BTEC Sport Energy Systems MR Evans

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BTEC Sport energy systems Mr Evans

In sport there are 3 different types of energy systems to give you the energy to complete simple activities throughout the day, for example respiration. There are two energy systems used in during the process of respiration. Aerobic Respiration, meaning 'with oxygen' which is used for long-term, steady paced exercise and day-to-day activities and Anaerobic Respiration or 'without oxygen' which produces fast bursts of energy for powerful bursts. The anaerobic consists of two energy systems which are ATP-PC and lactic acid; the aerobic only consists of one which is aerobic respiration. ATP is synthesized from y y y Carbohydrate Fat Protein

the human energy systems ATP-PC system Lactic acid system Oxygen system

ATP-PC System Immediate energy system Phosphagen system ATP (breaks down releasing) ADP + P + Energy (cell function) PC P + C + Energy (for ATP)

This chemical equation is reversible ADP + P + Energy (combine to form) ATP

Lactic Acid System Sprint-Power system Anaerobic system CHO (breaks down releasing) LA + Energy (for ATP) The Energy released is used in the following formula to produce ATP ADP + P + Energy (combine to form) ATP

Oxygen System Aerobic system CHO / FAT + O2 (this interaction produces) H20 + CO2 + Energy (for ATP) The Energy released is used in the following formula to produce ATP ADP + P + Energy (combine to form) ATP This picture shows us the threshold for each othe energy systems and the average amount of time that the energy lasts for. It shows that ATP-PC lasts for around 10 seconds, the Lactic acid usually lasts for 1-2mins and the aerobic system lasts for as long as you need energy because you have to use energy for everything all the time. The overall performance of all the energy systems put together last for as long as you need energy as well, this graph doesn t show an end time for the aerobic system because this energy system is used all the time and never ends being used. and class notes

ATP-PC ATP-PC is broken down to produce ADP and energy, the ATP-PC is for the shortest bursts of energy for example weightlifting for the massive pull up of the weight or golf where you need a lot of energy to hit the golf ball as far as you can, these small bursts of energy are made by the breakdown of ATP-PC which then turns into ADP and energy, ADP is when the energy has been used up and needs to be rebuilt. The ADP (adenosine di-phosphate) this is the process where one of the phosphates have been dismantled form the adenosine and used as energy so then the body has to resynthesize ATP again for another energy burst. PC or phosphocreatine is a high energy molecule and is found in the sarcoplasm of the muscle fibres, the breakdown of ATP and the rise of ADP releases and enzyme called creatine kinase which then starts up the breakdown of phosphocreatine into phosphates which in affect helps with the resynthesizing of the ATP with the energy it is providing. The amount of creatine in our body is around 120g so the breaking down of the PC is only temporary and can only last for about 10seconds which in affect is why the ATP-PC is only used for short bursts of energy. Class notes and

Lactic Acid The lactic acid energy system is quite similar to the ATP-PC system because of the amount of ATP needed for the energy in the small amount of time, this system usually lasts for around 1-3 minutes so is needed for a small burst of energy but stretched out for a duration of up to 3minutes. This energy system produces energy without the use of oxygen, that why it is called anaerobic respiration (without oxygen). Sometimes it is called anaerobic glycolysis, which means the breaking down of carbohydrates without oxygen.
Glycolysis results in the formation of pyruvic acid and hydrogen ions (H+). The pyruvic acid molecules undergo oxidation in the mitochondrion and the Krebs cycle begins. A build-up of H+ will make the muscle cells acidic and interfere with their operation so carrier molecules, called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), remove the H+. The NAD+ is reduced to NADH that deposit the H+ at the electron transport gate (ETC) in the mitochondria to be combined with oxygen to form water (H2O).

If there is insufficient oxygen then NADH cannot release the H+ and they build up in the cell. To prevent the rise in acidity pyruvic acid accepts H+ forming lactic acid that then dissociates into lactate and H+. Some of the lactate diffuses into the blood stream and takes some H+ with it as a way of reducing the H+ concentration in the muscle cell. The normal pH of the muscle cell is 7.1 but if the build-up of H+ continues and pH is reduced to around 6.5 then muscle contraction may be impaired and the low pH will stimulate the free nerve endings in the muscle resulting in the perception of pain (the burn). This point is often measured as the lactic threshold or anaerobic threshold (AT) or onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA).

Lactic acid is not a waste product, also it isn t the soreness after a hard workout for the next 48hrs and also it isn t the burning in the legs after a fast exercise. The lactic acid is produced by the body all long and is resynthesized by the liver to form more glucose and makes you more energy. But following this anaerobic respiration your body will be in oxygen debt even though it was produced without oxygen. Oxygen debt is when you have to inhale all the oxygen used to complete the energy to resynthesize, even though no oxygen is used to produce the energy you have to get oxygen back into the body to break down the accumulated lactic acid on top of breaking down the sugar in aerobic respiration. An example of using lactic acid and oxygen debt is in a 1200m run where you are using aerobic respiration for the first three quarters of the race and then use the anaerobic glycolysis in the last quarter to sprint at the end to get the best time, at the end of the race you breathe deeply and furiously to get the oxygen back into the body which is to pay back the oxygen debt built up in the sprint.

Oxygen or Aerobic respiration system

The oxygen system is the only energy system that produces energy using oxygen in the process, the pyruvate used in the last energy system is broken down more in this system aerobically, this process requires oxygen and produces much more energy than glycolysis. The aerobic respiration is broken down into two processes, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. The formula for this is:

C6H12O6 + 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (ATP)

The Krebs cycle

The krebs cycle is the process when the pyruvate produced in the glycolysis. Which are full of a lot of energy, must be converted into ATP to be used as energy so the pyruvate is converted into a two-carbon fragment which attaches to a coenzyme A or CO-A, the enzyme that converts the pyruvate by a large enzyme called pryruvate dehydrogeneses complex, this is inhibited by high ATP, Acetyl-CoA, and NADH. Molecules are processed in the Krebs cycle or sometimes called the citric acid cycle.

The electron transport chain

The electron transport chain is the second part of the aerobic respiration which makes the system produce the energy. The molecules have been reduced, receiving high energy electrons from the pyruvic acid molecules that were taken out in the Krebs cycle. Therefore, they represent energy available to do work. These carrier molecules transport the high energy electrons and their partner hydrogen protons from the Krebs cycle to the electron transport chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane. The high energy electrons are transferred to ubiquinone Q and cytochrome c molecules, the electron carriers within the membrane. The electrons are then passed from molecule to molecule in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion, losing some of their energy at each step. The final transfer involves the combining of electrons and H2 atoms with oxygen to form water. The molecules that take part in the transport of these electrons are referred to as the electron transport chain. This process is summarized by the electrons that are delivered to the electron transport system provide energy to pump hydrogen protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane to the outer compartment. This high concentration of hydrogen protons produces a free energy potential that does the work. The hydrogen protons move down the concentration gradient from the outer

compartment to the inner compartment. The only path that the protons have is through enzyme complexes in the inner membrane. The protons then pass through the channel lined with enzymes. The free energy of the hydrogen protons is used to form ATP by phosphorylation, connecting phosphate to ADP in a reaction. An electrochemical osmotic gradient supplies the energy, the whole process is called a chemiosmotic phosphorylation. Once the electrons from the Krebs cycle have got their energy, they bind with oxygen to form water. If the oxygen supply is cut off, the electrons and hydrogen protons stop flowing through the electron transport system. If this happens, the proton concentration gradient will not be enough to power the synthesis of ATP. This is why humans and other living organisms can t survive for long without oxygen.

Bibliography Class notes and and class notes

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