Digital Media Agreement

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Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST (TSSM)

Grant Scheme for Programmes at EQF/MQF levels 5 and 6 in Digital Media. Part of the ESF 1.33 - Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta

1. Parties to the Agreement
This Agreement is entered _______________________________________ Between: into on the

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) represented by Prof. Maurice Grech, In his capacity as MCAST Principal and CEO I.D. Card No: 000000 (M). _____________________________________ I.D. Card No: _________________________ Hereinafter referred to as the Beneficiary.


Contract No: _____________________________________ Each a Party and collectively referred to as Parties

Whereby the Parties agree to the following: 2. Purpose of the Agreement

2.1 The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) by virtue of ESF Project 1.33 has awarded the Beneficiary a grant as defined in Clause 4 of this Agreement and as stipulated in Schedule B hereto attached for the purposes of carrying out studies in Higher Education for a full time/distance learning (delete as applicable) leading to a Diploma/Degree (delete as applicable) in Digital Media entitled _________________________________________________________________ (Full title of course) awarded by _____________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as the education institution. 2.2 The value of the award is subject to the TSSM regulations governing the Grant Scheme hereto attached as Schedule D, and the additional provisions of this Agreement. 2.3 The Beneficiary agrees to accept the funding for the intended purpose as stipulated in Clause 2.1 above, and agrees to undertake the course as indicated in Schedule A in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the Regulations and in this Agreement.

3. Explanatory Notes
3.1 Definitions 3.1.1 All definitions listed in Article 3 of the Regulations governing the scheme shall apply to this Agreement. 3.1.2 The following definitions shall also apply: Commencement Date shall mean the date specified in clause 5.1 of this agreement. Completion Date shall mean the date when the Studies (see definition below) are completed and the result/s is/are published. Duration of this Agreement shall mean the period between the Commencement Date and the
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End Date (see definition below) if not earlier terminated or extended in accordance with clauses 5 and 8. End Date shall mean the date on which the payments to the Beneficiary conclude as specified in Schedule A if not earlier terminated in accordance with Clauses 5 and 8. Beneficiary shall mean the person that submits a TSSM application and who is interested in participating in further education leading to a qualification as specified in 2.1 of this Agreement through the education and/or training institution referred to in Schedule A. VAT means a Value Added Tax imposed on the supply of goods and services (including intellectual property) under the Value Added Tax Act (Law of Malta, Chap. 406).

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


4. Details of the Amount of the Scholarship

4.1 It is hereby agreed that the Beneficiary will be granted the sum of _____________ ___________________________________________________EURO, words) _______________________________________________________ figures) (in (in

(hereinafter referred to as the Amount) for the purpose of studying as stipulated in Clause 2 of this Agreement. The Grant shall be payable in accordance with Schedule B. Provided that the sum indicated is based on Tuition Fees and Resources as officially communicated by the Licensed Tuition Centre or a recognised Higher Education Institution at the time of signing this Agreement. The grant may be revoked if Beneficiary is found of giving false information at the point of signing this Agreement. Funding will be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the TSSM Regulations attached hereto as Schedule D. 4.2 This Amount will be co-financed through EU and National Funds. This scheme is co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) under Operational Programme II Cohesion Policy 2007-2013, Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life.

5. Implementation
5.1 The implementation period for this Grant commences from __________________. 5.2 The completion date of the studies is ____________________________________. (This date could not be later then the 30th September 2014). 5.3 Any amendment or alteration to this Agreement shall have effect only upon being consented to in writing by both parties. 5.4 The Beneficiary shall be entitled to the Grant subject to, and on receipt of, official acceptance by the licensed tuition centre or the Higher Education Institution.


Payment Process

6.1 Initial and final payment will be made directly to the Beneficiary:

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


The Maximum grant allowable will be twelve thousand Euro (12,000) for Programmes at EQF/MQF level 5 and eighteen thousand Euro (18,000) for Programmes at EQF/MQF level 6. The grant will cover tuition fees only and shall be reimbursed directly to the applicant as follows: For EQF/MQF Level5 50% at application stage provided this does not exceed the amount that would have been paid by the applicant at that instant; 50% or the remaining amount on successful completion of the course and upon presentation of an official receipt of payment together with a certified true copy of the certificate and/or transcript denoting successful completion issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College. For EQF/MQF level 6 50% at application stage provided this does not exceed the amount that would have been paid by the applicant at that instant; 25% on initiation of second year of studies and upon presentation of a letter issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College denoting promotion to second year; 25% or the remaining amount on successful completion of the course and upon presentation of an official receipt of payment together with a certified true copy of the certificate and/or transcript denoting successful completion issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College.

6.2 The grant scheme may not be extended beyond 31 st October 2014. 6.3 If a Beneficiary for whatever reason foresees the probability that he/she will not conclude the studies by the completion date stipulated in 5.2, the Beneficiary is obliged to inform the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, attention Project Leader (ESF 1.33), in writing by not later than three (3) months before the said completion date. MCAST reserves the right to terminate the grant and the Beneficiary will be required, to refund the entire amount that would have already been paid, within three (3) months of termination.

7. Publicity

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


7.1 TSSM is part of ESF 1.33 Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta which is part-financed by the European Union, Operational Programme II Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality Life European Social Fund. 7.2 If a thesis/dissertation/final project has to be presented as part of the programme selected, the ESF logo, the EU flag, the National flag of Malta and the co-financing text are to feature on the first pages of the thesis/dissertation/final project, as per layout stated under Section 4.1 of the Visual Identity Guidelines (downloadable from All publication arising from the degree being sponsored should reflect the following acknowledgment on the first pages of the publication: The research work disclosed in this publication is funded by the ESF 1.33 Increasing ICT Student Capacity. The scholarship is part-financed by the European Union European Social Fund (ESF) under Operational Programme II Cohesion Policy 2007 2013, Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life, provided that if the Scholarship Awarded fails to make the said acknowledgement, MCAST may require the reimbursement, in full or in part, of the Amount awarded to the Scholarship Awardee. 7.3 MCAST reserves the right to publish the names and Identity Card numbers of potential Beneficiaries selected as and when necessary. For avoidance of doubt, in applying for a TSSM Grant, the Applicant has given consent for such publication in the event that her or his application is successful.

8. Termination prior to completion of programme

8.1 A Beneficiary who, for any reason whatsoever, discontinues/fails his/her studies, should immediately inform the MCAST (Project Leader ESF 1.33) in writing. 8.2 MCAST shall terminate the Grant if the Beneficiary s progress is deemed unsatisfactory; the Beneficiary discontinues the Studies; and/or the Beneficiary is in breach of any provision of this Agreement and the TSSM Regulations and such breach is not remedied within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notice requiring him/her to do so. 8.3 The Beneficiary who has his Grant terminated under the above mentioned conditions in article 8.1 and 8.2, shall be required to refund the entire amount that would have already been paid within three (3) months of failing the course or failing to complete the course of studies.
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8.4 The Beneficiary who cannot pursue further studies due to unforeseen health situations or exceptional circumstances (approved by MCAST) shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement and shall be required to refund the Amount as approved by MCAST. In such situations, the Beneficiary must provide justifiable explanation as to why the course was not completed or why the Beneficiary failed to obtain the qualification. Documented evidence, medical certificates and testimonials must accompany each claim. MCAST is in no way bound to waiver all claims put forward. MCAST reserves the right to appoint its own expert/s, be it medical or otherwise, to advise and assess the case of the Beneficiary claiming such exemption as specified in this Clause 8.4.

9. Notices to the Project Leader

9.1 Any notice or communication made pursuant to this Agreement 9.1.1 Must be in writing addressed as shown below: If to the Project Leader (ESF 1.33) Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) Institute of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Corradino Hill, Paola, PLA 9032 Tel.: +356 2398 7352

If addressed to the Beneficiary: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


Tel.: __________________________________ Mobile: __________________________________ e-mail: ________________________________ Or to any other address specified by any Party to the sender by prior and adequate notice. 9.1.2 Any correspondence sent pursuant to this Agreement shall be deemed only to be received by the receiving Party if signed by the sending Party or any other person duly authorised to sign documents and letters on behalf of the sending Party.


Governing Law and Jurisdiction

10.1This Agreement shall in all respects be construed as an agreement made in accordance with and subject to the Laws of Malta and Community Rules.



11.1The invalidity or unenforceability of any one or more of the provisions hereof shall not invalidate or render unenforceable the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Any illegal or invalid provision of this Agreement shall be severable and all the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.


Other Agreements

12.1The beneficiary cannot be a holder of another scholarship for a similar programme of studies.



13.1This Agreement together with all attached Schedules shall be the entire agreement between the two Parties and any amendments to the Agreement shall not be valid unless consented to in writing by both Parties. 13.2 This Agreement is construed under and governed by the Laws of Malta and any disputes arising as a direct result of this Agreement shall be submitted to the Courts of Malta. This Agreement has been executed by each Party on the day and year here under written.
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SIGNED in his/her capacity by1 __________________________________________ Signature Identity Card Number Date __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

SIGNED by (MCAST Principal and CEO) __________________________________________ Signature Identity Card Number __________________________________________ __________________________________________

Date __________________________________________

Data Protection: The Malta College of Art, Science and Technology (MCAST) collects and processes information to carry out its functions under the Education Act, All data is collected and processed in accordance to the Data Protection Act 2001, other subsidiary legislation and the Privacy Policy of the Scheme, a copy of which is available on demand.

On signing this Agreement, the Scholar is agreeing also to Footnote 2 on Page 8. 9/23

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Summary of the Agreement

INFORMATION ABOUT BENEFICIARY ____________________________________


____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

ADDRESS ABROAD: (if applicable)

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________


____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________



EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION2 If scholar is retaining part-employment (less than 19 hours per week) during the same time as the completion of full-time studies, please provide the following information: NAME OF EMPLOYER: ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

In signing this agreement, the Scholar is giving consent to the Project Leader to confirm/verify with the Employer the number of hours per week worked by the Beneficiary. 10/23

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Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


TRAINING PROVIDER INFORMATION NAME OF INSTITUTION ____________________________________ (Licensed tuition centre /higher education institution): OFFICIAL ADDRESS: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

DIPLOMA / DEGREE COURSE INFORMATION DIPLOMA/DEGREE IN WHICH ENROLLED: ____________________________________ NAME OF COURSE: ____________________________________

START DATE OF STUDIES: ____________________________________ COMPLETION DATE OF STUDIES:


TUITION FEES TOTAL FEE APPLICABLE: ____________________________________

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Official Unconditional Letter of Acceptance from the licensed tuition centre or a recognised higher education institution. Official original invoice/s covering tuition Official original receipt/s of equivalent (i.e. receipted invoices where applicable from the licensed tuition centre or a recognised higher education institution. Certified copy of Beneficiarys identity card.

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


SCHEDULE B: Payments
PAYMENTS The Malta College of Art, Science and Technology (MCAST) shall through the Treasury Division pay the beneficiary as follows: For EQF/MQF level 5 50% at application stage provided this does not exceed the amount that would have been paid by the applicant at that instant; 50% or the remaining amount on successful completion of the course and upon presentation of an official receipt of payment together with a certified true copy of the certificate and/or transcript denoting successful completion issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College. For EQF/MQF level 6 50% at application stage provided this does not exceed the amount that would have been paid by the applicant at that instant; 25% on initiation of second year of studies and upon presentation of a letter issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College denoting promotion to second year; 25% or the remaining amount on successful completion of the course and upon presentation of an official receipt of payment together with a certified true copy of the certificate and/or transcript denoting successful completion issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College. The amount stipulated in Section 4.1 of this agreement shall be the total amount granted to the Beneficiary. In the eventuality that the completion of the diploma/degree requires further expenditure and/or Tuition Fees exceed that amount granted by TSSM, the Beneficiary shall bind himself to pay the remaining amounts, provided that in the eventuality that non-payment of any remaining amounts by the Beneficiary is the reason for the non-completion of the Programme of studies the Beneficiary shall refund the entire Amount granted.

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta



Banking Details

It is required that a Financial Identification Form, commonly referred to as TRS9, is filled in by the Beneficiary. The Form TRS9 can be downloaded from the website: orm.pdf In this form the Treasury will have the necessary information on the Beneficiary for the proper execution of bank credit transfer. This applies to both local and cross-boarder payments. The Treasury will issue payment against the details of the latest TRS9 form, therefore payments into other accounts will not be effected unless the Beneficiary submits a new TRS9. Payments are made via a bank credit transfer only.

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


SCHEDULE D: Training Subsidiary Scheme MCAST

(TSSM) Regulations

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST (TSSM)

Grant Scheme for Programmes at EQF/MQF levels 5 and 6 in Digital Media. This Grant Scheme is part of the ESF 1.33 Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Introduction Aims and Objectives Explanatory Notes Eligibility Types of programmes eligible for funding Education and Training Institution Providing Programmes Administration of TSSM scheme Application Forms Selection Process, Procedure, Criteria and Appeals Payment of Grant General Conditions of Award ESF Publicity Obligations Information

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


1. Introduction
1.1 Over the last decade, Malta has witnessed significant overall expansion in the higher education sector. In a knowledge-based economy, it is imperative to have a strong base of qualified individuals especially in the Digital Media sector where the island is experiencing an increase in investment and growth in jobs.

1.2 The aim of ESF 1.33 is that of: Attracting and giving opportunities to students to take up programmes in Information and Communication Technology; Providing a trained, knowledgeable and qualified workforce which is in great demand as a result of the continuous investment and growth of the sector; and Supporting MCAST in attaining a number of targets laid out in the strategic plan namely those related to student population.

1.3 Therefore the Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST (TSSM) is being offered within the context of ESF 1.33 with the aim of providing financial assistance in the form of a training grant payable to individuals who want to pursue education on a full-time basis and distance learning and who are interested in obtaining a Higher Education qualification at EQF/MQF level 5 or level 6 in an area related to Digital Media. 1.4 The TSSM which aims to address the above objectives is part-financed by the European Union Operational Programme II Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life European Social Fund.

2. Aims and Objectives

2.1 The objectives of this new initiative are to: assist full time students pursue further education and training in programmes related to Digital Media which are provided both locally and internationally; improve the quality and relevance of the education system as the variety of programmes on offer will be increased; reduce skills mismatches particularly within higher value added and expanding economic sectors related to the Digital Media sector, target emerging ICT subsectors and enhancing the variety of courses available.

3. Explanatory Notes
3.1 Agreement shall mean a legally binding document to be signed by the Scholarship Awardee as beneficiary of the Scholarship and the MCAST Principal and CEO. The Agreement shall include these Regulations. 3.2 Appeals Board shall mean a Board set up by the Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family, MCAST and ETC to deal with objections raised by Applicants after they are informed in writing with the decisions of the Selection Board. 3.3 Applicant shall mean a person that submits a TSSM application. If selected, the applicant would become the beneficiary of the grant. Such a person shall be a full time student and is interested in participating in further education leading to a qualification at either level 5 or 6 of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) or European Qualifications Framework (EQF) in Digital Media.

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


3.4 Compulsory Education shall mean the programme of studies normally followed by students between the ages of 5 to 16 and as directed by the Director General, Directorate for Educational Services in Malta. 3.5 Digital Media shall mean training and/or education programmes which enable individuals to gain ICT practitioner and professional skills necessary to: researching, developing, designing, strategic planning, managing, producing, testing, consulting, marketing, selling, integrating, installing, administering, maintaining, supporting and servicing ICT systems. Digital Media courses also include those training and/or education programmes which will enable individuals to gain e-business skills and therefore be knowledgeable on how to exploit the opportunities provided by ICT, including: being knowledgeable on how to manage more efficiently and effectively the performance of different types of organisations through the application of technology; explore possibilities for new ways of conducting business or administrative and organisational processes; and/or to establish new businesses.3

3.6 Education and Training Institution shall mean an establishment providing education/training and recognised by the competent National Authority of a participating country as accredited to its system of further and higher education. 3.7 EQF (European Qualifications Framework) shall mean a translation device to make national qualifications more readable across Europe, promoting workers and learners mobility between countries and facilitating their lifelong learning. 3.8 ESF shall mean European Social Fund. 3.9 First Degree (Undergraduate Course) shall mean a first cycle higher education programme that leads to a degree at EQF/MQF level 6. 3.10 Further Education shall mean all formal education of persons above the compulsory school age generally up to EQF/MQF level 5. 3.11 Further/Higher Educational Institution shall mean an establishment (including a College/University) which does not operate in the Maltese Islands, providing further/higher education and recognised by the competent National Authority of a participating country as accredited to its system of further/higher education. 3.12 Higher Education shall mean all activities and programmes of teaching, training and research at tertiary level, and in terms of teaching includes the Diploma, Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate levels, and also comprises education provided by Universities, Institutions, Colleges, and franchises of higher education providing courses at and above EQF/MQF level 6. 3.13 Licensed Tuition Centre shall mean an intermediary local body licensed by a foreign education institution to act on its behalf. 3.14 Maintenance Grant shall mean the financial benefits paid to full time, postsecondary and tertiary students as outlined in Legal Notice 372 of 2005 as amended by Legal Notice 424 of 2007. 3.15 Programme shall mean a programme that leads to a qualification at EQF/MQF level 5 or 6 that is provided by a Licensed Tuition Centre or a recognised foreign Higher Education Institution and leads to a qualification in areas related to Digital Media. The programme is chosen by the applying individual and is to be approved by MCAST. Programmes are to be completed by the end of July 2014. The certificate and/or transcript denoting successful completion is to be issued by the Licensed Tuition centre, University, and/or College by September 2014.

European Commission European e-Competence Framework


Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta

3.16 Project Leader shall mean the person who carries the overall financial and legal responsibility for the implementation of the project. 3.17 Resources shall mean any other additional material requested by the Licensed Tuition Centre or the Higher Education Institution such as books and paid by the individual. The purchase of equipment and hardware including computers shall be excluded. 3.18 Scholarship Awardee shall mean the Applicant who has been granted the TSSM. 3.19 Selection Board shall mean a Board set up by the Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family, MCAST and ETC to operate the process of awarding TSSM scholarships. This Board shall be responsible for all matters concerning evaluation, selection and determination of appropriate awards according to the regulations. 3.20 Training Costs for the purposes of determining the award, training costs shall mean tuition fees paid by the applicant to a Licensed Tuition Centre or a recognised Higher Education Institution. The training costs do not cover the acquisition of equipment even if this is necessary for the individual to undertake the programme. 3.21 Training Grant is the sum payable to the individual applying for TSSM. This will cover the tuition fees and are capped as follows: Programmes at EQF/MQF level 5 up to a total of Euro 12,000 Programmes at EQF/MQF level 6 up to a total of Euro 18,000 The grant shall be reimbursed directly to the applicant as follows: For EQF/MQF Level 5 50% at application stage provided this does not exceed the amount that would have been paid by the applicant at that instant; 50% or the remaining amount upon successful completion of the course and upon presentation of an official receipt of payment together with a certified true copy of the certificate and/or transcript denoting successful completion issued by the licensed tuition centre. For EQF/MQF Level 6 50% at application stage provided this does not exceed the amount that would have been paid by the applicant at that instant; 25% on initiation of the second year of studies and upon presentation of a letter issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College denoting promotion to second year; 25% or the remaining amount upon successful completion of the course and upon presentation of an official receipt of payment together with a certified true copy of the certificate and/or transcript denoting successful completion issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College. The grant amount will be based on the amount indicated in the Unconditional Letter of Acceptance or on the official receipt of payment issued by a Licensed Tuition Centre or a recognised Higher Education Institution. 3.22 Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST (TSSM) shall mean an award of financial aid granted to a student to further his/her education in the Digital Media sector. 3.23 Tuition Fees shall mean those costs which include enrolment, administration, registration and/or examination fees and other resources requested by a University or a Higher Education Institution. 3.24 Unconditional Letter of Acceptance (ULA) shall mean a letter issued by the Registrar (or a designated high authority) of a University or Higher Education Institution which shall have the following details:
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A clear statement by the University or the Higher Education Institution that it is unconditionally accepting the Applicant to follow a programme of studies; The commencement date of studies; The end date of studies (which shall mean when the results are expected to be published); The Tuition Fee (if applicable). Applicant should note that the Agreement to be signed at a later stage shall include only the information contained in this ULA. The Principal/Project Leader shall not accept amendments to the Agreement other than those which reflect the information and/or data clearly stated in the original ULA; Any other information required by the Project Leader; Modality of study (that is whether it is distance learning or full time studies).

It is the duty of the Applicant to ensure that when s/he chooses a University or Higher Education Institution, this is in a position to issue such an Unconditional Letter of Acceptance with all the above details. This has to be in the form of an original letter, signed by the Registrar of the University (or delegated high authority). Scanned, PDF copies or other electronically transmitted formats shall be accepted PROVISIONALLY. The original copy of the ULA must be produced before the signing of the Agreement.

4. Eligibility
4.1 4.1.1 In order to apply for TSSM an applicant should: a) Be a Maltese Citizen who has been residing in Malta for more than five (5) years. Provided that for the purposes of calculating this 5 year requirement, consideration shall not be given to such period of time during which such Maltese citizen has been residing outside Malta for study, health or work purposes or any other purpose which the Selection Board may consider, or b) Be a national of an EU/EEA state or family member of such EU/EEA national (as defined in LN 191 of 2007 and in LN 205 of 2004 respectively for EU and EEA nationals), provided that such person has obtained permanent residence in Malta in accordance with LN 191 of 2007 and with LN 205 of 2004 respectively for EU and EEA nationals, or c) Be a third country national who has been granted long-term residence status under LN 278 of 2006. 4.1.2 Be applying for a Digital Media programme of studies equivalent to EQF/MQF Level 5 and Level 6 on a full-time basis or through distance learning. Within the context of distance learning programmes, the applicant cannot work more than 19 hours per week and must declare his/her employment at application stage. Not registered for employment with the Employment and Training Corporation (ETC). Not already following a course at the same level as that applied for by the start date of the scheme. On the date of application, applicants are to be in possession of all documents as outlined by these Regulations and specified in Clause 8.2. It is the responsibility of Applicants, in possession of qualifications awarded by foreign Universities/Higher Education Institutions, to produce an evaluation report on equivalence and comparability of qualifications issued by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC) within the Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family (as per Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Act Act

4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6

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XVIII of 2002). A copy of the said report issued by the MQRIC, should be attached to the application, with the original presented at the interview (if applicable). Applicants whose qualifications are obtained from a foreign University or Higher Education Institution listed on the website of MQRIC as Approved Institutions (, are not required to produce the evaluation report on comparability of qualifications. 4.1.7 Applicants in possession of other national/ESF (or a combination of both) public grants or national/ESF (or a combination of both) scholarships for the same course or programme shall be deemed ineligible to the TSSM. In the event that an Applicant is granted a TSS M Scholarship and the Project Leader is informed , after the grant of such TSSM Scholarship, that the Scholarship Awardee had, at any point in time, whether prior to the award of the TSSM Scholarship, or after such award, accepted any such national/ESF public grant or national/ESF scholarship, the Scholarship Awardee shall be liable to refund the Amount/s up to then granted to him/her in full, and this without prejudice to any other legal action which may be taken in this regard. Provided that any scholarships or other grants awarded to the Scholarship Awardee shall be notified to and approved by the Selection Board, whether such are awarded to the Applicant prior to the TSSM Scholarship or throughout the duration of the Scholarship. For the avoidance of doubt, any scholarships or grants awarded at any time to the Applicant in relation to the course of studies for which the Scholarship shall be granted, must be declared and approved by the Board. The Applicant should also consult Clause 11.7. In the absence of a scholars declaration and written approval by the Selection Board, the scholar is considered to be in breach of these Regulations and may be accused of fraud. 4.1.8 4.1.9 Applicants should be in a position to complete the programme by the end of July 2014. Applications for courses commencing prior to the launch of the TSSM (31 July 2011) will not be deemed as eligible for the purposes of the TSSM Scholarship.

5. Types of programmes eligible for funding

5.1 The TSSM will support Diplomas at EQF/MQF level 5 and Degrees at EQF/MQF level 6 in the Digital Media Sector. These programmes can be conducted on a full- time basis or through distance learning (within this context please refer to Clause 4.1.2 above). The programme becomes ineligible if an identical programme is currently being offered by the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) or the University of Malta (UoM). This condition does not apply in those instances where the course applied for is provided in a different form to that provided by any of these institutions such as distance learning. Courses structured on the basis of an EQF/MQF level 5 Diploma combined with a top up EQF/MQF level 6 Degree are considered eligible (within this context please refer to Clause 11.6).



6. Education and Training Institution Providing Programmes

The programme of study applied for can be provided at a local Licensed Tuition Centre representing a foreign Further/Higher Educational Institution (e.g. University, College etc...) or at a foreign Further/Higher Educational Institution (e.g. University, College etc...). It is the responsibility of applicants, applying for qualifications awarded by foreign Universities/Tertiary Education Institutions, to produce an evaluation report on comparability of qualifications issued by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC)
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within the Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family. A copy of the said report issued by the MQRIC, should be attached to the application, with the original presented for verification purposes only (if applicable). The MQRIC may be contacted as follows: Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (MQRIC) 16/18 Tower Promenade, St. Lucia, SLC 1019 Tel. No.: (+356) 2754 0051 Fax No.: (+356) 2180 8758 e-mail: Many courses have strict admission deadlines and applicants must take the necessary steps to secure admission to their preferred institutions prior to submitting the application to the Admissions Office at the MCAST Main Campus, Triq Kordin, Paola PLA 9032.

7. Administration of the TSSM Scheme

The TSSM is part of ESF 1.33 Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta administered by the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. The project is the responsibility of: Project Leader (ESF 1.33) Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) Institute of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Corradino Hill, Paola, PLA 9032

8. Application Forms
8.1 Interested applicants are invited to apply using the appropriate application forms which are available from the Reception Desk of the MCAST Administration Building within the MCAST Main Campus in Corradino. They can also be downloaded from the MCAST website Applicants shall submit their written application to the Admissions Office together with the following: i) a copy of the Applicants certificates and transcript (detailed if applicable) issued by his/her Further/Higher Education Institution (e.g. University/College) or licensed Tuition Centre; ii) a copy of the unconditional letter of acceptance from the Further/Higher Education Institution (e.g. University/College) or Licensed Tuition Centre applied for, that amongst other include the fees applicable; iii) a copy of MQRIC evaluation report (where applicable); iv) a copy of the applicants I.D. card; v) a statement by the applicant that s/he intends to complete the course in the time as stipulated in Clauses 3.15 and 4.1.8. If the above mentioned documents are not attached, the applicant must specify in a separate sheet attached to the TSSM application the reason why they are not attached. Furthermore, applicants are to note that all pending documents must be submitted by not later than 11 November 2011. Note: In the case of disabled applicants the following is also to be submitted: vi) a copy of the Applicants disabled I.D. card issued by the Kummissjoni Persuni bDiabilita (KNPD) for persons claiming that they do not have the possibility of following a full-time course due to their disability.
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Applications are required to be submitted by hand at the Admissions Office between 3rd and 14th October 2011. All applicants are to request an acknowledgement for receipt of application from the receiving office.

9. Selection Process, Procedure, Criteria and Appeals

9.1 Selection Process and Procedure

9.1.1 All applications submitted will be evaluated by the Selection Board. The Selection Board shall be set up by the Ministry of Education, the Employment and the Family, MCAST and ETC. This Board shall be responsible for all matters concerning selection and determination of appropriate awards according to the regulations. 9.1.2 The Selection Board will evaluate and select applicants according to pre-established criteria identified in Article 9.2 below. The Selection Board reserves the right to ask Applicants to sit for an interview. 9.1.3 Where necessary, the Selection Board shall appoint an expert with expertise in the subject area concerned to evaluate the application. The Selection Board itself shall consider the application and any advice submitted by appointed experts. 9.2 Selection Criteria

9.2.1 Applications shall be considered on the basis of the following selection criteria: (a) Academic merit of the Applicant; (b) The area of study; (c) The modality of the study programmes (preference shall be given to programmes in the following order ceteris paribus): First preference Full time programmes; Second preference Distance learning programmes. 9.2.2 Provided that, students who are persons with disabilities and do not have any possibility of following a full time programme unless through distance learning, shall be given first preference in the same way as those who apply to follow full-time programmes. For those who are shortlisted, the Selection Board shall consult further with KNPD (Kummissjoni Nazzjonali Persuni bDiabbilt) to evaluate the nature of disability with respect to undergoing further studies and whether this disability should be considered for the purpose of this Article. 9.2.3 An Applicant is considered to have passed the interview if the Applicant obtains a pass mark (that is 50% of the total allotted marks) in the criteria (a), (b) and (c) quoted in clause 9.2.1 above. Obtaining a pass mark does not automatically mean that a scholarship is being awarded. 9.2.4 The Selection Board shall issue a separate rank order for the purpose of allocating the available scholarships. 9.3 Appeals

9.3.1 The Appeals Board shall be set up by the Ministry of Education, Employment and the Family, MCAST and ETC. The Appeals Board shall deal with objections raised by Applicants after they are informed in writing with the decisions of the Selection Board. 9.3.2 If an Applicant disagrees with the Selection Board, s/he may present a petition to the Appeals Board within five (5) working days from the date when the Selection Board communicates its decision to the Applicant in writing. In the petition, the Applicant has to state clearly the reasons why s/he is contesting the decision of the Selection Board. 9.3.3 The Appeals Board shall only address appeals from the Selection Board on matters related to procedure or interpretation of the regulations in terms of eligibility, awards,
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and other decisions related to the granting of a Scholarship. Under no circumstance shall the Appeals Board change the score of Applicants deriving from interviews conducted by the Selection Board, nor change the ranking of an Applicant as a result of such score. 9.3.4 The decision taken the Appeals Board is final.

10. Payment of Grant

Programmes at EQF/MQF level 5 The grant will cover tuition fees only up to a total of Euro 12,000 for the entire duration of the course. The grant shall be reimbursed directly to the applicant as follows: 50% at application stage provided this does not exceed the amount that would have been paid by the applicant at that instant; 50% or the remaining amount on successful completion of the course and upon presentation of an official receipt of payment together with a certified true copy of the certificate and/or transcript denoting successful completion issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College. Programmes at EQF/MQF level 6 The grant will cover tuition fees only up to a total of Euro 18,000 for the entire duration of the course. The grant shall be reimbursed directly to the applicant as follows: 50% at application stage provided this does not exceed the amount that would have been paid by the applicant at that instant; 25% on initiation of second year of studies and upon presentation of a letter issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College denoting promotion to second year; 25% or the remaining amount on successful completion of the course and upon presentation of an official receipt of payment together with a certified true copy of the certificate and/or transcript denoting successful completion issued by the licensed tuition centre, University and/or College.

11 General Conditions of Award

11.1 11.2 The general conditions in this section apply to all applicants for TSSM. Application stage It is important that applicants make clear at the point of application the following: the qualification for which they are applying. the start date the MQRIC validation the tuition fees involved Formal confirmation of the grant will be issued when the applicant provides all necessary documentation. The TSSM Scheme is co-funded under the ESF Operating Programme II of 20072013. All funds available will expire in October 2014. No funds can be claimed beyond October 2014. Termination prior to completion of programme Applicants for TSSM who for any reason discontinue their studies should inform the Project Leader in writing immediately. If a person discontinues the programme, s/he would be required to pay back in full the fees that would have already been reimbursed by MCAST. It is pertinent to note that students who apply for a combined EQF/MQF level 5 Diploma and a top25/23





Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta

up EQF/MQF level 6 Degree are bound to complete the course in its entirety. In the eventuality that a student completes successfully the EQF/MQF level 5 Diploma but does not proceed with the top-up EQF/MQF level 6 Degree, s/he shall be bound to reimburse any amounts paid to him/her until then. 11.7 Supplementary Scholarship awards or supplementary grants to TSSM for the same course or programme of studies must be declared at the point of interview if applicable or before formally accepting the other awards. All declarations require approval from the Selection Board. Any unapproved supplementary Scholarship awards or supplementary grants additional to TSSM for the same course or programme shall be deemed to be in breach of the contract. As a result, cancellation of award and refund of all awards granted by then shall be required by the Board. The Board considers this as fraud and may proceed with a criminal liability suit against such Awardees.

12. ESF Publicity Obligations

12.1 TSSM is part of ESF 1.33 Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta which is partfinanced by the European Union, Operational Programme II Cohesion Policy 20072013 Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality Life European Social Fund. 12.2 If a thesis/dissertation/final project has to be presented as part of the programme selected, the ESF logo, the EU flag, the National flag of Malta and the co-financing text are to feature on the first pages of the thesis/dissertation/final project, as per layout stated under Section 4.1 of the Visual Identity Guidelines (downloadable from All publication arising from the degree being sponsored should reflect the following acknowledgment on the first pages of the publication: The research work disclosed in this publication is funded by the ESF 1.33 Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta. The scholarship is part-financed by the European Union European Social Fund (ESF) under Operational Programme II Cohesion Policy 2007 2013, Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life, provided that if the Scholarship Awarded fails to make the said acknowledgement, MCAST may require the reimbursement, in full or in part, of the Amount awarded to the Scholarship Awardee. 12.3 MCAST reserves the right to publish the names and Identity Card numbers of potential Beneficiaries selected as and when necessary. For avoidance of doubt, in applying for a TSSM Grant, the Applicant has given consent for such publication in the event that her or his application is successful.

13. Information
13.1 For further queries and information please contact via e mail or call on 23987100. __________________________________________________________________ Monday 8 August 2011

Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


Training Subsidy Scheme MCAST - ESF 1.33, Increasing ICT Student Capacity in Malta


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