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1. User Interface Defects - Low 2. Boundary Related Defects - Medium 3. Error Handling Defects - Medium 4.

Calculation Defects - High 5. Improper Service Levels (Control flow defects) - High 6. Interpreting Data Defects - High 7. Race Conditions (Compatibility and Intersystem defects)- High 8. Load Conditions (Memory Leakages under load) - High 9. Hardware Failures:- High

Arithmetic Bugs: Arithmetic bugs or simply the math bugs are a result of unstable algorithms, bad logic, wrong formula implementation and any other scenario resulting in a calculation error like overflow or precision. Conceptual Bugs: These types of bugs occur when the syntax of the code is correct but it does not do what it is supposed to do. This error is caused due to a misunderstanding of requirements or implementation of a design contradicting to the requirements. Logic Bugs: Logic bugs usually occur when the tester or developer has not been trained enough and they are implementing an algorithm or design that does not fulfill the purpose for which it is being applied. This can cause numerous errors like race conditions and boundary related errors. Syntax Bugs: Syntax bugs are quite easy to point out as the compilers used today provide support for this feature. With syntax bugs the logic or algorithm being implemented is correct but the application cannot run since the language used does not qualify the required standards of syntax. Resource Bugs: Over or under utilization of available resources can also cause errors and bugs to occur although the logic and syntax would appear to be correctly used. This can occur as a result of buffer overflow or stack overflow specifically where the logic is theoretically correct but not fit for being practically implemented. Other bugs can include accessibility

rights, recursions and files mishandlings which might result in data storage issues or also violate security settings. Testing Errors: Testing errors symbolize the failure to notice potential bugs by not using the most suitable test data and test cases. Failure to verify the bug as properly fixed which results into the resurfacing of the error at client end will also be counted as a testing error. In the upcoming blogs of this series most common bug identification techniques and other important aspects of Bugs will be covered. In the next blog of Bugs Exploratory Bug Identification Technique we will discuss how exploratory testing is one of the most beneficial techniques for bug identification.

Various bugs:

Comments: Inadequate/ incorrect/ misleading or missing comments in the source code Computational Error: Improper computation of the formulae / improper business validations in code. Data error: Incorrect data population / update in database Database Error: Error in the database schema/Design Missing Design: Design features/approach missed/not documented in the design document and hence does not correspond to requirements Inadequate or sub optimal Design: Design features/approach needs additional inputs for it to be completeDesign features described does not provide the best approach (optimal approach) towards the solution required In correct Design: Wrong or inaccurate Design Ambiguous Design: Design feature/approach is not clear to the reviewer. Also includes ambiguous use of words or unclear design features. Boundary Conditions Neglected: Boundary conditions not addressed/incorrect Interface Error: Internal or external to application interfacing error, Incorrect handling of passing parameters, Incorrect alignment, incorrect/misplaced fields/objects, un friendly window/screen positions Logic Error: Missing or Inadequate or irrelevant or ambiguous functionality in source code Message Error: Inadequate/ incorrect/ misleading or missing error messages in source code Navigation Error: Navigation not coded correctly in source code Performance Error: An error related to performance/optimality of the code Missing Requirements: Implicit/Explicit requirements are missed/not documented during requirement phase Inadequate Requirements: Requirement needs additional inputs for to be complete

Incorrect Requirements: Wrong or inaccurate requirements Ambiguous Requirements: Requirement is not clear to the reviewer. Also includes ambiguous use of words e.g. Like, such as, may be, could be, might etc. Sequencing / Timing Error: Error due to incorrect/missing consideration to timeouts and improper/missing sequencing in source code. Standards: Standards not followed like improper exception handling, use of E & D Formats and project related design/requirements/coding standards System Error: Hardware and Operating System related error, Memory leak Test Plan / Cases Error: Inadequate/ incorrect/ ambiguous or duplicate or missing - Test Plan/ Test Cases & Test Scripts, Incorrect/Incomplete test setup Typographical Error: Spelling / Grammar mistake in documents/source code Variable Declaration Error: Improper declaration / usage of variables, Type mismatch error in source code

MAJOR BUGS : Like Noticible performance degradancy,Work around is found but can't be implemented. MEDIUM BUGS : Like Low response time,Link Error,Database Error LOW/MINOR BUGS : Like Mis-spelling,Simple GUI Error

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