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6 theSun | THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20 2008

news without borders

MCA: Ali Rustam’s statement irresponsible and myopic

PETALING JAYA: The MCA yesterday reported in an online news portal.” forming the federal government after “Ali has painted a misrepresenta- posturing in the run-up to the March
described Malacca Chief Minister Mohd Ali is alleged to have said each of the 12 general elections. tion of the NEP’s objectives. It should Umno elections.
Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Mohd Rustam’s “Umno must take control of the “It is irresponsible and myopic of always be remembered that the NEP “Politicians and public figures
statement that “it is only proper for government to ensure Umno policies, Ali to deny the efforts of all other BN was formulated to eradicate poverty should refrain from spewing partisan
Umno to control the government” as especially the New Economic Policy component parties in successively irrespective of race, and to remove the statements with racial connotations
irresponsible and myopic. (NEP), are being implemented effec- forming the Cabinet since 1957.” economic identity with race. The NEP that polarise society to score political
MCA Information and Communica- tively at all levels across the nation”. He added that Prime Minister was never intended to be misused as a mileage. They should recognise that
tion Bureau chief Lee Wei Kiat said: “We Lee said: “Ali must bear in mind Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi zero-sum game where one race mov- we are all Malaysian citizens and chan-
view with alarm the statement alleg- that Umno is not the sole party in the had on various occasions said many ing forward could only be achieved at nel their energies to jointly develop the
edly made by Mohd Ali at the 6th an- Barisan Nasional coalition govern- discussions and a consideration of the the expense of others,” Lee said. nation, instead of uttering remarks that
nual delegates conference of Koperasi ment. All other BN component parties views of all BN parties had taken place He voiced his disappointment at smack of superiority and dominance
Kontraktor Melayu Malaysia Berhad as also contributed to the BN’s success in at Cabinet meetings. several politicians resorting to political over others.”

Husna Yusop and Tim Leonard at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday

holds briefs
Toll agreements do not key to
pg 17
Essential goods prices study
AN ANALYSIS of daily and weekly reports com-
piled by 2,000 officers monitoring prices is being
used to study price trends and draft plans for the

cover ‘congestion’
distribution and channelling of essential goods.
Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister
Datuk Shahrir Abdul Samad said weekly reports are
also sent to the National Economic Council for use
in the formulation of strategies to check inflation.
The 2,000 graduates appointed by the govern-
ment to monitor prices did not have the authority
THE government cannot take action against “Whether the government has the power look into the matter. But this is not in the to make arrests, he said in replying to a question
highway concessionaires or stop them or not is another matter. But the issue agreement,” he told Gobind Singh Deo from Hamim Samuri (BN-Ledang).
collecting toll just because the highways are is, what are the obligations between the (DAP-Puchong). Employed on a one-year contract from March
congested as it was not a condition of the government and the concessionaire under Gobind then asked whether the 1, they monitor the daily prices of essential sundry
concession agreement. the agreement? That must be the main ministry had made any effort to ensure goods at wet markets, dry markets, supermarkets
Works Minister Datuk Mohd Zin consideration. that the concessionaires undertake a and sundry shops nationwide, Shahrir said.
Mohamed said that when highways are “If it was stated in the concession social responsibility to check congestion “They monitor eight types of essential goods
placed under the management of private agreement that once traffic on a highway on highways. and 350 non-essential goods, including fresh and
companies, the concessionaires have has reached a certain level, there should He was referring to Mohd Zin’s dry goods and ready-to-cook items.” – Bernama
financial and other obligations to fulfil. be some kind of revenue sharing, we can statement on Tuesday, encouraging a
corporate social responsibility initiative Three more seismic stations
among concession companies as a new MALAYSIA will build three more seismic
consumer approach. stations to increase the effectiveness of real-
Gobind said that although the time earthquake detection.
Damansara-Puchong Highway (LDP) Deputy Science, Technology and Innova-
is congested at all times, there is no tion Minister Fadillah Yusof said the stations
alternative route to Puchong. would be located in Kota Gelangi, Pahang;
“There is no untolled road to Bakun, Sarawak and Sepulut, Sabah. Malaysia
Puchong. We have to pay toll on all currently has 14 seismic stations.
roads leading there. In Putrajaya, the “The ministry had also placed two ‘strong
roads are wide but not tolled. I don’t motion’ equipment units in Putrajaya to
know why there are so many toll plazas study the impact of earthquakes on building
in Puchong. structures. Ten more such units will be set up
“Can’t the government do anything in the Klang Valley early next year,” he said
about it? Why do we have to pay toll here? in reply to a question from Datuk Kamarul
Does the government have the power Baharin Abbas (PKR-Telok Kemang).
to stop concessionaires from collecting Kamarul had inquired about government
toll until they have solved the traffic studies on the effect of earthquakes on
problem?” Bukit Tinggi, Pahang and Lahad Datu, Sabah
recently. – Bernama

Syed Hamid declines debate

HOME Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar has
declined to engage in a public debate with Lim
Kit Siang on the crime situation in the country.
Syed Hamid said Lim was just trying to gain
political mileage by raising the issue. “He likes
publicity. I am not going to go into a debate with
him as he has already made up his mind (on the
crime rate). If he wants to discuss the police with
us, no problem,” Syed Hamid said in the Parlia-
ment lobby.
Lim threw down the gauntlet at a news con-
ference on Tuesday. – Bernama

MB angry at dept’s silence

KUALA TERENGGANU: Terengganu Mentri
Besar Datuk Ahmad Said lashed out at the
State Religious Affairs Department yesterday
for having kept him in the dark on a recent
brief appearance in the state of deviant “Sky
Kingdom” cult leader, Ayah Pin.
“I was not given any report. I don’t know,
that’s the weakness of the religious office,” he
said after chairing a weekly state executive
council meeting at Wisma Darul Iman here.
Ahmad said none of the department’s of-
ficers had approached him to date despite the
matter being a hot topic of conversation.
Last Friday, Inspector-General of Police Tan
Sri Musa Hassan said Ayah Pin had snuck into
Terengganu for a short period. He said the
police were about to pick him up when they
were told by the department not to.
Ahmad said the department should have
detained Ayah Pin and left the question of his
innocence or guilt to the law enforcement
authorities. – Bernama

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