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Biology Internal Assessment

Jumping Jacks and Blood Pressure

Rana Minab

Aim: To see the change of blood pressure within 5 time intervals right after doing 20 jumping jacks. To measure the difference in blood pressure at five different time intervals after 20 jumping jacks. Independent Variable: The amount of time after 20 jumping jacks- five different time intervals after jumping jacks (1 minute, 2 minutes, etc.) Dependent variable: Blood Pressure of the participant after doing 20 jumping jacks based on 5 different time intervals (1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, and 5 minutes elapsed) Materials: y 5 participants with both genders, similar body type (to reduce errorcontrol) y Stopwatch

Controlled Variables Age Why is it being controlled? How is it being controlled? The age might affect the blood Will choose participants that pressure of a human being are in the same age group- ie. Grade 12 This will help the body Will make all the participants stabilize so the blood pressure rest on a chair for 5 minutes is normal for that participant before doing jumping jacks The amount of jumping jacks Each participant does only 20 will affect the blood pressure jumping jacks before each data collection The body type (whether The participants will all be they exercise a lot or not around the same height and will) affect how much they none of them will be are affected by 20 jumping someone who does vigorous jacks exercise

Amount of time waited before starting jumping jacks # of jumping jacks

Body type of the participants

1. Brief all of the participants about the procedure of the experiment. 2. Start out with participant #1 and have them rest for 3-5 minutes and then measure their heart rate by resting two fingers on the left or right side of their neck and finding their pulse once the pulse is found, start a stopwatch and count the pulses in a minute. 3. Have participant #1 do 20 jumping jacks at a relatively fast pace. 4. As soon as the participant has done 20 jumping jacks, have them sit down and find their pulse again, start the stopwatch and count the pulses within the first time interval 0-1 minutes. (find the pulse with your none-writing hand so that when the minutes is over it is easier to write down the number and keep counting. 5. Record this result and start counting from 1 again at the second time interval (1-2 minutes) 6. Record results for 3 more time intervals after the initial exercise period. ( 23 minutes, 3-4 minutes, 4-5 minutes) 7. Repeat steps, 2-6, four more times for participant #1. 8. Repeat steps 2-7, for the rest of the participants. 9. Record all the heart rates for each participant in the table below.

Table 1 (Participant #1) - Female
Conditions Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Mean (beats/min)- (beats/min)- (beats/min)- (beat/min)- (beat/min)- Heart Rate Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 (beat/min) 89 1st time interval 2nd time interval 3rd time interval 4th time interval 5th time interval 106 94 80 81 82 109 92 76 74 88 103 90 85 78 85 106 88 79 76 79 107 91 81 72 85 106 91 80 76








Table 2 (participant #2) Male

Conditions Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Mean (beats/min)- (beats/min)- (beats/min)- (beat/min)- (beat/min)- Heart Rate Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 (beat/min) 66 1st time interval 2nd time interval 3rd time interval 4th time interval 5th time interval 103 84 76 74 70 124 81 76 76 68 100 85 78 77 70 101 82 75 74 69 105 84 77 75 69 107 83 76 75








Table 3 (Participant #3) Male

Conditions Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Heart Rate Mean (beats/min)- (beats/min)- (beats/min)- (beat/min)- (beat/min)- Heart Rate Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 (beat/min) 68 1st time interval 2nd time interval 3rd time interval 4th time interval 5th time interval 98 86 79 72 71 99 89 76 72 72 102 91 78 75 73 103 87 82 75 69 103 86 78 74 71 101 89 79 368








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