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PineApp Archive-SeCure

The best answer for all businesses' mail archiving needs.

Address: 8 Hata'asia Email:







Fax: +972-4-8203676 Web:

Today's E-mail traffic: bigger, faster and much, much more of it

Email has become a central workplace tool for conveying messages, setting appointments and sharing information and ideas. Organizations have discovered that significant time is spent on sorting, locating and handling old email messages. Most organizations have noticed that email servers of different makes require more maintenance than before with rapidly growing amounts of email messages they need to keep, store and retrieve. The oldest internet medium, initially used solely for clear text message exchange, is riding the waves of change that modern days fast internet connections have brought. Excel worksheets, full featured business presentations and even large movie files, are sent by the millions worldwide from one email client to another, often to several email clients at a time. Along with ease-of use, business communication improvements and convenience, todays ongoing and rapid worldwide mail traffic volume also sets some serious challenges for IT managers. a. Capacity issues - Extremely large emails, reaching 20 MB each and more, are frequently exchanged between peers, resulting in almost immediate fill of storage capacity on the organization's mail server. This, as will be explained shortly, brings on some other negative implications. Either way mail servers' capacity is quickly consumed nowadays. b. Bandwidth consumption organizations internet traffic is slowed down significantly due to extremely large mail queues, caused from mass mailing lists' delivery. The meaning of one mail message, containing 5 MB, delivered to 100 remote recipients from different domains, is 500 MB data bulk, going out at one time from the organization's servers, causing network congestions and "choking" the organization's network activity. c. System resources consumption - just like a regular personal computer, over capacitating a mail server's hard drive with stored emails results in a serious decline in mail the server's performance, slow and insufficient work rate, and even possibly, total denial of email service throughout the organization.

Address: 8 Hata'asia Email:







Fax: +972-4-8203676 Web:

Mail delete and the collision with content compliance

The first answer system administrators may have for the challenges mentioned above is deleting old and unnecessary emails to create extra free disk space on the mail server's hard drive. Though deletion of emails can be useful in solving capacity and performance issues in the short term, this is a very problematic solution, when considered in a wider, longer perspective. First, the sorting process of necessary and unnecessary emails may become most complicated because of the (totally justified) desire of users for full availability of all delivered emails from past times. It is not a rear occasion in the business world, that today's irrelevant information may become crucial and essential tomorrow. Any independent email deleting decision may cause serious end user's protests and even heavy financial losses. Moreover, even if the email deletion process goes without any objections or arguments, it is extremely problematic to perform from the legal aspect: new worldwide information related regulations (such as the Sarbanes Oaxley and GLBA acts) force all financial organizations to comply with full content auditing and full content availability. This means that all of the organization's mail traffic should be stored and subject to inspections in case of legal, security or any other needs, in a time range of at least 7 years. Therefore, the obvious and requested solution for capacity distress caused by emails is using designated storage devices, separate from the organization's mail server. Servers with significantly large disk size are placed within the organization's LAN to absorb and store all mail traffic. But mail storage is only one side of the equation, as some other aspects, related to the content inspections, remain unattended. Emails are stored for a specific reason to be retrieved, inspected and recalled in case of need. Generic storage servers usually contain relatively simple search engines, unequipped with advanced indexing functionality. A search for a certain PDF file, for example, from all e-mails that were sent to during the last 5 years, may be time and system resources consuming, not to mention exhausting, when performed using an unsophisticated and insufficiently detailed search query, or even worse strictly manually.

Address: 8 Hata'asia Email:







Fax: +972-4-8203676 Web:

PineApp Archive-SeCure: the ultimate e-mail archiving solution

With an accessible and user-friendly web interface, a short & simple installation process and a wide variety of network deployment possibilities, Archive-SeCure, PineApp's new archiving product, is the ultimate solution for your organization. Whether it's a multibillion enterprise branched network or a 5 computer lawyer's office network Archive-SeCure offers customized archiving solutions for all range of businesses. Once installed, PineApp Archive-Secure assumes full control over all mail archiving functions and procedures.

Archiving in action Archive-SeCure common deployment

Address: 8 Hata'asia Email:







Fax: +972-4-8203676 Web:

A) All incoming and outgoing mail traffic is copied to Archive-SeCure from the organization's mail server, or is listened to and retrieved by the appliance on SMTP connections, either by using a special account or by SMTP traffic listening and retrieval. B1) Each email message is indexed by the appliance, with deep inspection and data sorting. The information is sorted down to the single character level, for each and every mail message's component (including mail attachments!), in order to utilize search queries as much as possible. B2) The information retrieved during the message's indexing process is stored separately from the emails either locally or on NAS/SAN. This way, scalability is easily achieved when indexing information is stored centrally on a common storage area, while high performance is achieved if indexing is stored locally on ultrafast medium. The most fine-tuned and detailed searches can be performed easily using a web browser, from the regular end-user level (search queries available within own emails only), up to the audit level (complete availability for search queries on all organization's mails, and settings configuration and editing features availability). C) Finally, once indexing and database update are finished, emails are moved from ArchiveSeCure to the NAS configured mount point for storage. For further information regarding other possible Archive-SeCure deployments, please refer to "Archive-SeCure's best practices" document. Major benefits: The usage of PineApp's Archive-SeCure carries some major advantages and added value for your company: Archive-SeCure is compliant with GLBA, SOX, FOIA, SEC Rules 17a-3/a-4 and NASD Rules 3010/3110 regulations. Multi featured indexing engine, set to sort information down to the single character level, and utilize searches in a remarkable way. Periodical detailed status reports, including capacity inspections and notifications, guaranteeing that you will stay updated. Up to 5M results per one search query. Archive-SeCure is a centralized management tool, completely isolating and securing your email storage space from the rest of the network, thus preventing any intrusion, data theft and unauthorized access attempts.
street, Nesher, Israel, 36601, Tel: +972-4-8212321, Fax: +972-4-8203676 Web:

Address: 8 Hata'asia Email:

Flexible and customizable permissions system control your end-users and network associates archive access completely, and create new permissions according to your personal preferences. Detailed yet easy to use web management console. Old deleted emails are easily restored using the mail retrieval option. Available data compression (up to a 1:60 ratio) and data encryption features. About PineApp

PineApp, a leader in securing networks and email systems, offers comprehensive appliance solutions for small, medium and large organizations. PineApp's products are well known in the industry and have received very positive reviews, positioning them as leaders in their field. Founded in 2002, PineApp is headquartered in Israel, with branch offices in the US, Canada, UK, Italy, Spain, France, Russia and Singapore. In the past years, PineApp has specialized in email and content security systems and already has significant presence in more than 50 countries. This specialty enabled PineApp to establish itself as a pioneer in developing unique and innovative engines to fight the different threats.

Address: 8 Hata'asia Email:







Fax: +972-4-8203676 Web:

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