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Prof.Dr.-Ing Johannes Tarigan IP-U


1. Background 2. Lesson and learning from past earthquake 2.1. Aceh Earthquake 24 December 2004 2.2. Nias Earthquake 28 March 2005 2.3. Yogyakarta Earthquake 26 May 2006 2.4. Padang/West Sumatra Earthquake March 6th, 2007 2.5. Padang Earthquake September 30, 2009 3. How to construct the plan and the frame in Earthquake zone. 3.1 Non engineered building 3.2 Engineered building 3.3 General principle to design of plan and structure of the building in earthquake Zone. 3.4 Calculation of the Earthquake load 3.5 Indonesian Building code for Earthquake 4. Earthquake Load according to Euro code 08 and German Building code DIN 4149 4.1 General 4.2 Performance requirements and compliance criteria 4.3 Compliance criteria (design verifications). 4.4 Ground conditions 4.5 Design of Buildings 4.6 Seismic zonation 4.7 German Building code DIN 4149 4.8 Soil Liquefaction 4.9 Building Code for tsunami 5. Earthquake calculation in practice 5.1 Open frame 3 stories . 5.2. Small Houses

6. Conclusion and recommendation Reference

1. Background
Since December, 26th 2004 there are 5 earthquakes which killed many peoples and destroyed many houses and buildings in Indonesia. By Northern Sumatra/Aceh Earthquake/Tsunami 26 December,26th 2004 with 227,898 people have been killed or were missing and many houses, bridges were washed away. The second earthquake is Northern Sumatra/Nias Earthquake March, 28th 2005 which are 1313 people killed, 300 buildings destroyed. The third earthquake is Yogyakarta Earthquake May 26th, 2006 which are 5,749 killed, 127,000 buildings destroyed. After that comes the next Earthquake on March 6th, 2007. It was West Sumatra Earthquake. During this fourth Earthquake nearly 15.000 buildings have been destroyed and 67 people have been died in this earthquake. After that on September 30th, 2009 the Earthquake happened again in Padang. More that 900 people have died and so many high rise building has been collapse by this earthquake. How is the risk of Earthquake in Indonesia in the future? How the building constructions look like? According to seismic hazard map the risk is big enough. The peak ground acceleration can be 0,30 g. In the figure 1 shows the seismic acceleration according to Indonesia [Rizkita Parithusta, 2007.]

Figure 1: Indonesian Seismicity Map

2. Lesson and learning from past earthquake Before Northern Sumatra/Aceh earthquake December 26th,2004 was happened no body care about the dangerous of earthquake and tsunami. The reason is that since more then 60 years there were no big earthquake was happened in this region. But suddenly on December 26th, 2004 everything has been changed because this earthquake/tsunami makes a big disaster in this region. After that on 28 March 2005 Nias Earthquake was happened, so that in Northern Sumatra there are 2 big earthquakes have been happen in three months. The next Catastrophe is Yogyakarta Earthquake on 26 May 2006 Yogyakarta. Then on March 6, 2007 other Earthquake have been happened again. This is West Sumatra Earthquake. The epicentre of these four earthquakes have been located in around of Java Trench (see figure 2). In Indonesia there are three plates exist, they are Eurasian plate in the north, Australian Plate in the south and Pacific plate in the east. The four earthquakes were happened because the Australian Plate has moved to the north (sub duction). According to geological studies this Australian plate moves 5 cm to the north each year.

Aceh Earthquake 26.12.2004 H:30 km, M: 9.1 Nias Earthquake 28.03.2005 H:30 km, M:8.7

Yogyakarta Earthquake 26.05.2006 H:10 km, M:6.4

Padang Earthquake 30.09.2009 H:60 km, M:7.9 epicentre

Padang Earthquake 06.03.2007 H:30 km, M:6.4 H: Deep of Hypocentre M: Magnitude

Figure 2: Location of 4 epicentres along of Java Trench


Northern Sumatera/Aceh Earthquake 26 December 2004

The Magnitude in this earthquake is 9.1 with the deep (H) of hypocenter 30 km. Though in this earthquake more people died because of tsunami but there also many houses destroyer before the tsunami has come. The typical damages in this earthquake are as follows: Damage to the structure by Tsunami.

Most of the building was collapse caused by tsunami waves. The velocity of tsunami wave (v) was around of 700 km/h. The velocity of wave is very strong like the velocity of plane. In northern Sumatra like City of Banda Aceh and Meulaboh the tsunami has come 15 minutes after the Earthquake. The peoples didnt know that tsunami would be come. Therefore so many people was died caused of tsunami, wile the high of tsunami was with high of 32 m at the beach come to inland until 4 km. Many building, cars and people were washed away. The velocity of wave can calculated with

v = g .h m

Which are v = velocity, g = gravitation, 9,81 m/s and h = the deep of see level (m) an the epicentre. If with this formula will be calculated with some different of h, it can find below.
h (m) v (km/h) 6000 800 2000 500 200 150 20 50

In the figure 3 shows that no buildings standing after tsunami in this region. Before tsunami this region was very crowded. But after tsunami no Building are standing anymore. Most of Buildings were washed away, some mosques were found remaining. The reason is assumed that the mosques constructed courteously and the layout was like oval or circle type, so the tsunami could pass easily. Most of people were live here as fisherman. The high of the wave at the beach was 32 m during the tsunami in this area, like a 9 stories Building.

Tsunamie v > 700km/hr

Tsunamie high 32 m

Figure 3: This is a rural area in Banda Aceh, after tsunami no buildings standing there.

In the figure 4, there is a ship for Power Generator of a 7.5 MW. This Ship swept away as far as 4 km from the beach in to inland. Before tsunami the ship was standing at the beach.

Figure 4: After tsunami this Ship has moved 4 km from original location at the beach.

Damage to the roads and bridges by tsunami

Although there was the information that nearly 80 bridges fell down on the road along the western coast from Banda Aceh to Meulaboh, the correct figure is unknown. In figure 5 shows that the girder of one bridges in Banda Aceh is washed a way caused by tsunami waves. The piers are still standing.

Girder of bridges washed away by tsunami

Figure 5 : damage by bridge after Tsunami 26 Dec. 2004 According to the investigation of 42 bridges , 3 bridges fell down and 5 bridges had girder strike-slips. The bridges with shear keys which resisted the girder strikes-slips were saved from being washed away. On the other hand, the embankment behind the abutment of many bridges was found eroded. As well, roads in the sections whose ground seemed to have been vulnerable originally were eroded from place to place. Note: it is also need to think that in tsunami region to add the horizontal load by tsunami wave. The horizontal load by tsunami can be calculated with formula

1 H = I . mv 2 , 2
v : velocity of tsunami wave m : mass of bridge I : important factor. Until now no Building Code has been made for the building to endure the tsunami waves.

Damage caused by earthquake motion

Many multi-stories Building was falling down in City of Banda Aceh before tsunami has come. The typical of damages was Sandwich Type (see figure 6), thats mean the column couldnt endure the earthquake load. The slab was falling down and after damage the building become like sandwich. There were so many Buildings which was collapse with type of sandwich. Those Buildings had low ductility. This building has been designed with old building code. The acceleration in Indonesian Building Code 1987 [SKBI, 1987] is to low (0, 13 g) and the ductility has not available in old Building Code. In 7

figure 6 shows that the second mode has been happened in horizontal direction after Earthquake. The columns of the building are still standing even though the plasticity has happened in the column. This Building still standing after Earthquake. Interesting case shows in figure 7. In Indonesia there are many shop houses has been construction in the middle of the city. In normal case the distance of column is 4.5 m to 5 m and the high of stories between 2 until 3 stories. Because the buildings are typical the people think that no need to calculate the structure and the government give also the permit without static calculation. After Aceh Earthquake there are many shop houses still standing, but in figure 7 shows that 2 shop houses has been collapse after Earthquake and beside this shop houses the building is still standing. Other case shows figure 8. This building is the big supermarket with 2 stories. After Aceh Earthquake this Building is totally collapse. In this Building the concrete quality of structure was to low and the reinforcement was plane bar type. The ductility of the building was to low and the live load was also to low.

Figure 5: Sandwich Type of Collapse by Government Building

Figure 6: The second mode happened after Aceh Earthquake.

Damage by Fault rupture

Figure 7: Shop houses has been

In figure 9 shows fault rupture after Aceh Earthquake. In this figure collaps but biside this building the we canshop houses still rails bent greatly. If we use MMI scale the Aceh show the standing. Figure earthquake in this region with IX MMI scale. 8: Supermarket Building has collapse
after Aceh Earthquake.

Figure 9: Fault Rupture Rail

Damage by Liquefaction.

By the earthquake in special soil condition there are other cases which make damages in the building. This case it calls liquefaction. The case of damage in liquefaction was found for the first time in Niigata Earthquake 1964. The definition of Soil liquefaction. Soil liquefaction describes the behavior of loose saturated unconsolidated soils, i.e. loose sands, which go from a solid state to have the consistency of a heavy liquid, or reach a liquefied state as a consequence of increasing pore water pressures, and thus decreasing effective stress, induced by their tendency to decrease in volume when subjected to cyclic undrained loading (e.g. earthquake loading). Liquefaction is more likely to occur in loose to moderate granular soils with poor drainage, such as salty sands or sands and gravels capped or containing seams of impermeable sediments. Theoretically the damage with soil liquefaction effect shows in figure 10.

Displacement Figure 10: Liquifaction by Earthquake[Alan, 2008]

To calculate bearing capacity at foundation during Earthquake is

W F = ma = g

z a a = t a max = vo max g g

F : Earthquake load, m : Mass of soil, W : Weight of soil, t : density

of soil, a max : maximum acceleration of earthquake and vo : stress under the foundation. The shear stress at the Soil

a max g By the liquefaction soil the stress vo equal to zero. Therefore the

max = F = vo

shear stress max become zero (loss the bearing capacity). After earthquake the foundation of the building falling down, move or tilt. According to Seed [Robert, 2005] the potential to liquefied deep on the value of SPT like table 1. Tabel 1: Potensial of liquifaction (N1 )60 Potensial of Liquifaction 0-20 20-30 >30 Big Medium none

In the figure 11, show 3 stories Shop houses have been falling down 3 m. In the ground level now is the second stories. In this case sand boils had not found, because after earthquake the sand boils also washed away by tsunami.
This Shop House falling down 3 m to the ground caused by liquefaction

Figure 11: Shop houses was damages by soil liquefaction.



Earthquake shaking can cause land sliding on many scales. An earthquake can cause a slope to become unstable by the inertial loading it imposes or by causing a loss of strength in the slope materials. After Earthquake in Aceh on December 26th, 2004 Landslide also was happened. In Figure 12 shows Landslide. One house was falling down because of this land slide.

Damage by Landslide by Aceh Earthquake Therefore in the future the landslide Zone must be identifying, so if an earthquake shakes this Region,26.12.2004 or buildings have been no houses

Figure 12:

destroyer anymore.

Lower quality of the building.

Many non-engineered Building was collapse because the quality of the material was very poor such as : the quality of concrete below of standard, the reinforcement still with plane bar, the stirrups to small and the distance to long and the connection between column and beam not follows the Building Code. Our University has investigated one building in the city of Banda Aceh, see figure 13 [Tarigan, 2005].

Figure 13 :hammer test have been done by one building by Civil Engineering faculty of USU.



Northern Sumatera/Nias Earthquake March 28th, 2005

Even though the people in Northern Sumatra still have traumatic with Aceh Earthquake/tsunami December 26th, 2004 three months later other Earthquake has shacked again. That was Nias Earthquake on March 28th, 2005. The epicentre of this earthquake was around 40O km from epicentre of Aceh Earthquake in south direction. (see figure 14). The Magnitude of this earthquake is 8.7 and the deep of epicentre is 30 km. Most of the damages were in Nias Island, like in City of Gunung Sitoli, Teluk Dalam. Nias Island is around 150 km from Sumatra Island.

Figure 14 : Nias Island and the epicentre of Nias Earthquake March 28th, 2005 The typical damages in this earthquake are as follows: 1. Lower quality of the building.

Many non-engineered Building was collapse because the quality of the material was very poor, because the people built they house without correctly construction. Before modernisation so many traditional houses have been constructed with timber in this region. In this Area so many good wood can be found. But through modernisation the people think that if the people constructed his house with concrete structure thats mean status symbolist for modern people.


Figure 15 shows one story Building, which has damages caused by ground shaking. The construction is masonry. So many people died because their houses is not earthquake resistant. According to site investigation from Civil Engineering Department of University of Sumatera Utara so many houses used sand from the beach as aggregate in the concrete. The reason is that cost of the sand from the beach 50 % cheaper than sand from the river. Principally the sand from the beach cannot be used directly because it is so salty and not good for the concrete. According to Indonesian concrete standard it is not erlaut to use sand from beach. Other case is damages by vertical movement. This type of damages can be show in figure 16 This is a church with one story building. The roof has been constructed with timber truss. During Nias Earthquake the timber truss was falling down. The column and wall have no damages during earthquake. We have analysed that the damages of roof construction caused by vertical earthquake. In figure 17 shows a shop houses has been destroyer by Nias Earthquake. The owner of this shop house was a rich man in this city. But he didnt know or care about his shop houses. This 2 stories shop house was very famous shop house in this region. But the houses have killed the owner and his family during earthquake. 2. Liquefaction.

There are many bridges have damages because of liquefaction problem. The strength of soil become lower the strength during Earthquake. These make the soil loss the bearing capacity. One of bridge which has a liquefaction problem in the abutment shows figure 18. After Earthquake Department of Civil Engineering University of Sumatera Utara have investigated the soil type in some of the bridges. In the document there was no soil liquefaction analyse have been done. After Nias earthquake the Japan Civil Engineer association have make a report that mostly Nias Island have a liquefaction soil. Thats way it is very important to make regulation or building code in liquefaction Area. Most of bridges in Nias have a damage in their foundation.


Figure 15 : a house with low quality of material.

Figure 16: verticale load

3. Fault rupture.

Figure 17 : shop houses. Lahewa.

Figure 18.: liquefaction by bridges

2.3 Jogjakarta Earthquake May 26th, 2006 The deep of epicentre is only 10 km and the Magnitude 6.3. The typical damages in the building are as follows: 1. Lower quality of material building. Mostly houses in this region has no reinforcement see figure 19. The structure have been constructed with break wall without any column. Therefore many people was killed because the brick wall and roofs falling down.


Figure 19: the typical damage by the houses in Yogjakarta. The houses have been constructed without any column. 2. Wrong structural design. Many modern multy stories building was collapse. In figure 20, 1 building with 4 stories had damage. The type of damage is soft story and the type of damage like the first mode. The stirrups have been constructed with long distant. The connection between column and beam were not correct. The next similar damage can be show in figure 21. The case of damage is also like a first mode.

Figure 20: 1st, Modal Shape 1 in 4 stories office Building.

Figure 21: 1st , Modal Shape 1 in 2 stories Building.


2.4. Padang/West Sumatra Earthquake March 6th, 2007 The Earthquake had a magnitude of 6.4 and struck close to the city of Padang in the west part of the island. The Earthquake was preceded by two tremors, magnitude 4.8 and 4.9, which caused panic. As a result, people fled their homes and buildings, and this, in turn, reduced the number of casualties from the main shock. The main shock was followed by many aftershocks. The damage from the earthquake was substantial and included collapse of industrial buildings, mosques, homes, schools, and businesses. The deep of hypocenter was 30 km. The type of damages shows in figure:

The ductility is too low. See figure 22. This shop houses used framing concrete structure with 2 stories. The damage was in soft story. This damages was typical in this region. In figure 23 shows the beam column joints do not used ductile detailing. The beam-to-column joints for the concrete moment frames do not use ductile detailing. The reinforcement steel does not extend sufficiently into the joint, nor does it have adequate development length. Furthermore, the joints are not confined and hence are susceptible to shear failure.

Figure 22: This structure of the building used framing. The lateral-story stiffness and strength were significantly less for the upper floors and resulted in a soft-story collapse of the first story.


Figure 23: The beam-to-column joints for the concrete moment frames do not use ductile detailing. 2.5 Padang Earthquake September 30, 2009 Many building have been collapse in Padang. Type of damage are soft story like figure 23.a and the frame do not used the ductile detailing, see figure 23.b.

Figure 23.a: soft story collapse

Figure 23.b: the detailing is not ductile


How to construct the plan and the frame in Earthquake zone.

3.1 Non-engineered building What is non-engineered building? These are building the construction of which usually has not been through the formal building permit process. It implies that the construction of nonengineered building has not been designed or supervised by an architect/engineer. Such buildings are obviously prevalent in the rural or non-urban (including urbanizing areas in the periphery of municipal areas. However, a large percentage of the building stock (in some case a vast majority) even urban areas of many developing countries are non-engineered constructions. 3.2 Engineered building These are buildings that are designed and constructed as per standard engineered practices. In case of buildings, engineered construction are those that are supposed to have been designed by a competent engineer or architect and have undergone the formal process of regular building permit by the municipal or other pertinent authority. The formal building permit process is supposed to require involvement of an architect/engineer in the design and construction for ensuring compliance to the existing building code and planning by laws. In most developing countries, formal building permit process is observed only in urban areas. In developing countries, building codes (with earthquake safety consideration) either do not exist, or not implemented strictly. Therefore, consideration of seismic input on building design depends on the individual initiative of the designers, the prevalent construction practices in the region/country, the prevalent construction practices in the region/country, and the availability of funds. In case clients require design against earthquakes in a country does have regulation to govern the design of strength of structures, it is a common practice for the engineer to use the code of the country in which he/she was trained. Under such conditions, there is no consistency in the design of structures. While they may be significant proportions of well designed structures that can withstand the earthquake forces, some percentage of engineered construction have been designed for only vertical loads of gravity and not for the horizontal/vertical load that an earthquake exerts on the building.


3.3 General principle to design of plan and structure of the building in earthquake Zone. Generally to design of plan and the structure of the building would be describing as follows: 1. If possible the plan of the building is symmetry. The plan with L, T, U, X is very dangerous in earthquake zone area. If the architects choose this plan, design it with dilatation , see figure 24. If the architect has not compromise the structure must be controlled with torsion, as far as the eccentricity still follow the building code.

Figure 24: L, T, U and Y plan with dilatation

2. If possible the structure of the Building is simple and regular. Elevation of the beam if possible continue and have a same level and the column is continue from the ground level to the top of the structure. If the structure is irregular the structure engineer must check the form of the structure according to the building code. As far as the structure still follow the building code the structure still safe.


3.4 Calculation of the Earthquake load To calculate the earthquake load can be choose generally in 3 method as follows: 1. Static Equivalent 2. Response Spectra 3. Time History Analysis Generally in the practical for symmetrical, regular, simple building and the high of building until 10 m, 3 stories it is enough to calculate with static equivalent. But if the structure has a high more then 10 m and the centre of the stiffness not the same with the centre of the mass, the calculation must me calculated with response spectra. For very important building like nuclear plant etc, the method to calculate the earthquake load must be with time history analysis. 3.5 Indonesian Building code for Earthquake

Horizontal Load Generally in Indonesian for design earthquake loading in structure SNI 1726-2002 will be used. In this building code the acceleration have been decideed with 6 zone, see figure 25. The Earthquake loading will be calculated with

V =

C I .Wt R

V : earthquake Loading C : acceleration according to response spectra figure.. I : importance factor of the building R : Reduction base on ductility of the structure Wt : Weight of the structure


Table 2: Importance factor (I) No Type of Building 1 Residential Building, Office Building, Commercial Building, etc. 2 Monumental Building,etc. 3 Hospital, Water Treatment Plant, Power Energies Plant, Radion and Television Building, etc. 4 Gasoline Building, Industry Building, Chemicalian Building, etc. 5 Tower, Tank, etc. The distribution of earthquake load each floor can be calculated with
Fi = Wi z i V

(I) 1 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.5 in

for multi stories Building

W z
i =1 i


Vertical Load Vertical Load can be calculate with

V = Cv I .Wt which R

C v = A0 I

Cv = coefficient of vertical load, = acceleration see table 3 Ao = soil condition see table 4, I = important factor, R = Reduction factor according to ductility Wt = weight of structure Table 3: response factor for vertical earthquake Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6

0,5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Table 4: Ao Zoe Hard Soil (N>50) 0.04 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.28 0.33 Medium Soft Soil Soil (N<15) (15<N<50) 0.05 0.15 0.23 0.28 0.32 0.36 0.08 0.20 0.30 0.34 0.36 0.38 Special Condiotion of soil Spezial case

1 2 3 4 5 6


4. Earthquake Load according to Euro code 08 and German Building code DIN 4149
Now days Europe Union Country have prepared the Building Code for Earthquake Load. That is Euro code 08 : Design of structures for earthquake Resistance. Some country have also have strong earthquake like Italian, Greek, Turkey etc. The Euro code 08 divided as follows: Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings Part 2: Bridges Part 3: Assessment and retrofitting of buildings Part 4: Silos, tanks and pipelines Part 5: Foundations, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects Part 6: Towers, masts and chimneys In this research would be discussed about part I. That is applied for the Building. The Part 1 had divide as follows General Performance requirements and compliance criteria Ground conditions and seismic action Design of buildings Specific rules for: a. Concrete buildings b. Steel buildings Composite Steel Concrete buildings c. Timber buildings d. Masonry buildings Base isolation 4.1 General The objectives of the Euro code 08 in the event of earthquakes are as follows: 1. Human lives are protected 2. Damage is limited 3. Structures important for civil protection remain operational 4.2 Performance requirements and compliance criteria Fundamental requirements 1. No-collapse requirement: Withstand the design seismic action without local or global collapse. Retain structural integrity and residual load bearing capacity after the event.


2. Damage limitation requirement: Withstand a more frequent seismic action without damage Avoid limitations of use with high costs 3. Reliability Differentiation Target reliability of requirement depending on consequences of failure

Classify the structures into importance classes Assign a higher or lower return period to the design seismic action

In operational terms multiply the reference seismic action by the importance factor

I, see Table 5.

Table 5: Importance classes for buildings Importance Buildings classes I Buildings of minor importance for public safety, e.g., agricultural buildings, etc II Ordinary buildings, not belonging in other categories III Buildings whose seismic resistance is of importance in view of the consequences associated with a collapse,e.q, schools, assembly halls, cultural institutions etc. IV Buildings whose integrity during earthquakes of vital importance for civil protection, e.g, hospitals, fire stations, power plans, etc.

0,8 1,0 1,2



Compliance criteria (design verifications).

o Ultimate limit state

Resistance and Energy dissipation capacity Ductility classes and Behaviour factor values Overturning and sliding stability check Resistance of foundation elements and soil Second order effects Non detrimental effect of non structural elements

Simplified checks for low seismicity cases (ag< 0,08 g)


No application of EC 08 or very low seismicity cases (ag< 0,04 g) o Damage limitation state Deformation limits (Maximum inter storey drift due to the frequent earthquake): 0,5 % for brittle on structural elements attached to the structure 0,75 % for ductile on structural elements attached to the structure 1,0 % for non structural elements not the structure interfering with

Sufficient stiffness of the structure for the operationally of vital services and equipment. o Specific measures

Simple and regular forms (plan and elevation) Control the hierarchy of resistances and sequence of failure modes (capacity design) Avoid brittle failures Control the behaviour of critical regions(detailing) Use adequate structural model (soil deformability and non structural elements if appropriate)
In zones of high seismicity formal Quality Plan for Design, Construction and Useis recommended 4.4 Five Ground conditions

ground types: A-Rock B-Very dense sand or gravel or very stiff clay C-Dense sand or gravel or stiff clay D-Loose to medium cohesion less soil or soft to firm cohesive soil E-Surface alluvium layer C or D, 5 to 20 m thick, over a much stiffer material

2 special ground types S1 and S2 requiring special studies

Ground conditions defined by shear wave velocities in the top 30 m and also by indicative values for NSPTand cu


Ground conditions Table 3.1: Ground types Ground Description of stratigraphic type profile

Parameters vs,30 (m/s) NSPT

(blows/ 30cm)

cu (kPa)



Rock or other rock-like geological formation, including at most 5 m of weaker material at the surface Deposits of very dense sand, gravel, or very stiff clay, at least several tens of metres in thickness, characterised by a gradual increase of mechanical properties with depth. Deep deposits of dense or medium-dense sand, gravel or stiff clay with thickness from several tens to many hundreds of metres. Deposits of loose-tomedium cohesion less soil (with or without some soft cohesive layers), or of predominantly soft-to-firm cohesive soil. A soil profile consisting of a surface alluvium layer with vs values of type C or D and thickness varying between about 5 m and 20 m, underlain by stiffer material with vs > 800 m/s. Deposits consisting, or containing a layer at least 10 m thick, of soft clays/ silts with a high plasticity index (PI > 40) and high water content Deposits of liquefiable soils, of sensitive clays, or any other soil profile not included in types A E or S1

> 800

360 800

> 50

> 250

180 360

15 50

70 250

< 180

< 15

< 70

< 100 (indicative)

10 20


4.5. Seismic zonation Competence of National Authorities Described by agR (reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground) Corresponds to the reference return period TNCR Modified by the Importance Factor I to become the design ground acceleration (on type A ground) ag= agR. I Objective for the future updating of EC 08 : European zonation map with spectral values for different hazard levels (e.g. 100, 500 and 2.500 years) Basic representation of the seismic action Elastic response spectrum

Common shape for the ULS (Ultimate Limit State) and DLS (Damage Limit State) verifications 2 orthogonal independent horizontal components Vertical spectrum shape different from the horizontal spectrum (common for all ground types) Possible use of more than one spectral shape(to model different seismo-genetic mechanisms) the horizontal elastic response spectrum (four

Definition of branches)

0 TTB Se (T) = ag. S. (1+T/TB. (. 2,5 -1))


TBTTC Se (T) = ag. S. . 2,5


TCTTD Se (T) = ag. S. . 2,5 (TC/T) TDT4 s Se (T) = ag. S. . 2,5 (TC. TD/T 2)

Se (T) elastic response spectrum (see figure 26) Ag design ground acceleration on type A ground TB , TC, TD corner periods in the spectrum (NDPs) S soil factor (NDP) damping correction factor (= 1 for 5% damping)


Figure 26: respon spektrum of Euro code

Normalised elastic response spectrum (standard shape) Control variables S, TB, TC, TD (NDPs) (0,55) damping correction for 5 %

Fixed variables Constant acceleration, velocity & displacement spectral braches Acceleration spectral amplification: 2.5

Elastic response spectrum Two types of (recommended) spectral shapes Depending on the characteristics of the most significant earthquake contributing to the local hazard: Type 1 : figure 27. High and moderate seismicity regions (Ms> 5,5), see


Figure 27 : Type 1 of respons spektrum

Type 2 - Low seismicity regions (Ms5,5); near field earthquakes.

Figure 28 : Type 2 of respons spektrum


Design spectrum for elastic response analysis (derived from the elastic spectrum) 0 TTB

Sd (T) = ag. S. (2/3+T/TB. (2,5/q-2/3))



Sd (T) = ag. S . 2,5/q Sd (T) = ag. S. 2,5/q. (TC/T). ag Sd (T) = ag. S. 2,5/q. (TC. TD/T 2 ) . ag design spectrum behaviour factor lower boundfactor (NDP recommended value: 0,2)


Sd (T) q

Specific rules for vertical action: avg= 0,9 .ag 4.5 or avg= 0,45 . ag; S= 1.0; q1,5

Design of Buildings

Before the structure engineer calculate the earthquake load ist is important to discuss with architect that if possible to make the structure as follows:

Clear structural system. Simplicity & uniformity in geometry of structural system. Symmetry & regularity in plan. Significant torsional stiffness about vertical axis. Geometry, mass & lateral stiffness: regular in elevation. Redundancy of structural system. Effective horizontal connection of vertical elements at all floor levels.

How is the exactly the definition of all above criteria see EC 08.


4.6. German Building code DIN 4149 Principle the German Building code have the same regulation with the Euro Code. But the response spectra have been define with Magnitude of the earthquake in German. The response spectra can be shown in figure 29 And the acceleration ag are as follows: Zone 0 1 2 3 Intensity 6 I < 6,5 6,5 I < 7 7 I < 7,5 7,5 I ag (m/s2) 0 0,4 0,6 0,8

Figure 29: Respons spektrum of DIN 4146



Earthquake calculation in practice

5.1 Open frame 3 stories . The lay out of the building shows in figure 6.1. The size of column 30 cm x 40 cm at the ground floor and the second and third story 30 cm x 30 cm. The size of beam is 30 x 60 cm. Small beam 20 x 50 cm. Thickness of plate 12 cm. Please check it the plan and the frame with EC 08/DIN 4149 and calculate the earthquake load base on DIN 4149 and SNI 2002.



6m 4th 4m





Small beam

30/30 3






Quer section


According to DIN 4149 table I, that if the layout symmetry and the frame are symmetries the calculation can be done with plane frame. If the construction have a symmetry mass and stiffness the factor of Torsion can be calculate with additional safety factor for earthquake load with

= 1 + 0,6

x Le

X : the distance of column Le : the distance of outside of the building.

Dead Load (DL)

Second and third floor

Thickness of Plate 12 cm Self of weight of plate = 25 kN/m3, q1 =0,12*25 = 3


Plaster = 21 KN/m3 thickness =1,5 Cm q2=0,015*21=0,315 kN/m2 Cement t= 5cm, = 22 kN/m3 q3 = 0,05*22 =1,1

Total q= 3 + 0,315 + 1,1 = 4,415 KN/m2

Fourth floor

Thickness of Plate 12 cm Self of weight of plate = 25 kN/m3, q1 =0,12*25 = 3


Plaster = 21 KN/m3 thickness =1,5 Cm q2=0,015*21=0,315 kN/m2 Water proofing and screed t= 5cm q = 0,05*22 =1,1kN/m2 Total q = 3 + 0,315 + 1,1 = 4,415 KN/m2



Live Load (LL)

Second and third floor

q = 2KN/m2 wall q = 1,25 KN/m2 total q = 3,25 KN/m2

Fourth floor

q = 2KN/m2 Wind load W= Cp*q Load combination

Basic combination

Sd= S ( G , j * G k , j + Q ,1 * Qk ,1 + Q ,i * o ,i * Qk ,i


Sd= S (1,35 * Gk + 1,5 * Qnutylast + 0,9 * Qwind + 0,75 * Qschnee

Extremes combination

Sd= S ( G , j * G k , j + Ad + Q ,1 * Qk ,1 + Q ,i * o ,i * Qk ,i


First mode with frequenz of 0.091862 Hz

Second mode with frequenz of 0.25265 Hz


Third Mode with frequenz of 0.39982 Hz

The layout and cross section of the structure are symmetry. Therefore the calculation can be with Static equivalent method. For the first mode the frequenz f=0.091862 Hz, or 1 1 T= = =10.8 sec. f 0.091862 For T=10.8 sec Td<T, S d (T ) = a g I 0

According to DIN 4149, I : important factor of the building I : 1.2 for office building S: soil factor. Type of Soil S-C, S: 0.75

= 1
0 = 2.5

TC = 0.5 and TD = 2.0 ag = 0.3 g = 0.3. 9.81 = 3,27 m/s2 (according to Indonesian seismicity map), Earthquake zone 6. So Sd = 0,08

Fb= Sd*W= 0,08*8882=711




Total Total 1 portal 2854 951 3014 1005 3014 1005 8882 2961

LL Floor DL(KN/m2) DL(KN) DL(KN) DL LL (KN) (KN/m2) 4 6,415 2694 159 2854 2 840 DL+0,3LL 3 6,415 2694 319 3013 3,25 1365 DL+0,15LL 2 6,415 2694 319 3013 3,25 1365 DL+0,15LL W

Floor 4 3 2

h 12 8 4

G 951 1005 1005

h.G 11417 8037 4018 23472

F 346 243 122 711


Bending Moment





5.2. Small Houses In this case is the new Building (see figure 30). There are 52 Building has been constructed in Aceh through Tearfund England, after Earthquake of 24 December 2004. This house need strengthening and in this example the earthquake load have been calculated with DIN 4149 regulation but the response spectral with Indonesian Building Code.

Figure 30 : small houses after Aceh Earthquake This building is not symmetry in the lay out and in the cross section. According to DIN 4149 the calculation must be in 3 dimensions.


Finite Element Modelling with Ansys Mode 1 after ansys f= 0.278662. The displacement in the x direction


Mode 2 after ansys f= 0.30406. The displacement in the y direction

Mode 3 after ansys f= 0.31483. In this case the displacement is Torsion.



Conclusion and recommendation

Base on EURO CODE and DIN 4149 the acceleration of Earthquake bigger in Indonesia then in European Country. But some regulation about static calculation of Earthquake loading in the structure in EURO CODE and DIN 4149 is very clear and can be adopted.


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