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English ERP Minor Assignment Book 1 (Twist Cottage) By Anthony Horrowitz ______________________________ _____

Twist Cottage [Horror] >Factual Question 1 Why did Andrew move to Twist cottage?
a) He needed to as his house was destroyed in an armed conflict. b) He was bankrupt and cannot afford to live in his posh mansion any longer. c) He wanted to to kill his new wife with the curse placed on the cottage. d) He could not stand the hauntings in his old house and decided to move.

Ans: (C)

>Vocabulary Question 1
"Another went with her peculiarly vindictive aunt. Which word is synonymous to vindictive ? (Pg 44 Line 9) a) Spiteful b) Benevolent c) Domineering d) Fastidious

Ans: (A) Harriets's Horrible Dream [Horror] >Factual Question 2

What did Harriet's father do to Harriet when he went bankrupt and could not support Harriet's extravagant demands? a) He sent her to a nunnery b) He sent her away for a summer camp c) He got a hired gun to dispose of her d) He sold her to a cannibal restaurant

Ans: (D)

>Vocabulary Question 2
" He had a strong oriental accent." Which word is synonymous to Oriental ? (Pg 65 Line 12) a) Western b) Far-flung c) Eastern d) Exotic

Ans: (C)

Book 2 (Hardy Boys; The Tower Treasure) By Franklin W. Dixon

____________________________________ ________ Factual Question 1 In the last words of Red Jackely, he mentioned that the loot was hidden in "the old tower". What did he mean by that?

a) That the loot was hidden in the memorial tower in Bayport b) That the loot was kept in tower one of the national history museum in Washington c) That the loot was kept in the old water tower at the train yard. d) That the loot was kept in the old tower in Mr Applegates' compound. Ans: (C) Factual Question 2 How did the sleuth's buddies delay Smuff from arriving at the hospital and interrogating Red? a) They set fire to a rubbish heap and requested assistance in putting it out from Smuff b) They punctured the tires of Smuff's car so

that he could not get to the airport in time. c) The sleuths staged a phony accident and requested assistance from Smuff. d) The sleuths set the time on Smuff's watch back by 1 hour. Vocabulary Question 1 "Or was he suddenly becoming clever and trying to trick the Hardys into divulging what they knew? Which of the following has the same meaning as "divulging" ? (Page 163 Line 25) a) Disclosing b) Concealing c) Hiding d) Obscuring Ans: (A)

Vocabulary Question 2 (Page 23 Line 2) "It was so filled with costumes of all kinds and paraphernalia for theatrical work, plus piles of cartons" what does the word paraphernalia mean? a) Items which are irrelevant to a particular activity. b) Items that reminds people of an action or an activity. c) Items that are old and needed to be replaced. d) Items that are needed for a particular activity. (D) ____________________________________ ________ BOOK 3

Alex Rider Snakehead (Anthony Harrowitz) Factual question 1 What is "Royal Blue"? a) A nuclear warhead. b) A devastating bomb. c) A frigate armed with a nuclear warhead. d) A laser guided bunker buster. Ans: (B) Factual Question 2 What had Major Winston Yu intended to do to kill the eight influential people who were coming together to put an end to poverty? a) He decided to introduce Nova 6, a nerve gas into the air vents of the building in which the meeting

would commence. b) He decided to sabotage the gas mains of the building and blow it up. c) He decided to cause a tsunami by detonating a bomb at the fault line between the two tectonic plates. (C) Vocabulary Question 1 (Page 51 line 35) "The car burst through the foliage and came to shuddering halt." What does the word "shuddering" tell us about the car stopping ? a) Unanticipated b) sluggish c) leisurely d) anticipated

Ans: (A) Vocabulary Question 2 (Page 141 line 1) A rat was clinging onto Alex with little claws, scrabbling feverishly at the material.What does "feverishly" mean? a) frantically b) savagely c) leisurely d) reluctantly Ans: (A)

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