Press Release - Tif 122nd Aniversary Dinner

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Every year, Congregation Tifereth Israel honors those members whose outstanding leadership, dedication and support have enhanced our shul. This year, we are privileged to bestow three distinct awards on the chosen members, who truly th embody the Tifereth. Join us at the shul ballroom on March 11 2012, as we honor these individuals and our beloved shul nd in its incredible 122 year: Rabbi David and Mrs. Bonnie Sheer. Guests of Honor. The Sheers have been a presence in Tifereth Israel since moving to Passaic eighteen years ago. Throughout the years, Bonnie and David have taken on many roles and responsibilities in our shul and have served as role models and helpful for newer families coming to daven in our midst. Bonnie has served admirably in past years in the shul sisterhood and, as ever, can be seen lending a helping hand at shul events, often manning a table and generally pitching in wherever needed with her trademark smile and good humor. David immediately made his presence felt in our shul by serving as a weekday baal koreh. David has been an active board member since 1997 and has served as head gabbai for over ten years. David, in his capacity as head gabbai, now manages a team of five gabbaim, collectively ensuring that all scheduled minyanim throughout the year are presided over with decorum and efficiency and that aliyas and kibbudim are distributed properly and equitably. David can also be seen in the shuls beis medrash in the evening and delivers a well-attended bimonthly parsha shiur. Following in their parents footsteps, the Sheers five children are active participants and volunteers, Penina and Yoni, especially, having served as youth group leaders and mentors to the younger children. The entire Sheer family, in deed and example, serve as a critical cornerstone of our shul. Russel and Sima Kelner. Service Award. Since joining as newlyweds eight years ago, Russel and Sima have made an indelible impression on all who know them. Always looking to further our understanding of the relationship of the Orthodox Jew to the outside world, Russel and Sima make sure the shuls members are aware of important events and speakers in the area that will further this goal. Avid supporters of Israel, the Kelners sponsor a yearly scholar-in-residence visit by renowned American-Israel radio personality Shai Ben-Tekoah, who gives divrei torah in our shul on shalosh seudos during his visit and addresses the greater community on Motzei Shabbos. Sima always makes herself available to help out in shul and sisterhood functions and is renowned in the shul for her hospitality and warmth. Hardly a week goes by without the Kelners hosting someone at their Shabbos table. Serving as a shul board member, Russel is actively involved in the shuls fundraising and efficiency initiatives, chairs the annual Lag BOmer barbeque and is always quick to volunteer his time for the most difficult tasks. Shlomo and Miriam Levy. Young Leadership Award. Not only staunch members and supporters of the shul since their marriage, Shlomo and Miriams very introduction is owed in no small chance to the generosity, hospitality and warmth of our Rabbi & Rebbetzin Cohen and the members of the Tifereth kehilla! The Levys enduring relationship to the shul has only grown since that auspicious beginning. Shlomo, a board member, spearheads many shul fundraising efforts and can always be counted on to answer the call any time of the day or night to further the interests of our beloved shul. Shlomo has been running the annual Lulav and Esrog sale with tremendous skill and commitment since 2009 and also works tirelessly on our behalf to secure corporate sponsorship for many important shul events. In addition to taking on the shul Sisterhood secretarial responsibilities, Miriam makes sure our shul presents is best face to all who generously support it, by ensuring that all donations are followed up with a timely, gracious and often personalized letter of thanks from the shul. ABOUT CONGREGATION TIFERETH ISRAEL OF PASSAIC, NEW JERSEY Led by the dynamic Rabbi Aaron Cohen, musmach of Yeshiva University and lecturer at Stern College for Women, Congregation Tifereth Israel of Passaic is an OU member synagogue, NCSY affiliate and recipient of the OUs 2006 nd National Kehillat HaKodesh/Shul of the Year Award. Founded in 1890 and now in its 122 year, Tifereth Israel is one of the oldest continuously operating orthodox congregations in America and continues to provide important services to the growing Passaic/Clifton community: A first shul for many young couples who move to Passaic and reside in nearby apartments and condominiums. A welcoming environment for young families with small children. Meaningful, joyful events for participants of all ages. Shiurim, lectures and programming for all backgrounds, abilities and interests. Digital library and online shiurim available to all. Strong involvement in the greater Passaic/Clifton community. CONTACT INFORMATION Office: (973) 773-2552 or Website: Dinner invitation and ad blank: Payments/donations: Online lectures: Press release contact:

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