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IRWAN MOHAMMAD ALI Master of Science in Facilities Management A Study on Safety Awareness in Outdoor Stadium Facilities: Chapter 1: Introduction





The need for facilities and safety management has been regarded as the most important aspects of large public facilities, especially during emergency situations such as demonstration, fire, terrorist attacks or overcrowding. In Malaysia, sport event are the most crowded period throughout the whole season. No doubt that the Malaysian Football League for example is one of the terrific events with a large number and various types of spectator crowds in outdoor stadium facilities. This study will provide essential information to assist the organization to better manage sport facilities. It covers planning and operational principles that encourage the use of facilities without overlook to the spectators safety aspect. There are many factors influencing the management of sport facilities as well as who own the facility, and whether it is a multi-user facility. The management of the particular facilities and events may have to be reinforced by external agencies such as police, ambulance service and fire service. In the aftermath of disaster, other agencies and professionals such as medical team, social workers, lawyers, and insurers also involved. Therefore, spectator crowd safety is a major responsibility in heavily used public facilities (Sime J.D. 1999). Moreover, referring to Berlonghi A. E. (1995) noticed that crowd management includes all measures taken in the normal process of facilitating the movement and enjoyment of people either for being entertained, educated or to celebrate something. The competence and effective action in the management of spectators crowd should be

IRWAN MOHAMMAD ALI Master of Science in Facilities Management A Study on Safety Awareness in Outdoor Stadium Facilities: Chapter 1: Introduction

implemented during operational planning to avoid serious losses of life, health, property and money. Based on research studied by the Social Issues Research Centre (2009) indicate that the game of football has been associated with the violence. They also stated that the behaviour of football hooliganism originated in the early 1960s have been linked with riots. The major research and theoretical perspectives on football hooliganism derive mainly from a British work conducted since the late 1960s with critically discussed on principal sociological, psychological and anthropological approaches.



Over the last decade Malaysian Government has seen pattern of demand to host sporting events, since they can potentially boost the economic, social, and political agendas positively. For this reason, the government has channelled more funds to build good sport facilities for the public activities. Managing sport facilities can be a difficult and time consuming task which is covered planning and operational principles. With the uncertainty of spectator behaviour, it is impossible to ensure a risk-free environment in sport venues. Many researcher state that it is important to know a matter of how one prepares, responds, and recovers to mitigate the consequences of emergencies (Schwab et al., 2007). The New Straits Times (2009) reported that in 1996, the Sarawak Football Association banned two fans from the State Stadium in Kuching, Sarawak (Stadium Negeri) after they let off air bombs in a home match. Their names were also published in the local newspapers. However, the ban was stopped as the Sarawak FA felt that by banning fans from the stadium, they thought it would affect gate collections in the long run. Then in April 2009, Malaysian sports community was shocked by the ugly incident at the Sultan Mohammad IV Stadium in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Local football hooliganism shows its ugly head in the Kelantan FA versus Negri Sembilan FA at the Malaysian FA Cup 2

IRWAN MOHAMMAD ALI Master of Science in Facilities Management A Study on Safety Awareness in Outdoor Stadium Facilities: Chapter 1: Introduction

match where the home fans set ablaze a police vehicle and damaged several other cars. The match was incident-free until the home team goal keeper attacked Negris defender after the final whistle. This action triggered a small section of the 20,000-odd fans to turn unruly (New Straits Times, 2009). Recently in October 2010, the Malay Mail (2010) reported that the first leg of the Malaysia Cup quarterfinal match between Selangor FA and Kelantan FA in Shah Alam Stadium was marred by spectator scuffles at the stands. It is also learned that one of the Kelantan FA supporter died due to breathing complications and another one Selangor FA supporter suffered head and facial injuries. The spectators from both teams were lighting firecrackers even before kick-off. Consequently, it got worse when the game started as the fans were throwing bottles, firecrackers and even went to the extent of ripping off the stadium seats. The Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) and Peoples Volunteer Corps (RELA) were tasked to control the unruly spectators. Despite the tight security, the spectators managed to throw firecrackers which accidentally hit a group of medics on duty (The Malay Mail, 2010). Referring to the current scenario, some researchers have reported that there is a lack of security personnel training at sport facilities to guard against violence or riot (Baker et al., 2007; Cunningham, 2007). Therefore, to study common sport facilities vulnerabilities, protective facility security measures, and spectator safety awareness is important in order to assist sport facilities managers in their operational planning, maintenance and preparation for any emergency incidents. In fact, at the moments there is no such research and theoretical carry out critically in Malaysia. With limit research led in these countries, approach to the problems of sport facilities, spectator violence and safety also lacked and restricted. This study will investigate current practice, spectators safety awareness and risk associated in sport event.

IRWAN MOHAMMAD ALI Master of Science in Facilities Management A Study on Safety Awareness in Outdoor Stadium Facilities: Chapter 1: Introduction



The aims of this study is to promote an effective outdoor stadium facilities operations and safety provision which is customer oriented. In order to achieve the research aims, the following research objectives are established:

1) To identify the current safety implementation of facilities management and common vulnerabilities in outdoor stadium facilities;

2) To investigate the management and spectators safety awareness on risk associate in outdoor stadium facilities; and

3) To recommend the best procedure and approach in safety awareness of outdoor stadium facilities.



Research methodology is a part of systematic process to get information and data related to study. Generally, the methodology of this research can be divided into two categories, which is primary and secondary data. The description for these categories is explained as follows:

1) Primary data a) Observation observe the specific facilities, surrounding and elements during field survey to each case studies.

b) Questionnaire get an opinion and feedback from the respondent about the topic discussed. 4

IRWAN MOHAMMAD ALI Master of Science in Facilities Management A Study on Safety Awareness in Outdoor Stadium Facilities: Chapter 1: Introduction

c) Interview interview the management staff and related personnel about the topic discussed.

d) Photographic Record capture an image as evidence and supporting data during field survey.

2) Secondary Data a) Journals; and b) Books.

The mixed method technique which combines both the quantitative and qualitative research approaches will be implemented. There will be in the forms of questionnaires and semi structured interview. For sampling, questionnaires will be distributed through field survey to respective respondents which are the spectators in outdoor stadium facilities. Further, the semi structured interview will be carried out to facility managers, local football associations and related agencies.



This research is focused on the safety awareness in outdoor stadium facilities within Klang Valley areas. Among the scope and limitations of this study are as follows:

1) The study undertakes to study the safety awareness between the management and spectators of outdoor stadium facilities with reference to the Malaysian football league in Klang Valley. 5

IRWAN MOHAMMAD ALI Master of Science in Facilities Management A Study on Safety Awareness in Outdoor Stadium Facilities: Chapter 1: Introduction

2) The study is based from the selected matches in Malaysian football league namely:

a) Charity Cup (Piala Sumbangsih) 1 match; b) FA Cup (Piala FA) 3 matches; and c) Malaysia Cup (Piala Malaysia) 3 matches.

3) The capacity between 20,000 to 100,200 and year built between 1994 to 1999 of the outdoor stadium facilities is selected as shown below:

Table 1.1: Scope and limitation of the studies (Sources: World Stadiums, 2011). ITEM 1 2 3 4 NAME Shah Alam Stadium Petaling Jaya Stadium National Stadium Selayang Stadium CAPACITY YEAR BUILT 69, 372 25, 000 100 200 20, 000 1994 1996 1998 1999



The study will enable to:

1) Understand the relationship of facilities management practiced and safety awareness in outdoor stadium facilities;

IRWAN MOHAMMAD ALI Master of Science in Facilities Management A Study on Safety Awareness in Outdoor Stadium Facilities: Chapter 1: Introduction

2) Make sure that outdoor stadium facilities in Malaysia are complying with the safety standard guidelines and regulations;

3) Provide a clear strategic direction and facilities management roles in sport events with provision to safety awareness in outdoor stadium facilities;

4) Promote safety awareness among facility managers and spectator crowds in outdoor stadium facilities;

5) Provide more research on safety awareness and facilities management in outdoor stadium.



For better understanding of the research, this paper will be divided into six (6) main topics as summaries below:

a) Chapter 1 This chapter deals with important issues to be considered in this study. This chapter reviews the basis circumstances of the current Malaysian football scenario in outdoor stadium facilities and related cases. It begins with an introduction to the background of the research; research statement; explain the aims and objectives; research methodology; scope and limitations of the study; and expected outcome from this research.

IRWAN MOHAMMAD ALI Master of Science in Facilities Management A Study on Safety Awareness in Outdoor Stadium Facilities: Chapter 1: Introduction

b) Chapter 2 In this chapter, the definitions and terms which are related to this research will be discussed. Specifically, this chapter is a discussion on literature in order to understand the safety and awareness in outdoor stadium facilities.

c) Chapter 3 In connection with the previous chapters, this part will explain the research methodology. This particular chapter consists of a discussion of how this research is carried out according to the literature review, data collection obtained by distributing questionnaires to spectators and interviewing the related facilities management team in outdoor stadium facilities.

d) Chapter 4 In order to carry out field surveys, this particular chapter will determine information on the case studies background.

e) Chapter 5 Chapter 5 examines the data obtained by analyzing the questionnaires and semi structured interviews with selected respondents. Then, the collected data will be analyzed to obtain results from the research.

f) Chapter 6 Finally, this last chapter consist of the research conclusion and come out with appropriate recommendations to improve the current implementation. This part also will give some idea and thought for future research.

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