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PHY 101 Elementary Physics

Purpose: Introduce the students to the general concepts in physics. Expected Learning Outcomes At the end of the course the student should be able to: Content Units and Dimensions. Kinematics. Dynamics. Circular motion. Simple harmonic motion (SHM). Gravitation of rigid body motion. Kinetic and static friction. Calorimetry, gases thermal expansion and change of state. Transfer of heat, thermometry. Optics: reflection at plane surfaces, refraction through prism, dispersion spectra, refraction through lenses, optical instrument, velocity of light, photometry. Oscillations and waves, sound and light interference, diffraction, polarisation, quantum concepts. Explain the theory and behaviour of physical objects. Observe and describe the properties of heat. Observe and describe the properties of optics.

Learning and Teaching Methodologies

Teaching is by lecture method consisting of two lecture hours and one hour of tutorials/two laboratory hours = 1 lecture hour weekly for thirteen weeks.


Type Examination

Weighting (%) 70%

Continuous Assessment Total 100%


Recommended Texts

1. Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, Lewis Ford (2006). University Physics with Modern Physics with Mastering Physics (12th ed.). Addison Wesley.
2. Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, T. R. Sandin, A. Lewis Ford (1999).

Sears and Zemansky's University Physics (10th ed.). Addison Wesley Publishing Company. ISBN: 0201603225.

PHY 101 Elementary Physics 1

Learning and Teaching Methodologies.............................................................................1 Assessment:.......................................................................................................................1 Recommended Texts.........................................................................................................2 Contents KINEMATICS 2 5

..........................................................................................................................................5 Displacement.....................................................................................................................7 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration.....................................................................................7 Instantaneous Speed and Velocity.....................................................................................7 Acceleration.......................................................................................................................8 Kinematics with Graphs ...................................................................................................8 Position vs. Time Graphs...................................................................................................8 Calculating Velocity..........................................................................................................9 Average Velocity.............................................................................................................10 Vectors.............................................................................................................................10 Whats a Vector? ...................................................................................................10 Vectors vs. Scalars.................................................................................................10

Vector Addition......................................................................................................10 Tip-to-Tail Method.................................................................................................10 Parallelogram Method............................................................................................11 Adding Vector Magnitudes....................................................................................11 Adding Perpendicular Vectors...............................................................................11 Adding Parallel Vectors.........................................................................................12 Multiplication by a Scalar......................................................................................12 Vector Multiplication.............................................................................................13 Dot Product......................................................................................................................13 The Cross Product...........................................................................................................13 One-Dimensional Motion with Uniform Acceleration Two-Dimensional Motion with Uniform Acceleration 14 16

Unit summary..................................................................................................................18 Unit 2 Circular motion and rotation 23 23

Introduction.....................................................................................................................23 Centripetal Force ............................................................................................................24 ROTATIONAL KINEMATICS .....................................................................................26 Angular Position.....................................................................................................26 Angular Displacement............................................................................................27 Angular Velocity....................................................................................................28 Angular Acceleration.............................................................................................28 Angular Frequency.................................................................................................28 Angular Period.......................................................................................................29 Torque Defined as a Vector Quantity....................................................................29 Problems ................................................................................................................32

Projectile Motion


Maximum Height.............................................................................................................34 Time of Flight..................................................................................................................35 Range...............................................................................................................................35 Maximum Range with Angle..........................................................................................36 Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) 37

Introduction.....................................................................................................................37 Describing oscillations....................................................................................................37 Motion of a simple harmonic oscillator...........................................................................38 Graphs of simple harmonic motion.................................................................................40 Computing oscillator motion step by step.......................................................................41 Elastic potential energy...................................................................................................43 Energy flows in an oscillator...........................................................................................44 Resonance........................................................................................................................45 Period, Amplitude and Frequency...................................................................................45 Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion...........................................................................46 Displacement, velocity and acceleration vectors of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion .............................................................................................................................46 Examples of SHM...........................................................................................................47 Spring Mass System...............................................................................................47 Simple Pendulum...................................................................................................49 Torsional Pendulum...............................................................................................50 Summary..........................................................................................................................50 WORKED EXAMPLES.......................................................................................51 Problems.................................................................................................................52 Static Friction Vs Kinetic Friction 56

Coefficient of Friction.....................................................................................................57 Optics Introduction 59 59

Thin Lenses .....................................................................................................................59 Mirrors ............................................................................................................................62 Ray Tracing ....................................................................................................................63 Problems on Mirrors and Lenses ....................................................................................65 Example ..........................................................................................................................65 Reflection at plane surfaces.............................................................................................66 The Law of Reflection ..........................................................................................66

Reflection.........................................................................................................................67 Refraction........................................................................................................................68 Dispersion........................................................................................................................70 Optical Instruments 71

General Features of Mirrors and Lenses..........................................................................71 Concave Mirrors..............................................................................................................72 Convex Mirrors................................................................................................................74 The Two Equations for Mirrors and Lenses....................................................................75 First Equation: Focal Length...........................................................................................75 Second Equation: Magnification.....................................................................................75 Convex Lenses.................................................................................................................77 Concave Lenses...............................................................................................................79 WAVE OPTICS 81

Youngs Double-Slit Experiment....................................................................................81 Diffraction.......................................................................................................................84 Single-Slit Diffraction............................................................................................85 Polarization......................................................................................................................86


Kinematics derives its name from the Greek word for motion, kinema. Kinematics provides us with the language and the mathematical tools to describe motion, whether the motion of a charging pachyderm or a charged particle. Kinematics is the study of how things move. Here, we are interested in the motion of normal objects in our world. A normal object is visible, has edges, and has a location that can be expressed with (x, y, z) coordinates. We will not be discussing the motion of atomic particles or of light. Kinematics - Kinematics is concerned with describing the way in which objects move. Displacement - An objects total change in position. If a man runs around an oval 400 meter track, stopping at the precise location he began, though he ran a distance of 400 meters, his total displacement was 0. Dynamics - Dynamics focuses on understanding why objects move the way they do.

Reference frame - The coordinate system with respect to which motion is being described. Speed - A measure of how fast an object is moving. Average velocity - The time-average of the velocity function over a specified time-interval. (See formula below.) Instantaneous velocity - The value of the velocity function at a particular instant in time. (See formula below.) Gravitational acceleration - The gravitational acceleration of objects near the earth's surface is the same for all objects regardless of mass and is given by the number g = 9.8m/s2 . Scalar-valued function - A function that outputs scalars (regular numbers). Most common functions that you are probably familiar with are scalar-valued functions. Vector-valued function - A function that outputs vectors. This means that while the domain of the function may consist of scalars, the values in the range are all vectors. Position function - A position function can be either scalar-valued (for motion in one dimension) or vector-valued (for motion in two or three dimensions). At each point in time its value represents the position of an object at that time. Velocity function - This function is the time-derivative of the position function, and gives the velocity of an object at each point in time. Acceleration function - This function is the time-derivative of the velocity function, and the second time-derivative of the position function. It gives the value of the acceleration of an object at each point in time. Time-derivative - The time-derivative of a function is a new function whose value at each point represents the rate of change of the original function with respect to time. Simple harmonic motion - Periodic motion that can be described by special types of position functions. Examples of simple harmonic motion include an object moving in a circle and a ball bouncing up and down on a spring.

Displacemen t:

An objects total change in position. If a man runs around an oval 400 meter track, stopping at the precise location he began, though he ran a distance of 400 meters, his total displacement was 0.


Displacement is a vector quantity, commonly denoted by the vector s that reflects an objects change in spatial position. The displacement of an object that moves from point A to point B is a vector whose tail is at A and whose tip is at B. The distance that the object travels is equal to the length of path AB.

Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration

Speed is a measure of the distance an object travels in a given length of time:

Velocity is a vector quantity defined as rate of change of the displacement vector over time: Average velocity =
Instantaneous Speed and Velocity

The instantaneous velocity or speed at a given moment. We want to know how fast that object is moving right now. Instantaneous velocity is not a tricky concept: we simply take the equation above and assume that small. Example is very, very

Which of the follow sentences contains an example of instantaneous velocity? A. The car covered 500 kilometres in the first 10 hours of its northward journey. B. Five seconds into the launch, the rocket was shooting upward at 5000 meters per second. C. The cheetah can run at 70 miles per hour. D. Moving at five kilometres per hour, it will take us eight hours to get to the base camp. E. Roger Bannister was the first person to run one mile in less than four minutes. Instantaneous velocity has a magnitude and a direction, and deals with the velocity at a particular instant in time.


Speed and velocity only deal with movement at a constant rate. Acceleration is a vector quantity that measures the rate of change of the velocity vector with time: Average acceleration =

Kinematics with Graphs

A common way of testing kinematics qualitatively is to present you with a graph plotting position vs. time, velocity vs. time, or acceleration vs. time and to ask you questions about the motion of the object represented by the graph.

Position vs. Time Graphs

Positions vs. time graphs give you an easy and obvious way of determining an objects displacement at any given time, and a subtler way of determining that objects velocity at any given time. Lets put these concepts into practice;

Any point on this graph gives us the position of the ant at a particular moment in time. For instance, the point at (2,2) tells us that, two seconds after it started moving, the ant was two centimetres to the left of its starting position, and the point at (3,1) tells us that, three seconds after it started moving, the ant is one centimetre to the right of its starting position. Lets read what the graph can tell us about the ants movements. For the first two seconds, the ant is moving to the left. Then, in the next second, it reverses its direction and moves quickly to y = 1. The ant then stays still at y = 1 for three seconds before it turns left again and moves back to where it started. Note how concisely the graph displays all this information.
Calculating Velocity

Velocity measures the rate of change of displacement over time. If displacement is given here by the vector y, then the velocity of the ant is

Average velocity during this time interval is a simple matter of dividing rise by run, as weve learned in math class.

Average Velocity

How about the average velocity between t = 0 and t = 3? Its actually easier to sort this out with a graph in front of us, because its easy to see the displacement at t = 0 and t = 3,

Vectors Whats a Vector?

A vector is a mathematical object possessing, and fully described by, a magnitude and a direction.
Vectors vs. Scalars

In contrast to a vector quantity, a scalar quantity does not have a direction; it is fully described by just a magnitude. Examples of scalar quantities include the number of words in this sentence and the mass of the Hubble Space Telescope. Vector quantities youll likely come across quite frequently in physics include displacement, s; velocity, v; acceleration, a; force, F; momentum, p; electric field, E; and magnetic field, B.

Vector Addition

The easiest way to learn how vector addition works is to look at it graphically. There are two equivalent ways to add vectors graphically: the tip-to-tail method and the parallelogram method. Both will get you to the same result, but one or the other is more convenient depending on the circumstances.
Tip-to-Tail Method

We can add any two vectors, A and B, by placing the tail of B so that it meets the tip of A. The sum, A + B, is the vector from the tail of A to the tip of B.

Note that youll get the same vector if you place the tip of B against the tail of A. In other words, A + B and B + A are equivalent.
Parallelogram Method

To add A and B using the parallelogram method, place the tail of B so that it meets the tail of A. Take these two vectors to be the first two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, and draw in the remaining two sides. The vector sum, A + B, extends from the tails of A and B across the diagonal to the opposite corner of the parallelogram. If the vectors are perpendicular and unequal in magnitude, the parallelogram will be a rectangle. If the vectors are perpendicular and equal in magnitude, the parallelogram will be a square.

Adding Vector Magnitudes

Of course, knowing what the sum of two vectors looks like is often not enough. Sometimes youll need to know the magnitude of the resultant vector. This, of course, depends not only on the magnitude of the two vectors youre adding, but also on the angle between the two vectors.
Adding Perpendicular Vectors

Suppose vector A has a magnitude of 8, and vector B is perpendicular to A with a magnitude of 6. What is the magnitude of A + B? Since vectors A and B are perpendicular, the triangle formed by A, B, and A + B is a right triangle. We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the magnitude of A + B, which is

Adding Parallel Vectors

If the vectors you want to add are in the same direction, they can be added using simple arithmetic. For example, if you get in your car and drive eight miles east, stop for a break, and then drive six miles east, you will be 8 + 6 = 14 miles east of your origin. If you drive eight miles east and then six miles west, you will end up 8 6 = 2 miles east of your origin.

Multiplication by a Scalar

Multiplication is like repeated addition. Multiplying 4 by 3 means adding four three times: . The multiplication of a vector times a scalar

works in the same way. Multiplying the vector A by the positive scalar c is equivalent to adding together c copies of the vector A. Thus 3A = A + A + A. Multiplying a vector by a scalar will get you a vector with the same direction, but different magnitude, as the original.

Vector Multiplication

There are two forms of vector multiplication: one results in a scalar, and one results in a vector.
Dot Product

The dot product, also called the scalar product, takes two vectors, multiplies them together, and produces a scalar. The smaller the angle between the two vectors, the greater their dot product will be. The dot product of any two vectors, A and B, is expressed by the equation:


is the angle made by A and B when they are placed tail to tail

The dot product of A and B is the value you would get by multiplying the magnitude of A by the magnitude of the component of B that runs parallel to A. Looking at the figure above, you can get A B by multiplying the magnitude of A by the magnitude of , which equals . You would get ,

the same result if you multiplied the magnitude of B by the magnitude of which equals .

The Cross Product

The cross product, also called the vector product, multiplies two vectors together to produce a third vector, which is perpendicular to both of the original vectors. The closer the angle between the two vectors is to the perpendicular, the greater the cross product will be. We encounter the cross

product a great deal in our discussions of magnetic fields. Magnetic force acts perpendicular both to the magnetic field that produces the force, and to the charged particles experiencing the force. The cross product of two vectors, A and B, is defined by the equation:


is a unit vector perpendicular to both A and B. The magnitude of the

cross product vector is equal to the area made by a parallelogram of A and B. In other words, the greater the area of the parallelogram, the longer the cross product vector.

One-Dimensional Motion with Uniform Acceleration

Most problems will involve objects moving in a straight line whose acceleration doesnt change over time. For such problems, there are five variables that are potentially relevant: the objects position, x; the objects initial velocity ; the objects final velocity, v; the objects acceleration, a; and

the elapsed time, t. if you know any three of these variables, you can solve for a fourth. Here are the five kinematics equations;

The variable

represents the objects position at t = 0. Usually, They Mean . . . a=0 v=0

= 0.

When They Say . . . . . . starts from rest . . . . . . moves at a constant velocity . . . . . . comes to rest . . . Example

A student throws a ball up in the air with an initial velocity of 12 m/s and then catches it as it comes back down to him. What is the balls velocity when he catches it? How high does the ball travel? How long does it take the ball to

reach its highest point? ANSWER We know the initial velocity, m/s, and the acceleration due to gravity,

m/s2, and we know that the displacement is x = 0 since the balls final position is back in the students hand where it started. We need to know the

balls final velocity, v, so we should look at the kinematics equation that leaves out time, t:

Because both x and Solving for x:

are zero, the equation comes out to

How long does it take the ball to reach its highest point? Lets choose the one that leaves out x:

Two-Dimensional Motion with Uniform Acceleration

If youve got the hang of 1-D motion, you should have no trouble at all with 2D motion. The motion of any object moving in two dimensions can be broken into x- and y-components. Then its just a matter of solving two separate 1-D kinematics equations.

If we break this motion into x- and y-components, the motion becomes easy to understand. In the y direction, the ball is thrown upward with an initial velocity of and experiences a constant downward acceleration of g = 9.8

m/s2. This is exactly the kind of motion we examined in the previous section: if we ignore the x-component, the motion of a projectile is identical to the motion of an object thrown directly up in the air. In the x direction, the ball is thrown forward with an initial velocity of and

there is no acceleration acting in the x direction to change this velocity. We have a very simple situation where and is constant.

We can calculate the x- and y-components separately and then combine them to find the velocity of the projectile at any given point:


is constant, the speed will be greater or lesser depending on the

magnitude of . To determine where the speed is least or greatest, we follow the same method as we would with the one-dimensional example we had in the previous section. That means that the speed of the projectile in the figure above is at its greatest at position F, and at its least at position C.

Unit summary In this unit you learned Formulae Key Formulas Angular Position Definition of a Radian Average Angular Velocity Average Angular Acceleration Angular Frequency Angular Period Relations between Linear and Angular Variables

Equations for Rotational and Angular Kinematics with Constant Acceleration

Torque As Trigonometric Function Component Form of the Torque Equation Torque As Cross Product Newtons Second Law in Terms of Rotational Motion Moment of Inertia Kinetic Energy of Rotation Angular Momentum of a

Particle Component Form of the Angular Momentum of a Particle Angular Momentum of a Rotating Rigid Body

1An object that experiences 120 revolutions per minute experiences 2 revolutions per second; in other words, it rotates with a frequency of 2 Hz. We have formulas relating frequency to angular velocity and angular velocity to linear velocity, so solving this problem is simply a matter of finding an expression for linear velocity in terms of frequency. Angular and linear velocity are related by the formula , so we need to plug this formula into

the formula relating frequency and angular velocity:


Frequency and angular velocity are related by the formula

, and .

angular velocity and angular acceleration are related by the formula In order to calculate the washing machines acceleration, then, we must

calculate its angular velocity, and divide that number by the amount of time it takes to reach that velocity:

3 You need to apply the right-hand rule in order to solve this problem. Extend the fingers of your right hand upward so that they point to the 0-second point

on the clock face, and then curl them around so that they point downward to the 30-second point on the clock face. In order to do this, youll find that your thumb must be pointing inward toward the clock face. This is the direction of the angular velocity vector. 4. The torque on an object is given by the formula , where F is the

applied force and r is the distance of the applied force from the axis of rotation. In order to maximize this cross product, we need to maximize the two quantities and insure that they are perpendicular to one another. Statement I maximizes F and statement III demands that F and r be perpendicular, but statement II minimizes r rather than maximizes it, so statement II is false. 5. The torque acting on the pendulum is the product of the force acting . A free-

perpendicular to the radius of the pendulum and the radius,

body diagram of the pendulum shows us that the force acting perpendicular to the radius is .

Since torque is the product of

and R, the torque is

6 The seesaw is in equilibrium when the net torque acting on it is zero. Since both objects are exerting a force perpendicular to the seesaw, the torque is equal to . The 3 kg mass exerts a torque of N m in the

clockwise direction. The second mass exerts a torque in the counterclockwise

direction. If we know this torque also has a magnitude of 30g N m, we can solve for m:


The rotational equivalent of Newtons Second Law states that N m and I = 1/2 MR2, so now we can solve for :

. We

are told that


At the top of the incline, the disk has no kinetic energy, and a

gravitational potential energy of mgh. At the bottom of the incline, all this gravitational potential energy has been converted into kinetic energy. However, in rolling down the hill, only some of this potential energy becomes translational kinetic energy, and the rest becomes rotational kinetic energy. Translational kinetic energy is given by given by
1 1

/2 mv2 and rotational kinetic energy is =

/2 I

. We can express

in terms of v and R with the equation

v/R, and in the question we were told that I = 1/2 mR2. We now have all the information we need to solve for v:

9 This is a conservation of momentum question. The angular momentum of the rock as it is launched is equal to its momentum after its been launched. The momentum of the rock-basket system as it swings around is:

The rock will have the same momentum as it leaves the basket. The angular momentum of a single particle is given by the formula L = mvr. Since L is conserved, we can manipulate this formula and solve for v:

Be sure to remember that the initial mass of the basket-rock system is 250 kg, while the final mass of the rock is only 200 kg. 10 Angular momentum, greater I is, the less , is a conserved quantity, meaning that the

will be, and vice versa. In order to maximize angular

velocity, then, it is necessary to minimize the moment of inertia. Since the moment of inertia is greater the farther the mass of a body is from its axis of rotation, we can maximize angular velocity by concentrating all the mass near the axis of rotation.

Unit 2 Circular motion and rotation


Before discussing the dynamics of uniform circular motion, we must explore its kinematics. Because the direction of a particle moving in a circle changes at a constant rate, it must experience uniform acceleration. But in what direction is the particle accelerated? To find this direction, we need only look at the change in velocity over a short period of time:

Figure %: A particle in Uniform Circular Motion The diagram above shows the velocity vector of a particle in uniform circular motion at two instants of time. By vector addition we can see that the change in velocity, v , points toward the centre of the circle. Since acceleration is the change in velocity over a given period of time, the consequent acceleration points in the same direction. Thus we define centripetal acceleration as acceleration towards the centre of a circular path. All objects in uniform circular motion must experience some form of uniform centripetal acceleration.

We find the magnitude of this acceleration by comparing ratios of velocity and position around the circle. Since the particle is travelling in a circular path, the ratio of the change in velocity to velocity will be the same as the ratio of the change in position to position. Thus: = = =

Rearranging the equation,

Thus a = We now have a definition for both the magnitude and direction of centripetal acceleration: it always points towards the centre of the circle, and has a magnitude of v 2/r. The magnitude of the tension of the string (and therefore the acceleration of the ball) varies according to velocity and radius. If the ball is moving at a high velocity, the equation implies, a large amount of tension is required and the ball will experience a large acceleration. If the radius is very small, the equation shows, the ball will also be accelerated more rapidly.
Centripetal Force

Centripetal force is the force that causes centripetal acceleration. By using Newton's Second Law in conjunction with the equation for centripetal acceleration, we can easily generate an expression for centripetal force. F c = ma = Examples (a) A 2 kg ball on a string is rotated about a circle of radius 10 m. The maximum tension allowed in the string is 50 N. What is the maximum speed of the ball? Solution The centripetal force in this case is provided entirely by the tension in the string. If the maximum value of the tension is 50 N, and the radius is set at

10 m we only need to plug these two values into the equation for centripetal force:

T=Fc= thus

implies that v =


= 15.8 m/s

(b)During the course of a turn, an automobile doubles its speed. How much additional frictional force must the tires provide if the car safely makes around the curve? Solution Since F c varies with v 2, an increase in velocity by a factor of two must be accompanied by an increase in centripetal force by a factor of four.

(c) A satellite is said to be in geosynchronous orbit if it rotates around the

earth once every day. For the earth, all satellites in geosynchronous orbit must rotate at a distance of 4.23107 meters from the earth's centre. What is the magnitude of the acceleration felt by a geosynchronous satellite? Solution The acceleration felt by any object in uniform circular motion is given by a = . We are given the radius but must find the velocity of the satellite. We know that in one day, or 86400 seconds, the satellite travels around the earth once. Thus:

v= Thus

= 3076 m/s


= .224 m/s2

(d)The maximum lift provided by a 500 kg airplane is 10000 N. If the plane travels at 100 m/s, what is its shortest possible turning radius? Solution Again, we use the equation F c = . Rearranging, we find that r = .

Plugging in the maximum value for the lift of the plane, we find that


= 500m


By convention, we measure angles in a circle in a counter clockwise direction from the positive x-axis. The angular position of a particle is the angle, made between the line connecting that particle to the origin, O, and the positive x-axis, measured counter clockwise. Lets take the example of a point P on a rotating wheel:

In this figure, point P has an angular position of . Note that every point on the line has the same angular position: the angular position of a point

does not depend on how far that point is from the origin, O. We can relate the angular position of P to the length of the arc of the circle between P and the x-axis by means of an easy equation:

In this equation, l is the length of the arc, and r is the radius of the circle.

Angular Displacement

Now imagine that the wheel is rotated so that every point on line from an initial angular position of to a final angular position of . is:


The angular displacement, of line

For example, if you rotate a wheel counter clockwise such that the angular position of line changes from = 45 = /4 to = 135 = 3/4, as is 90 or /2

illustrated below, then the angular displacement of line radians.

For line

to move in the way described above, every point along the line

must rotate 90 counter clockwise. By definition, the particles that make up a rigid body must stay in the same relative position to one another. As a

result, the angular displacement is the same for every point in a rotating rigid body.

Angular Velocity

Angular velocity,

, is defined as the change in the angular displacement is defined by:

over time. Average angular velocity,

Angular velocity is typically given in units of rad/s. As with angular displacement, the angular velocity of every point on a rotating object is identical.

Angular Acceleration

Angular acceleration

is defined as the rate of change of angular velocity is defined by:

over time. Average angular acceleration,

Angular acceleration is typically given in units of rad/s2

Angular Frequency

Angular frequency, f, is defined as the number of circular revolutions in a given time interval. It is commonly measured in units of Hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz = 1 s1. For example, the second hand on a clock completes one revolution every 60 seconds and therefore has an angular frequency of Hz. The relationship between frequency and angular velocity is:


For example, the second hand of a clock has an angular velocity of s. Plugging that value into the equation above, we get

Which we already determined to be the frequency of the second hand of a clock.

Angular Period

Angular period, T, is defined as the time required to complete one revolution and is related to frequency by the equation:

Since we know that the frequency of the second hand is 1/60 Hz, we can quickly see that the period of the second hand is 60 s. It takes 60 seconds for the second hand to complete a revolution, so the period of the second hand is 60 seconds. Period and angular velocity are related by the equation

Torque Defined as a Vector Quantity

Torque, like angular velocity and angular acceleration, is a vector quantity. Most precisely, it is the cross product of the displacement vector, r, from the axis of rotation to the point where the force is applied, and the vector for the applied force, F.

To determine the direction of the torque vector, use the right-hand rule, curling your fingers around from the r vector over to the F vector. In the

example of lifting the lever, the torque would be represented by a vector at O pointing out of the page. Example A student exerts a force of 50 N on a lever at a distance 0.4 m from its axis of rotation. The student pulls at an angle that is 60 above the lever arm. What is the torque experienced by the lever arm?

Lets plug these values into the first equation we saw for torque:

Key Formulas Angular Position Definition of a

Radian Average Angular Velocity Average Angular Acceleration Angular Frequency Angular Period Relations between Linear and Angular Variables Equations for Rotational and Angular Kinematics with Constant Acceleration Torque As Trigonometric Function Component Form of the Torque Equation Torque As Cross Product Newtons Second Law in Terms of Rotational Motion Moment of Inertia Kinetic Energy of Rotation

Angular Momentum of a Particle Component Form of the Angular Momentum of a Particle Angular Momentum of a Rotating Rigid Body


Problem A 2 kg ball on a string is rotated about a circle of radius 10 m. The maximum tension allowed in the string is 50 N. What is the maximum speed of the ball?

Problem : During the course of a turn, an automobile doubles its speed. How much additional frictional force must the tires provide if the car safely makes around the curve?

Problem : A satellite is said to be in geosynchronous orbit if it rotates around the earth once every day. For the earth, all satellites in geosynchronous orbit must rotate at a distance of 4.23107 meters from the earth's center. What is the magnitude of the acceleration felt by a geosynchronous satellite?

Problem : The maximum lift provided by a 500 kg airplane is 10000 N. If the plane travels at 100 m/s, what is its shortest possible turning radius?

Problem : A popular daredevil trick is to complete a vertical loop on a motorcycle. This trick is dangerous, however, because if the motorcycle does not travel with enough speed, the rider falls off the track before reaching the top of the loop. What is the minimum speed necessary for a rider to successfully go around a vertical loop of 10 meters?

Projectile Motion
Projectile motion occurs when objects are fired at some initial velocity or dropped and move under the influence of gravity. One of the most important things to remember about projectile motion is that the effect of gravity is independent on the horizontal motion of the object. The independence of the horizontal and vertical components of the motion of the object is often used in these type of physics problems. It also accounts for the counterintuitive observation that a bullet fired horizontally from a gun takes the same time to fall to the ground as a bullet that is dropped from the same height.

To be able to solve projectile problems you will often need to resolve the motion into its components.

The horizontal motion is given by:

While the vertical motion is:

Often question about projectiles will ask you to find the maximum height, or the range of the projectile, or even how long it took for the projectile to hit the ground.
Maximum Height

When the projectile reaches its maximum height its vertical component of velocity will be zero. We can use the linear equations of motion to calculate this height, h. From where v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration in this case provided by gravity and s is the distance covered or in our case the height h. The final velocity is zero. So, substituting our symbols we have

But vy is v0 sin

Time of Flight

We can use the independence of the horizontal and vertical motions of the projectile to determine the time of flight. If we know the initial velocity, we can work out the time. The vertical motion looks like that of a ball being thrown upward. At its highest point the velocity will be zero. We just need to find the time that it takes and multiply by two, since what goes up, must come down. Recall from the linear equations of motion, v = u + a t

So, rearranging,


Since the trajectory in the absense of air resistance is symmetrical about the point of maximum height, it will be half way through its motion so the range will be twice the distance it takes to travel in this time. The horizontal distance is just,

Inserting the horizontal component of velocity

and using the argument in the previous section to calculate the time to reach the maximum height, not forgeting to multiply by 2, we obtain

The identity further.

can be used to simplify the expresion

If the projectile is fired at some height h0 above the ground that it lands on we must find the additional time that it stays in the air.

To find the time involves solving this quadratic equation in t.

We are only interested in the positive solution since a negative value for time is not physical.

To check that this expression is correct, it should return to the expression for range on level ground when h0 = 0.
Maximum Range with Angle

But what about the greatest range? For a projectile fired on level ground and neglecting air resistance, the range is determined from the equation

Looking at this expression can see it is a constant multiplied by a sine function. It will have a maximum when sine is 1. We know this happens when theta = 90. So to get 90 theta must be 45. The maximum range would be

If we didn't know this, we could differentiate the equation for range with respect to and set the result equal to zero.

If you plot this over a range from 0 to 90, it is zero at 45. So the angle that will give the greatest range is 45

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)


In addition to linear motion and rotational motion there is another kind of motion that is common in physics. This is the to and fro motion of oscilations or vibrations. When something oscillates, it moves back and forth with time. It is helpful to trace out the position of an oscillating particle with time so we can define some terminology.
Describing oscillations

Language to describe oscillations

Sinusoidal oscillation +A amplitude A Phasor picture s = A sin t A angle t 0 time t A periodic time T phase changes by 2 f turns per 2 radian second per turn = 2f radian per second Periodic time T, frequency f, angular frequency : f = 1/T unit of frequency Hz s = A sin 2ft = 2f Equation of sinusoidal oscillation: s = A sin t P h a s e d iff e r e n c e /2 s = A s in 2 ft s = 0 w hen t = 0

sand falling from a swinging pendulum leaves a trace of its motion on a moving track

s = A c o s 2 ft s = A w hen t = 0 t=0

Motion of a simple harmonic oscillator

Motion of harmonic oscillator

force displacement velocity against time against time against time large displacement to right zero velocity mass m large force to left left right

small displacement to right right small velocity to left mass m small force to left


large velocity to left mass m zero net force



small displacement to left right small velocity to left mass m left small force to right

large displacement to left right zero velocity mass m large force to right left

Graphs of simple harmonic motion

Force, acceleration, velocity and displacement

Phase differences Time traces
displacement s

varies with time like:

If this is how the displacement varies with time... /2 = 90

velocity v

cos 2ft

... the velocity is the rate of change of displacement... /2 = 90 same thing zero
force F = ks acceleration = F/m

sin 2ft

... the acceleration is the rate of change of velocity...

cos 2ft

...and the acceleration tracks the force exactly... = 180

displacement s

cos 2ft

... the force is exactly opposite to the displacement...

cos 2ft

Computing oscillator motion step by step

These two diagrams show the computational steps in solving the equation for a harmonic oscillator.

Dynamics of harmonic oscillator

How the graph starts zero initial velocity would stay zero if no force velocity force changes velocity new velocity = initial velocity + change of velocity

How the graph continues force of springs accelerates mass towards centre, but less and less as the mass nears the centre change of velocity decreases as force decreases trace curves inwards here because of inwards change of velocity

t 0 0

trace straight here because no change of velocity no force at centre: no change of velocity time


Constructing the graph

t change in displacement = v t t if no force, same velocity and same change in displacement plus extra change in displacement from change of velocity due to force extra displacement = (k/m) s (t)2

because of springs: force F = ks

acceleration = F/m acceleration = (k/m) s

change of velocity v = acceleration t v = (k/m) s t extra displacement = v t

Health warning! This simple (Euler) method has a flaw. It always changes the displacement by too much at each step. This means that the oscillator seems to gain energy!

Elastic potential energy

The relationship between the force to extend a spring and the extension determines the energy stored.

Energy stored in a stretched spring

area below graph = sum of force change in displacement extra area F1 x total area 1 Fx 2


0 unstretched

0 no force

extension x force F1 work F1 x larger force

Energy supplied F=0 x=0 F = kx x stretched to extension x by force F: energy supplied = 1 Fx 2 spring obeys Hookes law: F = kx energy stored in stretched spring = 1 kx2 2 2 small change x energy supplied = F x

Energy stored in stretched spring is 1 kx2

Energy flows in an oscillator

The energy sloshes back and forth between being stored in a spring and carried by the motion of the mass.
Energy flow in an oscillator

potential energy = 1 ks2 0 2 s = A sin 2ft

energy in stretched spring time

potential energy

PE =

1 2

kA2 sin22ft

mass and vmax spring oscillate

A vmax A vmax

energy carried by moving mass kinetic energy


KE =

1 2

2 mvmax cos22ft


kinetic energy = 1 mv2 2 0

v = vmax cos 2ft

vmax = 2fA
time energy in stretched spring from spring to moving mass from spring to moving mass

energy in moving mass from moving mass to spring from moving mass to spring

The energy stored in an oscillator goes back and forth between stretched spring and moving mass, between potential and kinetic energy

Resonance occurs when driving frequency is equal to natural frequency. The amplitude at resonance, and just away from resonance, is affected by the damping.

Resonant response
Oscillator driven by oscillating driver Example: ions in oscillating electric field ions in a crystal resonate and absorb energy

electric field

low damping: large maximum response sharp resonance peak 10

more damping: smaller maximum response broader resonance peak 10

narrow range at 1 peak 2 response

wider range at 1 peak 2 response

1 0 0 0.5 2.0 1 1.5 frequency/natural frequency

1 0 0 0.5 2.0 1.5 1 frequency/natural frequency

R e s o n a n t r e s p o n s e is a m a x im u m w h e n fr e q u e n c y o f d r iv e r is e q u a l to n a tu r a l fr e q u e n c y o f o s c illa to r

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) of the position of a particle with time produces a Sinusoidal wave.
Period, Amplitude and Frequency

The time taken for the particle to complete one oscilation, that is, the time taken for the particle to move from its starting position and return to its original position is known as the period. and is generally given the symbol T. The frequency is related to the period, it is defined as how many oscillations occur in one second. Since the period is the time taken for one oscillation, the frequency is given by f = 1/T(1)

The frequency is measured in [s-1]. This unit is known as the Hertz (Hz) in honour of the physicist Heinrich Hertz. The maximum displacement of the particle from its resting position is known as the amplitude. The frequency is also given the symbol f.
Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion

The definition of simple harmonic motion is simply that the acceleration causing the motion a of the particle or object is proportional and in opposition to its displacement x from its equilibrium position. a(t) -x(t) Where k is a constant of proportionality. This remembering that the acceleration is the second derivative of position, also leads us to the differential equation x''(t) = - k x(t) Simple Harmonic Motion is closely related to circular motion as can be seen if we take an object that moves in a circular path, like a ball stuck on a turntable. If we consider just the y-component of the motion the path with time we can see that it traces out a wave as shown in Flash 2. y(t) = A sin(t)(2) We can also see that the period of the motion is equal to the time it takes for one rotation. Therefore, if we know the angular velocity = /t. For one rotation, = 2/T therefore the period is also equal to T = 2/(3) The particle can also at different speeds is conected with the period. The frequency is the number of oscilations per second. Consider the particle undergoing simple harmonic motion in Flash 3. The displacement with time takes the form of a sinusoidial wave. The velocity of the particle can be calculated by differentiating the displacement. The result is also a wave but the maximum amplitude is delayed, so that when the displacement is at a maximum the velocity is at a minimum and when the displacement is zero the velocity has its greatest
Displacement, velocity and acceleration vectors of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion

We set this out mathematically, using a differential equation as in equation (4). We specify the equation in terms of the forces acting on the object. The acceleration is the second derivative of the position with respect to time and this is proportional to the position with respect to time. The minus sign indicates that the position is in the opposite direction to the acceleration. m y''(t) = - k y(t)(4)

The derivation of the solution can be found here For which the general solution is a wave like solution. y(t) = c1 cos(t) + c2 sin(t) Where, is the angular frequency. (=2f) The values of c1 and c2 are determined by the initial conditions. Specifically, c1 = y0 and c2 = v0/ These two initial conditions specify the starting position and the initial velocity. The general solution can also be written more compactly as y(t)= A cos(t - )(5) Where = tan-1(y0/v0), A = (y02 + (v0/)2)1/2 Differentiating once with respect to time, we obtain the velocity. (The derivative of cos x = - sin x) v = y'(t)= - A sin(t - )(6) Finally, the acceleration is the derivative of the velocity with respect to time. (The derivitive of -sin x = - cos x) a = y''(t) = - 2A cos(t - )(7) Substituting equations (5) and (7) into equation (4) we verify that this does indeed satisfy the equation for simple harmonic motion. With the constant of proportionality k = 2 Thus a(t) = - 2y(t) The time for the maximum velocity and acceleration can be determined from these equations. From equation (6) the maximum magnitude of the velocity occurs when sin(t - ) is 1 or -1. Therefore the maximum velocity is A. Intuitively, we can imagine that this velocity occurs when the oscillating system has reached the equilibrium position and is about to overshoot. The minus sign indicates the direction of travel is in the opposite direction. The maximum acceleration occurs where the argument of cosine in eqn (7) is also -1 or 1. Thus the maximum acceleration is 2A which occurs at the ends of the oscillations, as this is where the direction changes.
Examples of SHM Spring Mass System

Consider a spring of spring constant k conected to a mass m. If the mass is displaced from its equilibrium position by a distance x a force F will act in the opposite direction to the displacement. From Hooke's Law the magnitude of the force is given by F= - k x

When the mass is released it the force will act on the mass to bring it back to its equilibrium position. However, if there is no friction the inertia of the mass will cause it to overshoot the equilibrium position and the force will act in the opposite direction slowing it down and pulling it back. The action of this force on the mass keeps it oscillating backwards and forwards.

The spring mass system consists of a spring with a spring constant of k attached to a mass, m. The mass is displaced a distance x from its equilibrium position work is done and potential energy is stored in the spring. If the mass is displaced by a small distance dx, the work done in stretching the spring is given by dW = F dx. The force on the spring is assumed to obey Hooke's law, therefore, the restoring force is proportional to the extension. The work done is then dW = k x dx Making the total work W = - k x dx = -1/2 k x2 + C At the time of release, the energy of the system will consist totally of potential energy. PE= -1/2 kx2 and the potential energy as a function of time is PE(t) = 1/2k A cos2(t - ) As the spring pulls the mass toward the equilibrium position, the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy until at the equilibrium position the kinetic energy will be maximised. The KE is 1/2 mv2 and the maximum velocity occurs at x=0. From equation (6), the velocity will be A Therefore the kinetic energy is 1/2 m2A2 sin2(t - ) From the conservation of mechanical energy, the sum of energy between kinetic energy and potential energy will always be the same. U = KE(t) + PE(t) = 1/2 m2A2 sin2(t - ) + 1/2k A cos2(t - ) 1/2m2x2 = 1/2k x2 is transferred into kinetic energy by moving the mass. For a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion, the displacement x is given by equation 1. The potential energy is gradually transferred to kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is given by 1/2 mv2. The velocity is given by equation (6). Summing the kinetic energy and potential energy we obtain,

U= (1/2)A2( k + m) = 1/2 k A2(8) Since k = m2 and cos2x + sin2x = 1 Flash 5 shows the change in energy betweeen kinetic energy and potential energy with time. The blue line shows the potential energy. It is highest at the positions of maximum displacement. The red line shows the kinetic energy. It has a maximum when the velocity is greatest, ie. as it passes the equilibrium position. The green line shows the total mechanical energy of the system, ie. the sum of the potential energy and kinetic energy. The total energy remains constant because there are no losses to friction, heat or air resistance.
Simple Pendulum

Another common example used to illustrate simple harmonic motion is the simple pendulum. This idealised system has a one end massless string suspended a mass m and the other end fixed to a stationary point. If the mass is displaced by a small distance, the angle moved is small. The torque on the fixed point P is = I - mg sin (t)L = mL2 ''(t) ''(t) +g/L (t) = 0 This has the same form as simple harmonic motion equation, x''(t) - 2 x(t), and so the solution is (t) = 0 cos(t - ) the angular frequency is = (g/L)1/2. It is interesting to note that the mass does not appear in this equation. This means that the frequency of the period only depends on the length of the string and the force of gravity. Pendulums with shorter strings will oscillate faster than pendulums with longer strings. And the same pendulum on the moon, where the force of gravity is 1/6th that of the gravity on the Earth, will also take longer to oscillate. We have glossed over one important aspect, in that this analysis is true only for small angles of theta. We had to make the approximation that sin is aproximately the same as which is true only for small angles. The real differential equation

''(t) +g/L sin (t) = 0 is non-linear and cannot be solved analytically.

Torsional Pendulum

A mass suspended to a fixed support by a thin wire can be made to twist about its axis. This is known as a torsional pendulum. The mass attached to the wire rotates in the horizontal plane. In this case is the angle of rotation. When the wire is untwisted and in equilibrium, the angle is 0 degrees. It is the twisting of the wire that creates a restoring torque due to the resistance of the wire to the deformation. For small angles of the magnitude of the torque is proportional to the angle =-k Where k is the torque constant of the wire. As with the simple pendulum the equation of motion is = I Where I is the moment of inertia k(t) = - I''(t) Once again we have formed the equation for simple harmonic motion and can write the solution as (t) = A cos(t - ) The angular frequency, is given by = (k/I)1/2 Summary An oscillation follows simple harmonic motion if it fulfils the following two rules:

Acceleration is always in the opposite direction to the displacement from the equilibrium position Acceleration is proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position

The acceleration and displacement are linked by the following equation: a(t) = - 2 x(t) Here is called the angular frequency of oscillation, and is given by 2 /T or 2 f

T is the period of oscillation (s), f=1/T = frequency of oscillation (Hz) and x is the displacement (m). Using Newton's 2nd Law (F=ma) we can show that the Force on the object due to inertia will be: F= -m2 x Using Hooke's Law for springs (F=-kx), we know that the force on the oscillating mass due to the springs is simplyF=-kx These two forces are always in balance, so m 2 x - kx = 0 From this we can find the resonant frequency: 2=(kx) / (mx) = k/m, = (k/m)1/2 f = 1/ 2 * [(k/m)1/2]
WORKED EXAMPLES 1. A particle that hangs from a spring oscillates with an angular frequency

of 2 rad/s. The spring is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator car and hangs motionless (relative to the car) as the car descends at a constant speed of 1.5 m/s. The car then suddenly stops. Neglect the mass of the spring. (a) With what amplitude does the particle oscillate? (b) What is the equation of motion for the particle? (Choose the upward direction to be positive.) Solution: (a) When traveling in the elevator at constant speed, the total force on the mass is zero. The force exerted by the spring is equal in magnitude to the gravitational force on the mass, the spring has the equilibrium length of a vertical spring. When the elevator suddenly stops, the end of the spring attached to the ceiling stops. The mass, however has momentum, p = mv, and therefore starts stretching the spring. It moves through the equilibrium position of the vertical spring with its maximum velocity vmax = 1.5 m/s. Its velocity as a function of time is v(t) = -Asin(t + ). Since vmax = A and = 2/s, the amplitude of the amplitude of the oscillations is A = 0.75 m. (b) The equation of motion for the particle is d2x/dt2 = -(k/m)x = -2x. Its solution is x(t) = Acos(t + ) = 0.75 mcos((2/s)t + ). If we choose the t = 0 to be the time the elevator stops and let the upward direction be positive, then x(0) = 0, and v(0) = -1.5 m/s. We therefore need to be /2.

2. A mass-spring system oscillates with an amplitude of 3.5 cm. If the

force constant of the spring of 250 N/m and the mass is 0.5 kg, determine (a) the mechanical energy of the system, (b) the maximum speed of the mass, and (c) the maximum acceleration . Solution: (a) We have m = 0.5 kg, A = 0.035 m, k = 250 N/m, 2 = k/m = 500/s2, = 22.36/s. The mechanical energy of the system is E = (1/2)kA2 = 0.153 J. (b) The maximum speed of the mass is vmax = A = 0.78 m/s. (c) The maximum acceleration is amax = 2A = 17.5 m/s2.


A particle oscillates with simple harmonic motion, so that its displacement varies according to the expression x = (5 cm)cos(2t + /6) where x is in centimeters and t is in seconds. At t = 0 find (a) the displacement of the particle, (b) its velocity, and (c) its acceleration. (d) Find the period and amplitude of the motion. Solution: (a) The displacement as a function of time is x(t) = Acos(t + ). Here = 2/s, = /6, and A = 5 cm. The displacement at t = 0 is x(0) = (5 cm)cos(/6) = 4.33 cm. (b) The velocity at t = 0 is v(0) = -(5 cm)sin(/6) = -5 cm/s. (c) The acceleration at t = 0 is a(0) = -2(5 cm)cos(/6) = -17.3 cm/s2. (d) The period of the motion is T = s, and the amplitude is 5 cm. A 20 g particle moves in simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 3 oscillations per second and an amplitude of 5cm. (a) Through what total distance does the particle move during one cycle of its motion? (b) What is its maximum speed? Where does that occur? (c) Find the maximum acceleration of the particle. Where in the motion

does the maximum acceleration occur? Solution: (a) The total distance d the particle moves during one cycle is from x = -A to x = +A and back to x = -A, so d = 4A = 20 cm. (b) The maximum speed of the particle is vmax = A = 2fA = 2 15 cm/s = 0.94 m/s. The particle has maximum speed when it passes through the equilibrium position. (c) The maximum acceleration of the particle is amax = 2A = (2f)2A = 17.8 m/s2. The particle has maximum acceleration at the turning points, where it has maximum displacement. A 1kg mass attached to a spring of force constant 25N/m oscillates on a horizontal frictionless track. At t = 0 the mass is released from rest at x = -3cm, that is the spring is compressed by 3cm. Neglect the mass of the spring. Find (a) The period of its motion, (b) the maximum value of its speed and acceleration, and (c) the displacement, velocity and acceleration as a function of time. Solution: (a) The period is T = 2SQRT(m/k) = 2SQRT(1 s2/25) = 1.26 s. (b) The angular acceleration is = SQRT(k/m) = 5/s. The maximum speed is vmax = A = 15 cm/s. The maximum acceleration of the particle is amax = 2A = 0.75 m/s2. x(t) = Acos(t + ) = (3 cm)cos((5/s)t + ) = -(3 cm)cos((5/s)t), v(t) = -Asin(t + ) = (15 cm/s)sin((5/s)t), a(t) = -2Acos(t + ) = (0.75 m/s2)cos((5/s)t). Assume a mass suspended from a vertical spring of spring constant k. In equilibrium the spring is stretched a distance x0 = mg/k. If the mass is displaced from equilibrium position downward and the spring is stretched an additional distance x, then the total force on the mass is mg - k(x0 + x) = -kx directed towards the equilibrium position. If the mass is displaced upward by

a distance x, then the total force on the mass is mg - k(x0 - x) = kx, directed towards the equilibrium position. The mass will execute simple harmonic motion. The angular frequency = SQRT(k/m) is the same for the mass oscillating on the spring in a vertical or horizontal position. The equilibrium length of the spring about which it oscillates is different for the vertical position and the horizontal position. Assume an object attached to a spring exhibits simple harmonic motion. Let one end of the spring be attached to a wall and let the object move horizontally on a frictionless table. What is the total energy of the object? The object's kinetic energy is K = (1/2)mv2 = (1/2)m2A2sin2(t + ), Its potential energy is elastic potential energy. The elastic potential energy stored in a spring displaced a distance x from its equilibrium position is U=(1/2)kx2. The object's potential energy therefore is U = (1/2)kx2 = (1/2)m2x2 = (1/2)m2A2cos2(t + ). The total mechanical energy of the object is E = K+U = (1/2)m2A2(sin2(t + )+cos2(t + )) = (1/2)m2A2. The energy E in the system is proportional to the square of the amplitude. E = (1/2)kA2. It is a continuously changing mixture of kinetic energy and potential energy. For any object executing simple harmonic motion with angular frequency w, the restoring force F = -m2x obeys Hooke's law, and therefore is a conservative force. We can define a potential energy U = (1/2)m2x 2, and the total energy of the object is given by E = (1/2)m2A2. Problems: A particle that hangs from a spring oscillates with an angular frequency of 2 rad/s. The spring is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator car and hangs motionless (relative to the car) as the car descends at a constant speed of 1.5 m/s. The car then suddenly stops. Neglect the mass of the spring. (a) With what amplitude does the particle oscillate? (b) What is the equation of motion for the particle? (Choose the upward direction to be positive.)

Solution: (a) When traveling in the elevator at constant speed, the total force on the mass is zero. The force exerted by the spring is equal in magnitude to the gravitational force on the mass, the spring has the equilibrium length of a vertical spring. When the elevator suddenly stops, the end of the spring attached to the ceiling stops. The mass, however has momentum, p = mv, and therefore starts stretching the spring. It moves through the equilibrium position of the vertical spring with its maximum velocity vmax = 1.5 m/s. Its velocity as a function of time is v(t) = -Asin(t + ). Since vmax = A and = 2/s, the amplitude of the amplitude of the oscillations is A = 0.75 m. (b) The equation of motion for the particle is d2x/dt2 = -(k/m)x = -2x. Its solution is x(t) = Acos(t + ) = 0.75 mcos((2/s)t + ). If we choose the t = 0 to be the time the elevator stops and let the upward direction be positive, then x(0) = 0, and v(0) = -1.5 m/s. We therefore need to be /2. A mass-spring system oscillates with an amplitude of 3.5 cm. If the force constant of the spring of 250 N/m and the mass is 0.5 kg, determine (a) the mechanical energy of the system, (b) the maximum speed of the mass, and (c) the maximum acceleration . Solution: (a) We have m = 0.5 kg, A = 0.035 m, k = 250 N/m, 2 = k/m = 500/s2, = 22.36/s. The mechanical energy of the system is E = (1/2)kA2 = 0.153 J. (b) The maximum speed of the mass is vmax = A = 0.78 m/s. (c) The maximum acceleration is amax = 2A = 17.5 m/s2.

Static Friction Vs Kinetic Friction

Friction is the force resisting the relative motion of two surfaces in contact or a surface in contact with a fluid. If you try to slide a heavy box resting on the floor, you may find it difficult to get the box moving. Static friction is the force that is acting against the box. If you apply a light horizontal push that does not move the box, the static friction force is also small and directly opposite to your push. If you push harder, the friction force increases to match the magnitude of your push. There is a limit to the magnitude of static friction, so eventually you may be able to apply a force larger than the maximum static force, and the box will move. The maximum static friction force is sometimes referred to as starting friction. The normal force is defined as the perpendicular component of the force exerted by the surface. In this case, the normal force is equal to the weight of the object. Once the box starts to slide, you must continue to exert a force to keep the object moving, or friction will slow it to a stop. The friction acting on the box while it is moving is called kinetic friction. In order to slide the box with a constant velocity, a force equivalent to the force of kinetic friction must be applied. Kinetic friction is sometimes referred to as sliding friction. Sliding friction is caused not by surface roughness but by chemical bonding between the surfaces. Surface roughness and contact area, however, do affect sliding friction for micro- and nano-scale objects where surface area forces dominate inertial forces. Both static and kinetic friction depend on the surfaces of the box and the floor, and on how hard the box and floor are pressed together. To distinguish the two frictions, let us consider the graph below.

In making a distinction between static and kinetic coefficients of friction, we are dealing with an aspect of "real world" common experience with a phenomenon which cannot be simply characterized. The difference between static and kinetic coefficients obtained in simple experiments like wooden blocks sliding on wooden inclines roughly follows the model depicted in the friction plot from which the illustration above is taken. This difference may arise from irregularities, surface contaminants, etc. which defy precise description. When such experiments are carried out with smooth metal blocks which are carefully cleaned, the difference between static and kinetic coefficients tends to disappear. When coefficients of friction are quoted for specific surface combinations are quoted, it is the kinetic coefficient which is generally quoted since it is the more reliable number.

Coefficient of Friction

The coefficient of friction is a dimensionless quantity symbolized by the Greek letter and is used to approximate the force of friction (static or kinetic).

The coefficient of static friction is defined as the ratio of the maximum static friction force (F) between the surfaces in contact to the normal (N) force. The coefficient of kinetic friction is defined as the ratio of the kinetic friction force (F) between the surfaces in contact to the normal force:

The friction force is directed in the opposite direction of the resultant force acting on a body. In the case of kinetic friction, the direction of the friction force may or may not match the direction of motion: a block sliding atop a table with rectilinear motion is subject to friction directed along the line of motion; an automobile making a turn is subject to friction acting perpendicular to the line of motion (in which case it is said to be 'normal' to it). A motionless body is subject to static friction. The direction of the static friction force can be visualized as directly opposed to the force that would otherwise cause motion, were it not for the static friction preventing motion. In this case, the friction force exactly cancels the applied force, so the net force given by the Vector sum, equals zero. It is important to note that in all cases, Newton's first law of motion holds. The coefficient of friction is an empirical measurement it has to be measured experimentally, and cannot be found through calculations. Rougher surfaces tend to have higher effective values. Most dry materials in combination have friction coefficient values between 0.3 and 0.6. Values outside this range are rarer, but Teflon, for example, can have a coefficient as low as 0.04. A value of zero would mean no friction at all, an elusive property even Magnetic levitation vehicles have drag. Rubber in contact with other surfaces can yield friction coefficients from 1.0 to 2.

Optics Introduction
Thin Lenses

When the size of the physical and optical objects of a system are much larger than the wavelength of the light (or as 0), we are in the realm of geometrical optics. Optical systems in which the wave nature of light must be taken into account (interference, diffraction) are called physical optics. Of course, every real system experiences diffraction effects, so geometric optics is necessarily an approximation. However, the simplicity arising from treating only rays which move in straight lines affords many uses.

A lens is a refracting device (a discontinuity in the medium) that redistributes the energy being propagated by electromagnetic radiation. This is usually achieved by re-shaping the wave front, most usefully by turning spherical waves into plane waves and vice-versa. Lenses that cause an incoming plane wave to bend towards the axis through its middle are called converging or convex lenses. They are thicker at their midpoint than at their edges. Concave lenses, on the other hand, are thicker at their edges than in the middle; they cause an incoming plane wave to bend away from its central axis and are hence also known as a diverging lenses. Both of these are illustrated in.

Figure %: Concave and convex lenses. For a converging lens, the point to which a plane wave converges is called the focal point or focus. For a diverging lens, it is the point from which incoming spherical waves must emerge in order to produce plane waves upon passing through the lens. Lenses that have only two refracting surfaces are called simple. Also, lenses that have a thickness that is negligible compared to the overall path length of the light traversing them are called thin. Here we will only consider thin, simple lenses. To first-order, the focal length of such a lens is given by:

= (n l -1)

where n l is the index of refraction of the lens, R

is radius of curvature of the


left surface (from which the light approaches), and R

is the radius of

curvature of the right surface (through which the light leaves the lens). This is known as the lens-maker's equation. We can derive it by considering a spherical wave emanating from the centre of the sphere with the same radius R

as one side of the lens. From it is clear that tan' = y/R 1.

Figure %: Derivation of the lens-makers equation. But since the angle ' is small in the thin lens approximation, we can say ' = y/R

. Using a small angle approximation to Snell's Law we can write n l ' =


, and thus the downwards deflection of the ray is - ' = (n l -1)' = (n


. The distance at which this ray intersects the axial line must be the

focal length and is given by: f = y/ ( - ') = R 1/ (n can use the formula that 1/f = 1/f equation. +1/f

- 1). If we consider a

convex lens, a system of two Plano-convex (planar on one side) lenses, we

1 2

to arrive at the lens-makers

By far the most important formula in geometrical optics, however, relates the position of an object placed in front of a lens to the position of its image, formed by the lens. In the distance between the object and the lens is s o and the distance between the lens and the image is s i.

Figure %: The Gaussian Lens Formula Then + =

There are certain sign conventions to be applied with this formula, and with those to follow. s o > 0 if the object is on the same side of the lens as the direction from which the light is coming, s o < 0 , otherwise. f > 0 if the focal point is on the opposite side of the lens to that from which the light is coming. S i < 0 if the image is on the opposite side of the lens to that from which the light is coming. R > 0 if the centre of the sphere is on the opposite side of the lens to that from which the light is coming. The height of an object, y o, or its image, y i, is considered positive if it lies above the optical axis (the central axis or axis of symmetry of the lens). Note that a planar

interface has a focal length of infinity. The "transverse magnification" of a thin lens is given by: MT= =-

From the sign conventions, M T > 0 implies that the image is upright, while M

< 0 implies that it is inverted.


There are also two basic types of spherical mirrors. Concave mirrors reflect incoming plane waves to a focal point directly in front of the mirror (they are converging mirrors). Convex mirrors reflect incoming plane waves into outward-moving spherical waves with the centre of the sphere appearing to be behind the mirror (they are diverging mirrors).

Figure %: Concave and Convex mirrors. The focal length of a mirror is f = distances applies: = + , where R is the radius of curvature of

the mirror. Also the very same relation between the image and object

Applying the sign conventions that f , s o , and s I are positive in front of the mirror, f > 0 for concave mirrors and f < 0 for convex mirrors. Note that images for which s I is positive are called real images, and are those for which a screen can be placed at the position of the image in order to observe it; images for which s i is negative are called virtual. No virtual image can be formed on a screen--any image seen in a mirror is an example of a virtual image. An alternative formulation of these definitions is to say that for real images light rays really do pass through where the image forms; for virtual images light rays only appear to be coming from the position of the image. Mirrors have an advantage over lenses in that they do not suffer chromatic aberration. This phenomenon arises due to dispersion, causing the lens to have not just one focal length but a small band of focal lengths corresponding to the different amounts by which it refracts the different colours. This means that it is impossible to focus colored images precisely with a lens. Mirrors, because they do not rely on refraction, do not suffer this problem. Moreover, it is important to remember that all the formulas we encountered here were derived using the first order approximation to the sine function appearing in Snell's Law: sin . Of course this ignores higher order terms in 3, etc. Corrections arising from this and other considerations cause aberrations (or deviations) from the simple equations developed here for spherical lens and mirror systems. In fact, there are five primary, monochromatic aberrations called spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism, field curvature, and distortion. They are collectively known as the Seidel aberrations.
Ray Tracing

Often it will be useful to determine the approximate position of an image, given the position of the object and the focal length in a lens or mirror system without resorting to the lens equation. We can do this by drawing

diagrams and mapping out the path of the light rays. This process is known as analytical ray tracing. The basic strategy is to select a significant point on the object (like the top) and to draw several principal rays from that point. For a mirror, the three principle rays, shown in , are: i) parallel to the axis, returning through the focal point; ii) to the midpoint of the mirror, reflecting at an equal angle on the opposite side to the central axis; and iii) through the centre of the sphere of which the mirror is a part, returning along the same path.

Figure %: Principal rays for a mirror. The principal rays for a lens are similar: i) parallel to the central axis, refracting through the focal point; ii) a straight ray through the centre of the lens; and iii) through the focal point on the near side, refracting parallel to the axis.

Figure %: Principal rays for a lens. At least two principal rays must be drawn from the object; the point where the principal rays cross (or appear to cross, for a virtual image) is the location of the image. To determine whether an object is magnified or diminished, it would be necessary to choose one other point (such as the

base) and compare this distance between the two points in the image to their positions in the object. To find the locations of virtual images it is necessary to trace the light rays backwards behind the mirror or lens. Ray tracing is especially useful when complicated systems of mirrors and/or lenses need to be analyzed. Ray tracing can give a rough but quick idea of how the system will behave. For example, it can fairly quickly be determined that a single concave lens will always produce virtual, diminished, upright images, irrespective of the position of the object. However, for a convex lens, the location of the image depends on the location of the object. Recall that real objects and real images have s o > 0 , or s I > 0 , while these distances are negative for virtual objects and images (virtual objects can arise when the image for one lens becomes the object for another in a lens system). F > 0 corresponds to converging lenses or mirrors and f < 0 corresponds to diverging lenses or mirrors. Positive y o or y I correspond to upright objects and images respectively. A negative magnification corresponds to an inverted image.

Problems on Mirrors and Lenses Example

1. Where is the image of an object placed 7 centimetres away from a 5 centimetre focal length convex lens? Concave mirror? Are the images real or virtual in each case? Solution A convex lens has a positive focal length. We can apply the lens equation: 1/f = 1/s o +1/s I. This gives: 1/5 = 1/7 + 1/s i. Solving for s I we find s I = 17.5 centimetres. The image is real since s I is positive. A concave mirror also has

a positive focal length so we get the same result (the image is real and 17.5 centimetres in front of the mirror). 2. Determine whether the images of the objects placed at the following positions will be upright or inverted. Concave mirror, s o = 2f ; convex mirror, f < s o < 2f ; concave lens, f > s o . Solution The orientation of the image is determined by the sign of the transverse magnification M T = . For a concave mirror the focal length is positive.

Thus 1/f = 1/2f + 1/s i, and since 2f > f we have 1/f > 1/2f and s i must be positive, so the magnification must be negative (the object and image distances are both positive). Hence the first image is inverted. For a convex mirror the focal length is negative, thus -1/f = 1/s o +1/s i1/s i = - (1/f + 1/s o), where f and s o are now considered positive quantities. Thus s I must be negative, the magnification positive and the image upright. In the third case, concave lenses have a negative focal length, thus -1/f = 1/s o +1/s I, and we have the same situation as before, so the image is upright.
Reflection at plane surfaces

The Law of Reflection

Consider the diagram. The direction of the reflected wave is determined by the phase difference between the scatterers on the surface. This, in turn, is caused by the angle made by the incident wave and the surface (the angle of incidence, i). If AB is an incoming wave front and CD is an outgoing wave front such that the spherical wave emitted from A will be in- phase with the wave just emitted from D (this is true is AB = CD ).

Figure %: Wave fronts reflecting from a surface. This is the condition for all the surface waves to be in-phase. From the triangles ABD and ACD, which have a common hypotenuse, we can conclude = AC, so: sin i = sin r i =

, where r is the angle of the reflected wave. But clearly, BD =

This is called the "law of reflection." To state the law in its full generality, it is also necessary to say that the incident ray and the reflected ray, as well as the ray perpendicular to the surface, all lie in the same plane. Recall also, that the angles of incidence and reflection correspond to the angles between the rays and the normal to the surface (also, to the angles between the wave fronts and the surface, as in the diagram). Reflection from a smooth surface (such as a mirror) is called specular reflection (any irregularities in the surface are small compared to ). When the surface is rough in comparison to , diffuse reflection results.

We call the ray of light that strikes a reflective surface an incident ray, and the ray that bounces back a reflected ray. The angle of incidence, is the

angle between the normalthe line perpendicular to the reflective surface and the incident ray. Similarly, the angle of reflection between the normal and the reflected ray. is the angle

The law of reflection tells us that angle of incidence and angle of reflection are equal:

The reflection of a ray of light works in just the same way as a ball bouncing off a wall, except gravity has no noticeable effect on light rays.

In addition to reflecting light, many surfaces also refract light: rather than bouncing off the surface, some of the incident ray travels through the surface, but at a new angle. We are able to see through glass and water because much of the light striking these substances is refracted and passes right through them.

Given a ray travelling from a medium with index of refraction medium with index of refraction

into a

, Snells Law governs the relationship

between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction:


A ray of light passes from a liquid medium into a gas medium. The incident ray has an angle of 30 with the normal, and the refracted ray has an angle of 60 with the normal. If light travels through the gas at a speed of m/s, what is the speed of light through the liquid medium? Sin 30 = 0.500 and sin 60 = 0.866. SOLUTION We know that the index of refraction for a substance, n, gives the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in that substance. Therefore, the index of refraction, in the liquid medium is related to the speed of light, = c/ ; similarly, the index of refraction, in that medium by

in that medium by the equation

in the gas medium is related to the speed of light, the equation = c/ . The ratio between and is:

We can calculate the ratio between


using Snells Law:

Since we know that the ratio of we know the value for

is equal to the ration of :

/ , and since

, we can now calculate the value for

Given 1.2.

m/s, we can also calculate that the index of refraction for the

liquid substance is 2.1, while the index of refraction for the gas substance is


The phenomenon of dispersion explains why we see a rainbow when sunlight refracts off water droplets in the air. The white light of the sun is actually a mixture of a multitude of different wavelengths. When this white light passes through water droplets in the air, the different wavelengths of light are refracted differently. The violet light is refracted at a steeper angle than the red light, so the violet light that reaches our eyes appears to be coming from higher in the sky than the red light, even though they both come from the same ray of sunlight.

Optical Instruments
The reflection and refraction weve dealt with so far have focused only on light interacting with flat surfaces. Lenses and curved mirrors are optical instruments designed to focus light in predictable ways. While light striking a curved surface is more complicated than the flat surfaces weve looked at already, the principle is the same .

The four basic kinds of optical instruments are concave mirrors, convex mirrors, convex (or converging) lenses, and concave (or diverging) lenses.

General Features of Mirrors and Lenses

The principal axis of a mirror or lens is a normal that typically runs through the centre of the mirror or lens. The vertex, represented by V in the diagram, is the point where the principal axis intersects the mirror or lens. Spherical mirrors have a centre of curvature, represented by C in the diagram, which is the centre of the sphere of which they are a slice. The radius of that sphere is called the radius of curvature, R. The focal length, f, is defined as the distance between the vertex and the focal point. For spherical mirrors, the focal length is half the radius of curvature, f = R/2.

Concave Mirrors

Suppose a boy of height h stands at a distance d in front of a concave mirror. By tracing the light rays that come from the top of his head, we can see that his reflection would be at a distance from the mirror and it would have a

height . As anyone who has looked into a spoon will have guessed, the image appears upside down. The image at is a real image: as we can see from the ray diagram, the image is formed by actual rays of light. That means that, if you were to hold up a screen at position , the image of the boy would be projected onto it. You may have noticed the way that the concave side of a spoon can cast

light as you turn it at certain angles. Thats because concave mirrors project real images.

Youll notice, though, that we were able to create a real image only by placing the boy behind the focal point of the mirror. What happens if he stands in front of the focal point?

The lines of the ray diagram do not converge at any point in front of the mirror, which means that no real image is formed: a concave mirror can only project real images of objects that are behind its focal point. However, we can trace the diverging lines back behind the mirror to determine the position and size of a virtual image. Like an ordinary flat mirror, the image appears to be standing behind the mirror, but no light is focused on that point behind the mirror. With mirrors generally, an image is real if it is in front of the mirror and virtual if it is behind the mirror. The virtual image is right side up, at a distance from the vertex, and stands at a height .

You can test all this yourself with the right kind of spoon. As you hold it at a distance from your face, you see your reflection upside down. As you slowly bring it closer, the upside-down reflection becomes blurred and a much larger reflection of yourself emerges, this time right side up. The image changes from upside down to right side up as your face crosses the spoons focal point.
Convex Mirrors

The focal point of a convex mirror is behind the mirror, so light parallel to the principal axis is reflected away from the focal point. Similarly, light moving toward the focal point is reflected parallel to the principal axis. The result is a virtual, upright image, between the mirror and the focal point.

Youve experienced the virtual image projected by a convex mirror if youve ever looked into a polished doorknob. Put your face close to the knob and the image is grotesquely enlarged, but as you draw your face away, the size of the image diminishes rapidly.

The Two Equations for Mirrors and Lenses

So far weve talked about whether images are real or virtual, upright or upside down. Weve also talked about images in terms of a focal length f, distances d and , and heights h and . There are two formulas that relate these variables to one another, and that, when used properly, can tell whether an image is real or virtual, upright or upside down, without our having to draw any ray diagrams. These two formulas are all the math youll need to know for problems dealing with mirrors and lenses.
First Equation: Focal Length

The first equation relates focal length, distance of an object, and distance of an image:

Values of d

and f are positive if they are in front of the mirror and negative

if they are behind the mirror. An object cant be reflected unless its in front of a mirror, so d will always be positive. However, as weve seen, f is negative with convex mirrors, and is negative with convex mirrors and with

concave mirrors where the object is closer to the mirror than the focal point. A negative value of signifies a virtual image, while a positive value of

signifies a real image. Note that a normal, flat mirror is effectively a convex mirror whose focal point is an infinite distance from the mirror, since the light rays never converge. Setting 1/f = 0, we get the expected result that the virtual image is the same distance behind the mirror as the real image is in front.
Second Equation: Magnification

The second equation tells us about the magnification, m, of an image:

Values of

are positive if the image is upright and negative if the image is

upside down. The value of m will always be positive because the object itself is always upright. The magnification tells us how large the image is with respect to the object: if , then the image is larger; if , the image is smaller; and if m = 1, as is the case in an ordinary flat mirror, the image is the same size as the object. Because rays move in straight lines, the closer an image is to the mirror, the larger that image will appear. Note that will have a positive value with

virtual images and a negative value with real images. Accordingly, the image appears upright with virtual images where m is positive, and the image appears upside down with real images where m is negative. Example A woman stands 40 cm from a concave mirror with a focal length of 30 cm. How far from the mirror should she set up a screen in order for her image to be projected onto it? If the woman is 1.5 m tall, how tall will her image be on the screen? How far from the mirror should she set up a screen in order for her image to be projected onto it? Solution. The question tells us that d = 40 cm and f = 30 cm. We can simply plug these numbers into the first of the two equations and solve for , the distance of the image from the mirror:


is a positive number, we know that the image will be real. Of

course, we could also have inferred this from the fact that the woman sets up a screen onto which to project the image. How tall will her image be on the screen?

We know that d = 40 cm and we now know that

= 120 cm, so we can plug

these two values into the magnification equation and solve for m:

The image will be three times the height of the woman, or projected upside down.

m tall.

Because the value of m is negative, we know that the image will be real, and

Convex Lenses

Lenses behave much like mirrors, except they use the principle of refraction, not reflection, to manipulate light. You can still apply the two equations above, but this difference between mirrors and lenses means that the values of and f for lenses are positive for distances behind the lens and negative

for distances in front of the lens. As you might expect, d is still always positive. Because lenses rely on refraction to focus light, the principle of dispersion tells us that there is a natural limit to how accurately the lens can focus light. For example, if you design the curvature of a convex lens so that red light is focused perfectly into the focal point, then violet light wont be as accurately focused, since it refracts differently. A convex lens is typically made of transparent material with a bulge in the centre. Convex lenses are designed to focus light into the focal point. Because they focus light into a single point, they are sometimes called converging lenses. All the terminology regarding lenses is the same as the terminology we discussed with regard to mirrorsthe lens has a vertex, a principal axis, a focal point, and so on.

Convex lenses differ from concave mirrors in that their focal point lies on the opposite side of the lens from the object. However, for a lens, this means that f > 0, so the two equations discussed earlier apply to both mirrors and lenses. Note also that a ray of light that passes through the vertex of a lens passes straight through without being refracted at an angle.

In this diagram, the boy is standing far enough from the lens that d > f. As we can see, the image is real and on the opposite side of the lens, meaning that is positive. Consequently, the image appears upside down, so and m

are negative. If the boy were now to step forward so that d < f, the image would change dramatically:

Now the image is virtual and behind the boy on the same side of the lens, meaning that is negative. Consequently, the image appears upright, so

and m are positive.

Concave Lenses

A concave lens is designed to divert light away from the focal point, as in the diagram. For this reason, it is often called a diverging lens. As with the convex lens, light passing through the vertex does not bend. Note that since the focal point F is on the same side of the lens as the object, we say the focal length f is negative.

As the diagram shows us, and as the two equations for lenses and mirrors will confirm, the image is virtual, appears on the same side of the lens as the boy does, and stands upright. This means that m are positive. Note that h > , so m < 1. Summary Theres a lot of information to absorb about mirrors and lenses, and remembering which rules apply to which kinds of mirrors and lenses can be quite difficult. However, this information is all very systematic, so once you is negative and that and

grasp the big picture; its quite easy to sort out the details. In summary, well list three things that may help you grasp the big picture:
1. Learn to draw ray diagrams: Look over the diagrams of the four

kinds of optical instruments and practice drawing them yourself. Remember that light refracts through lenses and reflects off mirrors. And remember that convex lenses and concave mirrors focus light to a point, while concave lenses and convex mirrors cause light to diverge away from a point. 2. Memorize the two fundamental equations: You can walk into SAT II Physics knowing only the two equations for lenses and mirrors and still get a perfect score on the optical instruments questions, so long as you know how to apply these equations. Remember that f is positive for concave mirrors and convex lenses, and negative for convex mirrors and concave lenses. 3. Memorize this table: Because we love you, weve put together a handy table that summarizes everything weve covered in this section of the text. Optical Instrument Concave Mirrors ( and f are positive in front of mirror) d>f Concave d<f Convex Convex d>f Convex Value of d + + Real or virtual? Real Virtual Virtual Real Value Upright or of f + + + upside down? Upside down Upright Upright Upside down

Lenses ( and f are positive on far side of lens) Note that when when

Virtual + Upright d<f Concave Virtual Upright is positive, the image is always real and upside down, and

is negative, the image is always virtual and upright.

Youngs Double-Slit Experiment

The wave theory of light came to prominence with Thomas Youngs doubleslit experiment, performed in 1801. We mention this because it is often called Youngs double-slit experiment, The double-slit experiment proves that light has wave properties because it relies on the principles of constructive interference and destructive interference, which are unique to waves.

The double-slit experiment involves light being shone on a screen with two very narrow slits in it, separated by a distance d. A second screen is set up a distance L from the first screen, upon which the light passing through the two slits shines. Suppose we have coherent lightthat is, light of a single wavelength , which is all travelling in phase. This light hits the first screen with the two parallel narrow slits, both of which are narrower than . Since the slits are narrower than the wavelength, the light spreads out and distributes itself across the far screen.

At any point P on the back screen, there is light from two different sources: the two slits. The line joining P to the point exactly between the two slits intersects the perpendicular to the front screen at an angle .

We will assume that the two screens are very far apartsomewhat more precisely, that L is much bigger than d. For this reason, this analysis is often referred to as the far-field approximation. This approximation allows us to assume that angles and , formed by the lines connecting each of the slits

to P, are both roughly equal to . The light from the right slitthe bottom slit in our diagramtravels a distance of l = d sin more than the light from the

other slit before it reaches the screen at the point P. As a result, the two beams of light arrive at P out of phase by d sin . If d sin = (n + 1/2) , where n is an integer, then the two waves are half a wavelength out of phase and will destructively interfere. In other words, the two waves cancel each other out, so no light hits the screen at P. These points are called the minima of the pattern.

On the other hand, if d sin

= n , then the two waves are in phase and

constructively interfere, so the most light hits the screen at these points. Accordingly, these points are called the maxima of the pattern.

Because the far screen alternates between patches of constructive and destructive interference, the light shining through the two slits will look something like this:

Note that the pattern is brightest in the middle, where

= 0. This point is

called the central maximum. If you encounter a question regarding doubleslit refraction on the test, youll most likely be asked to calculate the distance x between the central maximum and the next band of light on the screen. This distance, for reasons too involved to address here, is a function of the lights wavelength ( ), the distance between the two slits (d), and the distance between the two screens (L):


Diffraction is the bending of light around obstacles: it causes interference patterns such as the one we saw in Youngs double-slit experiment. A diffraction grating is a screen with a bunch of parallel slits, each spaced a distance d apart. The analysis is exactly the same as in the double-slit case: there are still maxima at d sin =n and minima at d sin = (n + 1/2) .

The only difference is that the pattern doesnt fade out as quickly on the sides.
Single-Slit Diffraction

The setup is the same as with the double-slit experiment, only with just one slit. This time, we define d as the width of the slit and as the angle between the middle of the slit and a point P.

Actually, there are a lot of different paths that light can take to Pthere is a path from any point in the slit. So really, the diffraction pattern is caused by the superposition of an infinite number of waves. However, paths coming from the two edges of the slit, since they are the farthest apart, have the biggest difference in phase, so we only have to consider these points to find the maxima and the minima. Single-slit diffraction is nowhere near as noticeable as double-slit interference. The maximum at n = 0 is very bright, but all of the other maxima are barely noticeable. For this reason, we didnt have to worry about the diffraction caused by both slits individually when considering Youngs experiment.


Light is a transverse wave, meaning that it oscillates in a direction perpendicular to the direction in which it is travelling. However, a wave is free to oscillate right and left or up and down or at any angle between the vertical and horizontal. Some kinds of crystals have a special property of polarizing light, meaning that they force light to oscillate only in the direction in which the crystals are aligned. We find this property in the crystals in Polaroid disks.

The human eye cant tell the difference between a polarized beam of light and one that has not been polarized. However, if polarized light passes through a second Polaroid disk, the light will be dimmed the more that second disk is out of alignment with the first. For instance, if the first disk is aligned vertically and the second disk is aligned horizontally, no light will pass through. If the second disk is aligned at a 45 angle to the vertical, half the light will pass through. If the second disk is also aligned vertically, all the light will pass through.

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