acted to protect their inconomic interests in new more assertive ways. Pg. 39 Daniel- ..it was the british who took initiative in aggressively developing and safeguarding overseas commercial contacts during this period. Pg. 39 Daniel-from the seventeenth century on, joint stock companies- the Dutch, French, and English East India Companies-were the chief players in a EuropeanAsian trade based on the exchange of Asian spices, silks and other luxury goods for European specie. Pg. 39 Daniel- By early eighteenth century, Europeans including the representatives of the East India companies clustered in what were known as factories-trading posts-from costs of India to Java, Phillipenes, China, in ports such as Bombay, Batavia, and Canton. Pg. 41 Daniel- But in contrast to military conquest and direct rule of Mughal India, Europeans exploited the Chinese and Ottoman empires through financial subjugation and political maneuvering. Pg 41. Daniel- This strategy avoided the costs of direct rule, which promised to be especially high because the Qing and Ottomans were relatively successful at holding their Empires together. It also allowed Europeans to use the empires as buffers against Russian and Japanese expansionism. Pg. 43 Daniel- European engagement in India and china led to further expansion in Southeast Asia. In Australia and New Zealand, Europeans established settler colonies in this period while in Japan, their attempts to exert influence met with failure for the first time. Pg. 42 Daniel- Although the British constructed an economically exploitive relationship with China, during the nineteenth century, they never formally colonized it (except for Hong Kong). Danny Park Pg. 47 Danny - ...never lose sight of the major continental interests which are the primary concern of this country.

Pg. 47 Danny - one can relate this system to three orders of ideas: economic ideas, ideas of civilization in its highest sense, and ideas of politics and patriotism. Pg. 47 Danny - M. Passey whom I see here and who is one of the most authoritative representatives among us. Pg. 49 Danny - ...a ship which is out of coal is a derelict on the surface of the sea... Pg. 50 Danny - For some the impulse was economic exploitation...military glory... a religious crusade. Pg. 50 Danny - ...he was the very epitome of the muscular colonial hero Pg. 50 Danny - For him it had a triple purpose. Firstly...Secondly... Thirdly... (continues on to pg51) Pg. 51 Danny - Majestic reconstruction of the Cambodian temple of Angkor Wat as the high-point...most popular attraction. Pg. 52 Danny - The most famous example of the genre (colonial film) was Julian Duviviers Pepe-le-Moko. Pg. 52 Danny - exploitation became more structure, coherent, and ruthless. Pg. 53 Danny - The intrusion of French interests was most striking in respect of land. Pg. 53 Danny -North African agriculture became one of the most efficient in the world. Pg. 53 Danny - Algeria became the fourth most important wine producer in the world. Pg. 53 Danny - Although the economic importance of wine was self-evident, it also held a deeper significance. Pg. 53 Danny - Pauperisation was most acute in North Africa. Hans Xia Pg. 57 Hans - (Characteristics of New Imperialism): With the nineteenth century appeared new motives to do so: a revival of the Christian proselytizing spirit, the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade and a curiosity elevated to the rank of scientific research and funded by a newly wealthy bourgeoisie. Pg. 57 Hans - Why European did not go into Africa: 1. most importantly lacked means of penetration 2. tied with missionary and abolitionist movements concerned with slave trade Pg. 61 Hans - David Livingstone, the most lionized of all the explorers, first heard of quinine prophylaxis while he was in Bechuanaland in 1843. Pg. 62 Hans - The Javanese industry, which produced the more potent and expensive pure quinine, captured over nine-tenths of the world market by the early twentieth century. Pg. 63 Hans - The Niger River was the scene of the earliest and most active use of steamers by the invading Europeans, because it was the easiest to navigate in all of tropical Africa. Pg. 64 Hans- In the Opium War, however, most British troops still carried flintlocks, and the army was purchasing flintlocks as late as 1842. Pg. 64 Hans - Yet ironically this new technology changed the balance of power in the non-Western world more than it did in Europe itself. Pg. 64 Hans - the British created their first Rifle Brigade in 1800.

Pg. 65 Hans - If percussion made guns fire more consistently, rifling made them fire more accurately. Pg. 65 Hans - One of the most serious drawbacks of the flintlock muskets was their poor firing record. Pg. 70 Hans - The British defeated the Dervishes thanks in large part to their superior, more modern weaponry. Pg. 71 Hans - But guerrilla tactics were rare, because they demanded a more flexible social structure and a higher level of political consciousness than were common in most non-Western societies of the time Pg. 73 Hans - More difficult even than digging the canal was building a new harbor at the northern terminus. Pg. 77 Hans - In every part of the world, Europeans were more knowledgeable about events on other continents than indigenous peoples were about their neighbors. Nadir Khan Pg. 95 Nadir Indian Rebellion of 1857 is one of the most significant event in British Empire Pg. 95 Nadir The traditional explanation of the start of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 was the fat within the cartridges that contained either pig/cow fat for protection from the rain. Pg. 99 Nadir The most effective startegy of Sepoy interrogation of Sita Ram was the famous proclamation of the King of Dehli on May 11. Pg. 100 Nadir Sita Rams loyalty towards the British empire was truly tested when he had to execute his rebellious son. Pg 101 Nadir Historians consider Leopolds Congo Free State as a virtual holocaust of the past. Pg 101 Nadir King Leopolds Rule in Africa focused on the depopulation, slaughter, and disease within the Congo. Pg. 101 Nadir According to the resource guide, new imperialism was heavily criticzed by George Orwells Shooting an Elephant. Pg. 101 Nadir The most striking effect of Leopold's Rule Of Africa is the depopulation of the Africans. Pg 102 Nadir Women were often taken as hostages to force men to get the proper amount of rubber to meet the high quota. Pg 102 Nadir Children often died of starvation and neglect. Pg. 102 Nadir Guilt is primarily associated with the evils of Leopold's Rule Of Africa. Pg 103 Nadir The Belgian Investigative Commission stated that brutality is the general rule of discipline for the Africans. Justin Domingo Pg. 110 Justin Of all the ills of imperialism, forced labor during the war (WWII) aroused the most enduring hatred toward the imperialist and became a rally cry for independence.

Pg. 110 Justin Remembering the war and preparing the way for rebellion. When white men kill each other, one high school teacher in the Caribbean informed his students it is a blessing for blacks. Pg. 110 Justin It was cheaper and more certain to have raw materials converted into finished goods in the colonies than waste money by shipping natural resources to already hard-pressed powers like Britain for manufacturing. Pg. 110 Justin The pursuit of war impoverished European civilians, but selectively impoverished local people in the colonies even more. Pg. 114 Justin Firm American opposition and U.S. manipulations of the financial markets to hurt British currency brought an end to what one British diplomat called a squalid and most humiliating episode, and the hawkish Eden, who had set the escapade in motion, resigned. Pg. 114 Justin Nigeria, the most populous African region and home to author Buchi Emecheta, became independent in 1960 after the leaders of its many regional groups and political organizations reached agreement on a federal-style government. Pg. 115 Justin African men, almost all of whom had fought for the British as soldiers in World War II, formed rebel groups calling themselves the Land and Freedom Army but called Mau Mau by the British. Pg. 115 Justin In 1964, after the British, by their own count, had slaughtered some ten to fifteen thousand Kikuyus-today historians estimate the dead to number far more-British East Africa finally gained formal independence as the nation of Kenya under Leadership of Europeanized elites. Pg. 116 Justin Governments and businesses alike welcomed them because as primarily adult men they utilize few social services needing neither education nor family subsidies Pg. 116 Justin As they were young, one French business publication explained in 1970, the immigrants often pay more in taxes than they receive in allowances. Jenny Zhao pg 119 Jenny migrant dormitories often lack sanitary facilities pg 119 Jenny- urban housing was often hard to find... pg 119 Jenny - many immigrants did not know the means of obtaining government benefits including health care pg 119 Jenny- public sentiments was always racially mixed. pg 119 Jenny- community life sustained many new migrants facing the hardships associated with relocating pg 119 Jenny- immigrants often hungered for higher education... pg 120 Jenny- first wave of migration involved large groups of single man. pg 120 Jenny - many women...did not work outside the home, pg 120 Jenny - husbands of many early migrants to France... Retired early bra cause of injuries on jobs and utter exhaustion from backbreaking work. pg 121 Jenny- in France...there was a tendency to speak of " universal citizens". pg 121 Jenny - Chinese food had the first culinary impact in Europe...

Joey Lee pg 6 Joey- 1492 is the most important year in history of European expansion.

pg 6 Joey- Europe has already established connection in Asia such as the wars in between Greek and Persia in 5th century b.c. pg 7 Joey- Battle of Poitiers (732) prevented Muslims to further expand into Europe pg 7 Joey- Arabian expansion followed by the Ottomans, which was founded by Osman 1 pg 7 Joey- Expansion in the middle east mainly took place under the reign of Selim 1 (1512-20) pg 7 Joey- Ottoman empire reached its peak under the reign of Suleyman the Magnificent (1520-1566) famous for military leader & conqueror but also a ruler and lawgiver. pg 8 Joey- 3 large cities in China that were larger than Europe in size: Nanking, Beijing, Canton pg 8 Joey- Agriculture was the most important economic activity during the Ming dynasty followed by silk & cotton industries pg 8 Joey- Chinese junks (sailing vessel) had carrying capacity of 1,500 tons, making their tonnage much greater than European cargo ships. pg 8 Joey- Chinese undertook no less than 7 major voyages pg 8 Joey- Chinese ships & navigational techniques were no less advanced than that of Europe pg 8 Joey- First expeditionary fleet sailed in 1405 under Admiral Chengho w/317 ships and w/28,000 men. pg 9 Joey- Vasco de Gama sailed across Cape of Good Hope to find a trade route to Asia. pg 10 Joey- Most powerful enterprise in 17th century: Dutch East India Company (VOC) pg 10 Joey- Caribbean is one of the most colonized parts of the world. pg 12 Joey- 1815 first phase of European expansion ended.
Sahithi Kothamasu pg. 78 Sahithi- 4 features of new imperialism 1. imperialism = new official policy, expansionist states instead of empires governed by traders 2. new nations in imperial scheme: Germany, Belgium, US, Japan (Britain sovereignty fading) 3. explicit territorial occupation + political conquest 4. retreat from civilizing goals but more securing/consolidating empire pg.78 Sahithi- 2nd industrial revolution made technology more importatn pg.78 Sahithi- nationalism propelled imperialism and national vigor/prestige pg.79 Sahithi- economic factors changed balance of power pg.79 Sahithi- imperial racism consolidated nation state pg.80 Sahithi- Germanys foreign policy most important pg.82 Sahithi- technologoical advantage = most important

pg.83 Sahithi- expansion to Sudan allowed Britain to link w/ Egypt and territories in the Southeast pg.83 Sahithi- Anglo-Zulu War expansion threatened the independent Afrikaner Republics north of Cape Colony, led to Boer War *diamonds *apartheid *Union of South Africa pg.84 Sahithi- Ottoman Empire only important before Suez oping pg.84 Sahithi- Open Door policy protects territorial integrity pg.84 Sahithi- Boxer Rebellion imposed huge indemnity on Qing regime Taylor Sadler Page 85- European expansion led to growing number of inta-european imperial clashes. 1. Boer War- Afrikaners were armed with German weapons. 2. Fashoda- British vs. France. On the Nile. 1898. French going inland from east to west. British expanding south from Egypt and north from Cape Colony. British coming south from Omdurman met French coming east from Congo. Both declared national honor was at stake. French backed down after several weeks of being threatened, distracted by Dreyfus affair at home. French then recognized British control of Nile in return for British recognition of French West Africa. Page 85- Africa was the main theater of late-nineteenth-century imperial expansion, Asia was the SECOND key site of aggressive expansionism at the turn of the twentieth century. Page 85- By the eve of the First World War, India also emerged as the cheif export market for British industrial goods. Page 85- "Great Game" combination of informal and formal diplomacy that was a Russian threat in Crimean War. (1854-1856) Page 85- "Black Flags" militant and well-organized Vietnamese resistance movement that fought French infiltration. Page 85- "Patriotic Harmonious Fists" known as Boxers because of martial arts training of its members organized to protest corrupting influnce of "foreign devils" including missionaries, soldiers, and traders. Page 88- Darwinian Key Tenets: 1. Linking human to common ape ancestor raised spector of animal nature and fundamental primitivity of all humans. 2. Natural Selection. 3. Theory of race differentation lent itself to belief in permanence in racial traits. Page 89- Believing knowledge of "primitive culture" was key to consolidation of colonial rule. Page 91- British successfully segregated colonial madras into European and Indian quarters and labled them, respectively "White Town" and "Black Town". Page 94-First although British made much of fact that indirect rule left indigenous cultures essentially intact, it was not the case. Second by casting themselves as the benevolent guardians of African "custom" and "tribal" practice, British promoted tribal identity at expense of other social affiliations and loyalties in colonial society. Finally, in emphasizing African "tradition", indirect rule tended to neglect higher education of colonial subjects, at same time marginalizing Western-educated Africans percieved as threatening to British rule.

Joon Im pg 13: The attentions of early modern English and British monarchs and parliamentarians focused primarily on domestic political and religious issues. - Joon pg 13: Since the Crusades (1095-1291) Europeans had increasingly coveted spices, sugar, and luxuries from the Middle East and Asia. - Joon pg 13: English entrepreneurs did not initially indulge in schemes of territorial settlement, preferring the more cheaper and lucrative options of trade and plunder. pg 14: The Portuguese and Spanish had been Europes principal importers and distributors of sugar and spices

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