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Resource Centre Covenant Agreement



This Affiliate Covenant Agreement in current revision has been approved on this day, ______: Between Vision Christian College 2/72 Saywell Road Macquarie Fields, NWS, 2564 Australia (herein after referred to as Vision), and (Organization Name) Address___________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________________ (herein after referred to as Affiliate) BE IT RESOLVED THAT, one of the missions of Vision and affiliated organizations is the development and assisting of National and International ministries to fulfil their vision of Theological, Ministerial Training for their people. Vision strongly believes in the indigenous principle, that is, that the best people to teach, train and release National are the Nationals themselves. With that in mind, the following principles of agreement are presented to those who choose to affiliate with the Vision as a Resource Centre.

Affiliate/Client Representative Initials

Network Representative Initials

Resource Centre Covenant Agreement


WHEREAS, The Affiliate, hereby agrees to the following: 1. The Affiliate desires to have an ongoing relationship with Vision as appropriate for the development, implementation, assistance and validation of a local educational program. 2. The Affiliate agrees to abide by the standards of Vision, to include the usage of approved syllabi, textbooks, examinations, instructors, grading standards, etc., and adhere to all policies and procedures as prescribed in the Administrative Manual provided by Vision for its Affiliates. 3. The Affiliate agrees to offer courses that are approved and provided by Vision. Each course in has an approved syllabi, study guide, text and exam, as per section two above. 4. The Affiliate will comply with financial arrangements between Vision and those of the Affiliate. 5. The Affiliate may choose any name for its school, but must indicate on all literature for promotion and all public pronouncements that the school is affiliated with Vision using the language as follows: ________________________________, is affiliated with the Vision Christian College and is authorized to conduct education and training in cooperation with its Distance Education outreach programs._____________________ does not issue transcripts, certificates, diplomas, or degrees in its own name or on behalf of the Vision Christian College. 6. The Affiliate may not use the name Vision International, Vision International University, Vision International College or any variation thereof, on any literature, promotion, or correspondence, except as indicated above. FURTHER, the Affiliate agrees to the following financial arrangements: 1. The Affiliate agrees to pay Vision an Affiliation Fee as indicated plus an annual renewal fee appropriate the fees for the Vision programs offered and outlined separately in the schedule attached to this document. 2. The Affiliate also agrees to pay the per-student registration fees as each student enrols into an award. 3. The Affiliate agrees to pay a Student subject fee as per the agreement when submitting student results to Vision. 4. The Affiliate agrees to keep all financial accounts with the Vision current. If the Affiliate fails to keep financial accounts current, as determined by Vision, this Covenant Agreement may be terminated by the Vision. 5. Upon receipt of the fees prescribed above, (Point 1) Vision will supply the Affiliate with an Administrative Manual, syllabi information for each course the Affiliate is authorized is authorized to conduct, and a Certificate of Affiliation.

Affiliate/Client Representative Initials

Network Representative Initials

Resource Centre Covenant Agreement


6. The Affiliate is responsible for all debts incurred by the Affiliate in any form whatsoever. Vision agrees to provide the Affiliate. 1. Permission to conduct classes and hold seminars under the affiliation of the Vision according to the guidelines listed above. 2. An approved syllabi, study guide, text, teaching material, resources, assessments, and answer keys will be send to the Affiliate on received of payment. 3. Vision will provide to the Affiliate with all Awards upon the successful completion of studies or at a time to be advised by the Affiliate for the purpose of a graduation. An appropriate period of time must be allowed for the entry of result into the data base, the creation and sending of all awards. 4. Vision is not liable in any way for any costs incurred by the Affiliate.

Resource Centre Fees Payable to Vision

The fees listed below are the fees that are the fees that are due and payable to Vision by the Affiliate. The fees schedule is correct as at 1st August 2010. Vision reserves the right to increase fees from time to time as our cost increase and will give advance notice wherever possible.

Affiliation Fees.
Recognised program only. N/A Accredited (or Accredited and Recognised program). R1000.00 (P/A) Vision Christian College Fees. Recognised Studies Student Fees: Enrolment Fee Per student : N/A Subject Fee (per Unit): N/A Bachelors program (10 Units Plus 1 Thesis) N/A Masters program (12 units Plus 1 Thesis) N/A Vision International College Fees. Accredited Studies Student Fee Student enrolment fee: R200.00 Student subject materials (per Unit): R230.00 Academic Transfer: TBN RPL Application: R250.00 RPL Fee per Unit of recognition..75% of current unit price

Affiliate/Client Representative Initials

Network Representative Initials

Resource Centre Covenant Agreement


Replacement Costs. Award (Replacement)... Academic Transcript (Replacement). Replacement of ID Card

TBN (laminating plus) TBN(laminating plus) TBN(laminating plus)

The Affiliate is free to charge whatever fees it deems appropriate to the students. We encourage Affiliates to consider charging additional fees to teaching the material however the issue is left entirely with the Affiliate.

FURTHER this covenant agreement may be terminated by mutual consent without prejudice. In such case all outstanding fees for the Affiliate to Vision will remain the responsibility of the Affiliate and shall be paid in full to Vision. FINALLY, the name of the affiliated Resource Centre is to be

Upon mutual agreement of both parties. The affiliated Resource Centre Director is to be ____________________________________ SIGNED AND DATED, hereby executing the terms of this agreement and any provisions thereof. By ____________________________ Affiliate Representative Date Affiliate ______________________ (Please Print Clearly) By ____________________________________ Principal/CEO Date Vision ______________________ (Please Print Clearly)



Affiliate/Client Representative Initials

Network Representative Initials

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