60 Interesting Facts About Superstar Rajinikanth

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60 Interesting facts about Superstar Rajinikanth ; Superstar Rajinikanth alias the original Shivaji Rao Gaekwada is such a prankster

r in his early teenhood. completely contrast to the present poised man he is, Rajini always got into trouble and had indulged in galore of mischief. The much popular style of tossing the cigarette up in the air to catch it with his lip started as early before he reached his eighteen. Betting his senior friends that he is capable of joining their gang, Shivaji first performed the trick in the bushes at school . He has a way with his friends and just like his on screen demeanor, there was a group of followers mesmerized with the style that made him their leader in school. Rajinikanth was such a spoilt brat that his brother dropped him from school temporarily so that he could learn some lesson. He was enrolled in a yoga hall with the famous Babaji and that is where his strong liking for the saint began at the age of 16. When he had a freak accident at that age, a deep wound developed in his body and later it became his mark for all identifications which Rajini used to flaunt to his friends earlier . The story of Kuselan was based on one such friend named Bahadur during his days in Bangalore and it was also the same man who sent him to study acting in Pune. After much deliberation Rajinikanths elder brother managed to get him a job in the government as a bus conductor and apart from acting it is one of his favorite jobs which he loved doing every minute interacting with people. During his school days, Rajini had a strong liking for acting and had performed various roles in the stage plays. Playing the role of villains like Ravana was his favorite and he did it so well in his own style that the audience clapped for minutes together after his performance. His elder brother always sacrificed a lot that made him the superstar he is now. In his childhood, their family was so ridden in poverty that their food was not at all enough. He used to share his meal for Rajini so that he had his fill for the day. Rajini have a peculiar habit of remembering names even if it is years before they met and also is very good at keeping the faces in mind. It serves him the best outputs even now as keeping people in mind is an important aspect in the film industry. Education wise the star didnt had a strong background as he was more interested towards art and creative things. So, his brother at first tried to get him a degree but later let him go in his own path that determined the strong future. Rajinikanth is synonymous with simplicity and just like in the movies he loved to sleep inside or on the top of the bus in the natural setting without comfort of the bed.

His close friend Bahadur is the first guy who rekindled his interest in art during the conductor profession and also helped him go to Pune for studying in the film institute. Even though, he has not seen his parents, superstar always had a strong liking for his mom and used to pester his elder brother to tell about their past life accompanied with vivid description of his mother. Coming from such a poverty filled home, he knows the value of food and money which helped him to be stable even after attaining global recognition. In this period, Rajini had lost signs of his early days but he was such a short tempered man in the past due to which he got stuck into many controversies. It was only after he became a superstar, the color black considered as inferior in our state became prestigious and youngsters started feeling more confident quoting him as a role model . Without any money to even board the bus to attend the interview in Pune, his friend and bus driver sold his wifes jewels to pay the expenses and also to pay the fees. Rajini had never forgot that selfless attitude towards his well being. Without any hope or idea about his future career, he landed and the inferior complexity of being black was a major shortcoming when he attended the interview but it was the style that changed the day. During his education at film institute, Rajini was the poorest boy of all who couldnt afford to even have few sets of clothes. He used to wash the same and sometimes even wear it wet to college that students mocked at times. After several years, it was the movie Sivaji that gained nationwide accolade and sold for whopping crores that flabbergasted the distributors seeing Rajinis star power. Smoking was the most harmful habit that he had even after finding peace with Babaji and Himalayas. Only a few years back during Chandramukhi, he stopped it due to serious conditions and continues to stick to his decision. Rajini loves being the centre of attraction and wonders often how the media used to publicize him for sales. In his middle age in cinema, he was so harsh in his tone that warranted several controversies. Superstar met his wife Latha when a group of young college girls came to interview him and she was leading the team. He was immediately attracted and their marriage was made possible with help of YG Mahendran. A peculiar attitude of Rajini is he doesnt want even his family members to intervene in his decisions or plans. Basking in solitude is his forte but he had never failed to look after the family with due concern.

In his poyes garden house, he has reserved a special place as advised by vastu experts for poojas and meditation. Considered as restricted zone for others, Rajini meditates and prays in the room. The preaching songs included in his every movie were not intentional and it was made on demand when many personalities felt Rajini has a way with youngsters which pushed him to the stereotype songs. Similar to his punch dialogue in Padyappa, Rajini has his own ways of treating and seeing things to which he sticks. No one is supposed to advice him unless he voluntarily seeks their help. After every movie, he maintains a habit of taking a break out of Chennai and usually before the Himalayas, Bangalore is his favorite spot to hang out with his old buddies. While studying in college, Rajini had no source of income except for the one he gets from his brother and friends. So, he spent many a nights without a morsel of food on the roadside areas. A friend who works at the famous Tata Udipi hotel became close to Rajini and it was with his help that a group of young buddies used to steal food at night to satiate their hunger. Many of his close friends still wonder, what kind of person Sivaji Rao alias Rajinikanth is. He is such a mystery even to his close ones and always acts in unexpected ways. Most of the time, Rajini doesnt stay in his house at Boyes Garden and always likes to spend time amidst nature in his farm house. During his stay in the outskirts of the city at guest houses, just like any common man Rajini would get into the fields and plant seeds after cultivating the ground by digging it. His regular schedule includes waking up early in the morning around 5, meditating and a compulsory one hour long walking in the evening for physical fitness. Rajini is the only star who had visited the most sacred caves of Himalayas were Sadhus live. He had gone deep into the mountains around five times which is considered impossible by many even now. Apart from seeking spiritual peace, Rajini likes to roam around without identity and he wants to be nobody as he used to be decades before. In Chennai and Bangalore, Rajini often roams around in disguise which is hard to find and he mingles with the local crowd to know what people opine about him in general. Rajini had acted in some six Hindi films during the early stages of his career and even shared screen space with Amitabh Bachchan and Dharmendra.

Superstar can speak four languages including Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Marathi. He is also well versed in many slogas in Sanskrit. A simplicity that everyone loves about Rajinikanth is he always stands up to greet everyone who enters the sets for the days shoot. Punctuality and Rajinikanth is synonymous as he always maintains to be at the venue whether be it a shooting or event minutes before it commences. Rajini is a fond of his demised mother Jakkubai and even named his movie with KS Ravikumar earlier. He was as young as nine years old when his beloved mother passed away. Since then, he repents her demise in lonliness. Superstars official tailor had often wondered how he could have the same sizes and no changes at all in his 25 year career. It was the trademark of screenplay and similar storyline created for Rajinikanth that has been used and re-used by many heroes in more than 100 movies in the recent past. With his own creative mind, Rajini used to introduce new styles in his movies and directors never intervene in his decision. When he was still young, he used to pester his brother to tell stories and activities related to his mother Jakkubai. The enormous changes in life and the success that he tasted changed Rajini into an ardent devotee. He was an atheist who doesnt believe in god earlier. His favorite food cooked in Bahadurs home in Mutton Kaima and Rajini devours it always even if it is for a whole week. Rajini is a brand name and in the prestigious AVM studios he has a room allocated for him to use while shooting. The same kind of room is allotted for him in the hotels he visit and in Rishikesh where he stays during the Himalayan visit. The Raghavendra Mandapam in Chennai is built specially for bypassers and those who seek a shelter to stay initiated by Rajini. When it comes to treating fans with respect, no can beat the superstar in hospitality. So far in his life, it was in the life matters of his daughter that Rajini behaved very poised while hes short

tempered by nature. His marriage took place in Thirupathi without much fanfare or the media glare that he willingly rejected. Ironically, in the wedding reception he treated the media persons with much care and let them take pictures as they wished. Rajini is fond of his old memories and retains the things he used in the past like his car, clothes and other accessories. The only person who has the right to scold and put him in right path is his mentor K Balachandar, who can question him anytime. Photo: Thanks Choti - RBSI Sunday Exclusive, Share :-)

Raj Bahadur lives a one-room pad in Chamarajpet where the superstar visits him in disguise to meet him and stays with him during his Bangalore sojourns. Rajnikanth, says Bahadur, is still the same old friend he was during their tenure as driver and conductor in the BTS (Bangalore Transport Service) now BMTC; if anything, their friendship has only deepened even as Rajni kept growing from actor to superstar. Bahadur says Rajnis simplicity is evident: When he comes to see me, we drink the same old rum with egg-laced delicacies from my sister who lives one floor below mine. When it is bed time, he sleeps on the floor without any complaints. Bahadur says Rajni comes unnoticed to his home in various disguisesfrom beggar to plumberand leaves after staying with him for a day or two depending on his mood, often sharing his experiences from the netherworld he inhabits. Once, Rajni was on a shoot in Rajasthan. The role demanded that he dress up as a beggar. In between shots, Rajni decided to visit a mountain-top temple close by since he is a strong believer. On his way to the temple, a gujarat lady dropped a Rs 10 note into his palms thinking he was a beggar. After paying obeisance inside the temple, Rajni was on his way out and getting back into his SUV when the lady who had given him ten 10 rupees noticed him again. She ran towards him and apologised and asked for her note back with his autograph. Rajni refused: I am sorry. This note is mine now and I am going to keep it for life. (SAYS , "GOD

REMINDS ME WHAT IAM IN FRONT OF HIM AND THAT EVERY ONE IS EQUAL) This, Bahadur says, Rajni still cherishes as one of his best moments in life as an actor and still carries the Rs 10 in his purse as a remainder that all humans are equal. For a man who started his job as a bus conductor with a monthly salary of Rs 30 more than 25 years ago, to the star who now gets paid Rs 30 crore per film and yet remain unmoved by all the money is a great feeling. And more so since he is a great friend till death parts us, adds Bahadur with tears in his eyes, which he was unable to stop. :)

1. Gandhi used to sleep with girls of aged between 18 to 25. Very few people know about this but its true (for detail you can read books by Dr L .R. BALI named RANGEELA GANDHI & KYA GANDHI MAHATMA THE) the girls who slept with Gandhi accepted this. Gandhi used to say that he is doing all this for his BRAHMCHARI Experiments. What from his experiments he was wanted to prove nobody knows? Gandhi himself accepted this that at the time of going to London for higher studies he decided to keep himself away from MEAT, DARU and SEX, but he accepted that he could not control himself in the matter of SEX. 2. Gandhi went to South Africa just for earning money and name because here in India he could not do well(flop) there he went mainly to save Abdullah &co. whose business was of smuggling and charged very much for this. 3. In 1932, Gandhi collected 1crore & 32 lakh Rs in the name of TILAK SWRAJ fund, which was collected for the use of DALITS. However, he did not spend even a single penny on DALITS. 4. In his whole life Gandhi kept on shouting that, he is in the supports AAHINSA. However, at the time of Second World War he himself sends Indian army for the fight from England side. AAHINSA kaha geye uss waqt? 5. During daytime, Gandhi spent the day in the Jhugis but he spent the night in the rest house of Birlas. 6. Gandhi advised people to live a simple life, but his simplicity was that when he was in jail there were three women in the jail to serve him for his simplicity! 7. Gandhi did not open a single door of a Hindu temple in Gujrat his home province in India for the UNTOUCHABLES. 8. Gandhi used to say that Subhash Chander Bose is like his own son, but Gandhi went on hunger strike until Bose leave his post in congress. Gandhi promised to British govt. that if we found Bose we will handover him to you (Bose was wanted in those days). 9. Gandhi kept people in dark that he is trying to save Bhagat Singh. However, the truth is that he never tried to contact VICEROY about Bhagat Singh issue. This all is said by the friend of VICEROY & Bhagat Singh named MANMATH NATH in his writings. Gandhi was feared about the popularity of Bhagat Singh because the popularity of Bhagat Singh was increasing of which Gandhi felt nervous. 10. Gandhi was saying that if the Pakistan would made it will only happen after his death. However, it was Gandhi who signed 1st on the proposal of making Pakistan. 11. Gandhi cheated all Indians at ROUND TABLE CONFERENCES by not giving the details in proper & those details, which were true.

12. Gandhi started so many ANDOLANS & LEHARS against British govt. but after a month or after 2 months he withdraw he all those ANDOLANS & LEHARS. Then what was the use of starting all those? What about the sacrifice of all those people who took part in all those ANDOLANS? In addition, he never went to lead people in those ANDOLANS. Even Gandhis own sons were against him but I do not know why all people were following him. 13. Now a days almost all Hindu people say Gandhi as a revolutionair, but what he said I have come here on earth to fulfill the laws of caste. How can one say such a person as a revolutionair? A true revolutionair never thinks according to caste line, not according to rich, poor etc. These are very few points there are many more truths about Gandhi. In addition, from above points you people can decide about Gandhi. In BABA SAHEBs own words Gandhi Age is the Dark Age of India. BABA SAHEB has also said in interview to BBC that A PERSON WHO CHEATS AND KEEP OTHER PEOPLE IN DARK TO THAT PERSON IF YOU SAY A MAHATMA THEN GANDHI IS A MAHATMA.

The Elephant Rope As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. Well, trainer said, when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, its enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free. The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldnt, they were stuck right where they were. Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?

Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.

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