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RFID Based Employee Attendance System

Software Requirement Specification

Yeshwantrao Chavan College Of Engineering

Team Members
Anushree Sapre Apurva Jain Radhika Kinage Sanchita Bhriegu

Project Guide
Rashmi Jain
Lecturer Department of Computer Technology

RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

1. Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Purpose . 3 Scope 4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations ... 5 References . 5 Technologies to be used 6 Overview ... 6

2. Overall Description 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Product Perspective ... 6 Software Interface . 7 Hardware Interface 8 Product function 9 User characteristics ... 9 Constraints 9 Architecture Design .. 10 Use-Case Model Survey ... 10 Database designs ... 11

2.10 ER diagram 12 3. Specific Requirements 3.1 3.2 Use-Case Reports .. 12 Activity Diagrams . 19

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

1.1 PURPOSE Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a generic term that is used to describe a system that transmits the identity (in the form of a unique serial number) of an object or person wirelessly, using radio waves. It's grouped under the broad category of automatic identification technologies. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and wireless RF sensors are the conduit between the physical world and the digital world because it allows physical objects to be identified and differentiated by computers. These technologies provide the ability to identify, locate, and sometimes sense the conditions of animate and inanimate entities and their surrounding environment, and enable real-time decisions to be made based on that information. RFID is the reading of physical tags on single products, cases, pallets, or re-usable containers that emit radio signals to be picked up by reader devices. These devices and software must be supported by a sophisticated software architecture that enables the collection and distribution of location-based information in near real time. The complete RFID picture combines the technology of the tags and readers with access to global standardized databases, ensuring real time access to up-todate information about relevant products at any point in the supply chain. A key component to this RFID vision is the EPC Global Network. The purpose of an RFID system is to enable data to be transmitted by a portable device, called a tag, which is read by an RFID reader and processed according to the needs of a particular application. The data transmitted by the tag may provide identification or location information, or specifics about the product tagged, such as price, color, date of purchase, etc. RFID technology has been used by thousands of companies for a decade or more. . RFID quickly gained attention because of its ability to track moving objects. As the technology is refined, more pervasive - and invasive - uses for RFID tags are in the works.

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

1.2 SCOPE OF RFID RFID has many applications y It is used in enterprise supply chain management to improve the efficiency of inventory tracking and management.

RFID tags are carried by people to allow them to gain access to facilities or services in areas like:  For secure access to work place.  Access to a computer or vehicle.  Access to travel on trains/buses.

The Healthcare industry has used RFID to create tremendous productivity increases by eliminating "parasitic" roles that don't add value to an organization such as counting, looking for things, or auditing items.

Logistics and transportation are major areas of implementation for RFID technology. Yard management, shipping and freight and distribution centers use RFID tracking technology.

Many financial institutions use RFID to track key assets and automate Sarbanes Oxley SOX compliance.

RFID can provide race start and end timings for individuals in large races where it is impossible to get accurate stopwatch readings for every entrant. In the race, the racers wear tags that are read by antennae placed alongside the track or on mats across the track. UHF tags provide accurate readings with specially designed antennas.

Barcode needs human interaction for proper operation. It requires time-ofsight access to an optical scanner for the product related information. The barcode is to be replaced if the information it contains needs modification, but in RFID it can be modified at stages of the supply chain by the interaction between the microchip and the reader software. The barcode system is less accurate as compared to RFID.

Libraries have used RFID to replace the barcodes on library items. The tag can contain identifying information or may just be a key into a database.
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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012


RFID(Radio Frequency Identification): It is a superior and more efficient

way of identifying objects than manual system. y

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): It is used to create static web

pages. y
WASCE (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition): It is an

application server that runs and supports the J2EE and the web service applications. y
DB2 (IBM Database 2): It is a database management system that provides a

flexible and efficient database platform to raise a strong "on demand" business applications. y
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) : It is a transaction oriented client/

server protocol between a web browser and a web server. y

XML (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was

designed to transport and store data. y

UML(Unified Modeling Language): It is a standard language for writing

software blueprints. The UML may be used to visualize, specify, construct and document. y
RAD(Rational Application Developer): It is a development tool that helps to

design web pages and also helps to design the diagrams like ER, Database schema diagrams and to generate DDL. y
Admin: He has the authority to keep attendance records and add/delete


1.4 REFERENCES y y y y y IBM Red Books. IBM TGMC Sample Synopsis. IBM . Wikipedia - Software Engineering, 5th edition, Roger S. Pressman

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

RFID journal-

1.5 TECHNOLOGIES TO BE USED y y y y y y y DB2: Relational Database Management System. RAD: Rational Application Developer. WASCE: Websphere Application Server Community Edition. Rational Software Modeler. J2EE: JAVA2 platform Enterprise Edition. XML: Extensible Markup Language ROSE , UML

1.6 OVERVIEW The SRS will include two sections, namely: y Overall Description: This section will describe major components of the system, interconnections, and external interfaces. y Specific Requirements: This section will describe the functions of actors, their roles in the system and the constraints faced by the system.

2.1 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE An attendance recording systems basic function is to keep a record of the time at which the employees of a particular firm report to work and leave from work. It is one of the most widely used event recording application in the industry today. A track of employee attendance is a must for payroll generation. The traditional method of maintaining an attendance register makes the job very tedious and prone to human errors. The collection and processing of data of employee. Attendance which may include leaves, half working days, overtime etc. and using it to generate the payroll manually consumes important man hours, which in turn could be used to increase productivity and in turn profitably of the firm. In case of

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

an error, even more time will be used to detect and rectify it, if the process is manual. The whole process will be simplified to great extent. If a system is available by means of which attendance data be stored, accessed, sorted, and processed and obtained in a form of a detailed report which may be used directly for payroll generation, hence saving a lot of precious time. It functions as a network of microchip smart tags and receivers. Each smart tag is embedded with a unique electronic product code (EPC) and a micro-antenna. Once assigned, the EPC becomes a DNA-like marker for the item, identifying it from every other item in the world. When a tagged item passes within range of a reader, the reader retrieves the EPC via radio waves, identifies the item and its exact location, and relays this real-time information to a central computer.

Figure 2.1: Product Prospective



Client on Internet

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

Web Browser, Operating System (any) Client on Intranet Web Browser, Operating System (any) Web Server WASCE, Operating System (any) Data Base Server DB2, Operating System (any) Development End RAD (J2EE, Java, Java Bean, Servlets, HTML, XML, AJAX), DB2, OS (Windows), WebSphere(Web Server)



Minimum Requirements:

CLIENT SIDE Processor Internet explorer-7 Intel Pentium IV RAM

128 MB

Disk Space
100 MB

SERVER SIDE Processor RAD DB2- 9.5 Intel Pentium IV 256MB RAM
1 GB

Disk Space
3.5 GB 500 MB (Excluding Data Size)

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

Recommended requirements :

CLIENT SIDE Processor Internet explorer-7 All Intel RAM

256 MB

Disk Space
100 MB


All Intel

2 GB

Disk Space
3.5 GB 500 MB (Excluding Data Size)


512 MB



2.5 y y

USER CHARACTERISTIC Administrator has the access to the entire system database. Employee can view and edit his profile and can keep track of his attendance. y The visitor gets an overview of the company and he can participate in discussion forum. y Administrator has all the rights of the system.

2.6 y y y

CONSTRAINTS GUI only in English. User-id and password required for the identification of user. RFID card necessary for attendance of employee.

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

y y

Visitors are not allowed to view company details. This system is for single server.



The figure 2.2 shows the architecture diagram of the RFID based employee attendance system.

Figure 2.2 : Architecture Diagram



The use case diagram shown in figure 2.3 gives an overview of the system functions. The system is designed to keep track of employee attendance and to

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

calculate their salary. The operator performs the function of keeping track of issues the salary and also authenticates the users of the system. The employee has a provision to check his attendance and salary. Each user of the system can access the discussion forum. The visitor gets only an overview of the organization.

lodge comlaint authentication view attendance


view salary


maintain system database

issue salary


view profile







edit profile send e-mail visitor operator


maintain emp info calculate salary

attendace info


send messages

send notifications working hours and days

Figure 2.3 : Use-case Survey Model


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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012


Figure 2.4 : ER Diagram


1. Employee use-case

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

registration view attendance view profile

<<extend>> edit profile

view salary employee login


view forum logout chat

view threads start new thread lodge complaint <<extend>> <<extend>> <<extend>> <<extend>> <<extend>>

receive emails

administrator post comment view comment withdraw complaint

Figure 3.1: Employee use-case

USE-CASE Login View profile

DESCRIPTION The employee needs to sign in into the system Every employee has his/her profile containing personal and professional details

Edit profile View attendance View salary Search

The employee has a choice to edit his/her profile The employee can view his attendance The employee can view his salary details The employee can search other employees or people and also any topic using keywords

Lodge complaint

The employee can lodge complaint with the admin regarding any issue

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012


The employee can chat with the people who are registered into the system

View forum View thread Create new thread View comment Post comment Receive mails

The employee can view the forum The employee can view the existing threads The employee can start a new topic The employee can view posts on the topics The employee can post comments on the threads The employee can receive notification mails

2. Administrator use-case

<<extend>> edit profile registration view profile


chat logout

view salary admin login issue salary

view forum maintain system database

view attendance

set hierarchy view threads start new thread authentication deletion of user <<extend>><<extend>> <<extend>> <<extend>> <<extend>> view complaints generate report


post comment reject complaint view comment take an action

Figure 3.2 : Administrator use-case USE-CASE Login View profile DESCRIPTION The admin needs to sign in into the system The admin has his/her profile containing personal and

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

professional details Edit profile View attendance View salary Search The admin has a choice to edit his/her profile The admin can view his attendance The admin can view his salary details The admin can search other employees or people and also any topic using keywords View complaint The admin can view the complaints lodged by the employee Take an action Reject complaint The admin can take action over a valid complaint The admin can discard a particular complaint that is invalid Maintain system database Generate reports Issue salary Authentication Set hierarchy Deletion of user Chat The admin keeps record of the entire database of the system The admin generates attendance reports The admin issues salary to each employee The admin authenticates the users The admin sets the organizational hierarchy The admin has authority to delete a user The admin can chat with the people who are registered into the system View forum View threads Create new thread View comment Post comment The admin can view the forum The admin can view the existing threads The admin can start a new topic The admin can view posts on the topics The admin can post comments on the threads

3. Operator use-case

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

authentication <<include>>

edit profile


view salary

view attendance

view profile




login chat

maintain emp database view forum

send messages

send email send notification calculate salary

view thread

start new thread


<<extend>> <<extend>> <<extend>> <<extend>> set working hours and days

emp post comment view comment

Figure 3.3 : Operator Use-case

USE-CASE Login View profile

DESCRIPTION The operator needs to sign in into the system The operator has his/her profile containing personal and professional details

Edit profile View salary View attendance Search

The operator has a choice to edit his/her profile The operator can view his salary details The operator can view his attendance The operator can search other employees or people and also any topic using keywords

Maintain employee database

The operator maintains the employee database

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

Calculate salary

The operator calculates the salary of the employee depending upon his attendance

Send notification

The operator sends attendance and salary notifications to the employee

Send messages

The operator sends messages regarding events and holiday wishes

Send emails

The operator sends emails to the employee regarding holidays as well as attendance and salary

View forum View thread Create new thread View comment Post comment Chat

The operator can view the forum The operator can view the existing threads The operator can start a new topic The operator can view posts on the topics The operator can post comments on the threads The operator can chat with the people who are registered into the system

4. Visitor use-case

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

edit profile <<extend>>


view profile

view basic info search




chat view forum

view thread <<extend>> <<extend>>

create thread

<<extend>> <<extend>>

post comment view post

Figure 3.4 : Visitor use-case

USE-CASE Login View profile

DESCRIPTION The visitor needs to sign in into the system The visitor has his/her profile containing personal and professional details

Edit profile Search

The visitor has a choice to edit his/her profile The visitor can search other employees or people and also any topic using keywords


The visitor can chat with the people who are registered into the system

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

View forum View threads Create new thread View comment Post comment

The visitor can view the forum The visitor can view the existing threads The visitor can start a new topic The visitor can view posts on the topics The visitor can post comments on the threads

3.2 ACTIVITY DIAGRAM 1. User registration

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

enter all details

verification of user name

not valid enter all mandatory details valid

user-id already exists

verification of password and mandatory fields

not valid

valid registration complete

go to user homepage

Figure 3.5 : User Registration 2. User login

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

enter login id and password

invalid user-id valid user-id invalid password valid password user login successful

go to user homepage

Figure 3.7 : User login

3. Salary calculation

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RFID Based Employee Attendance System Software Requirement Specifications

Version : 1.0 Date : February, 10th 2012

operator login

select a employee

check his total working hours

calculate his salary

send messages and email notifications

Figure 3.8 : Salary calculation

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